#abz j harding and family
abz-j-harding · 1 year
My Pizza story.
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And then some.
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abz-j-harding · 6 years
It started at work with me as well. People kept trying to call me Abby and I'm like "Naw," so they started Abz. Dunno why I don't like Abby. Too cute or something? I'd hazard a guess Abby doesn't match corvids and tentacles for you like it doesn't match rocketships and laser beams for me (I'm a vidya game and science fiction writer). Do you feel the same way about Abby?
I am called Abby/abi by family and close friends, I also get called 'Abzy' by my dad my mum from time to time. I don't really mind about the association, or if or not my name suits the art and interests I have. But as an artist I needed a name that could be easily recognised also. So shortening 'Abigail Jill Harding' down to Abz-J-Harding. It became more of a tag name then.
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