#actually you know when he was blue and ket his hair loose and her hair was blond and wavy yeah i loved this look
nthflower · 1 year
I never in my life saw one(1) canon drawing of warren Worthington that I said waow angelic Wonderful waow.
Artists can't draw him. Like draw and angel not every 6/10 white blond boy ver.283372.
I love angels as aesthetic so much like not even biblical ones pretty ones so it hurts my heart.
Oh side note his archangel form always fucks. Remember when he was wearing his wings as cape when he was evil like omg. Always serving.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
Other Ships on Molfaun
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Barbra Murkl
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Captain of Steel Spider
Age: 34
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Queer
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Aubin Wise
True Appearance: Barbra has gold eyes.
Barbra utilizes practical special effects and other interesting technology to pull off heists.
She works with her tech team to innovate some new effects herself.
She insists that her crew train for immunity in at least one poison.
About seven years ago, she had a fling with Julia Derringer seven years ago; it did not end well.
Is incredibly sex positive; she has remodeled the captain’s quarters to accommodate this.
Barbra was indeed named after Barbra Streisand. She goes by a lot of nicknames and her surname, honestly.
Barbra and Daphne Rux don’t not get along. They have a few things in common, after all.
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Fleetwood Cofrizt
Pronouns: She/they
Position: First Mate of Steel Spider
Age: 90
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Kurrk
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Karen Gillan
True Appearance: Fleetwood has some color-changing properties, and can camouflage themselves. By default, she is generally the same vibrant color as her human appearance’s hair, but at will, that can change. Fleetwood has a crest on her head (a bit like a chameleon’s) which, when touched unexpectedly, does disrupt her ability to camouflage. She has some webbing on her fingers, and an unusually prehensile tail.
Fleetwood can be a bit of a loose cannon if you don’t have her under control, but Steel Spider’s captain has that under control. She is extensively trained in martial arts from across the galaxy, and gets restless if not learning sweet new moves.
She changed her name to Fleetwood (legally, where needed) after listening to Rumours because it was life-changing.
While Fleetwood isn’t venomous herself, they have made a strong effort to build up tolerance for other varieties.
She is exceedingly loyal to her captain, and this has been tested in a number of situations.
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Dorian Yogart
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Captain of Tyrannosaurus Pecs
Age: 51
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Gay
Species: Human/Erkuss Hybrid
Home Planet: Kraysha, but he was actually born on a spaceship
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: John Barrowman
True  Appearance: Dorian has heterochromia in both eyes. Both eyes have portions that are red and pale blue.
Dorian may be a hybrid, but his human parent is not from Australia. He is the product of a one night stand between a pirate mother and a human father (whom he doesn’t know the identity of and doesn’t care to).
Dorian does not have a twin.
He grew up on pirate ships for the first seven years of his life, and only lived on Kraysha with his grandparents once his mother decided to slow down a little.
He is loud and flamboyant, which happens to obfuscate how scarily competent he is.
He excels in combat and (surprisingly) stealth missions.
The childhood dinosaur phase never ended. Cretaceous era forever!
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Ket “Bucket” Logt
Pronouns: He/him
Position: First Mate of Tyrannosaurus Pecs
Age: Unknown
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Species: Far’Ly’Dae Damartrekt
Home Planet: Unknown; was first found on Haelen'Kor
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Shemar Moore
True Appearance: Bucket is tall and solidly built... as if from oak wood. He has very few leaves atop his head, and they rest against his skull.
He was found on Haelen’Kor with very few memories and a lot of confusion by some local Ly’Daesun. They gave him a name and nursed him back to health.
Fourteen years ago, the Tyrannosaurus Pecs ship came to his town on Haelen’Kor. After hitting it off with Dorian, Ket (nicknamed “Bucket” by his new friend), joined up with the crew.
He worked his way up the ranks, and is now proudly a high-ranking member of the Tyrannosaurus Pecs crew.
An easygoing guy, he is methodically good at combat. It’s almost like he can anticipate your moves.
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Marlene Olgrubic
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Captain of Qraxoldov
Age: 78
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Species:  Vanneer
Home Planet: Marloken
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Rashida Jones
True  Appearance: Marlene’s plumage is matte navy and seafoam green. Her crossbill beak and talons are both a light copper.
Marlene used to be a part of the Olgrubic Traveling Circus. She, two of her siblings, and several of her cousins left the circus after a family blowout argument, and started the Qraxoldov pirate ship thirty-five years ago.
The captain-ship used to belong to her older cousin Herbert, but he stepped down so that he could garden on a little homestead on Freyn.
About half of her ship’s leadership positions are filled by family members, but it’s less nepotism and more proportion at this point. It isn’t just a ship of Vannirree, though- random people of various species (oddballs and misfits) have been picked up over the course of travels.
Marlene has the captain title due to her cool head and appropriately-timed sense of humor in the face of danger. She’s a good leader (and the voice of reason) among a very chaotic crew.
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Fred Olgrubic
Pronouns: He/him, open
Position: Quartermaster of Qraxoldov
Age: 131
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Demisexual
Species: Vanneer
Home Planet: Marloken
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Giancarlo Esposito 
True Appearance: Fred is colored gray-green metallic all over with dexterous gold talons and a bronze crossbill beak.
Fred is perfectly happy being quartermaster. He doesn’t have to deal with the drama, and he can make sure that everything is in good shape.
The push to leave the circus with the rest of his family was largely prompted by Fred. The family elders running the show wanted to push the circus members to their physical limits, and Fred urged those who weren’t comfortable with this to leave.
Fred has a weakness for sweets.
Marlene is Fred’s favorite younger cousin, and he was her protector while she was growing up. The part of Fred’s family that treats him right means everything to him.
Fred is a highly accomplished dancer and acrobat.
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cathygeha · 5 years
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One Tough Cowboy by Lora Leigh & Veronica Chadwick
Moving Violation Book #1
Action-packed suspense-filled murder mystery with a spicy romance running through the story...fun read that kept me up way past my bedtime.
Samantha left Deerhaven over a decade ago but has returned to bury her aunt and also find out who killed her. She has a job in Detroit on the police force and has taken a couple of weeks of to see if she can find the murderer. There have actually been three possible murders in town of people who were close friends and Sheriff Hunter Steele smells something fishy going on.
Samantha was young and a thorn in Hunter’s side before she left but she is all grown up now and the chemistry is strong and potent. They agree to look for the murderer and find out what is wrong in town and as they do so they grow closer every minute. This story has corruption, drug and human trafficking, terrorists, abuse, a stalker and a HEA for Samantha and Hunter but FIRST they have to get out of a sticky situation with the help of a few other law enforcement personnel.
The story never really said who the murderer was though the reason why the people were killed is made known and, the young child heard in the back of a camper was never mentioned as found or not so there were a few loose ends that were not tied up in a bow...perhaps they will be when the next book comes out with Jacob, an interesting man indeed, the star in his own book.
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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
First in a brand-new series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh and Veronica Chadwick about one man’s pursuit of justice—and unbridled desire. LAW AND ORDER.
For as long as Samantha can remember, Hunter—a man as strong as steel, with a heart of gold—has been her hero. It came as no surprise to Samantha when she found out that the ranch-hardened cowboy who always protected her from bullies went on to become the town’s sheriff. What does surprise her is how incredibly hot he still is. And how much she still wants him… PRIDE AND PASSION And, lo and behold, Hunter still has feelings for Samantha. The long-smoldering heat of their innocent flirtation has grown into a full-raging fire. But when tragedy strikes, and their small-town community is shattered, Hunter vows to do everything he can to keep his childhood sweetheart safe. But can Samantha trust that Hunter has her best interests at heart…and that, after all these years, his love is true?
He hadn’t changed much. He seemed bigger, his shoulders broader. His signature thick, black hair was cut in a shorter style. As he got closer, Samantha noticed his face had changed quite a bit. Any boyish softness he’d once had was all gone and had been replaced with hard planes and angles, except for his full, well-defined lips. There were fine laugh lines fanning out from the corners of his steel gray eyes. Those eyes were more intense, hard. The easy laughter that lit them when he was younger seemed to be gone.
“Ms. Bell.” He nodded in greeting to the diminutive lady.
“Good of you to come by, Sheriff. Little Samantha is handlin’ all this by herself.” She winked and patted his arm. “She could use a little help, I’m thinkin’.”
Samantha wanted to walk away. She also wanted to throw her arms around Hunter and hold on for dear life. Not just because he still made her heart pound, but because he was a part of her life she thought she’d lost. She wanted to hold on to a stable, warm part of her past where she was happy and safe. Seeing him again brought those memories and emotions all rushing back. “Hey, Sam.” The smooth, deep bass of his voice was
quiet and soothing.
“Hey, Hunter.” His name left her lips with more com- posure than she felt.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the funeral, but I wanted to come by to extend my condolences, and to see how you’re doin’.” He stepped closer and rubbed her bare upper arm. “You holdin’ up okay?” His hand, a bit rough and callused from real work, was warm, reassuring.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m okay, Hunter, thank you.” She cleared her throat. “Everyone brought food. The dining room table is overflowing. Help yourself.”
He followed her through the living room to the din- ing room. She turned and almost jumped back. He was standing inches away, looking down at her. His brows furrowed, his gaze sharply assessing her. He smelled in- credible, and he stood so close she could feel the heat from his body.
She opened her mouth to say something but forgot what she wanted to say. She must look completely ignorant gaping up at him like that.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Sympathy and con- cern shadowed his expression, softening the harsher lines of his face.
“It’s been a long day. I’m fine, really.” She was a bas- ket case, and not just because of her aunt’s death.
Hunter gave her a gentle smile and pulled out a chair. “No doubt. Sit and talk to me for a while. I haven’t seen you in what? Ten years?”
Samantha welcomed the chance to get off her feet and get away from the crowd for a bit. “Yeah, about ten years, I think.”
He pulled out the chair beside her, turned it toward her, and sat, staring at her solemnly. “I’m real sorry about Dottie.”
“Me too.” She looked into his eyes, assessing whether she could or should continue. “I really didn’t get enough time with her. I’ll always regret that.”
Hunter shook his head. “Sam, you know Dottie thought the world of you. She knew you loved her and she loved you.”
Had she? Samantha couldn’t help but question the ob- servation. School, her career, and far too many emo- tions had seemed to always get in the way of returning to Deerhaven.
“Yes, I know, but I look around at these people and think of how some of them probably knew her even better than I did, her own niece.” Samantha frowned and gestured toward a blue-haired woman sitting on the couch sobbing, clutching another woman’s hand. “Mrs. Holt is devastated.”
She obviously had not talked to her aunt on the phone enough either, because Dottie had never mentioned the other woman.
A small smile touched Hunter’s far-too-sensual lips as he lowered his head and leaned closer. “Sam, Irene Holt never even met Dottie. She attends any and all fu- nerals and wails and carries on like that at every one of ’em.” Amusement touching his gaze.
Samantha looked at him incredulously until he raised his hand and said, “Hand to God. Every one of ’em.”
“Wow.” No wonder her aunt Dottie had never men- tioned the other woman.
“Yep.” Hunter’s smile broadened. “As for the rest of them, they’re just being neighborly or nosy. Most of ’em still remember your family and you. You were pretty hard to forget . . . Pixie Pest.” His brows lifted playfully. Teasingly.
Samantha narrowed her eyes. “Ugh. That nickname.
I don’t know which is worse, that or Sami Jo.”
She protested it. Just as she always had. That flare of warmth she felt whenever it passed his lips was still there, though.
“You earned it.”
“Psh, whatever.” She’d actually worked at it at the time.
Hunter chuckled and she nearly sighed. Lord, she’d missed his laugh, his smile, even the way he’d tease her. She’d missed him.
“Aw, you know I was always fond of you, Pixie. You were a great kid, even if you were a pest that was con- stantly following me around and giving my girlfriends hell.”
She had been such a tomboy with wild, young girl fantasies of being swept off her feet by the cutest boy in Deerhaven, or the whole wide world, for that matter. He’d called her his Pixie Pest whenever he’d seen her and tugged at her long, tangled hair.
“I’m not a kid anymore.” She held his gaze and couldn’t imagine how she’d gotten so bold.
Hunter’s gaze traveled over her body, a single black brow arching slowly in acknowledgment. “I’ve noticed. I’m trying really hard to remember what a pain in the ass you used to be.”
Samantha lifted a brow. “I can still be a pain in the ass.”
“I bet you can.” The look in his eyes was making her feel way too hot, way too needy.
She didn’t want to go there. Not now. After Tom No- vak, the very last thing she needed was another relation- ship. Besides all that, she was here to get answers, not to get laid.
Clearing her throat again, she changed the subject to the one on which she had to keep her focus. “Hunter, what really happened to Aunt Dottie?”
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#1 New York Times bestseller Lora Leigh is the author of the Navy SEALS, the Breeds, the Elite Ops, the Callahans, the Bound Hearts, and the Nauti series.
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Veronica Chadwick started storytelling when she was a little girl. She was first published in 2004. She lives in Tennessee with three cats, a very spoiled Shih Tzu and two grand dogs. When she’s not writing, she’s hanging out with friends, reading or badly playing video games.
Buy this book: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250309488
Author website: https://loraleigh.com/
Author Twitter: @LoraLeigh_1
Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loraleighauthor/
SMP Romance Twitter: @SMPRomance or @heroesnhearts
SMP Romance Website: https://heroesandheartbreakers.com/
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