#ae pugi
indefinite-milkshake 3 months
Hi there.I saw your fanfic about volund x oc cat ao13,not alot of writers write fanfic of AE.I like your story so far.urmm...is it if you don't mind doing hetero headcannons about lute x oc cat chimaera and pugi x oc tigress chimaera?
(Volund also one of my fav thx you)I like yaoi too馃珷馃槏
Sorry I haven't answered this ask for a little longer than expected, I was busy with school projects and writing some fanfic series for my friends T_T
Anyway, Lute x OC Cat Chimaera and Pugi x OC Tigress Chimaera, eh? I'm not very adept in headcanon-ing ships, moreso Lute and Pugi who I haven't really analyzed before since they aren't my main focus on the game, but I'll try, and I hope you enjoy the list of headcanons I have!
It's also been a while since I saw their CG, like what, 1, 2 years, perhaps? So I'll try to make them as in-character as possible! if not, well, you could just send an ask again if you're dissatisfied-
Lute x OC Cat Chimaera
He is definitely a very playful person to be around. He's energetic, fun, and doesn't mind who he's dating! Whether you're a man, woman---the only thing that matters to him is the romantic feelings he'll get out of it. And if you give him the sparks, then you're on his list.
He's an open book. Literally. He tells you all the thing he likes, dislikes, fears, and loves. Because of this, it's fairly easy and uncomplicated to find gifts for him that you're most certain he'll love. He might even be oblivious to the fact that you basically know him like an open book, though that depends on how you act around him.
For you, he is a very outgoing person. If you're as energetic as Lute, then he'll take you to the different romantic spots he knows of. Lakes, open areas in a forest, maybe somewhere around Yggdrasil---he basically knows Verdancia like the back of his hand, and he'll take you to them so he can spend time cuddling with you there.
His love language will definitely be physical affection in exchange for your wonderful gifts. Cuddling is a staple in his love life, and since you're a female cat, he'll love to hear you purr when you're both cuddling, and maybe he'll do the same to you by purring back! The fluffiness of both your furs will enhance the cuddling session, proving to be quite the efficient sleeping pill.
Because of the fluffiness of both of your furs, you'll always go to him when you can't sleep at night, and he'll gladly take you in his arms and over his chest. You can't help but just feel safe around him, as if he's your personal bodyguard or something of the sort, so the more you go to him to sleep, the more frequent it gets as time passes.
He loves to tease you and play with your emotions---in a good way! When he plays with your emotions, I really do mean it's him making you blush, taking every opportunity to make you flustered in every second. Whatever it takes, he will make your cheeks red, and he'll enjoy doing it, because he likes to see you flush!
Pugi x OC Tigress Chimaera
He's a calmer, slightly mature version of Lute. If Pugi decided to hang out with you, then it must mean that he saw something in you that made his inside go spark. Though it's not really a strict thing, it would still reassure you that he saw something unique in you to the point where he committed to a relationship with you.
He is a man's man, and likes to give you gifts that will make you happy just to see you smile and excited. Edibles are things that he would usually give, but he would occasionally give you jewelry, though he is usually not a materialistic type of person, so he sticks more on the beneficial side of things that will actually nurture you as a tigress.
He's careful and most likely overprotective of you. Even just a small, insignificant scratch will mean a lot to him, and he'll ask if you're okay and if you need help treating it. Even if you insist, he'll still bother trying to help, despite the fact that it doesn't even hurt you or anything like that.
Now, if you were harmed by another person, then that's a whole different story. He'll go absolute beast mode and bark, trying to defend you. If that's not enough, he'll go physical, and it'll take one pull from you to make him let go of the grudge, but he'll remember that face and he'll be keeping an eye on the person who harmed you!
He tends to like spending time stargazing, and what better way than to do it with you! He often likes to cuddle under the starry night sky, and he would purr in response to your purring. He likes to spend some time with you without being disturbed by any other beastianoid, so he just invites you to come with him to lie down on the grass where the area is isolated, and just look at the stars and the celestial bodies floating around the sky and ponder about things.
I can imagine him being a himbo kind of guy, almost like Lute, in a way, but more than him. There are definitely things that needs to be explained to him, and some things that doesn't need to be explained. However, it's still pretty amusing to see his face contort into that of confusion and bewilderment when he hears something complex. It's a cute expression, and you love to see it!
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kairunatic 8 months
Zamn there's no new ep today this week....
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Welp since I have no Content for AE this week ig ill do what I usually do and that is give CG Context for any characters
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A reminder that these are the current characters I own
And another reminder I haven't read all of them soo don't be too upset if I don't know the Context
But still If you guys want any CG Context feel free to ask
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dorokora 9 months
Single characters in AE are
Some are just paired like they can be seen together but not really Officialy in a relationship like
Corca and Barlitz
Pugi and Siddeley
Leonhart and Pino
I see.
Thanks for the list.
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kairunatic 9 months
Hey kairu can you show us the AE valentine dialogue and image where the chimaera boys receive chocolate from pius then pugi ate the chocolate and become bigger
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kairunatic 2 years
Can you describe the Chimaera boys personalities?
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You mean from AE? Well
Sidddley is Calm and collected being the leader of the chimeras he would rather talk things trough rather than resort to violence
Lute is carefree and energetic even though the chimeras and beastanoid are on fued lute seems to get along with them(Except wrecker) He's also a chaotic pansexual and an idiot somtimes
Pugi is a bit reckless but he means well he is Siddley right hand guy and cares for there fellow chimeras, and he hates the bestinoids he would sometimes butt head with wrecker, and just like lute he can be an idiot somtimes(Like charging alone with no backup)
For walther He's Cruel and an asshole, his a poachers he kills and hunt both chimeras and beatianoids and sell there fur or body parts in the black market, like he hates the chimeras cause he view them as weak for not being able to stand up to the beastanoids, He seem to hate the word love as shown his talk with Gaia(MC) that his plan to defeat Amzomd with love is stupid
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kairunatic 1 year
OK ep 7 the last ep and as usual AE events endings is dull asf
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With Karetovi wrapping paper finally done the sepians are now ready to fully launch and sell their chocolates all over el dorado
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First In PB,Equus gives Volund chocolates, he ate them and ended up going Hyper(NO CG I'M DISAPPOINTED!!!!)
Verdanica, Sidd lute and Pugi received chocolates from Pius, Pugi was suspicious at first but he ended up eating it cause one of the Chocolates taste like a tiger and he too went Hyper
Obsidonia, Bashkar and Dward received chocolates, Bashkar got the chocolates from Gordov as his pay while Dward got chocolates from a fan, this was funny cause Gordov knows the effects of the Chocolates but he didn't tell the two. Cause he wanna see the effects for himself, which happened Bashkar and Dward went Hyper Rougarou Panicked and ask Gordov to help but he went Adios leaving Rougarou with the two
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And last is Azuterra
Patty gives Theodor chocolates as a thank-you gift to him both of them ate the Chocolates together and ended up going Hyper too
Although Patty was the one who is the most Active in this part
And with that Valentine's Heartisan Cooking ends
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kairunatic 1 year
Since AE likes to established pairs and shippings, what or who are the current ships in the game right now?
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Yeah this game likes to establish pairs ships which I do like about it since it gives more dept /screen time for other characters to interact besides focusing 100% on the MC
OK let's start
Obviously the main Pair Gaia(MC) Barboros
Next is Pirate Isle
The pairs there are
Robin, Leonhart and Pino
(Pino was originally paired with Harimau but for some reason, habbit forgot about it, there is a possibility for these 3 to have a threesome but idk cause Robin and Pino hate each other)
Stalon Alec and Elaine
(I call this the one-sided pair)
Next is Pays blanc
Equus, Volund and Jade
(Honestly This pair is quite random, especially Equus and Volund like they became a pair after the summer event and jade became the third wheel)
Barlitz and Corca
(They are mostly a comedic duo but it has been teased that they maybe sexually involved despite not having a CG yet)
Billford and Rook
( *tch* lucky)
Next is Obsidonia
Helion,Kafka and Beezelbub
(Same as the Pays blanc Trio with Bezz being the third wheel in the relationship. Not to mentioned Kafka and Helion are engaged)
Rougarou and Bashkar
(Their relationship is similar to one of those guys Who fell in love with a stripper kind of thing)
Next is Amberdon
Zacharoff and Jalam
( They used to be Business partners but after the summer event, there may be evidence that they have feeling for each other)
Seals and Yabashka
( Student and teacher relationship but with S*x)
Next is Verdancia
Anima,Forte and Azmond
( Same as the other trio with 2 being married and Azmond being the third wheel)
Siddley and Pugi
( Pugi seems to have feelings for Sid which was shown in the summer event, and not to mention Pugi would go to Sid when he's in heat
Next is Azuterra
Theodor and Patty
(Childhood friend's but much more than that)
Next is Yamato
Jinnosuke and Rasho
(Married Despite Jinno being a total Whore, Rasho seems to care deeply for him, like i honesty belive He would Kill anyone who gets there hand on Jinno
Kagura and Kongho
So yeah those are all the current pairs in the game although I do have some Theories on possible pairs
Lisa and Bart
( Yes call me crazy but Lisa was actually being a total Perv to Bart during the x mas event
Nitro and Sarutobi
( Implied to be a pair during the summer event. But maybe gonna be an official pair when Nitro Secert CG comes out)
Gaia,Barboros and Atmos
( This one is highly posibble considering Atmos seems to have taken an interest over Gaia, like heck I'm even sure That Bal and Atmos were ex lovers in the past
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