#aegon ii tagaryen x reader
aemondsvisenya · 1 year
I saw teen!Aegon in your post so... headcanons about dating Tennant!Aegon?
Ty is my babe, I love him, so your wish is my command! I wasn't sure if this was Westeros!Aegon or modern!Aegon so... given the term, "dating", I went with modern!Aegon. I'll be honest, 99% of this is inspired by Ty's character in that UK drama "Consent" that he just appeared in, since that character was literally so young!Aegon coded.
Disclaimer: Ty is 20 - nearly 21 - and an adult, please do NOT send hate to me. If it makes you more comfortable to read the imagine as being the Aegon played by Tom, go ahead, but I wrote it with Ty's portrayal in mind.
Warnings: sexy time mentions but not in terribly explicit detail, usual fuck boi shit. Also, I was going to do separate SFW and NSFT sections but... this is Aegon. It's all not-safe-for-tumblr to be honest.
Being In A Relationship With modern!teen!Aegon - Headcanons
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(Side note: Ty baby please do more things because typing your name in the gif search brings up a LOT of gifs of your dad and I nearly posted this with a gif of him instead of you)
Oh he's an absolute fuck boy
Before you got together, he was known for sleeping around and not having a single serious relationship - all he wanted was a bit of fun, no strings attached. You had always thought he was hot, but you knew letting him use you was only going to cause unnecessary pain
Your sensible ideas disappeared down the toilet when you attended a party at Aegon's house that the whole school/college was at, and somehow (no doubt partly due to the unlawful amount of alcohol in your system) you ended up dancing with him - 'dancing' meaning grinding back against him as he wrapped his arms around your middle, mouth on your neck and hips firmly pressed to yours
Dancing downstairs in front of everyone very quickly became a hot and heavy fuck upstairs in his room, and you ended up falling asleep in bed together
You woke up the next morning in his bed, with him fast asleep beside you; you tried to leave before he woke, but he'd wrapped his arms around you in the night and you accidentally jolted him as you got out of bed. He blinked in the sunlight, squinting at you and frowning sleepily. "Come back to bed," He mumbled. "Too early." When you nervously mentioned that you should probably go, he frowned even more, this time a little sadly, sounding exhausted as he muttered, "No... don't. Want you to stay."
To be honest, you had expected that it was just a hook-up like all of the others he fucked, so you were shocked when later that afternoon (after his hungover had started to lessen somewhat) he smirked and told you, his voice low, "I've wanted to fuck you for years... And now you're mine."
And that's that: suddenly you're dating Aegon Targaryen.
Aegon is... not the most romantic of boyfriends, it must be said.
He absolutely tells all of his friends about fucking you, he describes your moans and body in explicit detail to them, bragging of how many orgasms he can pull from you; he also shows off the nail marks and bites you've left on his skin, much to the hollering of the other boys
He absolutely has a group chat with the boys and is constantly sending them shit like "holy fuck just got the best bj of my life", "just got the life sucked out of my cock", "drowning in pussy" or whatever
When the two of you are together in public, be it in the corridors of college or out somewhere together, he always has his arm slung around your shoulders - it's his way of showing that you're his, that you're taken by him, and he smirks proudly about it. If there's a seat somewhere - a bench, a cafeteria chair, whatever - he'll sit down and pull you onto his lap, which usually leads to you two making out or him groping you in front of his mates as they laugh and make catcalls
You two are the bane of the teachers' lives, they're so sick of telling the two of you to stop dry humping on school grounds
Away from his friends and alone with you, he's... slightly softer. Only slightly, mind you, but still.
Aegon very much just always wants to fuck; what starts out as innocent study sessions to try and help him with his coursework always results in some form of sex. You genuinely do intend to help him... but he has very different ideas - not that you're complaining, of course...
You had once thought that all of his bragging and ego was ridiculous, that he was probably absolutely dreadful and just boasting to impress his friends - it's safe to say that while he brags far too much about his prowess as a lover, he is excellent in bed
Sex isn't that romantic usually, it's a wonder if you're both entirely undressed to be honest, but it's hot and heavy and he knows exactly what makes you feel good. He prefers being on top as he fucks you, getting to force you down and maneuver you around so you feel good around his dick, but he's not going to complain when you ride him either
It's usually after sex that he'll sigh, pull you close and quietly admit things to you that he's never admitted to anyone before; that he knows he is not good enough, that his mother and father are always going to be disappointed in him, that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. "Aemond is mother's favourite," He murmurs as you trace patterns over his bare chest. "And father... he's always preferred Rhaenyra over us, even when one of her little shits took Aemond's eye out..."
None of his friends see the way his shoulders slump when he comes home to his father's car gone yet again, the way he flinches ever so slightly when his mother says his grandfather is coming to visit, when she shouts and berates him for his failing grades... but you do. Apart from his brother Aemond and sister Helaena (his youngest brother Daeron is away at some prestigious school for gifted students, you learn), you're the only one who sees it.
You know better than to ask him about it, better than to raise the subject when it causes him so much pain - but your actions speak enough. Your kisses and touches are a distraction, a way for him to forget that he's the family disappointment, that he will never be enough
"Fuck them," You find yourself telling him often as post-coital exhaustion takes over both of you. "You're enough for me."
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ms-fade · 1 year
The blood sucking goddess
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Characters HOTD Drabbles 18+
Character Drabbles of when the reader sucks their blood.
Characters: Aemond, Aegon
Honestly, this is really about Aegon…
This is real short.
Warnings: Blood, Sexual content, smut, female reader.
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Aegon II Targaryen:
The creaking of the bed frame shaking was drained out your ears while his moans took up your attention. You legs straddling his hips while bouncing up and down on him, your pussy leaked onto his leg mixed with his cum and yours. You had promised to use him like your fuck toy and then feed off of him, he didn’t mind.
“P-please.” He whimpered and reached up to grasp your hips and get more of you. He was on the edge of crying of overstimulation, he was a pathetic puddle under you. It was so amusing. “Oh, I thought the prince could take a warm cunt?” Your finger dragged along his lip and pulled it down. “You begged for this, every ounce of your dignity left when you begged to be fucked. So take it like the little prince you are.” your hands reached around his throat and pressed against the mattress to choke him.
You bounce faster and you could hear the sounds of your skin hitting his, and then sounds of his cocking moving in and out of you. “You’re my pet. You’ll do well to remember that.” You watched as his eyes feel back and his voice come out in gasps and breathless.
He was getting red and you could tell he was about to pass out so you pulled your hand back and grabbed his hand and lifted it up as he catches his breath. “Mistress.” Rolling your hips as they come to a slow pace. “I’ll let you cum, but only after I get my fill.” He just nodded as you sunk your teeth into his wrist and he groaned in pain.
You could feel his cock twitch in your walls, he liked the pain and the way you looked while you did it. You could kill him if you wanted to, leave him dry and dead but you didn’t. You always stayed after everything was done and comforted him until he feel asleep. So after everything you did to him, he was your pet and you took care of him.
Aemond Targaryen:
“It’s okay, darling.” He reassured you while stroking your hips up and down. You sat on his lap while he was at his decks. “You need to feed and I’m glad I will be your source, so drink up.” He moved his neck to the side and waited for you to lean down. You stare at the uncovered skin and you felt hesitate but your hunger was get worse. Leaning down you sunk your fangs into the skin and began to suck and grip onto his coat.
The low grunt that came from his lips made your cunt clinch. He only made that sound when you both were doing something sinful but he sounded so hot and you wanted more. He was doing you a favor, so why not let him have some fun as well? Grinding your hips down on him slow and made sure to move your hips just the way you liked. You moved your legs wider to make sure he felt your cunt. “You shouldn’t do that.” Despite his words his hands gripped your waist and moved them himself. You just kept taking his blood and letting him use you as he wished.
When you got your fill and him stopping himself from cumming you sat up and pulled away. But before you could say anything he picked you up and slammed you back on his deck with a slight smirk on his lips. “I can bite just as well, let me return the favor.”
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
What a wicked game to play
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You don't know exactly when and why it started, but whenever Prince Aegon found your silhouette along the red keep he couldn't look away.
pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
a/n: This is different from what I usually write, letra say reader is a grey character. Don't know if Aegon would be a yan here, buttt, idk sorry, hope yall like it.
warnings: mentions of death, reader as grey character, slight dark??? English is not my first language.
You don't know exactly when and why it started, but whenever Prince Aegon met your silhouette along the length of the red keep he couldn't look away. He tried to be discreet at certain times so that no one but you would notice, he didn't want to compromise your reputation after all. But when the other gazes dispersed and it was just you and him, things tended to change. Whether at dinner, in the gardens, or anywhere private, Aegon Targaryen kept his total attention on you.
It was uncomfortable, to say the least. It was his main intention and when he realized you noticed, oh, that made him smile victoriously.
Your gaze automatically strayed from the prince's direction, uncomfortable with his attitude. You almost hated him in fact, he was a spoiled bitch who abused the perks and didn't care about harming other people. You would not be a victim of his. No, you were not a victim. And as long as you was in the same environment as the first son of King Viserys I, you would do your best not to encounter him visually. It wasn’t a difficult mission indeed, you were discreet and cautious, a lovely lady of good family, devoted to the law and the faith who was looking for a decent and well-born bridegroom, just like you.
Although he did not possess the same didactic intelligence as his younger brother, Aegon was no fool. He was good at capturing perceptions and knew how to observe and be astute when he wanted to be. He wasn't blind, not to you. You had many attributes, but innocence was not one of them. No, you were not innocent. Not when he knows what you've done. Not when he saw his older brother heading towards the harbor that night. Not when the news of the death of Lord Fossoway, who was supposed to marry your little sister, was announced. Not when you showed complete apathy during and after the funeral.
Maybe you were not the mastermind behind it all, but Aegon saw your posture change as the old, decaying lord approached your sister's side. He also saw the look you sent your eldest brother when the man left them. Maybe you weren't actually the mastermind, after all why get your delicate hands dirty in such a bad job? But he was absolutely convinced that you were one of the contributors to the accidental death of Owen Fossoway. You, a little lady. A kind and cunning lady.
The same lady who avoided his gaze all night. The same lady who will soon be engaged.
He can let that happen, you were his. You would be his.
So, at the hour of owl curfew, Aegon ventured into the darkness of the secret corridors of the red keep to reach your chambers, knocking twice where the door would open from the inside.
Your body froze at the sound, looking immediately to the origin center. A few seconds passed with your immobility, just waiting.
Another touch.
Walking quickly to grab the dagger you kept by the bed, you hid it behind your body as you walked to that part of your room where the sounds were coming from. It was no secret that Maegor the Cruel created passages in the red keep unknown to many — including you — but the surprise wasn't just having one linked to your room, but who was looking for you at this time of night.
"What are you doing here?"
Your jaw clenched as you cracked open the door that passed through the wall, seeing the same purple eyes you'd avoided all night.
Aegon just smiled at the sight of your tense body in your light nightclothes, leaning his arm between the door opening to rest his head lazily. He didn't mean to scare you.
But you knew what he was capable of, what he did to the maids. You wouldn't be a victim, you weren't a victim. Aegon Targaryen wouldn't lay a filthy finger on you. When he remained silent, you anticipated trying to close the passage, but you were soon interrupted by a short and all-encompassing sentence:
"I know what you did."
"What I did?"
“… You can tell me what I did in the morning, certainly. Good night my prince."
"I don't think I can, actually, my lady." He persisted, his gaze becoming more serious than before. “Who would talk about murder in broad daylight?”
You didn't take long to counter, shaking your head in confusion. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“I think you do. If I were you, I'd let me in." Aegon suggested calmly.
"This will not happen."
“I’m your prince.”
“I don't care what you are, Aegon Targaryen. You will not enter my room, not today, not ever.” Before you could close the passage, he pushed with abrupt force and stood in front of you.
He wasn't the only one with a surprise, not when you pointed the dagger in his direction. The lecherous prince raised his hands in peace, but you just backed away.
“I saw your brother that night when Lord Fossoway was murdered. Interestingly, you weren't happy with his marriage to your little sister, I wouldn't be either if it was my daughter marrying a man old enough to be her grandfather. I understand you, my lady, but I don't know if others will understand…”
There it was.
This time it was your posture that changed, the menacing look becoming cold, stoic, but still defiant. "What others?"
The shadow of a smile played on the prince's lips as he replied, “What will the Queen and Hand think of having a murderess at court? What will the nobles think? What will your suitors think?”
It was your turn to smile coldly, cocking your head to the side. “What was a prince doing by the harbor at owl time?”
"Do you think this is more serious than conspiring against a Lord's life?" He asked in amusement.
“I believe that no one will take seriously the words of a drunk who does not care about his duties and would rather be somewhere in the flea bottom than in the palace, to the detriment of me, who always performed my duty with honor and devotion.” Your tone was serious and tinged with scorn, which had him advancing on you, ignoring the threat posed by the instrument in your hand.
When Aegon tried to disarm you, you made a small cut in his palm. Surprising him.
Surprising him the most for showing no concern for hurting the fucking prince and first son of Viserys I Targaryen.
“Some people say that the purest love is the one that refuses to accept the truth. Indeed, the queen loves you, my prince, but my father has served the crown faithfully for years. My house is one of the most important in Westeros, my reputation is perfect. So, I ask again, who are you going to believe?” You remained in a position of alert, not letting him get close. "And then there's the main factor, what do you get out of telling lies about what you think you saw?"
He chuckled at your boldness, letting blood drip onto your floor.
“You, my lady. I win you as my lady wife.”
"Excuse me?"
He took a step forward, his tone more serious than ever. “I want you to be my lady wife.”
"Why? For you to cheat on me with the first pretty maid you see? Every court knows your reputation, my prince.” Your tone was incredulous, really incredulous. "Besides, how do you think you'll accomplish that if you smear me to the queen?"
“I didn't mean to slander you, just to keep you from being executed for murder by marrying me.” He simply said it and you couldn't think he was more stupid.
“Do you think the queen would agree to marry her firstborn to a murderess?” Your question wasn't sincere, because the answer was obvious. “Your story is inconsistent. Perhaps the Queen will believe you, as all mothers do with their children. But the hand? The court? My lord father? Do you think they would believe your accusation if you asked for my hand in return later?”
His hesitation was noticed by you as you watched him swallow and breathe heavily. He was caught. Totally caught and destroyed. It was his only plan, his only opportunity to have you.
He hated it.
“You will be my lady wife.” Aegon insisted, making you let go of the dagger and walk towards him slowly, whispering into seductively pink lips.
"I doubt it."
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hoosurdaddy · 2 years
Imagine Spanking Aegon so hard you send him into subspace! When Aegon is subspace his eyes are glossy and his lips are bruised. You run him a bath, and rub his scars from the whipping he got from back taking to you earlier.
You’re his mommy. No else matters, only you. Aegon thinks as he sucks your tits while coming out of his subpace. He only want to please you, serve you. While you think how you can steal the throne from him.
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
► Why’d you only call me when you high? | Modern 「AU」
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"Oh baby, are you awake? Are you waiting for me? I would love to go to your apartment." He answered cheerfully, with a distant sound in the background. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU."
pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
a/n: This is situated in college. I don't usually physically detail the reader so that feels included, but personality is something apart. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes. I’m totally obsessed with modern au.
warnings: mentions of alchool and sex. NSWF. Don’t read if you’re underage!
Inspired by the queen of modern!aegon @valeskafics
For: @faces-ofvenus
Usually your phone was in silent mode. You hated hearing/receiving any kind of notification, but then this important call came up that forced you to activate the annoying sounds. However, the rush throughout the day made you totally forget to disable the option and ended up being responsible for the rough way you woke up. In fact, there was another factor that contributed to the startled jump you gave on the mattress when you heard the irritating ringing of the call, and that factor — that someone — couldn’t be any other than him.
"Holy crap." You muttered sleepily and scared as you turned down the hellish volume on your phone. Your gaze narrowed when your saw the hour and your blood boiled when your saw the name of the blonde slut who ruined your sleep. “What the fuck made you call me at 3 AM, Aegon?”
“Oh baby, are you awake? Are you waiting for me? I would love to come to your apartment.” He answered happily, with a distant sound in the background. “I FUCKING LOVE YOU.”
"Are you drunk?" You asked irritably.
“Nop. Jace didn't let me drink much tonight, he's so annoying, come on."
"Are you high?"
"Totally. I think I smoked like 5 joints from-"
Probably your grouchy neighbor on the right would complain about your screaming tomorrow. You didn't care, flinging yourself against the mattress as you dropped your phone to the side. Unbelievable. No, it was entirely believable by Aegon Targaryen standards.
You met him at a college party and almost regretted returning the smile he sent your way. Almost. He was sexy and cocky, the type of guy who certainly wouldn't be your type to get involved with, but who are you lying to? You liked the sloppy flirting and unfounded confidence he displayed. By the end of the night you were riding him wild and uninhibited, moaning as his hands tightened around your waist and tits.
Oh, how he loved watching you take him so hard. He moaned loudly as he filled the condom, maintaining a satisfied smile during and after he came hard. Fuck, you were unbelievable. He felt his pelvis tingle as you disconnected your bodies, dropping down next to him on the bed.
Ok, fucking that jerk was really good, but you knew it was a one-night stand. No hugs, no caresses and no cute kisses. You also knew that the main factor that made Aegon warm —besides your beauty — was your denying him the candy, flashing him a smile that let him know it wouldn't be easy to get into your pants. That made him insist even more, after all Aegon Targaryen doesn't rum away from a challenge as delicious as you.
However, you weren't the type of girl who liked to be dumped.
He eyes narrowed when he realized you were putting on the rest of your clothes, walking on the bed until he reached you. “I'm not kicking you out yet.” He said with a goofy grin.
“I know, I'm kicking myself out.” You returned the smile, snatching the cigarette from his hand. “I hate this shit.”
He throbbed to see you suck so sensually and release the smoke towards him, keeping your face close, which made it easy for him to capture your lips in a sloppy and horny kiss. Fuck, how he wanted to get hard again so he wouldn't let you go.
But apparently seeing him hot and fidgety only served to make you want to leave more.
“Come on, we can have a second round. I bet you'd like it more than the first one." He insisted in a whiny voice initially, but arrogantly later.
“Bet you would like it, big guy.”
With an amused smile as you turned your back, you grabbed your bag and winked at him before leaving. You really liked the feeling and you couldn't help it, hearing him ask for your number and get up naked behind you.
"I'll take you home, I won't let you out at this hour." He said, making you stop in surprise. "I'm going to put my clothes."
Doubting Aegon's cunning ability, you walked into the bedroom when he asked if the lipstick on the floor was yours.
He stayed on top this time, deliciously fucking your body, pulling your hair, fingering your clit and licking your neck. You came hard and let a smile break out as he thrust from behind. The motherfucker was really good.
"I'm still taking you home." Aegon said as he fell face down beside you, a smile even more idiotic than the first. It was cute, and you roll your eyes at the thought.
It's been a month since that night, and he didn't reach out to you again until last week. Since then, he calls you at dusk when he's mostly drunk or high. It was the fourth time you've attended to him under those conditions, but never this late. You huffed as you got out of bed to pee, phone in hand with flashlight on and skin automatically shivering with the cold that circulated in the apartment. It was extremely relaxing to relieve your bladder at dawn, but apparently you couldn't enjoy it for long as another call from Aegon popped up on your screen. You ignored it, but soon several messages started polluting your locked screen, one of which caught your attention.
“I'm coming to your apartment, get that pussy ready 💦💦”
Your fingers typed furiously to stop him from going to your house, recording two audios and calling him who magically decided to ignore you.
It was the last thing you typed until you heard him yell outside. This can only be a joke. You quickly descended the floors until you found him outside, not caring about the lack of clothes that covered your legs. The uber looked at you amusedly, leaving shortly afterwards.
“Why are you here Aegon? Fuck." You pulled him inside, not wanting to expose yourself to the danger of a deserted street at dawn.
"I miss you." He whimpered as he squeezed your waist, as sly as a spoiled child. His hand cupped your ass as he whispered into your neck, “And this hot body. Mhmm let’s fuck, baby.”
“You’re in no condition to fuck anyone right now.” You countered by pulling away from him.
“Why are you so mean? This is so hot.”
Analyzing your options, you rushed to choose the best possible one for the situation. The first: you would send him back home and go back to sleep. The counterpoint: you didn't want to spend money on uber. The second option: you could call one of his friends to pick him up, but it was 3:15AM and you realized that you didn't have any of their numbers or instagram. The last one: you would let him sleep at your house and kick him out the next day. Counterpoint: he would probably take a while to sleep and consequently you would take a while to sleep. But apparently it was the only possible option.
So, dragging him back to your apartment, you straddled his bed on the couch while pushing his insistent hands away from your body. He was a fucking tease.
“Why can't I sleep in your bed?” He whimpered.
"Because you don't want to sleep in my bed." You emphasized the word sleep, leading him to the couch.
“Mhmm, stay with me until I fall asleep, ok?”
You huffed when he laid down and pulled you close. Sitting down next to him and letting him guide your hand to touch the silver hair, you complained, "You're so spoiled, you know that?"
“Uhmm.” He nodded sleepily, quickly closing his eyes.
Damn, you really had a problem to solve now.
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