#also for the record when i travel somewhere even if i don't know the language i do TRY to learn at least a few common phrases and words
supercantaloupe · 1 year
“but sasha you just spent like the past hour complaining about having to talk to other people in french why would you want to go back to europe” easy. i don’t speak german or italian or spanish. and the awkwardness of being an english speaker in austria or italy or wherever is far better than trying to speak subpar french to a french person
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
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❄ Three Wishes ❄
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" ... so, if you choose this option, it will allow you to change her language. I programmed about a hundred!" The Artisan proudly explained as she excitedly pointed at the screen.
"Why do ya wanna change her language?" Griffon questioned as he contentedly perched on top of V's bookshelf.
"It's just how it works." Nico answered as she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. Then, she looked back at V, who was still staring confusedly at the cellphone in his hand. She pointed a finger at one of the options and spoke once more. "You also have complete control over the type of voice, accent,... basically the way she speaks!"
"What does it mean?" 
The poor poet felt like he was back at the department store where he had to listen to the Sales Representative for two hours straight as the cheerful employee explained, in full, excruciating detail, how a coffee maker works. Luckily, though, he didn't have to pay anything this time around. The cellphone was a gift from Nico, herself. He honestly appreciated the gift, he just didn't expect it to be rigged in such a way. During the first month that he owned it, he found out that it has an x - ray function ( he accidentally saw Griffon's insides, to his utter horror and regret, when he experimented with its camera ), a laser option for the flashlight ( which actually made a hole through the wall in the kitchen ), an intruder alarm ( which was a recording of Nero's songs on loop ), and a very accurate tracking device of every person he knew ( the last time he checked, he found out the exact whereabouts of his brother Dante, from his frequent travels to the ice cream and pizza parlor to his nightly sojourns to the nearby club houses ).
And now, it seemed that his wonder cellphone has another hidden function, and that was to give Shadow her very own voice with the use of the state - of - the - art bell that was dangling from her red ribbon, which was cutely tied around her neck. Apparently, the said bell was a gadget made by Nico, herself, to channel a demon's thoughts and translate them into coherent words with just a push of a button from the Kitty Cat Voice app that was programmed and installed by the same woman who gave him the cellphone.
And honestly? It amazed, unnerved, and confused the hell out of the poet, who was only beginning to live a life of his own in the modern society, away from his bickering brothers and close to the woman he loved.
"Here, let me show you." Nico took the cellphone from V's hands and typed something. She, then, looked at Shadow, who was obediently sitting on her usual spot on the floor, and spoke, "Say something, girl."
V and Griffon waited in silence as they looked at Shadow, and a few moments later, the demonic feline did speak!
"Bonjour!" The familiar said in a deep and overly sensual male voice that almost made Griffon fall from the shelf. "Je m'appelle Shadow. Ravie de vous rencontrer!"
"EURGH!" Griffon howled in disgust at what Shadow just said. "What kinda erotic sound is that?!"
"Seductive French Singer." Nico answered as she proudly nodded at the cellphone in her hand. Humming in satisfaction, she scrolled through the app once more and spoke, "Hmm, let's try something else. Okay, girl! Try greetin' our Mr. poetry here."
V's eyes narrowed cautiously as he instinctively drew back a bit, feeling a little nervous and unnerved of what the familiar might say to him. With threatening and glowing red eyes, the huge black cat padded towards her master, and when she was mere inches from him, she sat and raised her head obediently. Then, she spoke.
"Kon'nichiwa, V - sama!" Shadow greeted the poet in a very small and very childish voice of a young girl that made Griffon laugh so hard. "Anata ga watashi no koe no oto ga sukidearu koto o negatte imasu!"
"What did she just say?" V, looking horrified at what his familiar just said, questioned Nico, who was laughing along with Griffon and clutching her mid - section. She was clearly making fun of his confusion, the clever woman!
"Anata wa watashi no koe no oto ga sukide wa arimasendeshita ka? Nante zankokuda, V - sama!" Shadow whined in her creepy little voice, making V even more uncomfortable. "Daikirai! DAIKIRAI!"
"Please, make it stop,..." V pleaded quietly as he bowed his head down low and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Aww, don't like Nasally Japanese Moe?" The Artisan teased. After receiving a glare from the poet as a threat, the woman laughed nervously and scratched her head. "Alright, alright! I'll put it back to its default mode."
"Which is?" The demonic bird asked, his curiosity getting the better of him as he flew towards the woman to see how she was operating the app she invented.
"Gentle English Babushcat. The voice you all heard durin' the play." Nico answered dejectedly as she made one last click on the screen before giving the cellphone back to V. "It's pretty simple, man. You open the app, no password needed, and you can select the - "
"No need."
"Okay! Okay! Just explainin',..." Nico shrugged her shoulders and shook her head on the way to the door, a defeated smile on her lips upon knowing that her precious work of art was not appreciated. "Well, then, goo - 
" ... hold yer panties! I almost forgot!"
To Griffon's utter surprise, the woman turned back and strode towards V, almost knocking the poor bird on her way, and began looking for something in her large and greasy - looking yellow bag.
"What now?" V, almost feeling annoyed, questioned her as he watched her ransack through her messy backpack.
"Ah, I'm pretty sure I put it somewhere here. I just don't know if - AH! There we go!"
"What is that?" Shadow, who now sounded like the gentle, motherly middle - aged aunt from earlier during the party, asked, her tail waving from left to right in mild curiosity at the thing on Nico's hand.
"I got lots of invites to Old Fleminger's Annual New Year's Ball." The Artisan explained. "So, I'm giving you some."
"New Year's Ball?" V took the pair of golden envelopes from Nico's hand and studied it with much curiosity. He looked up from the fancy things in his hand and raised an eyebrow in question. "And who is this Fleminger? A Demon that has to be killed?"
"Oh, no, no, no! Old Fleminger is a gentle old soul who still likes to party really hard at the age of sixty. He throws this massive, fancy annual spectacle where he expects people to dress up the way he wants them to. Just so you know, last year, when Nero and Kyrie were lucky enough to get some invites, they were made to dress up as characters from famous movies. Nero dressed up as James Bond and Kyrie dressed up as a hot Bond girl. They won King and Queen of the Ball."
"Ohoho, that sounds interesting! Yes!" Griffon declared as he joined V on the sofa, his golden eyes glistening with devilish intent. "So, uh, V, who are ya gonna dress up as? The penniless poet from Moulin - aghk!" But, even before the demonic bird could finish his sentence, Shadow's tail hastily covered his beak to stop him from speaking any further, making the poor bird muffle helplessly.
"STOP IT! YOU'RE EMBARRASSING OUR MASTER!" Shadow scolded as a loud growl escaped her throat and frightened the demonic bird. "Yes, Miss Nico, please continue."
"Oh, yeah, as I was saying," Nico went on, ignoring the conflicted look on V's already stressed features. " ... you are required to dress up to match the theme of the Ball. And it's vintage this time."
"Vintage? Like," The poet asked, some tasteless thoughts of himself indulging in such a party already plaguing his overworked mind. " ... old?"
"Yeah. Kinda like how grandma Adelaide probably used to dress up when she was still a teenager." Nico nodded as she crossed her arms and tapped her chin with her fingers. Suddenly, her eyes widened. Looking once more at V and pointing a finger at him, she said, "And don't forget to ask (Y/N) out as your date, okay? It's a requirement!"
Me,... asking her out as my date to a strange Ball?! "I'm afraid to say that I' am not certain as to - "
"Aww, come on, man!" Nico pleaded as she collapsed next to V on the sofa and grabbed his shoulders, shaking them to somehow make the man come to his senses. "We all know that ya like the girl, if it isn't too obvious enough already!"
"But,... I don't even,... like her,..." V quietly said as he tried to get the woman's hands off his shoulders.
"Yeah, 'cause Shakespeare fuckin' loves her - AGHK!" Griffon used his momentary freedom from Shadow's tail to speak but, he was abruptly grabbed by one of Shadow's huge morphed hands.
"Don't! Please! Squawk! I beg ya! Aghk!"
"Anyway, confess to her already!" Nico went on. "Use this Ball as a chance. Dress up nicely like someone's hip and swell grandpa and woo her!"
"Hip and,… swell? And,… woo,... (Y/N)?"
"Yeah! And while ye're at it, learn some Elvis Presley moves that ol' geriatrics love and ask her to boogie with ya on the dancefloor! Be a tiger and impress her! Do everythin' ya can to sweep her off her dainty feet!"
"I'm not sure if I can do this kind of thing,..."
"Ya can do it! Just believe in yerself!" Nico smiled and stood, patting V on the shoulder. "Okay? Ye must make her say yes as soon as ya can. The Ball is in a week."
And with those not - so - encouraging words, V was left with more questions than answers, and with more problems than solutions. First of all, Shadow can speak very well now, thanks to the wonder gadget and app that Nico created. Well, Griffon was already too much on his ears but, to actually hear his two familiars bickering for real? Second, who was this old Fleminger and how did the Artisan get some invites to his prestigious event? The invitations looked really fancy and expensive, after all.
And thirdly, how could he possibly ask her out? The trip to the mall and the cinema was one thing but,...
... Nico was expecting him to confess to her.
That, and the fact that he has to dress up vintage - style for the event and dance like this Elvis Presley that Nico was talking about ( who was Elvis Presley, anyway? ). Wouldn't he become a laughingstock, then? Would he be making a complete fool of himself, then? And if that happens, would you even accept his love? Would you laugh at him and tell him he's not worthy?
These crippling thoughts were still on V's mind when he entered his dark, cold, and lonely bedroom later that evening. With the sparkling golden invites on his hand, he made his way towards the window, sat on the chair next to it, and parted the heavy curtains. And with one simple look, he saw the window to your bedroom. The curtains were, of course, closed but, he could clearly see that your lights were still on, indicating that, at the very late ( or early ) hour of two in the morning, you were still awake. You did mention to him that you could not sleep well,...
V's eyes widened a bit when he finally saw the lights being turned off in your room.
Ah, she must be feeling sleepy now, he thought.
However, not even a minute has passed when the lights turned on again. It stayed like that for about twenty more minutes, then it went dark once more.
The poet sighed. It must be so hard for her, he thought.
And then, an idea struck his mind. He did promise that he will fulfill her three wishes. The first wish didn't work out too well because of Lancaster but, what if,...?
The man left his window and went towards his bedside table where some of his poetry books were. Then, he looked at the invites in his hand.
This,... might actually work,...
❄ @la-vita , @clevermentalitybeliever , @v-vic , and @birdgirl69 . ❄
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B(w)ITCH - Dan Avidan x Reader PART 1
Prompt: "well this isn't where I wanted to teleport, sorry for appearing in your bed at 2 am."
Explanation: Magic shit is going on.
Witch = Reader
Owner of bed, and best friend = Danny
*Found online, rip
**also onilne lmao kms
***Pronounced Vay-Duh
(r/name) = random name
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"Are you ready to record?" I asked, glanced at the two males I sat between.
Guest Grumps.
I was decent friends with Arin and really good friends with Dan, but because I'm a lead actress in a popular TV show of my own called 'Pots and Pans'*, I didn't see them as much as I wished I could. The show is about a stoner and a pansexual person living together as roommates and dealing with life's bullshit while also not owning pots or pans.
The show was taken really well with LGBT+ youth and of course, stoners, which gave it most of the popularity it now has.
I had been friends with the Grumps for a while since we got to know each other a few years back.
So, they thought that maybe it was time that I made an appearance on Guest Grumps, which I had been waiting forever to do.
And there we were, Arin began the episode while murmuring to me;
"You're fucking funny, so don't force anything, they'll love you." then he coughed, "Welcome!"
"Heyyyyyyyyy!!!" Danny happily exclaimed, "welcome back to Game Grumps, but it's a special Guest Grumps this time!"
Arin nodded, even though there wasn't a camera, and no one would see, "That's right, because today, we are playing Super Smash Bros."
I laughed and elbowed him, "Hey!"
"Oh!" he joked, "and (Name) (l/name) is here too!"
"Yay!" Dan laughed, fiddling with his controller.
"So, (name) while we set up, tell everyone what you do," Arin said, clicking buttons to get to the brawl screen.
"Well," I began, "I'm like a part-time Grump now, and by part-time I mean one time, and a full-time asshole so that's pretty cool."
Dan let out a quick laugh, "Nah, for real."
"Yeah but I um.. I'm in the show 'Pots and Pans' I play the latter, (r/name) as the witty Pansexual who can make weed brownies for her stoner roommate." I laughed, "But that shit doesn't matter I wanna play some fucking Smash Bros."
"Wow, woah, okay jeez." Arin huffed, handing off a controller to me (he hadn't done this before because he was attempting to tease me, knowing I wouldn't be able to reach across him to get it).
I smiled, hoping the next half hour or so would be as fun as these two promised.
"Okay, so I've always wanted to ask this, and now that we're being recorded I thought that this was the best time," Arin said while being destroyed by my skill in-game.
"Yeah?" I asked, "what is it?"
"I've known you for a while, so has Dan, and we see clips all the time but... First off, why can you fight so well?"
I raised my brow, attention not leaving my character, "Um, I have older brothers. And like, neither of them were typical brothers. One was captain of the chess team and the other, with high heels and makeup on, started a riot about rights at the school. I've always had to know how to beat up people bigger than me since the beginning."**
Dan and Arin both turned to me, "Are you serious?"  "Really?"
I nodded.
Arin shrugged and turned back to the game, "Okay, another thing we just recently witnessed is; A bit ago, you were talking to Ross and he said something to piss you off-- jokingly of course--"
Dan, knowing where this story was going, laughed at the thought. I joined in.
"He like, ran away a bit, and you flipped him off, then he immediately tripped and fell flat on his face. what kind of magic shit have you got going for you, because I want some."
"Yeah," Dan agreed, "I could've used that power all of Guild Grumps."
"Fuck Ross," I said, laughing.
"Yeah, fuck Ross." Arin agreed.
"Oh! Also, what the fuck is up with your amazing ability to speak other fucking languages? Like you can just learn that shit?!" Dan brought this up this time.
The themes of these little things were making me sweat, they all had to do with my secret, but I thought I was playing it cool.
"I don't know, I have a good memory."
"Say something to us in another language." Arin mused.
"Uh... Here, I'll do German." I prayed for my necklace, "Fassen Sie mich nicht an!"
There was a bit of silence.
"That means 'don't touch me.'"
They began laughing, "what," Dan wheezed, "are you afraid of being fucking raped by a German person on the daily?"
"Nein!" I laughed, "But like, my favourite thing about German is that like, when you know what the fuck you're doing, like 'step back I've done this shit before', you say; 'Da liegt der Hund begraben.' which means 'that's where the dog is buried.'"
I paused, because the two were busy laughing, "So like, there's a serious fucking thing going on and you know all about that situation you just scream; 'THAT'S WHERE THE FUCKING DOG IS BURIED.'"
"But, German is a truly beautiful language filled with the love of pigs."
The recording session ended a while ago, so Dan, Arin, and I took a seat in the office somewhere to talk about shit.
"So, (Name), you travel a whole lot, do you feel like you maybe wanna get me a nice little souvenir?" Dan joked, nudging me lightly.
"Oh? I know something you should love." I mused.
He raised his brow and looked me over, "Yeah? What is it?"
I gave him a sly smirk, "A shit ton of tea that will, over time, fix your stomach problem. And then you'll be able to eat whatever the fuck you want."
He stared at me in utter disbelief.  Arin exhaled in shock, "Are you serious?" and when I nodded, he looked over to Dan, "Holy shit dude!"
Dan searched my eyes before finally speaking, "I would actually marry you if you got me some of that shit," a blush crept to my face, "won't it cost a fucking dickload amount?" he asked.
I smiled sweetly, thinking about the large tree growing near my home in my gym bag.
"It won't cost me much, promise. I'm going to uh.." fuck. where would they think would have special bullshit enchanted fucking herbs? "Asia.. yeah, Asia, and they have them in a certain spot there. While I'm there also," I said, turning to Arin, "I can get you something, so I think you'll end up with a few more toys for your office, and a few good luck chars so that you don't suck ass at gaming anymore." I shot a wink his way and he groaned with a small smile.
"So do those sound good?" I asked, glancing between the two.
Dan had stayed still, "If you're being serious, I might actually cry, man." he said, trying to laugh it off.
I chuckled, waving it off, "Danny don't cry! It’s all okay, I promise you it will work.  On your ten minute power hour, you mentioned that if you could get rid of one thing, it would be your stomach problem, so I did research. ASLO ARIN," I turned to him again, "I may find something that will take the piss stench off your bookshelf."
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neijayah · 6 years
Seoul, day 7 - expensive shopping and screw you, luck. 😑😔
Again, I slept really late. It's a bad idea to write the diary not the same day and then having to keep up and remember, what you actually did two days ago. I'm happy if I can remember what I did yesterday. Don't even ask for two or three days ago. But when you are out all day, there's no other way.
Plan for this day was to get the rest of my book series we use at home for studying Korean. Already have 4 of them, 2 at least were still missing. And I found the books being used in EF classes are pretty good as well. They also provide a CD, so you can listen to conversations and examples. Though, actually, who still uses CD? They could at least come up with MP3 downloads. But who cares. The books we use at EF school were created by the Seoul National University, so they're at least accurate. And they have a bit of English in them, so you actually know, what they're asking for.
The best place for buying books is no other than Kyobo Bookstore (교보문고). They have several branches, but the biggest one is at Gwanghwamun (광화문), where I was two days ago. I already have been there the last time I was in Seoul, but I couldn't remember how I got there. Thankfully there is this website visitkorea.com that gives you all necessary information where to find the stores, what to expect of it, entry prices, the opening hours and how you can get there with the exact exit. It's the source for all my trips, next to two guide books.
The cool thing about Kyobo is, that they are connected to one subway exit. There is no easier way to get there. Though it means taking stairs after stairs after stairs. You will hate them throughout your stay. But this way, you won't need an extra fitness program. Unfortunately, on the way to Kyobo I had decided to take the steps one time, as the escalator was packed and a line had already formed. But after I took the first flight of steps, I knew why. 😭 It was like going up to the 5th floor in an apartment complex. But as you can see, I survived.
Kyobo offers more than just books. You can find room humidifier, accessories for smartphones, magazines, CD's and DVD's (K-Pop and Non-K-Pop related, though just in small amounts) and a lot of other stuff. If you are looking for a particular book, there are terminals you can search if they actually have them and where to find them. I went for the foreign language section, where you can find books about Korean language. I quickly found my books
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and those from school.
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Unfortunately, the books from school have way more books in the series. 12 books as of now, and theoretically even more, if you count in the working books.
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I may order them later, when I have finished to go through these ones. In the end it all cost me 149,000 Won. ㅠㅠ And the books were so heavy. I had planned to take a walk at the stream again, but with such a heavy bag I had to postpone it.
A friend of mine informed me about a free concert in Gangnam, which I thought about attending, depending on how full it was. The other option for the night was the International Fireworks Festival somewhere along the Han river.
As the start of entering at the concert was pretty early, I tried this first. If it was to packed, I could still go to the Fireworks Festival, even though I would miss the performances of Spain and maybe Australia.
Finding everything in Seoul is always a challenge. I never know, if I'm on the right way, though I always reach where I want to go.
The concert was on the street in front of the east entry/exit of the COEX Mall. Artist, who were performing that night were EXO-CBX, Red Velvet, Wanna-One, Sunmi, Weki-Meki, (G)I-DLE, OhMyGirl, ONF, Dynamic Duo, Celeb Five and J Black X Mmary. Everyone who is into K-Pop knows the majority of them. I really like Red Velvet, Sunmi and Dynamic Duo. There rest, though well known are not so much my taste.
I took a small walk in the COEX Mall (though just the ground level - found out later that actually everything is in the basement) that night, but couldn't find a lot, as it was so late already and I didn't want to waste time on roaming around if there was still something waiting to be done. So when I arrived, the place in front and all around the stage area was packed. There were waiting lines of visitors even far away from the place itself, as they guided one group after another into the place in front of the stage. I already knew, that I wouldn't see a thing at all. Unfortunately, security was pretty consistent with shooing everyone away at the sides. Only if you were near the food stands, you were able to sit down. So no K-Pop concert obviously for me on this trip.
So I decided to rather go for the fireworks thing. Off I went with the express underground. I didn't know Seoul had this. Pretty cool. This train on line 9 stops only at stations that connect to other lines. So the travel to the small island on the Han river went pretty fast. And there, finding the way was awesomely easy. Just follow all the others. 😅 The fireworks were already going, and you could see glimpses of it between the skyscrapers. I really had to walk a long way to reach the park area along the Han river. It was even more difficult to find a spot were you had a pretty good sight onto the sky, skyline and the fireworks. Probably could have walked another kilometer to get a perfect look on it. But I settled to watch it nearby where there weren't as many people.
If you ever saw the fireworks spectacle being shown in some K-Drama, it is exactly like they portrait there. People on blankets, eating spicy food (usually chicken) and drinking soft drinks, beer or soju. Food is provided by delivery service or food stands along the area. Small children playing around being hype.
The firework was awesome and the music, a mix of classical, regular Pop music and K-Pop, connected via storytelling was beautiful. I recorded all of it, with a little break, as my mobile sometimes decides to turn on the lights, because it's so dark outside. -.-
A really cool thing was, that the biggest Mobile services had trucks with U+ transmission at the place, so no one would go slow on their internet. U+ is 5LTE or whatever they call it, is standard here. And you really don't have to wait long for any website to load. In every public place, there are free Wifi Hotspots, so you save on your own data. Still loving my Wifi-egg though. It just works perfectly and can provide you service throughout the day.
Going back was more of a struggle, though I already waited like half an hour. There must have been at least a million people. And fascinatingly so few police officers.
There was a subway station directly at the park. But the masses pouring into this station was ridiculous. Police officers were redirecting people to other exits/entries so not everyone would take these two, right at sight. Thankfully, my subway line was further away and I hoped, fewer people would use this one. Meeeb...not going to happen. Masses of people were going my direction as well. Everyone was chill, though for a big part of the way, we only had the sidewalks to walk at. Would have been smarter to close the roads around and let people get more space. But I guess, that's what Korean are used to.
By the way, Korean police officer love their whistles. -.- Especially, when they are directing the traffic at intersections for all the visitors of the show. Another downside of Korea, they haven't figured out that it would be cool to have more trains in action at such an event. Especially, when there are two huge ones going on at the same time. But also may be because Koreans don't mind full subways. I really could imagine something better. I got back home late at night, exhausted and tired.
Seoul, day 8 - doing nothing but sleep and write
Sunday wasn't so much to do. I could have gone out, but I was tired and I had to write the diary. Next to that, I was busy talking with my Korean teacher in Germany via KakaoTalk and arranging my meet-up with her twin sister. She canceled out meeting on Tuesday, as she had to work again. On Saturday, there were still 3 spots for the World Friends Music Festival open, which were now - that I knew I had time - gone. Like the title says.....screw you luck.
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