#also honestly that clean line american comic style that i try to emulate in my stuff
fungusamongus · 5 years
RE: art style
Since I was asked, may as well talk about it here, too.
Honestly this concept is entirely foreign to me because it didn't feel like training myself to draw a specific way. I just knew what I did and didn't like about art.
I mean, when I first started drawing as a kid, everything looked like really bad Powerpuff Girls or One Piece fanart. Big bulbous heads and little noodle bodies. If I still owned anything from before the age of 13, I'd totally share.
Personally I think what it comes down to is what you're trying to do with your drawing. The reason I liked manga/anime & cartoons was because of how dramatic and emotional it all was; the facial expressions and poses always pushed limits of exaggeration. Tone was easily conveyed with manga and anime versus like, some mainstream American comics that don't really experiment with "camera" angles & stuff. Anyway the point is I like messy emotional stuff so because of that, I think my style of drawing evolved around it.
Sometimes I'll try to emulate certain artists (via study) as an exercise and to learn about how/why they draw that way, why it works or why I like it. So through experimentation and education that sort of thing develops as well, I think.
Also, I am ALLERGIC to stiffness. Most likely that's why I tend to like my sketches over lineart- it always ends up stiff and lifeless! Part of that is skill, too. I mean @kisu-no-hi has incredibly clean lines, solid line weight, and their drawings have a unique, fluid movement to them. Movement is really important to me, and I want that to show at all times.
I guess being able to visualize what I want to say and what I want it to look like, subconsciously thinking about my influences- those things helped flesh out the way I draw today.
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OQ Prompt Party Day 1: “Miracles Can Happen”
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Here's my first entry for OQ Prompt Party, based on Prompt #4 – Manifest AU. And honestly, I've been working on this for quite some time. I've just never posted it so this seemed to be a good reason to do so. I hope to make this a multi-chaptered story but I hope you enjoy this first chapter for now!
Chapter 1: Flight 815
"So, you've had enough of your mother?"
Regina Mills sighed as she leaned back against the cushioned yet still uncomfortable chair, one of many that lined the area next to their gate. She leaned her laptop screen back so she could see her fiancé better, his blue eyes sparkling even as he tried not to smile. He had bet her that she would get frustrated and come home before the two weeks were up and she almost made it just to avoid seeing his smug smile.
"I tried, David," she told him and she had. She had tried to block out all her mother's micro-aggressions and biting comments, all her "helpful" suggestions about how Regina could be doing everything so much better. Regina had even tolerated it when her mother pulled out a book and tried to change everything about the wedding Regina and David were planning. She feared she was going to grind her teeth to dust from how tight her jaw was clenched but she almost made it the two weeks.
Until Mother started in on Henry, making him feel bad for his math scores and his love of comic books. Regina drew the line when it came to her son, which her parents knew. Her father had tried to reel her mother in but she would not be stopped. So Regina packed her and Henry up and was able to exchange their tickets for an earlier flight.
David nodded. "I know. But you did the right thing getting Henry out of there. How is he?"
She glanced over at her ten-years-old son, who was absorbed in his latest X-Men comic, before focusing back on David. "He's fine. He's a bit sad to be leaving his grandfather, so am I, but he's also happy to be heading home to his friends and you."
"Is that David?" Henry asked, looking up from his comic at last. His hazel eyes lit up and he smiled widely. "Can I talk to him?"
"Of course," she said, handing him her tablet.
He waved. "Hi, David! We're on our way home."
"I know," David replied cheerily. "I can't wait to see you two. And now you can come to that Yankees game with me."
Gasping, Henry looked up at her with wide eyes. "Can I, Mom?"
She chuckled. "Of course, you can. I love when you and David have these bonding days."
"Do you think I can get Jeter's autograph?" Henry asked David, turning his attention back to the screen.
"I don't know but we'll try," David told him.
They continued to chat about their trip to Yankee Stadium before David asked Henry to hand the tablet back over to her. He grinned as she took the device and she couldn't help but smile as well. "Sounds like you two are going to have a lot of fun."
"Do you want to come with us?" he asked. "Then all three of us can have a lot of fun together."
She scrunched up her nose. "A baseball game is not exactly my idea of fun. Maybe we can do something else all three of us will enjoy?"
David chuckled, nodding. "That sounds reasonable. I think there are some free concerts in the park coming up. I'll see if anyone good is performing."
"That sounds great," she said. "It'll be nice to have a relaxing night out before Henry has to go back to school."
He nodded before checking his watch, frowning. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I have to go. I need to get back out on patrol but I will be able to pick you two up from the airport with bells on."
"Please tell me you don't mean that literally," she said, wincing. It was something he would do because he was corny like that.
David grinned. "Maybe. You'll just have to find out."
She rolled her eyes. "You're lucky I love you, you know that, right?"
"I do," he assured her. "I love you too and I'll see you and Henry when you get home."
They ended the call and she powered down her laptop, knowing she was lucky to have David Nolan in her life. She also knew it was a bit cliche-he was a cop and she was a lawyer. Yet they didn't meet in the courtroom or because of some case. They met because of her son and David's selflessness.
She had signed up Henry up for a PAL basketball camp and David had been one of the officers volunteering to work with the children. He and Henry had developed a bond and she just had to meet the man who her son raved about each time he came home. She left work early one day and went to watch Henry's intramural game, cheering him on the entire time. When he scored the winning shot, she jumped up and yelled the loudest. It drew the attention of his coach, who looked right at her and smiled-making her stomach do flips like a teenage girl with a crush. It was at that moment she knew he was the David her son adored.
David was the living personification of the All-American boy. He was clean cut with neatly styled blond hair and bright blue eyes, not overly muscled but certainly in good shape from his job as a cop. There was something reassuring about the way he smiled and she felt safer knowing someone like him was patrolling the streets of New York. Henry happily made the introductions after the game and when David shook her hand, Regina felt an unmistakable pull toward him.
He was also a genuine good guy who had a sincere interest in her son. Regina had always worried about the lack of male role models in Henry's life, especially once her parents had moved to Florida, and was grateful he found someone he could look up to. She was even more grateful that David exemplified the very values she wanted Henry to emulate-kindness, selflessness, compassion, intelligence, hard-working, and humility. When the basketball season ended, she asked him to continue to serve as Henry's mentor and he happily agreed, much to Henry's joy as well.
As he continued to mentor her son, something wonderful happened. She and David fell in love. It started with them meeting every week to discuss how Henry was doing over coffee and evolved to dinners where they discussed everything but her son. He then started to invite her to events he thought she would enjoy and they planned outings for the three of them. After weeks of that, they shared a kiss at the Fourth of July with fireworks exploding around them-both literally and figuratively. With Henry's blessing, they became quite serious.
They dated for two years before he proposed to her, taking her and Henry on a picnic. As white clouds floated overhead and a beautiful spring breeze blew through the trees, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.
She said yes as she felt her face was going to crack from how hard she was smiling. Henry let out a whoop as she kissed David, sealing the engagement and cementing their new family.
Regina had long given up the hope that she would ever find someone other than her son that she wanted to spend her life with and finding David had almost been a miracle, not that she believed in those things. Still, she was grateful that he had entered her life. He had made hers and Henry's lives so much better.
Her heart full of love and her mood improved, she patted Henry's knee. "We have some time. Do you want to get something to eat?"
"Yeah!" he exclaimed, brightening up. "I'm starving."
She chuckled, knowing as a growing boy he was always hungry. Regina stood, pulling him up with her. "Grab the bags and let's go see what the food court has to offer."
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