#also i forgor to write this in the actual pic but hes VERY TALL
shimidraco · 2 months
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AUTO TIME!!!! i had a lot of fun figuring out how he would be put together!! feat. various design notes teehee ❤️❤️❤️
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dilfzshadow · 6 months
Probably not finishing the art so imma just post it 😅
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My sonic OC/sona thingy He's a little fucked up actually
He's really tall also I forgor to add it to the pic (a whole head higher than sonic)
OC info dump 👇
(The only thing I'm probably changing is his appearance)
Dusk: Two tailed ashy blue cat. Mixed Balenese and Siamese type. Tails are stacked not side by side. Can't use tails to fly. Under eye lighter blue markings. Ears, face, limbs, tails fade dark blue/ brownish. Eyes silver, glow green with chaos energy overflow or starting to phase out. Wears clothes actually! Usually buttoned over coat when O!dusk or spare cloths/rags (tends to leave chest area showing) Chest fur pattern is star like shape that dips down. (Big chest)
( Uses chest as opening to split. Just concentrates energy to chest to allow a more stable split)
Can't write and Barely read
His metal bracelets: made them himself from mechanical scraps. (Trash digger!!) Uses to stabilize his separation. Working to make it long lasting or permanent
Very naturally tech smart ! (Bullshits till it works never any plans lmao)
Learned he could separate on accident during sad attempt to end his life at a young age
Tested endlessly and found he could place bracelets on his left wrist and top tail for each split (D!Dusk) to hold a ring
Can't separate for long will start to painfully phase in and out mentally and physically.
His Chains: cursed artifact that binds him to the moon ? Cannot interact with other people/objects when the sun is out. When exposed to
the sun light the chains (usually around his ankles) will latch themsekfs to the earth rendering him unable to move till sun down, and invisible (ghost like) to any and everything.
Chains cursed to him at 5yrs (6 ??) By his village elder on request from his parents. Dusk was then quickly forgotten when his people traveled to different lands during the day.
Cannot destroy chains. Can only get rid of curse if given to someone else. Dusk too caring to do that to someone. He'll have them forever :((
Born only children are seen as bad omen by his people. children are usually born twins, only children are rare and usually murdered/abandoned
Still loved his parents and tried hard to make them like him.
Waits for his parents to come back, he tries his best to look presentable as to not disappoint them.again.
(Unaware to him, his parents split and had their own new families)
Hates himself for not being born a twin and doesn't think fondly of his tails (doesn't hate but doesn't like them)
Twist his tails to look like one.
Named himself after abandonment.
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