#also i gave trigger's friend group a makeover so now i definitely don't remember who is who
tardytothesimspardy ยท 8 months
Wasting Time
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Don't worry Mary Lu, you're not going to get his shoulders by running on the treadmill
At this point, the Brokes are all moved in together, and I was just waiting on Pumpkin, Ruby's cat, to die of old age, since it was just a matter of days before she did.
In this time, Trigger managed to create a friend group of like-minded Sims to do teenage shenanigans with, which I was happy about.
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Some of them acted less like they knew who Trigger was, and more like they saw a flyer reading "I want friends pls. Call number (###) ### ####", and wanted to see who would be so sad as to actual put something like that up.
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For the most part, they all seem to get along well.
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I would list their names but I genuinely do not remember whose name goes to who. I think there's Susan, Addylyn(?), Waylon, Jace? or some other J name, and then something else. Idk.
Outside of this, apparently now there are consequences for Vlad showing up unannounced to houses: Sims can get fears from it! And Skip just happened to be one of those Sims. Late at night, Skip woke with a start, absolutely terrified out of his mind. There wasn't a monster under his bed, there was a monster outside his house!! He raced over to Flo and babbled incoherently for a good 30 minutes before Flo was able to walk Skip back to his room and help him calm down.
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Skip is now afraid of the dark, so he is sure to go to bed early so that he never has to think about it. (He thinks about it constantly, he is so scared)
As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I was just waiting for Pumpkin to die. I was counting down the days, and all this death reminded me of another death: the untimely demise of Ali Warren. So I had Flo max out her gourmet cooking skill so she could make ambrosia to bring Ali back. She was cooking for hours, and now the fridge is stuffed to the brim with very fancy foods.
Finally though, she maxed it out, and got the potion of youth, the death flower, and the angelfish, and slapped down a plate of ambrosia. She invited Ali over, Ali ate it, and now she's not dead.
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So then I went into manage households, put Ali back with Shawna and Demi, and somehow, in that tiny little blink of time, Pumpkin died. So I don't have screenshots or anything, just a bunch of depressed Sims.
And seeing as the Broke family are now where I wanted them to be, it's time to move onto the Newbie's and the Simovitch's.
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