#also i sent you an ask so hopefully that makes it through. ik tumblr loves to eat asks.
omo-queer · 4 months
Hey! Just wondering how you've been doing, since next year's right around the corner! I know you said you'd be busy but I thought you might like a lil check-up. I hope you're doing okay in your life, and struggling along edge-wise ;) have a good day!
ah hello!! very glad to see you in my inbox—sorry i didn't get back to you on this one until so much later but i've been pretty much completely off my nsfw tumblr for most of december. mental health and creative stuff got... tricky. but i think things are pretty good going into the new year! probably going to wait a bit before doing any edging/denial longer than 48h again because toward the end it was messing with me in a negative way. december wasn't as bad in terms of absolute horniness bc i was either too busy or not in the right headspace to do all that much edging if i'm honest.
that said, i have gotten off plenty now that it's january, and it feels so good to be back to that. very relaxing to be able to just. come whenever i want. i'll probably be on a little less than i was in october/november but definitely intend to be around more than i was in december. i'll likely start holding from time to time again!
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wishful-soda · 2 years
⚠️!!SPOILERS TO ANYONE WHO HASN'T READ CHAPTER THIRTEEN OF "SPEAK OF THE DEVIL" (but if you haven't read it...what're you doing, go and read it!!)⚠️
OKAY THIS IS NOT A DRILL, CHAPTER 13 IS UP!! Literally I was in english class and the notification popped up and I sent the screenshot to my bestie like "AAAAHHH HERE IT IS!!!" she was very excited for me 😌
Ms. Soda, bestie, bro, dear...buckle up cause we gotta talk about this (all good things, I promise!)
But before I get into it, did tumblr eat my ask again?? I sent one uhhh two days ago I think...did it just not show up? this is so sad! 😭
Anyway! here we go...
Thank GOD that the reader said "charlie" earlier after leaving Danny's room bc...it just makes things make so much more sense. Did you plan that or was it just a happy accident?
The whole breakfast scene was so like "is Maxy gonna sus them out??" to "awww, theyre like a couple and she can't have this with Danny bc nobody supports ittttt" to general wholesomeness and fluff. I loved it so much!
I love love love LOVE the thought that Daniel is late so often that people tell him to get to places half an hour early hahahah! Some family friends of ours are usually told to get to an event two hours early because they're fashionably late...*always*. but we love 'em for it.
DANIEL! DON'T LEAVE YOUR PHONE! YOU LOVABLE DORKY BEAUTIFUL IDIOT WHYYYYYY. I face palm. I love him, but he's so....ugh, ya know??
"Max laughed, shaking his head like whatever it was a doozy. " boy...if only he knewwwww!!! It was. And he would've known about it if hE REMEMBERED HIS GODDAMN PHONE. It's so daniel-core to be a complete grownass man child. (God these sound so mean, I swear i love him 😂)
It's also just the best thing that he's too busy ogling the reader to even notice Charles' presence. my guy. keep your dick calm please and thank you<3
I must say, when you wrote about him standing outside the restroom with his arms crossed and hands in fists I could only imagine like...a child in a temper tantrum trying not to explode. which is just perfect for him. on the one hand, I live and breathe for the miscommunication trope between two characters, on the other hand I just wanna smack them upside the head like "what're you thinking??" and I must thank you for evoking this emotion out of me.
But then Charles comes up all concerned! he truly is baby and i love him. He's all innocent and just playing along. Except for that smirk when they're at the table. I love it! (and later when he knows what daniel means with the cheesecake comment 👀)
Charles, Charles, Charles....that jealousy comment? I was fully expecting fisticuffs from Daniel. And I mean we got pretty closeeee
...okay i'm just gonna say it now....thank god for tablecloths because what fun would we have without them 😏
Ms. Soda,
I nearly started squealing when I noticed that the chapter was over. Thank you for this masterpiece and I can't wait for the next one!(hopefully no migraine bc Ik that sucked for you)
Sincerely, 💜
P.S. this was an amazing read, thank you for pushing through and getting it to us ASAP, it means a lot to us<3
I so appreciate the spoiler warning, that is wonderful. 🤣 Also I love that you told your best friend, I'm so flattered! I don't have another ask from you from a few days ago, no! 😭
I did plan the 'Charlie' incident! Our reader didn't plan it however, it was a happy accident in her world!
I have no idea why but I just get that vibe from Daniel, that he's one of those dudes who is always late. Maybe I'm just projecting that on to him, but I just feel it okay 😅 Also; TWO HOURS?! that's next level late, what a life they're living.
Literally the entire situation could have be avoided if the idiot remembered his phone. I love him but omfg he really is walnut sometimes.
I feel like the chaos is just next level in this chapter and I stg I didn't plan it that way when I started it, it just got outta control which is the vibe of the chapter so full circle?
Also Charles just slid into the role so well and was so precious and I didn't even expect that, but I'm digging it.
I'm so thrilled that you loved it and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate this download of thoughts, I live for asks like this and they just make my day. THANK YOU. ILY BBY!!!! 🥰
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