#also introducting katya and emma
aethelar · 5 years
Ok... so Newt, newt with the ukranian iron bellies during the war. These dragons he says are his, because he is mummy and he will fight anyone who says other wise. Umm but what about that white haired lady, the one with lavender eyes and who literally calls herself "the mother of dragons". Now what, because that sounds like a fight waiting to happen.... and the dragons themselves how do they take it seeing another human with dragons no less??
Presenting: that single parent!AU where the dragons go to the same kindergarten and throw down with each other round the sand pit, while Newt and Dany are the oblivious mothers who think their kids get on really well and have no idea they’re raising mortal enemies.
Dany is a lawyer. She specialises in abuse victims and teaches her kids to Take No Shit From Anyone, Young Dragon, but also Don’t Eat People It’s Rude. Drogo excels at the former. The latter is a work in progress. Dany reminds herself that she isn’t tempted to send her kids after the smarmy assholes that get off without conviction because she’s a Good Parent and child labour is bad.
Newt is an author. He lives above his secondhand bookstore and has too many cats. And stick insects. One dog. A canary. There’re some hedgehogs in the garden. Also fish. Occasionally, a moose. He says he teaches his kids to be Good Law Abiding Citizens but he actually teaches his kids to Always Do The Right Thing, Even If The Law Says Not To. (Look, Newt has passionate views about conservation and animal testing, also liberating people of illegally imported exotic pets and smuggling them back to their proper environment. He’s a busy man, he hasn’t got time to follow the rules.)
“My Mummy,” Katya declares, “says the law is bollocks.” Katya is a Ukranian Ironbelly, she’s silver-white with red eyes, she’s delightful, she also eavesdrops on conversations she shouldn’t eavesdrop on and hoards swearwords.
“My Mummy,” Drogon returns, “says people who break the law are scum and deserve to be shot.” Drogon is not, at this point in life, quite sure what being ‘shot’ entails but he thinks it has something to do with vaccinations and doctors, and also giant sewing needles.
Emma attempts to stab him with her tail. Emma misses. Emma stabs Rhaegal with her tail, which is a mistake, because Rhaegal starts to cry. In fairness to Rhaegal, Emma is a Hungarian Horntail and her tail is both sharp and spiky, and also wicked fast and poorly aimed.
Viserion, the excellent lawyer in training that he is, attempts to bring a prosecution case against Emma. Katya, the excellent pragmatist and law-ignorer in training that she is, buys Rhaegal’s silence with a slightly squashed peanut butter cookie.
“Only if you let us play with your dog,” Rhaegal decides.
“They’re the enemy,” Drogon hisses. “You’re con-snorting.”
“And get your mum to take us to the cinema next week and we get to pick what we watch,” Viserion adds.
“Ooooh,” Drogon concedes. “Yes, that.” Dany had Ideas about the sort of things suitable for young and impressionable dragons to watch. Newt did too, but Newt was a pushover and could be persuaded by a rousing speech against censorship.
Emma and Katya confer. “We want to watch Spiderman,” Emma says.
“Obviously,” Rhaegal agrees.
The deal is struck. They shake on it. The agreed-on play time with the dog is scheduled for that afternoon, directly after school. Newt, it’s decided, will make chicken pot-pie and cake for dinner.
“Because our Mummy makes the best pie,” Katya says proudly.
All three of the Dothraki kids bristle at that. Emma hoists her tail in preparation. If the end of lunch bell hadn’t rung, who knows what fearsome battle could have occurred.
(”Mummy,” Emma says that afternoon when Newt collects his two girls from school and finds three boys tagging along. “We’re having cake for dinner. Mrs Dany can come too if she likes.”
“Ah?” Newt asks, blinking at Dany. She raises an eyebrow back at him and turns to Viserion for an explanation. He’s usually the one with the answers.
“We settled out of court,” Viserion provides, chest puffed up in pride.
“Which means we won,” Drogon adds, just to be clear, because that’s what he thinks happened but it doesn’t hurt to double check.
“It does not!” Katya retorts hotly, wings flared and ready to go.
“Ah,” Newt says, and with a vaguely distracted smile at Dany he fishes out his phone. He hopes Jacob’s is still open because apparently he needs cake.)
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