#also shoutout for my brother for helping me compose my thoughts into something readable
kidvoodoo · 27 days
Okay I am caught up on the situation and am much calmer now. I do not forgive the three people who sent me anonymous death threats. I have an idea who at least one is and have blocked them since it is the only thing I can really do.
As for my thoughts:
I have mentioned before that I do not watch Eurovision this year and have only seen acts from last year, not the program in its entirety. I was unaware of what was occurring and was attacked in my inbox because I have posted Käärijä fan art. The art in question was several days before the event even happened.
That being said, I will not remove my artwork from my blog. It is my Art Gallery and the collection of my many pieces throughout the year. I will not be bullied to take it down.
I will continue to make fan art.
I do not approve of what Kä has done in regards to the Eurovision 2024 contest. I understand why he did attend and also why he made an Instagram post saying he was done with Eurovision. I don’t think he should have attended but it’s too late to take that back, unfortunately.
I think it was good he said “no war” at the end of his performance for the final (semifinal?). I think a lot of people wanted him say more, in the few moments he was able to say something, that is what came out. If he had tried to say more they would have cut the feed away from him, and they clearly are mad that he even did that because they won’t post the performance. They have done the same thing with another performer who had a symbol of Palestine Support with him. It is clear that the people who run the show are not good people for silencing people showing their support for a nation under attack. It is hypocritical they have acted supportive of Ukraine in the midst of the war but not with Palestine during the genocide. Was it enough of a statement? I don’t think so. Was it all he was able to manage that exact moment? I think so.
In regards to the video of Kä and the Israeli performer, it was bad that he did that. I don’t think it was entirely a mistake, nor do I think it was intentional. I think again in the moment he simply wasn’t thinking correctly. I don’t forgive him for that, and the statement he made on Instagram was not very good. If it was true he asked for the video to be removed and it wasn’t, that is bad too. It never should have happened and it’s a sad situation.
All of that brings me to my conclusion. I am sad and disappointed. I am also very aware of how bad of a situation it is now thanks to some kind people filling me in and providing sources. Thank you my friends 💜
I will take a break I think, let things evolve how they will. My brother and I have donated a sum $400 US dollars to UNICEF USA for aid for children. In a country where my very tax dollars are used to fund a genocide, it feels like a sad drop in a bucket, but it is all I can manage being on fixed income and disabled. I will attempt to do another donation at some point when I have the money.
I feel like this situation is bad in every direction. I personally still want to listen to Käärijä’s music and draw pictures. I want to read people’s fanfics and see their posts too. I am brought happiness by the kind people and by Käärijä as well, so I will continue to enjoy.
I hope that Käärijä does address the situation at some point in a more supportive and thoughtful way. I wonder how much he will have to do to gain back people’s trust. Sometimes it’s best to just let go, even if it’s hard.
If you are reading this and do not approve of my personal opinion, please do not send me death threats or harassments. I understand if you want to unfollow and block me, and I have no quarrel with you.
If you are reading this and are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and do not approve of my decision, i understand and apologize. Please do not send me hate messages or harassments.
If you are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and still wants to be friends, I am happy to hear that 💜 maybe we can all try and start a donation campaign together for more aid for Palestine. I know money is a difficult thing these days for a lot of people so please don’t feel guilty for not having g any to give.
I am sorry this is a very long post and if I am taking up too much space in the Käärijä tag, I simply wanted to address my feelings about the entire situation.
Thank you friends for reading, I hope your mind and hearts can heal and you can find joy in whatever you love again 💜💜💜
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