#also thanks for the xkit tip but now im too lazy to mass tag
choupichoups · 5 years
i know nearly nothing about harry potter even tho i’ve seen most of the movies (& i’m starting to read the books now) but here is where i stand: eliott is a ravenclaw & lucas is a slytherin
Anonymous said: Lucas is 100% a slytherin idc what anyone else says. Elliot I see being a ravenclaw with some traits of other houses.
Anonymous said: I’m here to say that people seems to think that only gryffindors can be brave, and let me say, yall are absolutely wrong. Slytherins (or any other house for that matter) can be just as brave, the difference is that slytherins either do it for themselves or for loved ones mostly (uh, doesn’t it sound like Lulu, hello?) while gryffindors do it “for the general good” or whatever. And more: his angry side is much more slytherin-like since he is petty af.
Anonymous said: eliott can be both gryff or ravenclaw! tho i see him more as a ravenclaw, idk its more fitting to me but i cant explain why :/ if i had to chose (like everyone does right now apparently) id say ravenclaw but gryff sounds okay too
Anonymous said: eliott is gryffindor and lucas is slytherin and we can still get our forbidden relationship there debate is over 😎
Anonymous said: lucas is a Slytherin but also a parsel tongue, he can communicate with Brian, Elliott’s (raven claw) pet snake. regardless, lucas = slytherin
goblincowboy said: not to go on and on with house shit, but all Isaks are slytherins, whether they have a second sub-house besides that or not, to some degree, they’re all snakes
Anonymous said: Okay, at first I thought Lucas was a Gryffindor, but I’ve just re-watched the first episode, and you’re right Lucas “Look, in front of you, four girls and if you want something to drink, there’s orange juice” Lallemant is 100% a Slytherin.
ghostlovesc0re said: Nah, Lulu is completely a Slytherin (with a Hufflepuff bestie) and Eliott is a Ravenclaw without any chill #twocents
lajlaxx said: As a daaamn potterhead freak & sad SKAM clown I’m gonna end THE discussion: Eliott- Ravenclaw, Lucas - Slytherin EXCLAMATION POINT! Thank you, the end. (& btw I love your writing, your tumblr and I ALWAYS checking your tags, you are the best with it haha)
Anonymous said: Lulu is a slytherin and Eliott is a ravenclaw. I said what I said.
Anonymous said: @ your last anon, a HUFFLEPUFF would never miss class and be very dedicated to their studies, missing class because there are more interesting things they could be doing/the course content bores them is classic ravenclaw behaviour (also my boy eliott is a lot of things but subtle isnt one of them)
Anonymous said: Hufflepuff = loyalty, I love Eliott, but he cheated on his girlfriend and had literally no regrets lol
lulusonebluejacket said: I forgot where I read it, but someone once said you get sorted by the trait that you value most, so yes, I think Lucas might not be sorted in Gryffindor even if he is brave. His desire for self-preservation alone can put him in Slytherin, same goes for Eliott even if he is a 100% nerd and one of the most creative. Also, Brian is named Ned? SIGN ME UP MEC. I’m sobbing, I’m excited to meet Ned.
Anonymous said: I don’t care which house Lulu is in but Eliott is a Ravenclaw. He draws, makes video and creates a puzzle out of his IG? His IG are literally symbols and codes of his thoughts? It’s not about being nerds (!!!) it’s about being original and always seeking for novelty.
Anonymous said: so lucas is clearly slytherin but since eliott is such a clear gryffindor and ravenclaw, I think it comes down to what house he would want to be in (I vaguely recall the sorting hat taking that into consideration) which I think would probably be ravenclaw bc he would be interested in the creativity aspect and open mindedness (maybe he thinks his bipolar would be more accepted there) (if he is still bipolar) (also I think xkit has a mass tag editor extension)
Lucas is a Slytherin and Eliott is a Ravenclaw/Gryffindor and that’s that 
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