#also the not at all subtle plot twist is that javier already knows
lloydfrontera · 2 years
i am being haunted by a kimi no na wa (your name) au with suho and og!lloyd where they keep swapping bodies and have been doing it for years.
like maybe they start doing it when they're kids and by some miracle they manage to keep it... mostly a secret. meaning no one actually really knows what's going but their families are aware something strange is going on with them. but because both refuse to say anything they can't actually do anything about it?
and after the initial freak out (because there would be a massive freak out by both of them they’re kids of course they’d freak out) they start comunicating in little hidden notes, maybe eventually a journal they keep on themselves at all time, so they can go on with the other’s life as naturally as possible when they swap.
but of course as the years pass, its not longer the other’s life, it just their lifes. after all its a constant switch, every few days suho has to live as lloyd and lloyd as suho, so the distinction gets more and more blurry with each swap. they’re still separate people obviously. they just happen to share bodies, names, parents, friends, home, etc. y’know, normal.
(read more because this got really long)
og!lloyd is still sort of an asshole because no amount of good parenting or not can change if someone is deeply unsatisfied with their life and chooses to take it out on everyone around them. but being able to go to seoul and experiment a world so different from his does soften him up quite a bit. also having to actually take responsability of something as he does while having to live suho’s life, eg, going to school, doing the military service, helping their parents with the bills whenever he could, does much to shape him up as a decent person.
he’s still rude and moody but he’s no longer abusive to julien and the staff and he and javier are in,,, not especially good terms, but also don’t outright despise each other. the only weird thing is that people seem to assume they’re friends? despite them basically ignoring each other pretty much always? it’s only mildly annoying so lloyd doesn’t pay much attention to it.
and suho gets to go to a place that’s pretty much out of a fantasy book (which,,,, little does he know) where he gets to learn something that’s basically magic, a little brother who adores when his big brother pays him attention, and two more parents that care so much for him and are so enthusiastic about everything he tries out.
also he gets to spend time with javier who’s really cool even if he’s a bit younger than suho and he thinks they’re friends, because javier always smiles when he calls out to him and they spent a lot of time together which is nice because he doesn’t have a lot of friends back in seoul.
of course everything starts going downhill when suho’s parents get in debt. things start getting a bit tense between lloyd and suho because they sorta blame each other for not looking out for their parents but ultimately they agree they’ll just have to do better at school and maybe look for a part time job to help out.
and then their parents die.
and they’re both just absolutely devastated. lloyd especially because he was in korea when it happened, he was right there and he couldn’t stop it and he’s all alone and he’s going to have to tell suho with a fucking note that their parents died and he won’t even be able to comfort him because they’re a dimension apart.
it’s really rough.
and back in the frontera estate, everyone knows something is wrong, because the young master looks like someone died and either looks on the verge of tears or like he will start tearing everything apart. and their family tries their best to comfort them but it's hard to comfort someone when they don’t even know what happened (and they won’t say anything because what could they even say how do they even start explaining what they’ve been doing for almost a decade now how much they’ve lied how much they’ve hidden and they both agree its not the right moment)
and javier keeps looking at lloyd with something that is probably compassion but it feels too much like pity for him to handle and he wants to scream and yell at him until he goes away but settles on locking himself in his room for the rest of the day.
and when suho comes out the next morning, javier takes a look at him and just opens his arms, letting suho walk into them and hug him as long as he wants.
but time passes and things keep getting worse and worse for them back in seoul and because of it lloyd starts drinking when he’s in lorasia and it causes massive tension between him and suho, until it gets to the point that suho straight up asks javier to stop “him” the next time he sees “him” going for a drink. and despite being prepared to avoid all the awkward questions that’d probably get him, javier just stares at him for a moment before agreeing. so lloyd finally agrees to cut back from drinking as much, partially because their grades had started slipping because of him and part of him just refuses to give up on everything they had worked on for so long even if at times it feels useless.
and then their family gets in debt.
it’s all they can do to not have a massive freak out.
they’re both panicking because this feels way to reminiscent of what happened to their parents in seoul so they’re just a mass of nerves and anxiousness the entire time.
finally one day, lloyd can’t handle it anymore and sneaks out to go for a drink to the local pub.
and meanwhile suho tries to distract himself in their shitty goshiwon by reading a novel he found online and that caught his attention because the protagonist sort of looked like javier.
and then the real plot begins lmao
#the greatest estate developer#lloyd frontera#og lloyd frontera#kim suho#tged#afterwards it'll would be more or less the same? except they would keep swapping at really incovinient times aksjdklfsa#so it'd be like: one of them is in the middle of a really important fight or event. black out for a second. and then they're back in seoul.#and they have to wait days to know if the other managed to catch up in time to. y'know. not die and save the future of their family.#it's nervewracking for everyone involved#also the not at all subtle plot twist is that javier already knows#he's know since they were kids#he probably found their journal by accident and learned the truth#so now he only has to hear one word from either of them to know which one is it#he doesn't feel anything particularly strong about lloyd but he really likes suho#julien picks up on how javier acts and while he doesn't fully understand whats going on he pays attention so he knows when its safe to#approach his older brother because he also likes spending time with suho (who as an only child is thrilled to get a baby brother without#actually having to go through the baby stage lmao)#so because of all the changes in their personalities they don't struggle so much with their reputation and don't have to act like a thug#most of the time. they are still assholes tho asdjkadskl#just not complete hooligans#and finally we would skip [SPOILERS] the whole bit about lloyd being in hell and everything#oh and of course when they go to seoul they would absolutely go for whoever was stuck in there and bring him back with them#finally deciding to come clean with everyone about what was happening not so much because they want to#but because they simply dislike the idea of one of them being in seoul in their miserable life even more#so that's how the frontera family get a whole new son except they already had him he just needed a body of his own in this dimension#this got soooooooo long oh my god ajksdka#i talk a lot <3#kimi no na wa au#javier asrahan
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 5 February 2018
Quick Bits:
Armstrong & The Vault of Spirits is a fun one-shot that uses Aram’s collection of wine to weave together the “true story” of Noah, the emergence of a previously unknown arch-nemesis, the secrets societies that continue to plague Archer & Armstrong, and the often hidden emotional connection that Armstrong has with his family. It’s really nice to see Fred Van Lente back chronicling these characters, even if just for one special right now.
| Published by Valiant
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Avengers #679 tags in Kim Jacinto for art duties, appearing to be up to the challenge laid out by Pepe Larraz in quality of work on this book. We get the stakes of the match here between the Grandmaster and the Challenger, of whom we also get a history, and it manages to make all of the destruction and battles seem like mere whims of these members of the Elders of the universe. I suspect when discovered, this isn’t going to sit well with the Avengers. As only part five, this also makes me wonder what else Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub have up their sleeves.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Bolt #10 has a brief crossover segment with Inhumans: Judgment Day, illustrated by guest-artist Stephanie Hans. It’s beautiful, and an interesting way to work in the events of the broader Inhumans saga into the current arc in this series. I like how Saladin Ahmed handles Lash’s plan to advance all of the interwoven spinning plates.
| Published by Marvel
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Coyotes #4 closes out the first arc along the theme of upheaval. There are some interesting parallels put forward in the Duchess and Red’s situations, as well as the comeuppance against the coyotes who have been hunting women. As usual, Caitlin Yarsky’s art elevates everything. I highly recommend picking up these issues or pre-ordering the collection for April; Sean Lewis and Yarsky did something great here.
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Extremity #11 is the penultimate issue of the series as the final battle is enjoined. Daniel Warren Johnson mainly focuses here on the action and as usual the artwork is gorgeous. I’m going to really miss this series when it’s done.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Giant Days #35 somewhat skirts the issue of the fallout of Ed’s admission of love to Esther last issue for now, instead following on a visiting Sarah and Lottie Grote. It’s funny seeing Daisy and Susan trying to look after a kid, plus the interesting development that Daisy may finally be cluing in that Ingrid is absolutely horrible.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Boom! Box 
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Incognegro: Renaissance #1 kicks off a new mystery with the death of a black author at a literary shindig, with the police appearing completely disinterested in the case completely. Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece deliver an interesting start.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1 acts as a bridge between Guardians of the Galaxy #150 and, as well as a primer for, Infinity Countdown: Prime. Adam Warlock has been reborn and this issue gives us a summary of Warlock’s history and teases what’s to come at the end of time, as he enters into an uneasy alliance with Kang the Conqueror. A lot of this issue has Gerry Duggan recapping events and foreshadowing what’s to come, but it is highly elevated by the art of Mike and Laura Allred. 
| Published by Marvel
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Koshchei the Deathless #2 continues to be a fun and exciting fable of Koshchei telling Hellboy his story. Mike Mignola does a great job of including some subtle humour into the telling, along with the absurdity of some of the Russian folktales (or the like), and Ben Stenbeck (with Dave Stewart’s colours) is again phenomenal.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Mech Cadet Yu #6 has the kids face off against baby Sharg and it’s all kinds of awesome.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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No. 1 With a Bullet #4 finds new and inventive ways to ruin Nash’s life further, with weirdness continuing and lies emerging to cast her as a willing participant in her sex tape.
| Published by Image
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Noble #9 is a kind of coda to the first two arcs, allowing David and Astrid a bit of quiet time and reflection before tackling the next stage in their lives. It’s interesting in their dealings with Foresight and Lorena Payan here that even when they manage to get somewhat free, Payan has to remind them that even their personal lives are still under observation.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #4 amps up the action in this penultimate issue of the series. Christopher Mitten (with colours by Dave Stewart) is on fire this issue.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Rogue & Gambit #2 reminds me again that I don’t like Rogue and Gambit as a couple, something about them together just seems like nails on a chalkboard at this point, but I do like Kelly Thompson writing about them. There’s a nice mix of humour, action, and history that keeps this flowing nicely. It also helps that the art from Pere Pérez with colours by Frank D’Armata is amazing.
| Published by Marvel
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Rose #8 gives a bit of history on Drucilla, with Felix giving excuses for why she’s grown into a selfish, evil monstrosity. It’s interesting to see the lengths we’ll go to in order to explain away bad behaviour of family members. Ig Guara, with colours by Triona Farrell, also deserves more attention.  Their art on this series since day one has been impeccable. 
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Scarlett’s Strike Force #2 advances many of the story threads in an interesting fashion, particularly Skywarp’s disillusionment with the Joe’s in fixing his teleportation and the burgeoning mystical aspect to Cobra. There’s also a humorous exchange between Raptor and Croc Master.
| Published by IDW
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Spirits of Vengeance #5 concludes what was an unexpected, but excellent, mini-series from Victor Gischler, David Baldeón, and Andres Mossa. It was a nice mix of humour, action, and gorgeous art playing with some of Marvel’s lately underutilized supernatural characters. I know that they’ll likely reappear during the upcoming Damnation event, but I’d definitely like to see more from this creative team.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars #43 brings the “Ashes of Jedha” arc to a close with a surprising twist. Also, some great art again by Salvador Larroca and Guru-eFX.
| Published by Marvel
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TMNT Universe #19 begins a new arc “Service Animals” by Ian Flynn, Dave Wachter, and Ronda Pattison, as a well as a prelude for the upcoming Kingdom of Rats storyline in the main book, by Bobby Curnow and Pablo Tunica. It’s always great to see Wachter’s art, especially with how expressive his turns at Alopex are here.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers: Lost Light #14 is mostly a Scavengers story, but unlike most of them, this one is no light-hearted romp. Like the recent Getaway arc, this gets pretty serious and pretty dark.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers vs. Visionaries #2 gets into more of the internecine warfare and skirmishes between the factions of the Visionaries themselves as the Darkling Lords and the Spectral Knights battle for the soul and honour of their people. I like what Magdalene Visaggio is setting up here and Fico Ossio’s artwork, with colours by David Garcia Cruz, is beautiful.
| Published by IDW
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Twisted Romance #1 is off to a good start. This issue has a trio of tales that largely mix horror/supernatural with love/sex/romance. The highlight for me is Sarah Horrocks’ piece that reminds me of the existential eroticism of Clive Barker’s work, but all three are worth the price of admission. Alex de Campi and Katie Skelly’s story is a bit of revenge on a cheating partner’s lover with a confrontation between an incubus and a succubus, while Magen Cubed delivers a sweet prose story of a monster hunter and the vampire who loves him.
| Published by Image
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Venom #161 has some truly excellent artwork from Javier Garrón (with colours by Dono Sánchez-Almara and Erick Arciniega) as Mike Costa pens a done-in-one story advancing some of the series’ sub-plots while giving a fitting confrontation between Venom and Spider-Woman. With this issue sandwiched between two crossovers (the just finished Venom Inc. on one side and Poison-X on the other) it’s nice to see how the team make this wholly satisfying on its own.
| Published by Marvel
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Vs. #1 debuts with gorgeous artwork by Esad Ribić and Nic Klein, perfectly capturing turning war into a commercialized sport. Along with the lettering from Aditya Bidikar and graphics by Tom Muller, it manages to have a nice European, particularly Humanoids, feel to it, despite not being particularly over the top.
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The Wicked + The Divine 1923 is quite possibly the greatest issue of this already magnificent series, and a must buy for the people who may have otherwise been missing out on the tangential one-shots. This one is meaty with story and purpose as Kieron Gillen and Aud Koch blend prose and comics, along with conventions of pulp mysteries, silent film, and more to create a ritual that helped shape the rest of the 20th century as a kind of prelude to the main WicDiv series. This is a thing of beauty.
| Published by Image
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Witchblade #3 goes deeper on both Alex’s history and the mystery of the supernatural stuff going on around her. I may sound like a broken record, but again I have to commend Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, and Bryan Valenza for this series, because it’s got a great story and beautiful artwork.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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X-Men Red #1 is off to a pretty good start. The artwork from Mahmud Asrar with colours by Ive Svorcina are a real draw, as is the return of Jean Grey to the X-Men, but the breakout star is still Tom Taylor’s characterizations. Particularly of Honey Badger.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: 30 Days of Night #3, Amazing Spider-Man #795, The Backstagers 2018 Valentine’s Intermission #1, Black Comix Returns, The Damned #8, Daredevil #598, Dejah Thoris #1, Get Naked, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #3, The Gravediggers Union #4, Half Past Danger II: Dead to Reichs #5, Hawkeye #15, Iron Fist #77, Jazz Maynard #7, Legenderry: Red Sonja #1, Monstro Mechanica #3, Paper Girls #20, Rock Candy Mountain #8, Runaways #6, Scales & Scoundrels #6, She-Hulk #162, Spider-Man #237, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #27, Tomb Raider: Survivor’s Crusade #3
Recommended Collections: Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide, Backstagers - Volume 2, Clue, Incognegro, Inhumans: Once & Future Kings, Scales & Scoundrels - Volume 1: Into the Dragon’s Maw, Secret Weapons Deluxe Edition, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra - Volume 2: Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit, TMNT - Volume 18: Trial of Krang, Transformers/GI Joe: First Strike, Transformers/GI Joe: First Strike - Champions
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d. emerson eddy believes that you shouldn’t be the problem, be the solution.
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