#altough he did omit some arguably important details of his story
another-goblin · 30 days
SPOILERS for 2.2 and Aventurine's message
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So his stone was completely destroyed, and the IPC knows about it. I've also got the feeling that he wanted to free himself from the IPC. So why, at the end of 2.2, does he act as if most of 2.1 didn't happen? I mean, why would he expect a rise from Diamond? He clearly still has full support of the IPC too.
Can you even be Aventurine the Stoneheart without aventurine the stone? Is Diamond going to give him a new one? 
I hope he's up to something. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.
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I'm also a bit confused about this. Didn't it all happen exactly according to his plan? How was it foiled?
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