#am i....am i a...Kulturbanause?? ohno
lineffability ยท 5 months
7, 14, and 27 for the ask game!
your favourite board game
hmmmm this is tough because my immediate sentiment when i hear the word board game is intense dread bc my one sibling loooved board games as a kid (esp monopoly) and he ALWAYS wanted to play it and ofc it's a game that takes forEVER and everyone always suffered and then to top it off i almost always LOST so WHO needs board games anyway!!!! huh!!
an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing
fandom wise probably? not to be a simp on main but every time @chernozemm posts art i prepapre to have my heart and brain blazed off into space - i won't even speak of content here but i am SO weak for this kind of...soft linework? and the colours....the faces and expressions.... when it comes to art i love i definitely have a Type (TM) and it is theirs
your favourite flavour and brand of tea
i am a SUCKER for english breakfast tea with milk, but lately i've been drinking a lot of Brennessel tea (nettles?) and then there's the evergreen and loyal chamomile (best loose whole dried flowers!! makes such a taste difference mhhh and honey! i normally drink my tea unsweetened but chamomile always gets honey)
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