#and EVERYONE is making constant jokes in reference to this text like 'ohhh like the alcoholic i am *wink wink* im gonna have another beer'
girl-bateman · 1 month
Gaslighting, my old friend, I'll fall for you every single time <3
#i have known my dad is an alcoholic since i was literally 4 and my mom told me thats the reason she divorced him#ive been to COA support group twice in my life. i have the horrible personal anecdotes. i have the constant anxiety.#and still !!! with the right amount of ridicule in the right setting ill question everything#a spiral of misery and self doubt and paranoia etc etc#for context: im on a vacay with my dad and sis and his childhood friends#and i published a short nonfiction story where i talk about how isolating it can be when your parent is an addict#and EVERYONE is making constant jokes in reference to this text like 'ohhh like the alcoholic i am *wink wink* im gonna have another beer'#several times a day. and ive just not been saying anything abt it bc i feel guilty abt 'exposing' my dad even tho isnt not even a secret#but seeing as my sister is never on my side abt this and that his friends are obviously on his side i feel like the loneliness girl on earth#and tbh there rly isnt any sides to this bc addiction is just a horrible fucking disease for everyone involved#but he makes it into this awful game where i always come out the loser bc im just a kid and i cant make anyone believe me#im not a kid. obviously. but thats what this feels like. like im the little kid with silly stories no one believes#and the worst part is i wrote the text trying to reclaim what has been a lifetime of centering HIM and his addiction into everything i do#trying to protect him and his dignity#and this was my trying to reclaim my life and talk about how IM affected for once#but once again he ends up being the centre of conversation of my text. which. btw is about a lot more than my dad
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heirloommtomatoes · 4 years
don’t read the last page but i stay
Mickey and Ian go on another lunch date :) Just some quick super simple fluff! Literally nothing at all happens in this other then a cute date. These boys deserve nothing but sweet domesticity forever and ever, thanks.
Word Count: 2.3k~
Mickey picks Ian up from his afternoon shifts whenever they can cram it into their schedule. Do they live together? Sure. Did they get out of prison barely a year ago where their combined shared space was half the size of their Gallagher house bedroom? Sure. Do they still try to spend almost every waking moment together? Absolutely.
Ian’s schedule as an EMT, as sporadic as it has the potential to be, has fallen into a steady routine the past few months. Since Debbie’s arrest, Lip moving out, and the increased responsibility in the Gallagher house, Rita makes sure that every Friday Ian hands his shift over by 5pm. Mickey was promoted at his work — a promotion that warranted his first real Gallagher party a few months back — and is working steadily at the mall as the general security manager.
Ian’s laughing with the new members of his team over some pictures of their kids from last weekend when his phone buzzes. He slides it half-way out of his pocket to look at the screen:
Mick: hey dipshit I took a photo of me waiting for you
Mick: Attachment: 1 Image
Ian swipes on the message and unlocks his phone. The photo is of a mummified, presumably ancient corpse sitting cross-legged on a ridge, probably out of some National Geographic article he’d found while scrolling endlessly through random news pages while waiting for him. He stifles a laugh as he types his response.
Ian: 🖕
Ian: be out in a sec
Mick: 🖕
“That your husband?” Samantha, a younger EMT fresh out of training, nods toward his phone.
“Yeah,” Ian responds as he slips his phone back into his pocket, “Meeting him for dinner and drinks.”
Rita looks over her shoulder from where she’s rummaging around her locker. Ian expects her to make some witty remark at his expense as per usual, but instead: “You got the best relationship record outta any of us here, Gallagher,” she says with a self-deprecating laugh.
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs, “Eleven years, a bipolar diagnosis, and several prison stints seems to be the trick.”
He doesn’t mean to really joke about it; if what they went through together doesn’t count as some seriously real shit, he’s terrified to think of what does. But if he can’t make light of it now and then, if he can’t at least try to ponder the distance between then and now and look back at how far they’ve come and laugh at the simple joy of it all, then what the hell else is he supposed to do?
Laughs ripple around the locker room as Ian raises an warm to wave goodbye to everyone, overlapping “Bye Ian!”s and “Have a good weekend”s following him out.
Ian emerges from the garage, shrugging off his EMT jacket in the mid-afternoon summer sun in a way that makes Mickey’s heart flutter in his chest. He carries it loosely in a hand at his side.
“Bout time, Gallagher,” Mickey says to him with a grin. He’s been smiling a lot these days, he thinks; not that that’s anything new around Ian. He’s been making him smile since he was seventeen.
“Hey,” Ian responds easily, throwing an arm around his shoulders and planting a kiss to his cheek. A blush creeps up Mickey’s face and he grins at the ground as they walk. Ian starts babbling about the kid who broke his arm on the monkey bars and an older woman who fell down her stairs and Mickey listens, butting in for the odd comment or exclamation here and there as they make their way down the block to Boystown. It’s become their once-a-month Friday evening tradition. Mickey picks him up from work, they fill each other in on their days as they walk, they grab dinner and drinks either at one of their favourite spots in Boystown if they’re feeling like they want their own little escape, or at The Alibi if they feel like keeping it close to home. Today is too beautiful of a day to not make use of the clean outdoor patios the bars in Boystown can provide.
Mickey recounts his day when Ian’s done and maybe it doesn’t sound quite as glamorous on the surface of things, but it barely occurs to either of them. They’re both doing something they’re good at, something they’re each coming to realize they genuinely enjoy, something that makes them feel useful, and if that isn’t success, what is?
“So this old woman stuffs a bra between her boobs. Like hell I was gonna reach in there and drag it out,” Mickey huffs as he finishes up his story. Well, maybe something they genuinely enjoy most of the time. Ian laughs and it’s Mickey’s favourite sound. It’ll always be Mickey’s favourite sound.
“You sure you’re not gay?” Ian asks skeptically, recounting all the times Mickey’s jokingly —and not-as-jokingly — denied the label.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Mickey says, casting a mischievous glance his way, “My husband is, though.”
“Ohh, I see,” Ian says with a nod, casually changing the subject as he remembers Mickey’s earlier texts, “Oh hey listen, that was a really cute photo of you earlier, Mick. You’ve found your angles, I’m impressed,” Ian says, his voice dripping with mischievous sarcasm.
“Ohhh, thanks, man,” Mickey responds with a playful nudge to Ian’s ribs, “My beauty secret is this really cool thing my husband does called making me wait for ten fucking minutes.”
Ian raises his brows at him. Game on. He opens his mouth to respond in kind, but Mickey’s grabbing him by the upper arm and tugging him into a brick-lined alleyway. Ian grunts in protest, hands flying to Mickey’s biceps to steady himself before he’s shoved against the wall.
Mickey’s kissing him like he’s been thinking about doing all day while Ian’s out here being fucking Superman, like he’s been thinking about doing his whole life. He feels Ian’s smile against his mouth and his heart leaps in his chest and he loves him. He loves him. Mickey’s not sure how or when it happens, but suddenly Ian’s grabbing him and he’s being spun and his back’s being shoved against the wall so quickly his breath almost leaves him.
“Watch it, tough guy,” he breaths, and doesn’t mean a word of it. It’s the closest he’ll come to saying do whatever you want with me.
Ian huffs a laugh, threading his left hand into Mickey’s right as he studies his husband’s face. The cold metal of his wedding band brushes against his fingers and Mickey leans forward, capturing Ian’s lips in a warm kiss that reminds him of the dugouts, reminds him of when they were teenagers too skittish and childish and young to know what to do with the swelling in their chests every time they looked at each other. Ian’s the first to pull back, but he tugs on Mickey’s hand and leads them out of the alley.
“I’m hungry,” he says with a shrug by way of explanation when Mickey gives him an incredulous stare.
“So am I,” Mickey replies quickly, glancing pointedly downwards toward Ian’s crotch. Ian barks a laugh and rolls his eyes. He’s never said it out loud, but damn if he doesn’t love how fucking funny his husband is. No one really knows that about Mickey, he thinks. Distantly he remember’s Mickey’s “now they’re black and blue balls” in the hotel room that one night when they were teenagers. Damn if he didn’t think about that one and swoon over his protectiveness and Southside charm for a good week after. In the back of his mind, he remembers Byron’s list of complaints: he’s socially inept, he’s politically ignorant, he’s violent…
Meanwhile, Ian looks fondly at Mickey and knows that he’s funny, he’s thoughtful, he’s loyal, he’s his husband.
“The fuck you starin’ at?” Mickey snaps at him, an eyebrow raised halfway up his damn forehead.
Ian rolls his eyes, “Nothin’. What do you wanna eat?”
Ian sees the hint of a shy smile on his face as Mickey turns his gaze to the various restaurants they’ve been passing, “Uh, I’m kinda feelin’ Sheffield’s, man. That sound good to you?” He asks, looking back at Ian. The midday sun silhouettes his head, creating a halo out of his red hair and glowing against the hard edges of his face. Mickey remembers the round-faced, freckled boy at the convenience store with the floppy bangs and oversized flannels. Hell, he remembers him before that. He remembers third grade, and some loser with a mop of curly red locks and oversized front teeth leaning over and asking him for a pencil. Looking at him now with his wedding band catching the light, his chiseled jaw, and the lop-sided grin directed right at Mickey, he looks like fucking Adonis.
“…Mick?” Ian’s voice snaps him back to reality.
“I was saying we’re here, Neil Armstrong,” Ian quips, “Come back to Earth, I wanna eat.”
“Ay, references like that are my thing,” Mickey says as Ian’s arm around his shoulder steers them toward Sheffield’s. They continue bickering as they walk in the restaurant, much to the server’s constant exasperation as she leads them to the patio. “Since when?” “Since fuckin’…always, man.”
They sit out in the Chicago summer sun, basking in the warmth of it together as they sip their drinks. Mickey, ever the loyalist, gets the cheapest beer on the menu after casting his eyes over the ludicrously long list of names, only a third of which he can pronounce. That’s what you get for going to a brewery, he figures absentmindedly to Ian. Ian gets one of the beers lower in proof, but he knows it’ll still bring him a pleasant buzz.
“If nothing else man, your meds make getting drunk economical as hell,” Mickey says to him with a breathy laugh as he hands the waiter their menus with a nod.
“You’re telling me,” Ian responds as he leans back lazily, comfortably spreading his legs in the chair as he grabs the sunglasses hanging off his shirt collar and slides them over his eyes. Mickey follows suit with his own pair of sunglasses and damn if the two of them don’t look good. Mickey changed out of his work uniform before coming to meet him and he’s wearing a pair of jeans that actually fit him, a black tank and blue short sleeve button up top that’s open and fluttering in the light breeze. He looks so relaxed and in his element, and Ian can’t help but wonder if this is what he used to wear in Mexico. For once the memory isn’t tinged with heartache; they’re here now.
“You look good,” Ian says, eyeing Mickey up and down from across the wooden picnic-like table.
Mickey flashes him a smile, “Says you,” he responds, and it’s so disgustingly sweet and domestic that he barely knows what to do with himself. He’ll never get used to this, he thinks, and he doesn’t want to. Ian smiles in return before Micky continues and leans forward, “I was thinking about getting my GED.”
“No shit,” Ian responds, mimicking Mickey in leaning forward across the table, a casual hand still around his beer, “What prompted that?” He asks before taking a sip.
Mickey shrugs, “I like my job now, but I was talking to Larry and he thinks it’d be a good idea. It’d give me better hirability or whatever, and…I dunno, I like my job now,” he repeats almost sheepishly, like he’s about to admit something terrible, “But I’ve been thinking about wanting…more, I guess?”
Ian smiles and reaches across to put a hand over the one Mickey has resting casually on the table, “Let’s make it happen, then.”
Mickey meets his eye for a brief moment with a shy half-smile that he hides by taking a sip of his beer.
“I’m serious, Mick. We can get some study books for you, Kev and V can look after the kids when you need the house to be quiet for two seconds so you can study…” he trails off, lowering his head slightly to prompt Mickey to meet his gaze.
“Alright, alright, Jesus,” Mickey finally says with a chuckle, turning his hand over to grasp Ian’s and rub his thumb over his knuckles, “Love you,” he adds quietly, but it’s not shy or embarrassed or scared; it’s just for Ian, and only Ian.
The two of them sit for what could be hours or minutes longer, chatting about their future plans like it’s nothing but it means fucking everything to both of them. Neither of them had ever really let themselves dream of a future like this. Whenever Ian’s mind had wandered to thinking of moments like this, of sentences like “Kev and V can look after the kids”, he’d dismissed it as the wishful thinking of a manic episode. “Fucked for life” had practically been Mickey’s life mantra. They share a house, they share food, they take turns making dinner, they have monthly goddamn traditions that include sunshine and drinks and risky kisses in alleyways.
They stay at Sheffield’s far longer than they had originally intended as the waiter informs them there’s live music that evening. So they stay, both buzzed on their beers and drunk on happiness and sun and music, sharing insults and laughs, basking in the comfort and familiarity of each other’s presence as the sun casts an orange glow over the Chicago skyline.
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
(That’s clickbait if I’ve ever seen it)
Dan and Phil play: Dream Daddy #2
0:01 I love Phil in his burgundy hearts shirt. 0:02 Dan’s shirt is a bit distracting but he looks really cute in it. 0:05 The dog *was* the most important thing last time. 0:08 The animated corgi added in and the effect that Phil bops it down with his fist while saying “sadly the owner was quite sassy” was quite satisfying. 0:25 Love the slow pan in intro with the logo and hearts. 0:29 Hearing Phil say “our old husband” is a bit surreal. 0:30 “died!” in sync 0:58 Reaffirming their dad choices are each other. 1:05 Is Dan chewing on something? 1:28 Dan sings “Dream Daddy” 1:39 “We apologize so much.”- Dan
1:52 “Bouncy baby Craig”- Phil (how Phil remembers names) 2:02 “That’s how to instantly be like ‘wrong number, bye.’”- Dan miming texting 2:10 “6 am, no. On the no pile straight away”-Dan “That is criminal.”- Phil 2:22 (I had to look up “swole”) 2:24 Two messages is a little bit desperate according to Phil 2:27 Dan feels sorry that he maybe doesn’t have anyone to do bro brunches with. 2:36 “Sure you wann ‘catch up’” innuendo according to Dan 2:50 “What year is it?”- in sync “3,300”- Phil 2:58 “That’s more Dan and Phil, being late for everything.”- Phil
3:06 Flash back to parents evening, so awkward, judging you to your face 3:23 Bright orange visitors sticker “right on the forehead”- Phil “Bonk”- Dan 3:28 “Haggard” has a wizard association with Phil 3:40 “A youth”- Dan 3:50 Lucien is what Phil wanted to look like in college. 3:55 Probably Dan’s best voice of this game. 4:22 Low rent Gerard Way burn reaction. 4:37 Phil thinks Hugo has “swanky clothes” 4:51 Phil singing “we’re not okay”
5:01 Phil’s “He’s gonna get the cane out” Dan’s reaction and Phil’s giggling while reading 5:25 “Good one” to Dan’s elbow blowing 5:38 I like that Dan just immediately goes for that bell sound effect 5:45 Phil describes their parent teacher conferences, teachers “sass us to our faces” 5:55 Dan’s half mouth teacher imitation we’ve seen in skits. I’m not sure why, but it bothers me a bit. 6:25 “First name basis” Dan dance “Watch out”- Phil 7:47 “I turn around and go damn, he really fills out those trousers.”- Daniel Howell 8:00 Hugo is “too stuffy”- Phil “I’m not into that”- Dan 8:13 “A wet book.” Okay Phil. (Books smell great I’m unstanning) 8:23 Phil clarifies the husband wasn’t killed by kangaroos.
8:35 James Corden singing with Harry Styles in the car reference. (Actually worth watching imo.) 9:22 Dan being disturbed by the father daughter talk in the car sounding like a sex talk. “That sounds like something else.” “Oh god, where’s this going?” 9:48 If I was Dan’s grandma following him on Twitter and watching his videos, I would be concerned by a lot more than just his language. (But they seem to be very close and he probably explained his humor to her long ago.) 10:40 “Is it a meme?”- Phil “Probably, a super ironic meme.”- Dan
11:25 “We know what a mall is.”- Phil 11:30 Dan remembers being shouted at for loitering 11:40 “Heck.”- a quiet and amused Dan 11:44 “Always go for Chinese.”- Dan 11:46 “Oh my god mall Chinese food is the best.”- Phil 12:00 “They have a great bond! Talk about your problems Amanda!”- Dan reacting to Dilddy and Amanda’s food humor 12:33 Their reaction to Phil having predicted the memes convo. 12:57 Dan’s Memeing of Life video reference. 13:06 Phil “lets” Dan say the swear word. Transitions into “dat boy” reference. 13:26 Dan’s over reaction to anti-establishment/capitalism rant, Phil practically rolling his eyes 13:43 “Okay, this is like, stop trying so hard to prove how cool and critical your opinions are, Brah. God. Jesus.”- Dan
14:30 Blue raspberry slushies are dangerous 14:40 Dan would have cried about MCR merch being ruined 14:48 And would still wear it 15:05 Yeah, Dan we all know what it’s trying to parody. 15:10 Both of them would rather go to Bed, Bath & Beyond (domestic <3) 15:23 “Don’t think that way Dilddy, you’re valid.”- Dan
15:35 “Guess the name. Vincent.”- Dan “Dracula.”- Phil “Just straight up Dracula.”- Dan cracking up 16:05 Dan is highly amused by “Edwardian dressage” 16:10 Phil looks done, admits “I’m not sure I’m going to date this one.” 16:28 “Not carrier pigeon? Wow, this guy is not carrying it through.”- Dan 16:30 Phil is liking his nail varnish 16:40 “All I know is that he’s way too high maintenance for me and I’m noping out of there.”- Dan (I like how in this case both Dan and Phil seem to be speaking as themselves not wanting to date Damien, not speaking about what’s right for Dilddy) 17:30 They are both “intrigued, but not at all interested.”
17:44 D&P would watch “Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers” 18:26 “Hop on the Reddits and down vote some comments.”- Dan 18:38 “Wow, productive day for Dilddy there, not.”- wow Dan 18:46 When did Dan start with the snorting? I feel like this is a somewhat recent development. 19:09 Furniture assembling is all about interpretation 19:16 “Dilddy continues to be the most relatable character ever.”- Seriously Dan, hush, you have no room to talk. 19:22 A few seconds later: “Yeah, its honest”
20:07 “They’ve got some punch going on, wieners, chairs, plants and lots of cakes. This is a damn good cookout if you ask me.”- Dan 20:25 Dan thinks Joesph sounds like Viktor from Yuri on Ice. 20:52 “Ohh, okay, can’t be a home wrecker then.”- Dan 21:19 “Wow Mary.”- Phil, dragging her 20:20 “I *love* her, literal goals.”- Dan 21:33 “All the guys!”- Dan doing a weird arm flap thing “Ohhh, there’s more guys”- Phil
21:40 Dan loosing total composure over Robert. 21:45 Rugged (edgy) vs rustic (like Amish, ok Dan) 21:50 “Why does he need the whisky, what does he want to do with the eyes? Fuck!“- Dan 22:00 Phil predicts that Dilddy and Robert are not going to get along 22:15 “He’s a bundle of laughs.”- Phil no likee, Dan likee very much
22:40 Phil’s whiny dad voice is a marvel 22:46 “Pleasantries!”- both 22:58 “Wow Amanda.”- Phil 23:06 “It’s Mat! He’s my fave!”- Phil 23:10 “What a cool guy and mysterious.”- Dan about Robert 23:14 “Boo.”- Dan at Brian, mumbles something about dog 23:18 “Edwardian!”- Dan about Damien 23:21 “Hella awkward.”- Dan about Hugo 23:28 “What a coincidence!” (that all the dads live on their cul-de-sac) 23:40 “Mysterious stranger and guy that was too boastful, that doesn’t seem like a good combination, I do want to get to know the mysterious guy more, but I kinda want to avoid Brian.”- Gee Dan, we can tell. 23:51 “Teacher- awkward, Mat- nice, Craig”- Dan, “We like Craig”- Phil
24:02 Look at that diverse group of hot dads! 24:08 “He needs help. Let’s go rescue Craig, that’s definitely what this is.”- Dan 24:16 “Oh my god, Hugo. Stop.”- Phil looking pained 24:36 “Like a Labrador.”- Dan (second Labrador mention this week) 24:44 Craig calls River “little bro” so Dan uses male pronoun only to find out seconds later River is a girl. “Poor baby.” 25:02 Hand quotes abound 25:11 Dan whispers “What the fuck does that mean?” He really wants to know the details of their college relationship 25:20 Daniel James Howell burnt pasta because he didn’t know he had to put water in it. Shame him.
25:50 Dan tells Phil to make Mat’s daughter sound a bit more cool 25:55 “Coot!” “Coot!” 26:00 “Mat is just too cute”- Dan (I thought for sure he was going to say too cool) 26:02 “Dreamboat”- Phil (Dan seems a bit surprised by Phil’s sudden statement) 26:06 “Delet”- Dan who is being slowly won over 26:20 Carmensita is such “an amazingly cool name” 26:23 “Fuck off Daisy. No one likes you Daisy.”- I swear to god, pausing during Dan’s outbursts reveal the best Phil faces 27:03 “Smoooking”- Dan lip shake thing 27:18 Can anyone make out what Dan says about Craig and Mat here? “There’s a… those two.”?
27:40 “Wow. Incredible.”- D “What a delinquent.”- P “Seriously.”- D 27:48 “I mean if you give him a name like Ernest he’s gonna rebel.”- Dan 27:53 “Shout out to any Ernests watching.”- Phil 28:10 Props to Phil for his moody teenage boy voice 28:20 “Woah, edge detected!”- Dan 28:28 What the heck was that Dan? 28:55 Dan thinks Dilddy is cool for not being pretentious 28:56 Dan would be friends with someone who says they’re “cool as a cucumber” 29:58 “From my experience, the moment you stop living with your parents you suddenly are like ‘I love my family!’ but maybe that’s just because you’re used to there being food in the house, and not having to do your own laundry.”- okay Dan, don’t ruin a nice thing. 30:40 “Diddly P!”
30:45 Phil asks Dan if he’s liking Damien’s aesthetic, Dan: “no”. 32:00 Damien Bloodmarch “too much” 32:20 “Wow. Smooth. He’s definitely a vampire.”- Phil 32:30 “Hello Amanda.”- in unison “We should do it at the same time.”- you just did Dan 32:53 “Can we all be Mary?”- Dan (with her wine goals) 33:37 Dan bangs the desk “Everything’s connected!” (Lucien and Damien) 33:45 “Fight! Fight! Fight!”- Dan 34:18 “Joesph is so wholesome, when he isn’t passively aggressively correcting his wife. It’s a facade”- Dan 34:30 “Edge detected!”- Dan 35:03 “The Satan number.”- Phil
35:47 “The Game of Thrones.”- Phil “Yeah sure, it better be”- Dan 35:55 Just going to call him Diddly 37:30 “Wow. I kind of like this. It’s like me, just constant, like joking, then double joking, then triple joking and then everyone’s like ‘wow, do you have a personality or are you just hiding it until layers of humor as a defense mechanism?’”- Dan (wow that went deep) 37:45 “It’s okay Dan.”- Phil, “I’m just kidding.”- Dan 39:39 “Ginger representation.”- Dan (not sure what that has to do with anything but they’re warming up to Brian 40:40 Phil loves the puns, Dan wants them to stop. Clearly Phil was meant to be the dad.
43:03 Dan is into the cauliflower, he will eat the cauliflower, he’s just putting that out there (he also put out a negative opinion on cucumbers not long ago I believe. What does it mean?) 44:00 Wine and Dine Mastermind sounds like something they’d watch 44:33 “Kiddo” reminds Dan of Sans 44:50 “Definitely” earned that ice cream sandwich 45:07 Dan helping Phil with assuaging and exacerbating 45:45 Phil’s dad performance kills me from here on 46:16 “Don’t complain about the attitude. If you want to be protective stick to the issue. So you could say I have a right to be concerned but is that a bit entitled?”- Dan, “I think just like I was scared.”- Phil “It shows vulnerability. That’s how to do it.”- Dan (very wise, what good dads, now good luck keeping a level head when you are actually upset) 46:46 “Say sorry Amanda.”- Phil 46:56 Paused here, D&P’s facial and body language accurately reflect how I feel about what Phil just said about his bedroom. Both their eyes move away from each other and they look tired.
47:22 Phil’s least favorite is Hugo, “He’s so stuffy. I mean intelligence can be attractive but I think when he’s just uhbuhburhburhbuhbahbah”- how’d that go again Phil?
47:30 “He’s got that walrus mustache.”- Dan
47:36 Phil is liking Mat: made banana bread, funny, sensitive and Craig: friend from college, quite funny, and doesn’t really fit in with the snarffle snarffle something
47:47 Dan likes the tall dark mysterious stranger (“Really?” asks Phil surprised, like it wasn’t obvious) cracking inappropriate jokes is literally himself, thinks the darkness might be a pretense and that he could be really soft and vulnerable on the inside “WHO KNOWS?!” Hmmm.
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