#and Feanor (no I don't LIKE him but I find him compelling)
Hello! Do you have a favorite character from each race of Middle Earth?
Oooooh noooooo another really hard question to answer! Oh this is difficult... One character? One?????
By the way, thank you so much for the ask :) I'm just having trouble choosing from among THE BEST CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. It's taking a lot of effort on my part from just...listing all of Tolkien's characters... But you said one.
Alright, well, I think I HAVE to choose Éowyn for the race of Men, seeing as I identify with her more than practically any character ever written.
And I'll choose Frodo for the Hobbits. I love him. I will always love him.
And I'll choose Finrod for the Elves. But there are so many Elves that I love! But my goodness, I do love Finrod.
And I'll choose Gimli for the Dwarves. Gimli is the best! I want to be Gimli's friend RIGHT NOW.
Are we doing Maiar? Then it's obviously Gandalf. Gandalf is one of my favorite characters of all time.
And if we're doing Valar, then I'll choose Nienna.
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runawaymun · 29 days
I am legally obligated to ask about your curufin opinions
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another bingo :D
Curufin fascinates me and also makes me a bit sad tbh. Like he doesn't take up a lot of space in my brain but in terms of the sons of Feanor I find him really compelling and I just hurt for the guy. Sure, he's a bastard and his choices are his own but it is so striking that the boy doesn't even have his own name. Even his amilesse is just 'little father' like????? It's so clear that everyone just views him as Feanor 2 and he must have had SO much pressure on him to live up to those expectations. I don't think he ever got to figure out who he really was as a person.
But also he's a bastard and I love to hate him for later actions :D it's fun. He's a squeaky toy.
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maironsbigboobs · 1 year
Hi! Please do Galadriel/Melian, Daeron/Maglor and Finwe/Thingol (and/or the 4-we) for the ship opinion!
I enjoy them. Admittedly I don't think about Maglor a lot but I love Daeron and I think they're just kinda a hilarious but compelling ship. Like, they have such strangely similar fates, minstrels who are never seen again. I think it would be interesting if Maglor saw Feanor in Daeron (an inventor, a linguist) and Daeron saw himself in Maglor.... and they both were into that.
This is canon. To me. This is one of my favourite dynamics of all time just because there's so many ways it could go. Creepy. Soft. Angsty. All of the above.
Melian could (and should!) be kinda creepy and strange. Galadriel could be eager and a little sheltered and bold. The impact Melian has on her... Galadriel is cosplaying her in Lothlorien thousands of years later.
Listen. It's got it all: sweet romantic times in pre-Valinor, the angst of Finwe finding out Elwe is missing, of leaving without ever knowing what happened to him. Finwe moving on with his life only to lose ANOTHER partner to an Unusual Fate. Both of them having Special Important kids (Lu and Fea).
It just makes the whole Silmarillion even juicier. Those Noldor that Thingol doesn't like all that much? His ex's kids and grandkids. OOF.
4-we is like the upgraded version. I cannot even imagine what must have been going through Ingwe's mind.... oh I bet it would be delicious
Plus you can add the wives and get like, what, 9-we? Or Indis can have all the wives.
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
opinions on ar-pharazon - @councilofelrond
@councilofelrond Not many, I'm afraid! Because I have a First Age blorbo (Feanor) and a Third Age blorbo (Frodo), I seem to persistently overlook the Second Age. Plus I find it kind of... depressing? I don't know why but I do.
Anyway, I find Ar-Pharazon's storyline very compelling and have spent an embarrassing amount of time wondering how the world would've been different had he not been the son of Gimilkhad. The reason I can't say I have many opinions about him is because I treat him almost like... a symbol of Numenor more than like a character? So it would not be fair to people who love him if I started rambling about opinions because I know I'm not engaging with him in a way that does him justice.
Having said this, I'm very open to falling in love with him as a character, so if you've got any good posts to recommend me please do!!!
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