#and Aegnor
Hello! Do you have a favorite character from each race of Middle Earth?
Oooooh noooooo another really hard question to answer! Oh this is difficult... One character? One?????
By the way, thank you so much for the ask :) I'm just having trouble choosing from among THE BEST CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. It's taking a lot of effort on my part from just...listing all of Tolkien's characters... But you said one.
Alright, well, I think I HAVE to choose Éowyn for the race of Men, seeing as I identify with her more than practically any character ever written.
And I'll choose Frodo for the Hobbits. I love him. I will always love him.
And I'll choose Finrod for the Elves. But there are so many Elves that I love! But my goodness, I do love Finrod.
And I'll choose Gimli for the Dwarves. Gimli is the best! I want to be Gimli's friend RIGHT NOW.
Are we doing Maiar? Then it's obviously Gandalf. Gandalf is one of my favorite characters of all time.
And if we're doing Valar, then I'll choose Nienna.
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mandhos · 4 months
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matias-crtz-art · 3 months
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Aegnor & Andreth.
You are no Beren, nor I Lúthien— our fates are sundered by the fathomless Sea.
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sesamenom · 5 months
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Gil-galad Variations, featuring all the gil galad theories i've encountered.
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salmonhere · 18 days
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Also old work 🙏
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prattling-she-elf · 1 year
Can we take a moment to talk about that generation that consisted mainly of the grandchildren of Finwë?
I mean, look at this:
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Dead, Good as Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Only Alive Because Her Family Had the Presence of Mind to Stop Her, Dead, Dead, Dead, Survived.
Galadriel really was the only one who survived.
And this hits me hard when I think about it.
Because a writer puts a bit of themselves in every character.
The part of Tolkien that I see the most in Galadriel is the part of him that survived the war.
After all, he was part of the Lost Generation. Two of his closest friends—Robert Gilson and Geoffrey Smith—died in the war. Tolkien and Christopher Wiseman were the only two of their fellowship to survive.
Only Galadriel survived.
That was what the Grandchildren of Finwë were. They were the Lost Generation. An entire generation slaughtered.
The regret, the lamentation, the grief. Galadriel knew it well. She lived it because Tolkien lived it.
And I don't know why, but for some reason, this speaks to me louder than any history book ever has.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Think You Can Warm Me Up
[Elves and Cockwarming x reader]
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Request: What elves do you think would like cock-warming? - anon
A/N: This was a lot of elves to think for since I've added more over the months gone by. Enjoy!!!
Warning: smut, cockwarming
More: Brat Taming
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Loves it – sometimes when they’re too busy to have sex with you but you want to feel them, they’ll suggest you sit on their lap, only to feel them raising your body slightly to slide themselves into you. When you lift your hips to move, their hands will be planted firmly on your waist with a stern look on their faces warning you to stay still. They’ll keep their hands on your waist, using it to pull you closer to rest against their chest and hold you down. Some use it for punishment when your bratty side comes out. They’ll rile you up by making out with you, having you grind on them feeling as though you two are about to have sex, but then when you’re about to ride them, they’ll lean in to whisper, “Not so fast love, no moving, sit right there and stay still or I’ll leave you empty. You thought I’d just give in and give you what you wanted, my poor confused little one” Other times, they’d use it to literally warm themselves up. When you two are relaxing as such, they’d throw the suggestion out to you and once you agree, the two of you will just be lounging about with their cock buried in you, staying warm. There are times you’ve fallen asleep with them buried in you. “You feel so warm and tight love, stop shifting so much, just stay still. This feels good, now we can cuddle.”
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Hates it – the first time you suggest the act, they were down to try it, but once you sank your warm hole onto their cock, it was over for them. Their hands would immediately shoot out to grab your waist, urging you to move but you’ll simply push it away and lean into their chest informing them that you’re not supposed to move. “It’s called cockwarming for a reason. Now stay still. Don’t get mad, remember you agreed to this, so sit and enjoy it.” This was absolute torture for them, they couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that if they moved their hips right then, you’d probably hop off and that wasn’t part of their plan. Waiting till you were settled in and comfortable, with ease, their hands would sneak around your waist holding you firmly to their chest and without any warning, begin thrusting into you. You’d admit that this was not how you planned the session to go but with the way the tip of their cock was brushing against your soft spot, your moans gave it away. Now whenever you suggest it to them, they’d smile at you saying that they’ll behave, only to abuse your heat as soon as you sink down on their cock. The longest they’ve ever lasted was five seconds. “If you really thought I’d sit through all that torture, you’re absolutely wrong. Now be a good girl/boy and enjoy my cock.”
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Mixed feelings – one minute it’s torture for them the other it’s blissful. It just all depends on their mood not so much yours. If they’re tired and just want to be warmed or you want to feel them, they’d let you go ahead without interrupting you. They’d simply wrap their arms around you and pull you in closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead and drifting off to sleep. Other times it’s when they’re busy doing paperwork and could do with a little relief. Letting you sit on their lap with the table hiding their cock buried deep in your heat, they’d let you lean into them so they could continue their work. “This feels good, didn’t think I’d be needing this, but after I’m finished here, I’d bend you over this table for a good fuck, hmm.” When you’re teasing them all day and acting up and then decide it’s time to kick it up a notch by making them feel you were about to ride them after your tedious torture only to sit still on their cock, now you’re just asking for it. They’d be grinding their teeth the entire time when you tell them not to move while pretending to do something important, informing them that when you’re finished then you two can go at it, they’re not going to listen, not when you were suffocating their cock. They wouldn’t care at that point, so say goodbye to whatever it was that you were doing. “Don’t you think this is a little too much love, don’t you think this has gone on for too long because I think so as well. How about we change that by having me fuck you, now.”
Maedhros, MAGLOR, CARANTHIR, Amrod, Fingolfin, FINGON, TURGON, FINARFIN, Finrod, AEGNOR, Glorfindel, GALDOR, Egalmoth, ROG, ERESTOR
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @lilmelily
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nynevefromthelake · 2 months
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One last spoiler and I will post the finished one tomorrow
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melestasflight · 2 months
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Two Half-Kings and a Full Lake Between
In the aftermath of their tumultuous arrival in Beleriand, Maglor has scarcely managed to hold together the bruised and splintering House of Fëanor and their Sindarin allies. Then, the Sun's first rising brings with it Fingolfin’s host of Ice-hardened Noldor, hungry for retribution. With battered hearts and fraying minds, the two half-kings must navigate fragile relations even as they face the impossible task of reuniting the Noldor under a single leader.
Join @polutrope and me for this Mithrim drama fest for @silmarillionepistolary. All chapters are now up!
Cover art by the brilliant @myceliumelium Read on AO3
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redreyenotarget · 9 months
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Aegnor telling Finrod about that mortal girl he met and fell in love with…and his brother is sad, because he knows what will happen.
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Earwen and Finarfin are the most even-tempered noldo around and somehow spawned these total chaos rockets who bite werewolfs to death, fall in love with mortals, and run off with hippies in the woods. Since Finarfin is more straight-laced than Turgon, the only explanation is that Earwen is secretly also an eldritch diva who presumably brews moonshine and has even less sense than her children.
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rinthecap · 4 months
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Andreth and Aegnor in Vietnamese traditional clothings
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mandhos · 1 month
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exercise-of-trust · 9 months
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thought i heard a red-winged blackbird red-winged blackbird down my road he'll be in there singing his heart out he'll be telling me stories too of where he went to winter last year of how he's going back there too
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 months
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velvet4510 · 3 months
Tolkien is admittedly pretty good at sparing his couples from permanent separation. Look at Frodo & Sam, Beren & Lúthien, Aragorn & Arwen, the many Elf pairings, the many human pairings, etc. They each get to spend eternity together, be it in Valinor for the Elves who are eventually re-embodied, or beyond Arda wherever mortals go after death.
But then there’s Aegnor, who will spend literally the entire duration of the world’s existence loving and mourning someone he only knew for a few comparatively short decades because his own lineage was a traitor to him, his lack of mortal ancestry preventing him from ever having the choice to be with her forever.
And also there’s Bilbo, who spent 80+ years loving and mourning someone who he only actually knew for 7 months, and who he must inevitably leave behind in the Halls of Mandos when he departs the circles of the world.
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