#and Turin
sayitaliano · 6 months
Valerio Minato's photo that won the Astronomy Picture of the Day Contest by NASA on December 25th, 2023.
In the picture: the moon, the Monviso Mount and the Basilica of Superga (on the Superga hill) outside Turin are all aligned. it took him 6 years to take this shot (and I take it as an example to never give up on your dreams).
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chechula · 4 months
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Doors to Nargothrond, Glaurung, and Túrin in fancy elvish armor ♥ Another picture for "the Children of Húrin metal LP covers series", I made a sketch right after I finished drawing the first one ....shall I draw more of these ? :3
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s-u-w-i · 5 months
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The Death of Beleg Me and @chechula were listening to The Children of Húrin read by Christopher Lee. His dramatic voice fits perfectly 🐲💖
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gaymythologicalgeek · 2 years
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wiltkingart · 1 year
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trans Túrin Turambar for @constellationqueer
[comm info]
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 months
Reading Tolkien’s annotated translation of Beowulf, and learning all kinds of things about LOTR and the Silm from it!
Leave here your warlike shields [from Beowulf]
[Tolkien’s commentary; bold mine:] Note the prohibition of weapons or accoutrements of battle in the hall. To walk in with spear and shield was like walking in nowadays with your hat on. The basis of these rules was of course fear and prudence among the ever-present dangers of a heroic age, but they were made part of the ritual, of good manners. Compare the prohibition against drawing a sword in the officers’ mess. Swords of course also were dangerous; but they were evidently regarded as part of a knight’s attire, and he would not in any case be willing to lay aside his sword, a thing of great cost and often an heirloom.
This gives me some perspective around Tolkien’s probable intended tone for the moment in Meduseld in The Two Towers where Aragon strongly protests against being told to leave Andúril (a sword of very great value and ancientry, and very much an heirloom) with the door-warden. From a contemporary perspective it’s easy to read it as Aragorn being unnecessarily prideful and combative, but this passage strongly indicates that Tolkien intends it to be Théoden who is being unreasonable in that event, an indication - along with many others in the scene, prior to Gandalf dislodging Saruman’s influence - that Théoden is being discourteous and behaving in a manner unworthy of a king who is recieving heroes offering aid. (The fact of Meduseld being a ‘golden hall’ like famous Heorot in Beowulf may be deliberate to strengthen the parallel.)
Second (immediately following the above commentary):
But against this danger [from swords] very severe laws existed protecting the ‘peace’ of a king’s hall. It was death in Scandanavia to cause a brawl in the king’s hall. Among the laws of the West Saxon king Ine is found: ‘If any man fight in the king’s house, he shall forfeit all his estate, and it shall be for the king to judge whether he be put to death or not.’
This adds context to the incident in the story of Túrin in The Silmarillion where Saeros taunts Túrin in Menegroth and Túrin responds by throwing a heavy drinking-vessel at him and injuring him (it’s indicated the injury is serious, so I’d take it along the lines of him giving him a broken nose and knocking out some teeth.) It is stated in at least some versions of the story that death is the punishment for drawing weapons in the king’s hall, in line with the historical customs mentioned here. This gives a further emphasis that what actually happens - Túrin is not punished at all and Mablung strongly reprimands Saeros for provoking him - illustrates that Túrin is, Saeros’ behaviour notwithstanding, in very high favour in Menegroth. (Saeros as the king’s counsellor is also in roughly the same position as Unferth in Beowulf, who taunts the titular character - Beowulf responds heatedly but without violence. Tolkien may be setting up a deliberate contrast here.)
The word hádor is an adjective meaning ‘clear, bright’…it is almost always found in reference to the sky (or the sun or stars). But that association is in description of brightness…
This was one a lightbulb moment: oh, in the name of Hador Goldenhead (the ancestor of Húrin, Túrin, and Tuor in The Silmarillion), ‘Goldenhead’ isn’t an additional name/epessë so much as it’s a glossed translation of ‘Hador’! The guy with bright, golden hair.
Fourth: Going back to the Rohirrim - Edoras, the name of their capital city/royal court, is basically just the Old English for ‘courts’:
under was very frequently used in describing position within, or movement to within, a confined space, especially of enclosures or prisons, ‘within four walls’. Cf. in under eoderas (eoderas being the outer fences of the courts), ‘in amid the courts’….‘eoder’ means both ‘fence (protection)’ and ‘fenced enclosure, a court’.
I’m also learning a lot about Beowulf - Tolkien’s notes are clarifying a lot of tone and nuances, not to mention the political/diplomatic relationships between the different kingdoms, which were confusing me - but it’s amazing how much it reveals about ways that Tolkien’s knowledge informed his legendarium!
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pansen1802 · 10 months
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From bottom to top: Turin Turambar, Aredhel, Maeglin, Haleth, Gil-galid, Beren and Lúthien, Feanor and his seven sons, Elwing, Vingilótë, Ancalagon.
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Lancia Stratos Zero, 1970, by Bertone. Designed by Marcello Gandini using a mid-mounted Lancia narrow angle V4 engine. It was was first shown to the public at the Turin Motor Show in 1970
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rittare · 5 months
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The land of Bow and Helm. Turin.
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moosalicious · 2 months
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mandhos · 1 year
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“Hail Gurthang! No lord or loyalty dost thou know, save the hand that wieldeth thee. From no blood wilt thou shrink. Wilt thou therefore take Túrin Turambar, wilt thou slay me swiftly?¨ And from the blade rang a cold voice in answer: ¨Yea, I will drink thy blood gladly, that so I may forget the blood of Beleg my master, and the blood of Brandir slain unjustly. I will slay thee swiftly.”
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salmonhere · 22 days
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Escape of Turin
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naarisz · 4 months
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Of Túrin Turambar
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irinabless · 12 days
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Tolkien's recipe for a sweet relationship: a blond elf and a strong man 💕
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kafkasdiariies · 2 months
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Galleria San Federico and Palazzo Bellia, Turin, Italy | Cappuccinointheclouds
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montejeska · 7 months
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they/them weird strange creature for things
Not for public use in dnd or otherwise
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