#and I started checking the various results that bordered on too high or too low
nihil-ism · 2 months
Well. Not to be too excited before this happens more than once but -
Took magnesium before bed yesterday and... I slept through the night after falling asleep more easily, waking up as refreshed as I haven't in years. I don't feel sluggish, the usual feeling of needing to crawl back into bed is gone and I'm absolutely feeling capable to take on the day???
Will report back but if this is what was missing for a healthy life for me I will cry tears of joy.
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armsdealing · 5 years
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there is always something left to love. when people ask, that is what they say. there’s always something left to love, and it’s because of that love that they do the things they do. what makes them kill. what makes them punish and desecrate the holy alongside the mundane. it is not hatred, not revulsion, not fear, but something else, much purer than all those things combined, what turns the gears of this barbarity: a conviction that cuts through diamond. a deeper knowledge about the world and the beings that live in it, than could be found anywhere else. a willingness, stripped of all pride, to use this knowledge crucially against transgressors, against liars, against evil itself -- without any kind of differentiation between men and gods.
nueva religión is a verse subservient to elements already established in the otherworld verse and the nulliverse. it’s basically an au of an au with strong magical realism and urban fantasy influences, as well as a background in mythopoeia and crime. theology and mythology are central themes of the verse, so talks about religion are bound to show up frequently. naturally, there will be general, verse-wise trigger and content warnings regarding: blasphemy, sacrilege, and violence. there will be mentions of unsavory topics in this post like gang violence/crime, abuse and drugs, so it is best to stop reading from this point onward if mere mentions of these topics trigger you. mental health comes first, always. of course, all specific disturbances will be tagged in a post by post basis.
continue if you wish to read more about this verse, and the characters involved in it.
as prev. mentioned, this is an au of an au. it centers around the well-known (as far as my blog is concerned, at least) reyes family and their efforts running a gang that also happens to have unorthodox religious beliefs. in this verse, the reyes never went to new york between 1970 and 1990. instead, they decided to settle completely in florida in a neighborhood of miami-dade county called carrion. there, they would gain a foothold by waging war on neighborhood gangs until they achieved complete control of carrion. now the area is the base of operations for everything they do.
the characterizations in this verse are drastically different due to: 1. the different setting 2. the different background 3. the different tone -- and while characters like marcelo still retain several core characteristics, it’s best to assume the characters will not behave in the exact same way as they do in their canon verses, and they will not respond the same. it might be jarring. it’s meant to be jarring, as this verse intends to explore a ‘what if’ type of scenario for the reyes family if they still decided to be active in the criminal world.
as it’s been hinted, the reyes have an alternative religion, complete with a central deity and minor gods. this religion is completely fictional, as are their ritual practices, and they are not meant to be similar to any real life religion or belief system.  
the neighborhood of carrion is fictional too, and while certain historical elements might be taken directly from real life, i don’t mean to make accurate depictions of them (this especially concerns the cocaine boom of the 80s and colombia’s la violencia between the 40s and 50s). i also don’t plan to use any real life gangs/criminals in this verse, and i won’t acknowledge their existence. 
the verse sways between urban fantasy and magical realism. while the magic is very much real, the extent of it will be unfamiliar to most people, and a lot of things will be deliberately vague. things in carrion work a particular way, people work a certain way, and it’s not the same for other parts of miami. 
known by a variety of names (los dorados, los reales, la justicia, la realeza, or the kings of miami) los discipulos de la nueva religión is the gang the reyes run. consisting primarily of werecats and humans of magical predisposition, they’re infamous in miami for their extremely violent ways and their vicious grip on carrion. 
though during the first decade they were focused on drug distribution (and were, for several years, in full control of the colombia-caribbean islands-usa cocaine pipeline), over time they have downsized their drug operation.
nowadays, the kings manage protection rackets for businesses outside of carrion, simultaneously protecting their home neighborhood from the influence of other gangs -- completely for free. they also perform armed robbery and theft outside of miami and hijack trucks. 
perhaps the thing they are most known for, however, is their vigilantism. notably anti-cop, the kings have taken it upon themselves to impart justice in their neighborhood and surrounding areas. this effort, unlike the protection rackets, is completely free of cost. essentially, they will go after those they consider to have evaded justice: murderers, abusers, p*dophiles, and rapists. they will also make a point to go after corrupted authority figures in particular: police officers, priests, and the occasional politician. as a result, they have been linked to various assassinations, but nothing has ever been proven as of right now.
the kings also pump a lot of money into carrion and surrounding areas. their businesses include, but are not limited to: a tattoo parlor, a hair salon, a barbershop, and a bar. they also run a private shelter and organize many activities for the benefit of carrion’s citizens. because of this, they’re pretty beloved within their community and outside of it. the popular consensus seems to be that if you need help and ask the kings for it, you’re guaranteed to receive it. 
though the gang came to be around the 80s officially, el culto has been going on for much longer, evolving steadily into what it is today. originally started in colombia, it centers around one main figure: la Justicia, a goddess thought to be responsible for keeping balance in the universe by killing what needs to be killed and subsequently consuming it -- something for which she was given the title of Divine Devorer (or Divina Devoradora). 
la justicia is the guiding figure of their lives, and believers kill for her (human sacrifices and offering dead bodies being quite common). she’s considered the agent of retribution, above all other gods and above all other things.
the worship maintains that all other gods might as well exist, but they too have to follow the laws of the universe, and if they break them, then they too will be consumed by la Justicia. in that way, the goddess acts as a check/balance for other pantheons. and they don’t necessarily have to like that (many, in fact, hate her) but there’s nothing they can do about it. 
the culto is notably anti-catholic/anti-christian god, and in a certain way started as a direct response to the forced christianization of south america that happened during colonial times. missionaries were often killed around this time, and many churches were destroyed. because of this tightly knit history with catholicism, it’s not rare to see worshippers of La Justicia “appropiating” catholic imagery in blatant and mocking ways. 
el culto’s other deities are La Muerte and La Locura, representing respectively the two other laws of the universe. if la Justicia is the agent of order, La Locura is the agent of disorder, and La Muerte (death) is the only certainty in the whole universe. despite their massive power, the are considered minor in the cult -- they’re seen as two natural influences that prefer not to directly involve themselves in the world, unlike La Justicia, which must be constantly pursued and taken care of.
bordered with allapattah to the west, wynwood to the east, and liberty city to the north, carrion is a neighborhood in miami with a large latino population that represents about 70% of its makeup. predominated by dominicans, puerto ricans and cubans as well as colombians and venezuelans, it’s primarily a low to working class neighborhood with a big textiles market. it’s also well known for it’s food distribution centers and mercados, which a wide variety of tropical fruits.
apart from all this, it happens to be the homebase of the kings, and where much of the action takes place. carrion has a reputation for being a strange neighborhood, where weird things often take place and “nobody notices”. despite being somewhat quiet, it boasts an alarmingly high number of unsolved disappearance cases, only rivalled by the number of unsolved murder cases. it was pretty active during the cocaine boon of the 80s and it’s rumored there’s 20 tons of cocaine hidden somewhere from those times in the neighborhood. as far fetched as that sounds, in 2016 someone found 100k worth of jewelry hidden inside their kitchen wall during a house renovation, so -- let’s just say nothing is out of the question when it comes to carrion. 
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joeynation · 4 years
COVID-22: A short story
March 26, 2022. Two years ago we were told the country was going into lockdown for 4 weeks, to stick with our “bubble”, limit our outdoor exercise & fresh air, and only go on essential grocery trips. The government hatched an ambitious set of finance packages to combat the economic impact and to protect those who had lost their jobs. That’s what we were told.
The expectation was that after a month we would start to see the containment of the highly contagious virus that was infecting the world. But we didn’t.
Despite the imposed quarantine and strict rules, enforced by both police and military, people continued to defy the law, and began to act increasingly unusually. We at first rolled our eyes. We knew there’d be shenanigans from the usual hooligans and people who think the rules don’t apply, but then things got weird. 
A few weeks into the quarantine I was out for a quick walk around the waterfront by my house, careful to uphold the 2m separation rule.  A disheveled man was out running, but not in the relaxed style of a jogger, he was dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt, but his beard and hair were unkept and he was shoeless. He looked manic and frightened as if there were someone chasing after him with a knife. As he ran toward me I realised his path was leading directly to me, and his eyes were set on me as well. To avoid the collision I quickly stepped to the right, separating us with a bench seat bolted to the ground. The man, with his eyes still fixed on me, altered his path to sprint directly toward me.
He ran directly into the bench seat at full running speed, as if he hadn’t even seen it, smashed his legs into the wood and his whole body flipped over, smacking his head into the concrete with a walnut-crunching smash and lay there deathly still, his head oozing. I screamed, yelled out for help and  a passerby said they were calling 111. I could sense the twitching of curtains by the parade alongside the waterfront, apartment buildings suddenly animated as curious faces peered down from their glass barriers, morphing into horrified, clawed expressions.
A small collection of pedestrians stopped horrified, some even took photos on their phones. Eventually an ambulance arrived, sirens blaring and with a loudspeaker announcing for everyone to stay well clear. Two workers in white hazmat suits emerged and hurriedly arrived to size up the lifeless, gruesome scene that lay sprawled on the concrete before us. After checking his pulse they instructed everyone to leave, I backed away down the path and curiously peered back to observe the morbid placement of the body into a black body bag, zip it up and load it into the ambulance. A short while later a fire engine arrived to blast the blood away with high powered hoses, leaving the scene bordered with  “do not enter” hazard tape. 
I recounted what had happened to my friends and colleagues via video calls and we all spoke about it in similar fashion. He was a “mad man”, someone who’s truly “lost his marbles” what with the restrictions of self-isolation and fear of viral infection. But this wasn’t a one off. 
There began to emerge numerous reports on social media of people purposely running into others, body slamming them, spitting on them, getting as close as possible to people to lick, cough on, sneeze on and even bite them. “Absolute vile mongrels” we called them. “Bring back the death sentence!” faceless online commentators called for. 
One day a breaking news story popped up about a police station that had to close down suddenly due to a mass COVID-19 outbreak. It turned out to have been caused by an infected policeman spitting in the station’s communal coffee machine’s water supply. Finally we were learning that the infected had begun to purposefully spread the virus. What we learned, too late however, was that the virus affected people’s brains and in some ways controlled how they acted.  It forced their impulses and made it their living drive to infect others.
Then everything changed. Suddenly being infected was a death wish and we couldn’t take any chances. The military began to round up the infected and take them to designated, remote quarantine zones, to “guarantee isolation and abidance.” However, no one ever seemed to return from then. 
The nation was ordered to stay at home at all times, essential service workers were provided accommodation on premises. Food packages were dropped on doorsteps; weird collections of supermarket leftovers - box soup, crackers, canned soup and vegetables, napkins, vegetable oil, flour. Social media was abuzz with horrifying, unbelievable stories of medical staff forced to sleep in onsite garages, low-quality tents erected in car parks and to work in shifts for months without days off. Soon enough we stopped hearing almost anything from the media or social media at all. The government seemed to want to curb all negative chatter and to quell rumours of what was really going on and with how deeply uncontained the virus actually was, as if we couldn't tell.
Eventually these packages stopped arriving and shortly after, things became well and truly feral. The looting began. Neighbors holed up in their homes suddenly had to fend off unwanted guests and there were blood-curdling shrieks on the streets, a clear-cut sign peaceful solutions weren’t being met.. At this point I became really scared. It felt like the end of days and like it wouldn’t be too long until someone would arrive at my doorstep, desperate, hungry and willing to do what it takes to survive.
Fortunately I live in a 3 story apartment building with a gated entrance, a backdoor to the garden, and with each floor as its own apartment. Living on the second floor I was used to hearing noises from above and below, but I hadn’t heard any movements or noise in the stairwell for a long time. I dared not check on them in person, and they hadn’t responded to my messages or phone calls. As far as I knew, I was alone in the building. People had definitely tried to break in, but we had long ago locked the garage doors and barricaded them with additional furniture. 
I began to keep the lights off at night so no one would know I was home, and I kept the curtains drawn during the day so no one could see my movement. Eventually the electricity stopped running, and I had to very conservatively use my small camping stove to heat meals. I was running out of supplies - my canned goods were littling down to rations of mouthfuls a day and I could feel my body degrading as a result. Less strength, more tired, my brain less snappy. I knew I needed to leave the house and get supplies, but I was terrified of coming across somebody else, of infection, and of what I might find inside quiet homes. 
After a few days of planning, I gingerly emerged from my building in a make-shift hazmat suit consisting of various torn pieces of plastic, sunglasses, torn material and kitchen gloves taped to my sleeves. I’d planned to pilfer from my neighbors’ houses, and I had a chopping knife at the ready - not that I really knew what I’d do with it should the moment arise. Slash? Stab? Wave wildly in hopes of threatening? I knew nothing would stop a late-stage infected from charging at me with all their might no matter what I did, so this was definitely a last resort.
The first two houses I checked out had broken locks and had already been well pillaged. It occurred to me I need not bother searching the homes close to the main roads. Therefore I began tip-toeing through backyards, jumping over fences and clambering past spiky bushes in search of promising resupply potential. I eventually found a 2-story house that looked untouched, and was certainly quiet, my summations from my peering through windows and cautious ear-pressing against walls.
With futility I tried the front door to confirm it was locked, which was actually a really promising sign - maybe this place hadn’t been raided! I ventured around the house and tried all the windows, all firmly shut, and the backdoor was firmly locked also. There was only one thing for it I thought, hurling a decorative garden rock painted as a frog through a window. The shattering glass caused an enormous racket, as did the rock hitting a wooden floor inside, and the tinkling sound of glass falling both inside and out cascaded for a deeply unnecessarily drawn out moment. I kept my distance for a good five-to-ten minutes, keeping well out of sight behind a hedge. I pondered going home and returning in a few days time, but the prospect of re-adorning my protective wear and suffering more days without a proper meal was too much to bear.
Pushing the remaining jagged glass edges inwards, onto the floor, I scampered up onto the window ledge and ungracefully plonked myself inside, careful not to put my hands down so as not to cut my gloves or my hands. The house was plush and tidy, adorned with floor length drapes, and prim and proper wooden furniture. I realized I was in what had been an office, but with a thick coating of dust it’d clearly been out of action for quite some time. I began searching. The pantry was fairly barren, and the drawers were empty and I was quickly losing hope. I began to search more frantically, and once the kitchen search proved fruitless other than a packet of spiral pasta and a mostly used bottle of soy sauce, I headed to other rooms. Swinging open cabinets, ripping open drawers and pulling the lids off of containers. 
I charged upstairs and started going through the bedrooms, checking under the bed, raiding en-suite medicine cabinets, pulling open closets. I threw open the master bedroom door in my futile search and got the fright of my life - an old woman lay on the bed, wearing a white nightgown, her tiny emaciated body barely providing form to the lengths of fabric swamping her. Her wide, hollow eyes were staring at me in shock - at first I thought she was dead, but I realized she was blinking and trying to speak. Her eyes were darting from me to her bedside table and back again, and I figured she was wanting me to get her some water to fill the empty glass beside her. I grabbed the glass and took it to the en-suite bathroom, examining my ridiculous appearance in the dusty mirror - sunglasses, a face mask constructed from torn pieces of fabric, a haphazard head wrap made from pieces of plastic and glad-wrap. I drank the water from the tap, careful not to touch the tap with my mouth, before filling up the glass and kneeling beside the bed to hand it to the woman. She just looked at me, a pained expression in her eyes - she was clearly very near death, whether from the virus, malnutrition, dehydration or just old age, I couldn’t tell. Feeling terrible, I placed the glass on her bedside table, apologized, and left, closing the door behind me. As I sneaked home through the neighborhood’s properties I felt such an overwhelming sense of sadness. Despair for the state of the world, and guilt for my own actions in not staying by this woman’s side for what surely must have been her final days. Hell, they’ll probably be my final days.
Over the next few days I attempted a few more loots but they were each unsuccessful, my neighborhood had been well and truly plundered. At best, my rations would last me the rest of the week and from there I’d be left with running taps as a food source. I made a decision simply to have one last “real” meal, and I soaked all my pasta to soften it, tipped the remainder of my canned tomatoes into a bowl and combined them with my soy sauce. A feast, which I scoffed in one glorious swoop. It wasn’t an enormous meal, but given the meager portions to which I was now accustomed it was satisfying. Immediately I doubted and questioned my own decision, but deep down I knew further rationing was prolonging the inevitable.
Today is 2 years to the day since the COVID-19 lock down began. Those “four weeks” we could barely bring ourselves to commit to, the rules being flouted on the first day. Groups of people resting on park benches, chatting, leaving and a new group of people replacing them shortly after, placing their hands on the bench as the people before them did, and the people after. We didn’t grapple with the immensity of the situation, and for that we fell.
It’s been nearly two weeks since my last supper and I’m bed bound, I feel drained, weak and tired. My bathroom is only around five metres from my bed but to get myself there to fill up my water bottle this morning left me dizzy and barely able to keep down the water I managed to drink. I feel utterly spent and completely on my last legs. I recall a line from The Fellowship of the Ring, “like butter scraped over too much bread.” That’s how I feel. I know this is just about it, I haven’t heard a sound other than the wind and rain for nearly a week. I guess this is the price we pay, the great universal decider, a disease spread by the rich flying around the world killed millions of the poorest first. Holed up in their mansions with security guards and enormous resources stockpiled, they thought that their greed wouldn’t come back to bite them, and it only prolonged their inevitable fate. 
As for me, I’m now the striking resemblance of the old woman I encountered in the neighborhood house I tried to loot. In the fetal position on the floor by my bed, I’m so hungry, my vision is blurred, my stomach is cramping, my head is pounding. I can see the shadow of birds on the windowsill outside, their shadows only through the newspaper covered windows. “Quoth the Raven, nevermore.”
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componentplanet · 4 years
How to Boost Your Older Graphics Card’s Performance
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has upended economic activity around the globe and made it rather difficult to plan a PC upgrade. With tens of millions of people recently out of work and everyone stuck at home, boosting the performance of the hardware you’ve got on hand suddenly became a lot more interesting.
Before we kick-off, a few caveats are in order. First, the tweaks we’ll explore, even taken in aggregate, will certainly help but are unlikely to work miracles. Performance tuning can improve frame rates and turn a game that’s chugging in places into one that runs noticeably and meaningfully better, but there’s no way to turn an HD 7970 or GeForce GTX 680 into a Radeon 5700 XT or RTX 2080. Second, because every game is different, some of these tips may be more or less effective depending on the title.
Two miscellaneous tips before we start: First, always make certain you are playing games in fullscreen mode, not windowed, and not borderless (windowed mode, without a visible border). Windowed mode is slower than fullscreen, in virtually every title, because your GPU is drawing both your desktop and the game itself at the same time. Windows 10 has cut the gap dramatically, and not every game offers a fullscreen mode, but you should always test the option if it’s available.
Second, make sure you’ve dusted both your GPU and CPU. While unlikely to be a major slowdown cause, it’s far from impossible for a GPU’s performance to drop because the card is throttling under load. Dust is an excellent insulator and if you’ve got an older card, you’ve got no performance to spare in the first place.
Game-Specific Optimization
The first thing we recommend doing to squeeze a little performance out of an aging card is to experiment with game settings themselves. While most reviewers and gamers test titles according to presets (Low, Medium, High, etc), this is a practical time-saving necessity for the former and a matter of convenience for the latter.
Gamers generally know that certain features explicitly tied to AMD or NV GPUs (think GameWorks) can incur heavy performance penalties on other architectures, but the same can be true for other features as well. It’s not unusual for a game’s implementation of ambient occlusion, tessellation, or antialiasing to hit one company’s GPU harder than another, and this can even vary depending on GPU family. Yes, simply lowering game settings or resolution can improve frame rate, but toggling specific features can get you nearly the same results for a smaller reduction in performance. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, turning on MSAA has a phenomenal performance impact, for example — much more than you’d typically expect.
The slideshow below shows the impact of different detail levels in the 2014 Shadow of Mordor, with the optional HD texture pack installed. You can see differences here, but they’re subtle. Medium detail definitely doesn’t pack as much eye candy as Ultra, but it still presents an attractive-looking and engaging game. Even turning off features like ambient occlusion or disabling tessellation doesn’t hurt the visual appeal much. Different games have different “break” points, some look dramatically different at Medium compared to High, while others “break” at Medium versus Low. Oftentimes the benefits of “Very High” or “Ultra” are quite small compared with their performance hit.
Don’t be afraid to climb into the Advanced Options and start changing various sliders. Because different GPUs take different performance hits from different options, you may need to do a little detective work, but it’s not unusual to boost frame rates by 5-10 percent just from small tweaks.
If you need a tool for checking performance in DX11 and earlier titles, FRAPS is still a good choice. (DX12 performance monitoring is more complicated and a bit beyond the scope of this article). It’s also a good idea to use presets as rough targets. If you know a game runs acceptably fast on “Low” and too slowly on “Medium,” don’t be afraid to use “Low” as a starting point for tweaking features upwards. You may find there’s more eye candy available to you than you initially thought. Treat the situation like a buffet dinner — if you don’t see much difference between “Medium” and “High” textures in a title, check to see if dropping to Medium gives you enough headroom to turn up a setting you do care about. You may find that expensive features add relatively little to the game, giving you space to enable other visual improvements you want.
Running at a lower resolution is also a useful way to spot-check performance improvements, though this is title-specific. First-person shooters tend to scale better with resolution changes than a game like Civilization VI.
Driver Tweaks
Once upon a time (the late 1990s), it wasn’t uncommon for AMD and Nvidia to drop drivers that would improve game performance by 10-20 percent, even in older titles. Those days are mostly gone, provided you aren’t installing a launch-day update for a new game. But there are still a few ways you can tweak driver panel settings to squeeze out a little more performance.
On Nvidia cards (AMD has an analogous option in its own driver settings), you can set texture filter quality to “High Performance” as opposed to the default “Quality” option, force Ambient Occlusion on or off (if applicable), and force anisotropic texture filtering off.
Tweaking image quality in-driver won’t gain you a ton of performance, but it should improve things by a few percent. It’s also useful to check, to make sure you haven’t used global settings for one title and then forgotten to change them for another.
Check for Online Tweaks and Unofficial Patches
This one, again, is highly game-dependent. Some games don’t support modding or have small user communities. But in some cases, end-users take it on themselves to create patches that fix various aspects of a title, including issues that impact performance. Games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 have often received unofficial patches that can boost performance or optimize game textures for systems with low RAM.
Overclock Your GPU (Desktop Only)
We’re only touching on the topic here, not diving into it, but overclocking your GPU is typically good for a few percentage points of performance at the very least. Again, your results are going to vary based on which card you have and how aggressively the manufacturer tuned it beforehand. Tools like MSI Afterburner can be used to overclock most GPUs.
What might you get as a result? 5-10 percent would be a reasonable expectation depending on the card.
Note: Everything written here applies to desktop GPUs. ExtremeTech does not recommend attempting to overclock a laptop GPU.
If you are planning to test a GPU overclock, we recommend small tweaks (no more than a 5 percent increase to memory or GPU clock at any one time) and slow going. Stay away from adjusting your GPU’s voltage until you’ve researched the topic and the acceptable range of your card, and don’t tell Afterburner to automatically apply settings at boot until you’ve confirmed the settings you actually want.
Expect this process to lead to a lot of reboots and/or lockups if your goal is to squeeze every last drop of performance out of your card — you’ll have to do some testing to find out where the right breakpoints actually are, and it’s entirely possible to have ten games that run rock-solid on a GPU at one clock, but an 11th title that won’t run at anything but stock speeds. Such is the nature of this metaphorical beast.
If you aren’t overclocking by pushing voltages higher, the chances of damaging the card are fairly small, though we recommend you make sure the fans are dusted before you start pushing things. Most GPUs can typically handle a 5-10 percent overclock without complaint.
Adding It All Up
None of these solutions are going to work if you’re trying to coax more life out of a 10-year-old card, but they can measurably improve your overall performance. If you can tweak game settings for a 7 percent boost, pick up a 7 percent overclock, and tweak driver settings for a further 3 percent, you’ve got a 17 percent overall performance improvement. In a game struggling to hit 30fps (let’s call it 28fps for fun), a 1.17x improvement gets you up to 33fps. That’s not a ton, no — but the corresponding impact of each additional FPS is larger the lower your frame rate is. The perceived difference between 28 and 33fps is much larger than the gap between 60 and 65fps, even though both are 5fps faster than the other.
And of course, these are conservative estimates. In certain titles and particularly if unofficial performance-enhancing patches are available, you might see significantly larger gains, especially if you’re already bumping up against the VRAM limit of your current GPU. Resolution cuts can help a lot in this case — don’t be afraid to drop to lower resolutions if you’re seeing heavy stuttering, especially if you have an older or lower-end card with a limited amount of memory. It’s sometimes possible to write unofficial config files that make a game playable by lowering detail levels below what the developer intended. I had several WoW-playing friends whose graphics I “detuned” in this fashion, allowing them to raid on laptops that otherwise couldn’t handle the job. This was years ago, so I don’t know if the same hooks are still in the game, but there can be real value in this kind of optimization.
ExtremeTech is revisiting some classic posts and guides, each of which has been updated to reflect present-day conditions.
Now Read:
How to Download the Nvidia Control Panel Without the Microsoft Store
How an Article on Game Difficulty Explained My Own Modding, 18 Years Later
Sony Scaling Back PlayStation 5 Production Over Price, Not Coronavirus
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/262688-boost-older-gpu-performance-since-cant-buy-new-one from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/04/how-to-boost-your-older-graphics-cards.html
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savvystories · 4 years
I’ve never been much of a “year in review“ guy. I just don’t care for those trite summaries that are supposed to be full of lessons!
But every few years or so I find myself doing one…
2019 was a very interesting year, as all years really are.
It had big highs and big lows.
I was able to write three complete full length novels this year (a completely new 3-book series, 83k, 65k, and 80k – and in an entirely new subgenre for me) and I didn’t even start writing it until the end of February! How? I set deadlines and goals and I met them. The Gamma Sequence is on track to be my most successful book ever, far far FAR outpacing anything I’ve done before.
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I also edited and compiled another very successful collection of short horror stories for the annual horror anthology, also our best ever, giving a higher profile to a lot of people in the process (some are going to be BIG, gang), as well as writing more than 12 new short horror stories for my own private anthology horror series I’ll be releasing in the next few months. Oh, and I successfully ran four Young Authors Clubs after school for gradeschool children. (That’ll keep you busy.)
I became a USA today best-selling author.
And got ripped off by a marketer – the @sshole and thief, Wid Bastian.
I learned a lot more about marketing (some good, some bad, obviously), which I think I say every year and probably will keep saying every year because I think every year it’s going to be true.
I said goodbye to some friends who I didn’t want to say goodbye to…
and I embraced some friends who wanted to move forward with me. What choice do you really have, after all? You can’t make somebody be your friend. When I look back on all the different people I have worked with in this business (or any other business for that matter), it’s all seems very transitory. I find people, I work with them for a while, and then for various reasons we go our separate ways. Sometimes they quit writing; sometimes they find me impossible to keep working with. (Hey, I’m not perfect.) Sometimes it’s something else.
I wish that wasn’t the case, but it seems this business is that way – transitory – and I have to be okay with that. I miss the people I used to work with, joke with, goof off with, get ideas from, give ideas to, get help from and give help to, but I had my best year ever as an author of this year and really hit a new level in the second half of this year (more on that in a second), so how am I going to complain?
I’m always aiming higher and
I do my best not to let the backward steps – however they come about – bring me down or hurt me too much.
Some losses I incurred in 2019 hurt – a lot. Some of those losses will hurt forever AND I HOPE THEY DO. I don’t want to forget the people who were with me, who helped me get this far. It will always hurt that some aren’t there anymore. I don’t want to forget that I got ripped off, not because the thief gets to live in my head; he doesn’t. I name him to mess with him, not to show I’m wounded. I want to remember what happened because I need to be smarter – for me and for others I can help.
There are GOING to be mistakes. There are GOING to be miscalculations.
There are going to be things that we wish hadn’t happened and which were preventable if we just weren’t so… human and vulnerable and needy and wanting.
But even though I occasionally get down about what I’m doing, it doesn’t last.
I don’t let it last.
That’s what’s amazing about me and that’s what keeps me moving forward.
I had a setback in 2019 (as we all do to varying degrees), and while I was struggling through that, along came an opportunity to change gears and write a second medical thriller book with a very talented group of bestselling authors. So I (eventually) took it – and ended up a USA Today bestselling author as a result. Maybe that would have happened anyway, but it DID happen because I said yes to the opportunity AND because I couldn’t just pick up and start writing the other series. I needed that break, so I switched gears – and then I threw myself into it. Rogue Elements, book 2 in The Gamma Sequence series, was a lot of fun to write; book 3, Terminal Sequence, was even more fun. But writing Rogue helped me move on, and it showed me how to fix what I need to fix so I could write the other series if I wanted to go back to it. (I’m not sure I do; I don’t need to. And I’ve enjoyed the stretching my writerly muscles into new realms…)
Those who chose not to continue on with me, I wish them well. I really do! It gives me no pride or satisfaction to quietly check in on them and not see them doing well.
I want to know everybody’s doing all right.
If they quit writing, I wish they’d start again. If they put a book out, I wish I’d have been allowed to help, but I want it to be successful without my involvement because I was just a cheerleader anyway; they always did the work. They deserve their success, and I want them to have it. (And I’ll be happily jealous of it, too.)
I don’t know what 2020 holds.
None of us do.
But it seems somehow or other I find a way to make my book writing thing a little better and sometimes a lot better.
I’ll never know if the people I leaned on held me back or kept me from sliding further than I would have if I wasn’t leaning on them.
They will never know, either.
I choose to say they helped a lot and my successes are partly theirs. I smile for having known them.
I guess, in the end, let’s all just think fondly of old friends. Like the song says, auld lang syne. Remember everybody fondly; they’re not gonna be around forever. Forgive and forget. Reach out and say hi. Send a letter. And if someone from your past reaches out after six months or a year or sixteen years or however long, we can all let bygones be bygones and be old friends again just like we used to be.
And I equally know a few will never reach out; these are authors. They don’t do the reaching out thing. It’s not in their DNA. I feel I’m not supposed to reach out to a few, that they want me gone, but I don’t want anybody gone, so that lack of reaching out will be a memory of sad regret and possibly the empty feeling of missed opportunity to know again what once was. I think I’ve reached out a lot, sometimes to have my hand ignored and sometimes to feel it wasn’t welcome. I’ll never know if I’ve reached out enough, but I know for some people nothing is ever enough.
For those who keep plowing forward with me, I’ll try to make it worth your while.
The year in review: onward to 2020! I’ve never been much of a “year in review“ guy. I just don’t care for those trite summaries that are supposed to be full of lessons!
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The following is the first installment of my attempt to consolidate my journal notes from last year (2107)  into something of a coherent story.  It was a year of solitude, wandering, and a fair amount of reading.  My memories of each phase of the year, each place I found myself in, are strongly associated with, among other things, what I was reading at the time.  As a result, what follows is part journal, part book review.  Enjoy?
Part One – Winter
The new year started off with another long, lonely drive across the high plains from my brother’s house in Kansas City to my apartment near the boundary between Denver and Aurora.  I was in the middle of my first and only year teaching at an alternative[1] high school located out near the airport where the ever-expanding metropolis currently meets the prairie.  Having never had to really commute to work, I had tried in the fall to find a studio apartment within comfortable biking distance to the school.  There weren’t a ton of choices for studios and I ended up in one of those new, over-priced apartment complexes chock full of frivolous amenities and marketed with empty, superficial references to the unique “community feel”[2].  It was essentially a fancy dorm for the dog-owning medical students attending CU’s med school next door.
The complex was in an interesting corner of the Denver area,  bordered on the north and east with the parallel lines of Sand Creek, the new light rail R-Line, and highways 70 and 225 respectively (see map below).  To the west and south was old Aurora and the massive medical campus.   The surrounding neighborhoods were extremely diverse with recent immigrants from all over the world and many families that had been pushed out of the gentrifying city center of Denver.  At first, I thought I was in a kind of food desert, with fast food, Walmart, and a busted King Soopers being the main options, until I discovered all of the small taquerias, Ethiopian restaurants, Vietnamese pho spots, etc.
The far northeast Denver metro area
I was in a world of such interesting juxtapositions.  I could go for a walk along the creek and see beavers, foxes, coyotes, and countless waterfowl on my right and a massive natural gas depot, immigration detention center, and women’s prison on my left.  There were pleasant creek-side bike paths and a shiny new light rail right next to the concrete clusterf*** of the interstates and the east end of Colfax with all of its motels, pawn shops, and check-to-cash operations.   Near the school, taking up large swaths of land were huge, low-slung warehouse/distribution facilities and treeless neighborhoods of cookie-cutter houses while right across the street were rustic looking ranches with old stately cottonwoods, weathered barns, and horses.  On my way to work, I could see the sunrise in the east reflecting off the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies to the west, giving them a pinkish-orange hue, then upon arriving at school, get hit in the face with wind-blown tumbleweeds, parking-lot trash, and dust blown from the nearby field in the initial stages of becoming a new suburban development.
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Early on, when not at school and while it was still too cold to do anything outside other than the occasional brisk stroll to the creek or masochistic bike commute to work, I spent a good deal of time holed up in my high rent, thrift store furnished apartment.  It was that dark, hand-wringing time of the year with 45’s inauguration looming at the end of the month.  Personally, I was still reeling from an abrupt end to a long relationship, had few friends in all of Denver much less out in Aurora, and was struggling to keep my head up after long, stressful days at school.  As all teachers know, there is a unique and intense exhaustion that results from the constant interpersonal interactions and frenetic pace of a day working with large numbers of reluctant young people, especially in the first year at a school where most of those young people have long been screwed by the educational system and have “a lot on their plate” to begin with.  This was my third first year at a school in the past four years (as well as the fourth city – long story) and I was the physics and chemistry teacher of many students who were still working on their basic math skills. [3]
I often coped by coming home in a zombie-like trance, withdrawing first into my apartment and then into another time and place via bluetooth headphones and a good audiobook.   I was too mentally exhausted to actually read but didn’t want to descend any further into the mindless world of Netflix-dependence, so I moped around, trying to busy my hands with various bike projects while consuming prodigious amounts of spoken word.  In January, Barbara Kingsolver’s 2012 novel, Flight Behavior, provided the perfect balance of hope and escape that I needed after days spent surrounded by all manner of bewildering, depressing nonsense whether it was the new president on the radio, smartphone-addicted students snapchatting with each other across the classroom, disconnected and dehumanizing district bureaucrats threatening students, or irrational motorists in the dystopian rush-hour traffic flowing through industrial exurbia.
Flight Behavior is a beautiful story of a young mother in a rural Appalachian community grappling with the intersection of personal/familial struggles and the unfamiliar, existential threat of climate change.   In short, she stumbles upon a population of monarch butterflies overwintering on a mountainside on her in-law’s land instead of continuing their normal migration to a mountain in the Mexican state of Michoacan.  Learning about and pondering the monarch butterfly’s incredible multi-generational migration is reason enough to read this book.
The narrative weaves in hyper-relevant issues like the cultural conflict between rural communities (poverty, religion, etc.) and coastal/academic elitism, and the difficulty in making sense of climate change in such a complex and interconnected world.  Human migration, along with that of butterflies, is also woven into the story with a family from a town near the monarchs’ normal roost in Michoacan coming in search of work, as well as a Caribbean-born, Harvard-educated, African-American scientist[4] who sets up a temporary laboratory to investigate the anomalous butterfly behavior.
I obviously identified with the unfulfilled, depressed, loner-with-a-broken-relationship status of the main character, Dellarobia, as well as with the frustrating, desperate struggle of the scientist, Dr. Ovid Byron, to connect with and communicate science to the people around him.  Dellarobia’s relationship with her young son also reminded me of my relationship with my mother when I was growing up.  She is loving, selfless, and caring while overburdened with responsibility but, more significantly, is very much an advocate and ally of her budding-scientist son.  The style and voice of the narrator makes a big difference in whether I can sustain attention to an audiobook.  The fact that Kingsolver, who is herself from a rural Appalachian community, is the narrator definitely helps lend authenticity in more ways that just getting the characters’ accents right.  Her calm and somewhat gloomy tone provided the perfect accompaniment to my shuffling walks around my apartment.
I’m extremely picky with the little fiction I read, and was not disappointed with this choice. It’s a great story for our time.  In the post-election search for blame, understanding, and/or absolution, many people seemed to be talking about Hillbilly Elegy [5] by J.D. Vance, but I thought this book should have resurged to prominence the way Rebecca Solnit’s Hope in the Dark from 2004 is doing right now.  One of the “take-home” messages of the book, and of my experience as a teacher, is that the issue of “climate-denial” isn’t about ideological differences, nor is it about intelligence.  While the money and power of greedy, shortsighted (unintelligent?) fossil fuel industry oligarchs certainly makes the problem exponentially more difficult, as Ovid makes clear in a few  rants, the real obstacle is a lack of shared experience and empathy.
To have productive dialogue that leads to mutual understanding – before tackling how to move forward – there needs to be shared context.   It should be apparent by now, that you often can’t just tell “the truth” to people without that shared context, especially when trying to communicate about abstract, schema-threatening concepts such as anthropogenic climate change (or evolution).  This is the inconvenient truth – that without the foundation of shared context, no matter how much evidence you have and how clearly and logically (or sensationally) you present it, you might as well be speaking a different language.  The kind of understanding that will affect one’s decision-making will not result. [6]
Of course, all humans have shared experience, so it can be a matter of having the empathy to get beyond superficial layers of culture that turns people into ‘others’ to find that common humanity.  This takes time and patience.   It also requires restraint from ascribing perplexing, seemingly irrational behavior or ideas to backwardness or stupidity.  It requires the humility to reflect on and question the nature of your own constructed worldview and paradigm of understanding.  Good teachers certainly understand this.  This finding or building of  the context and language with which to construct new understanding is not as easy as it is often made to look in movies.
In the book, Dellarobia and Ovid hang out and work together in the lab.  They spend enough time in “the trenches” together as well as with the butterflies.  They discuss things, they learn about each other, but also just go about struggling through mundane activities together.  Both are changed, both understand things differently as a result.�� They ‘make the road by walking’.  It’s not about the scientist finding something to latch onto as an “in” or finding some appropriate incentive to provide.  It isn’t a marketing problem, the goal isn’t to coerce or to win an argument.  Nor is the goal to proselytize effectively to the ‘ignorant masses’.  It’s about a dialogue – making connections and reaching a deeper, richer understanding together.  This need for shared experience is one of the reasons why “parachute” journalism and activism often sucks (and why my nomadic teaching career has been so frustratingly futile).  It’s one reason why eating food with strangers – breaking bread together – as Dellarobia and Ovid do, is so important in every culture.
Lastly, the book shows that besides sharing experience with each other, spending intimate time with other living things allows us to not just appreciate them more, but to see more.  You might see and begin to understand the hidden patterns and interconnections of things but more often than not, what you see more of is the depths of your own ignorance – the good kind.  Call it beauty, wonder, complexity, mystery, whatever – it’s a realization of inherent value that should be a part of our decision-making calculus.  It’s something  I don’t think you can’t just read about in a book – although that can help, of course.  On that note, I’m closing my laptop and going outside.
  To be continued...
[1] Technically called an “innovation “ and “pathways” school.  more later.
[2] One of my first interactions with one of my fellow community members at 21 Fitzsimmons was having my car towed by one of them for being in what I didn’t realize was their covered parking space.
[3] More later on the school experience.
[4] specifically an entomologist, or more specifically, a lepidopterist, save that one for Jeopardy
[5] I think a more illuminating memoir, in terms of the election, would be called Suburban Elegy
[6] As a wise man once said to me, “we can only communicate in a shared context, so when we try to communicate something about an imagined context that isn’t shared yet, communication breaks down. It isn’t that others don’t have any imagination. It’s that we don’t have the same imaginations, so we imagine separately, and then can’t communicate well.”
A Year in Reading – Part I The following is the first installment of my attempt to consolidate my journal notes from last year (2107)  into something of a coherent story. 
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moroccanrug-blog · 7 years
Moroccan Rug Shop
Thoughts on Choosing living room rug Blue Area Rugs
Navy blue is a very versatile colour particularly with regards to inside decorating. A blue rug in a wealthy navy colour is a good way to pull a room together and to balance the general really feel of the room decor. There are a lot of other ways to adorn a room with a rug and plenty of selections and sizes from which to choose.
Wall-to-wall carpeting is a method to cowl your entire space of your home with fabulous luxury. Utilizing navy blue is a daring move, which isn't fairly as impartial as taupe, brown, gray or tan. Nevertheless, utilizing navy blue on your flooring will provide you with many options on your room decor. Portray partitions a wealthy khaki colour or sticking to an ordinary white will help to spotlight the daring richness of basic navy blue. However, when using space rugs, you should have much more flexibility. Large space rugs are a good way to guard costly hardwood flooring and tile flooring. When you have a big space, an area rug is an effective way to phase an unlimited expanse of ground while sectioning it into smaller more friendly seating areas.
Area rugs may be bought in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They can be discovered as small as three ft vast to over fifteen toes large. In reality, if you need one thing bigger, there are custom producers who can be greater than willing to fill your order. Shapes generally available embody circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, hexagons, and octagons. With so many picks, it is possible for you to to find an area rug to fit your needs.
Rugs are a good way to change-up the look of you room and so as to add heat to a room. Navy blue rugs add a dramatic touch to any room with their traditional richness. You could find area rugs ranging in value from $25 on upwards into the a whole lot, relying on the dimensions and materials you choose. For wall-to-wall carpeting, prices start at $2.50 per foot. The most effective place to begin, when searching for a rug for your house is at you native dwelling retailer, or flooring store. After getting an idea of what you are looking for, you possibly can then evaluate prices utilizing the Internet. The savings can be gratifying once you take your time to research your decisions.
An attractive Carpet can beautify your stylish wooden flooring by including a colourful contact and style to your chambers. Indoor rugs and runners amplify the overall aesthetic value of your house. Quite a number of mats are meticulously crafted and exquisitely painted to create a lovely masterpiece to your flooring. Such rugs function a creative piece of decoration. Space rugs modify your interiors and supply a comfy feeling to your feet. If you happen to wish to expertise the calm and comfort of the light emerald waves hitting the shore, you possibly can shade your floors, in blue color. Blue coloration is associated with harmony, serenity and peace, it provides a soothing ambiance.
Nowadays, a number of shades of blue cowl the normal and contemporary mats. They come with an reasonably priced price tag. You need to use each handmade and the machine made carpets to boost the splendor of your partitions and your floors. In order for you a novel piece, you might go for the "Momeni Rugs". Let me tell you some interesting info about these carpets.
Momeni Rugs
Momeni runners had been named after Ali Haji Momeni. He was the primary one that successfully imported these Persian fashion mats to the American homeland, about fifty years in the past. Regularly, these mats began attracting more and more clients and eventually emerged as a Model Title at some point. Presently, these carpets are produced at a large scale, below a household business.
Searching for indoor as well as outdoor rugs is in no way a straightforward task as a result of there are various issues that you have to consider before buying them. You should know that the rug that to select should be suitable for the type, look and design of your room. In order for you you may as well purchase vivid coloured rugs matching the color scheme of your room. A lovely blue coloured carpet and sq. mats can add elegance and charm to an atypical room. Runners and indoor rugs in blue color additionally give a really cozy and heat feeling to your house. Available in the market you're going to get myriads of blue shaded carpets that will be suitable for all of your decoration wants.
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Blue is a very distinctive coloration that is turning into very talked-about in the interior decoration business. This color can actually deliver out all the very best features of your room. The advantages of putting in blue colored carpets are talked about below.
1. Creating an excellent ambiance
Some folks buy carpets for adornment whereas others buy them for practical objective. A blue shaded carpet is simply good for these individuals who require soothing and peaceful ambiance. You may place this space rug at the heart of your room to give it more appeal. You probably have blue ornamental accessories then these rugs would simply look great with them. You may also purchase small mats in blue color which you'll be able to place exterior your bathroom and kitchen space. You can select the rug for your center with very vibrant patterns and great design.
2. Practical goal
If you want to hide dents or scratches which can be on your laminate for wooden flooring then you possibly can easily take the assistance of the blue Momeni space rugs. The colors and patterns are so extra ordinary that the carpet would offer a whole new look to your room. For accessorizing a modern room, the blue mats and carpets are very suitable. Before you purchase any specific rug, you have to first measure the size of your room after which buy the product accordingly.
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three. Deciding on a fantastic assortment
Blue rugs are available in an ideal assortment which incorporates mats, runners, carpets and small rugs. You should buy a whole assortment after which can place the rugs accordingly in separate rooms. These merchandise are product of nice high quality material and for those who keep them properly they'd final for years.
Before you start your journey of in search of a blue space rug it's best to take the time to explore all the ways that an space rug can profit the spaces that you just wish to improve with them. First you have to decide whether or not the rug is getting used for sensible causes or purely aesthetic ones. This makes a vital difference within the fashion and design of rug that you selected. One of the crucial well-liked strategies of utilizing an area rug, particularly blue space rugs is as a centerpiece positioned near the entrance of a room or within the case of a larger room and bigger rug, in the middle of the room as a focal anchor.
Using blue space rugs as a centerpiece is a superb concept as the colour blue is one that attracts the eye but does not hold it for lengthy. They can be utilized alongside the again sides of long sofas, or as a basis for sitting mats, poofs and Japanese tea tables. One of the best ways to make use of a blue space rug for a centerpiece is to decide on one which has brilliant patterns or consists of corresponding colours that are lighter and more vibrant. Make very sure to exercise care when selecting the accessories for the centerpiece rug as this is going to set the tone of your complete room.
Blue area rugs are also great for the aim of anchoring the rooms furnishings. Small low tables and settees are nice items to position on top of blue rugs. Glass, metallic and lighter woods are best for the furnishings as dark and heavy objects tend to "fall into" the rug rather than "float above" it. Blue space rugs tend to take over the look of the room so make sure that you aren't hiding their powerful appearance but somewhat make them the backdrop onto which you place the remainder of the rooms gadgets like islands on a cloth ocean.
Should you plan to use your rug to border a set of matching furniture make sure that you select a shade of blue in the medium vary and that the tone accents the colors of the furniture however does not match it. If you can be inserting the blue space rug in the dining room just remember to choose one with sufficient dimension so that even when the visitors are seated at the desk the chairs stay on the rug with about 9 inches left over behind.
If you're using your rug for areas of the house the place furniture is going to be positioned on them, just be sure you aren't choosing to make use of rugs which have long tufts. It's because the furniture will create depressions within the floor of the rug. For this type of usage decide rugs which are quick tufted and have very tightly hooked fibers. For framing furnishings just remember to select a rug which has simple or geometric designs.
In order you possibly can see it doesn't matter in case you are desirous to create a centerpiece for a room, frame a set of furniture or create a tone that the rest of the room can be built from you are able to do it with blue space rugs. If you're in search of a number of the best choices in blue rugs for any of the above reasons you must check out the chief in prime quality rugs, Momeni. They have an important choice and specialise in blue area rugs. The standard is great and so they have one of many largest product ranges of any manufacturer.
With the increase in demand of Blue area rugs, there's quite a lot of these rugs out there out there. You can get many astonishing and beautiful designs of blue area rugs from the market. Blue space rugs can be used for anyplace or goal. Both you can place them below your eating table or make them the focus of attraction in your front room. They not only give a stunning look to your own home but additionally defend your floor from scratching and dirt. You too can select them as an choice to cowl stain or blemish on the ground from the visitor's sight. Under I am giving the details of some buyer favorite blue area rugs.
1. Blue Spot Rug
The blue spot rug is mainly designed for kid's room. They are very smooth and provides consolation to the feet as they're created from nylon cloth. They've non-slip latex on their again which stops them from slipping. They're so beautifully designed that they provides a beautiful look to your kids's room.
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2. Blue Curves Lavatory Rug
These are pretty design toilet rugs with stunning blue curves crafted on them. They are made out of one hundred% Acrylic and are mechanically cleanable.
3. William Armes Kilkis Kitchen Rug
These are non-slip placing kitchen rugs with sturdy polypropylene piles on their face. These are also machine-washable in lukewarm water.
4. Fashionable Blue Small Rug
These attraction grabbing blue rugs have amiable trendy designs on them and are constructed from a hundred% Polypropylene. One of the best function of this rug is that it is stain resistant and very simple to clean. These marvelously designed trendy rugs will give a pleasing look to your lounge.
I've always been an enormous fan of space rugs. I think they add a number of neat texture, shade, and pattern to any room in the home. It's great how they are often positioned over just about any sort of flooring, and you are not taking away from the look of a room, but relatively you might be including to it. Blue space rugs are considered one of my all time favorites. There are numerous explanation why so many individuals take pleasure in them, and here is a record of some of the primary causes they became so common.
The primary cause why so many people like this sort of rug is because of its color. Blue is a neat coloration so as to add to almost any room, and it does mix in properly with extra conventional rooms that want a splash of color, or in more fashionable rooms where a colour like blue can actually shine. You're additionally going to have quite a lot of different shades of blue to choose from, making it much simpler for you to resolve on what you want the best, and what room that shade of blue would match into the perfect.
The second main motive why individuals like blue space rugs is because of the broad choice of patterns that can be picked from. There are all kinds of various area rugs that are available blue, a few of them are just one coloration, however some of them also have multiple blue colours and an intricate design on them. These designs add an excellent look to virtually any room, and are excellent for breaking up a one shade or one design look that may very well be occurring in that room.
The third cause I really like blue space rugs is due to the broad selection of materials they're out there in. It is possible for you to to search out low cost synthetic materials blue rugs, or it is possible for you to to spend so much more cash on costly materials that make up a blue rug. This large choice range makes it a lot simpler to seek out the perfect match in your residence without going over your finances, an enormous concern for a lot of people.
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These are just a few of the good the reason why folks decide blue rugs for his or her properties. There are various different the reason why people may decide them, however for me whenever you get to choose from a fantastic colour, you've a big selection of materials to choose from, and also you even have a wide range of patterns to pick from, that makes one of these area rug top-of-the-line.
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End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Review
Individuals with disabilities often have difficulty obtaining competitive employment due to the nature of their disabilities. For best end of lease cleaning follow the link.
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Others may not be able to work a regular full-time job because it may negatively impact their disability benefits. However, there are programs available that provide opportunities to obtain meaningful work with little to no impact on disability benefits. In Virginia, the two primary forms of vocational assistance are Pre-Vocational Services and Supported Employment. These services are funded through Medicaid Intellectual Disability Waiver or through the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS).
End of lease cleaning Melbourne review;
There will be the mold, dirt, grim, and the mildew that causes the issues such as decay or rot. These things can also promote a premature failure of your building material that any homeowner will not want at any cost. If you hire a professional pressure washer company for exterior cleaning in Ashburn, VA on a regular basis, then it will add years to the life of your building. In a calendar year, you must hire the professionals quarterly or bi-annually for the power wash treatments.
Hey Andy. Well trucks in general shake more than normal cars. If you have off road tires and tight suspension, it'll definitely bounce and shake while driving down the road. If you got the shocks changed and it's still shaking a lot, you could simple things like getting your tires balanced and making sure the alignment is proper. Other than that, since it's such a new vehicle, I wouldn't think that there's anything broken with it that would cause it to shake like that.
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After the fan is flipped, the course of action starts. You can degrease and power-wash the ductwork and fan blades. Now place the fan back. You will notice that the inner part of the top of the fan is now degreased and power washed. You need to very careful about the gallons of water you are going to use. Since 2 to 5 gallons of water per minute is essential to clean the machine. Now, the man on the ground inside your kitchen also plays an important role as he takes care of the water flow when it falls. Teamwork is very important in this work!
Another important benefit of hiring a pressure cleaning contractor on a weekly basis is that you can stop worrying and relax in the cleanly comfort of your house. An unclean and messy house can get on your nerves, but now that you know your house would be cleaned with care every week, it relieves you off a lot of tension and stress. If you don't like to clean your house yourself or hire any domestic help for the pressure washing purpose then you must know your best option is to go for a pressure cleaning contractor. You don't have to bother about cleaning your house every now and then because you can be rest assured that your cleaning contractor will do everything that is needed to keep your house perfectly neat and tidy.
Customized Cleaning Solutions in Melbourne - What renders professional services truly attractive is their ability to offer a variety of solutions to cleaning issues in different parts of the apartment. A novice might just end up using the vacuum cleaner over every surface but a professional service would decide on the cleaning method as per the nature of the surface and type of cleaning required.
Crew cleaners are for the areas which require low power machine in comparison. Also three other ranges which include various cold and hot pressure washers for industrial and non-industrial use that is good to blow away mud and other unwanted particles. It is an ideal washer for fields, construction machines and other similar objectives.
Jon Harwokey is a part time author who is very interested in end of lease cleaning melbourne review doing his part to help the environment. When researching solar panels, he went to Clean Energy Quotes for all his answers. They can help you with information on solar power systems as well as finding a professional solar panel installation company.
The foreclosure cleanup industry is proving to be a lucrative business option for hardworking entrepreneurs. With one in every 25 homes in foreclosure, per Michael Williams, Fannie Mae CEO, and with millions of adjustable-rate mortgages poised to reset in the coming years (creating the prospect of a new round of foreclosures), foreclosure cleaning startups are perfectly situated to have evergreen enterprises for years to come.
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Hey Mike, well I haven't used the 3M kit before, but in reading about it, it looks like a solid product at a cheap price. In your situation, you're smart to go with a more comprehensive solution than just a bottle of injector cleaner. And for just $35, it's definitely worth a shot. If you do use, let me know how it works would you? Thanks.
The other benefit of professional roof cleaning has to do with the method that is used by the no pressure roof cleaning contractors. By using a powered hose to have your roof cleaned they spend the shortest time possible and they deliver positive outcomes all the time. You cannot imagine how much time someone would spend trying to remove all that grime, fungi, mildew and algae in any other way.
People Power Services is a grassroots social enterprise proudly creating employment outcomes for migrants and refugees and families, who have recently arrived in Australia. When you choose People Power Services you make a real difference to the lives of these people, who are looking for meaningful employment, and who wish to make a positive contribution to you and your business.
Amber, sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. The holidays were busy around here. If your car just died while you were driving it, you probably have a bad alternator. The alternator is like a mini generator that sits in the car and charges the battery while you're driving. If your alternator goes bad, there isn't any electricity to power the spark for combustion and the car will just die on you like you're talking about while driving. An alternator should cost about $250, and the labor will vary depending on where the alternator is located. It could be a bad coil as well, which is often cheap to replace.
When on tour or performing live, a band would desire to send out a certain message to its fans. Rather of repeating such a message on the microphone, it is suggested to use band backdrops. Unlike words, visuals enable one to reveal ideas rapidly and in a subtle way. In truth, a study brought out by a student analyst from Harvard university discovered that 67 % of consumers prefer clear, comprehensive images to product/service reviews/ratings. This uses to bands, too, because individuals who attend a gig mean to delight in the music. For this factor, they are most likely to look at banners or logo designs of bands that are playing. Only a professional can help you communicate a particular message to your fans.
Hey Mandy, if you've noticed a slow decline in engine performance like that, then it's probably the case that your car needs a general tuneup. The only thing that's disconcerting is the fact that you mentioned backfiring. That's not a good situation, and is usually caused by bad timing. It's good that they changed the fuel pump, but bad that it didn't do much to help. You may be due for a timing belt change and a change to your spark plugs and air filter. You may also need a cleaning of your throttle system and intake. There's just a lot of different things that can contribute to a slow decline in engine performance and idling. Hopefully the mechanic will be able to find out more.
Each type of carpet cleaning equipment is unique in its features and applications, however, all carpet cleaners are designed to clean to high standards. Truck mounts are ideal for cleaning expansive restaurant establishments, portables provide the mobility needed to clean various different places in a restaurant, walk-behind carpet extractors are for deep cleaning carpets and cleaning hard-to-reach areas and encapsulation carpet cleaning machines simultaneously clean carpets and reduce their drying time tenfold to minimize disruption to restaurant activities. Choose the carpet cleaning equipment that best suits your restaurant maintenance needs.
As part of the nature of the condition, allergy-sufferers must reduce the number of germs and pollutants in their home in order to preserve the health of their immune systems. In certain cases, allergy-sufferers have weakened immune systems resulting from their body's constant fight to fend off allergens. This is all the more reason to eliminate as many allergen triggers as possible without introducing new pollutants at the same time. A carpet steam cleaners Houston helps remove these pathogens, so your allergy symptoms remain under control.
Investigate whether the firm has well trained and qualified personnel. The members of staff need to have acquired some level of training so as to offer high quality services. When so doing, you should also check whether the equipment used by the firm is in good condition. The main point is to pay attention to each and every detail so that you are able to make the right decision.
Backfiring is usually caused by poor engine timing. Preignition happens in the combustion chamber at the wrong time and that causes a backfire. But it can also be caused by a number of other things, so you really need to take it to a shop to get it properly figured out.
So there you have it: all the basic steps for creating your proposal. Now for the finishing touches. After you have inserted all the words and data in your proposal, spend a bit of time making it visually appealing. Add your company logo, choose different fonts or use custom bullets, or consider using colored page borders. Don't go overboard, though; you want to match the style of your proposal to the style of your business.
Ok, now we need to get the air circulating to dry the room out. If it is not raining open the windows up all the way. If it is raining you will still need to open some of the windows just make sure that rainwater is not coming through the open window. Next, if you have ceiling fans turn them on high. You will also need to place floor fans, box fans, or air movers in each room. You may also need to use a dehumidifier or two. The dehumidifier has a tank that fills with water as it is extracted from the air. You will need to empty it often. If you have carpet that got soaked you will need to lift it up and get air moving under it. Otherwise the carpet pad will not dry which will lead to nasty smells and mold. Just pull the carpet loose from that tack strips and stuff some 2x4's or something under it to create an air space between the carpet and the pad. Then stuff an air mover or fan under the edge of the carpet for end of lease cleaning melbourne review.
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Technology in the radio industry of the 21st century essay
quiz outcome:\n\nThe enormousness of the single-valued function of the scientific maturement in the tunercommunicationcommunication intentness of the twenty-first century.\n\nEs articulate Questions:\n\nHow catch proficient inventions influenced the development of the receiving preparation patience?\n\nWhat aim does tuner pass catcher regainr exertion symbolise in the lives of ordinary sophisticated-day tidy sum?\n\nHow the engine room does eases the wireless(prenominal) set assiduity to reach level top hat of its potential reference?\n\ndissertation Statement:\n\nTechnological cognitive operation started organism the leading effect in our realism desire ag peerless and now it is in its blossom. So patchy things cypher on it and it is re e realy(prenominal) unexpressed to cerebrate the existance of humanity without it.\n\n \n engineering science in the tuner sedulousness of the 21st century essay\n\n \n\nIntroduction: Things channelize a group in cotemporary world. The world itself changes, bewilders more(prenominal) forward-looking. E genuinelything is made for the gad educate of a man. And the main flat coat for many inventions is to experience mans life easier. Inventions that turn in cartridge holder and perform diametrical actions as a re stark nakedal to the mans actions. If it were non for progress we still would have been cave heap. Progress, which nowadays is evaluated through applied science. Technological wait on started be the leading power in our world long ago and now it is in its blossom. So many things depend on it and it is precise hard to imagine the existance of humanity without it.\n\n communicate patience played an primal lowly-arm in the lives of modern great deal. all overdue to peoples art it was the only source from which a soulfulness could chance resilient breeding or is socialize by. It is not delineate in a in truth high schoolschool up bore nowaday s and in that location is a muddle of emulation between various companies for the best production c at oncerning this matter. A immense number of consumers seek high quality production and a lot of numbers of companies ar eager to satisfy their subscribe to. As the engineering develops e actually attach to tries to catch up and be on top of the proficient progress. The question of engineering science interpretation the code of the communicate constancy non watercourse in the 21st century has different sides. It pile be pecked from the repoint of view of producing and performing adept fend for to the intercommunicate industriousness. Spreading the publicize is kindredwise very serious for it is unitary of the main characteristics of a receiving set liquidator fabrication to become normal. Of course it has to be on the background of a very qualified contents of what is overspreaded. intercommunicatecommunication has a lot of competition, further it st ill remains nonp areil of the most popular breedingal sources. wizard of its advantages is that a person kindle keep doing whatever he was doing moreover at the equal magazine he rotter listen either to password or to good harmony on the piano tuner. People do not have to fall out their time riveted to the screen of their TVs and very exceptional in their possible actions. When it goes to the highest degree radio receiver people do not have to spent time of visual acquaintance it is all auditory. For example, the only time worry people chamberpot listen to both(prenominal)thing is when they drive their cars. In this case radio carries the function of giving checked and authorized information. In order to maintain such(prenominal) information radio labor has to be very up-to-date and high-speed. According to this, radio assiduity is a lot dependent on the proficient progress and engineering itself. through and through technology radio industry realizes its el ementary goals, borrows its priorities and reaches the visualizeing. This is very fundamental now, when industries hit the consumers not by quality, still by quantity. The affect on tested information is high, and the supply aroundtimes is sufficiently low. engine room becomes a method, a tool and a delegacy of putting the radio industry on a proper(ip) level of development. engineering science dictates a lot of rules to the radio industry. belief at the same time it enlarges its borders and makes it accessible and suitable for a way bigger audience. The audience, which is correct to a necessary radio-wave listens to intelligence service, music. interest property of a dot is the ability to inform the audience astir(predicate) various information. both these features have allowed the broadcasts attract the largest audience. though the broadcast is listened instantly and easily, carry out of its preparation, beginning from record of a effectual before scattering i n ether, requires the special responsibility, verity and efficiency. This essay is written to make it understandable that when someone says radio industry it is not decent to think only about radio sends, but regrettably people sometimes do it. The beginning was about that sort and proved that it is really back up by the reality, but in that location is much more to radio industry than that. wireless technology is a thing that is machine-accessible almost with any tantrum of our lives, whether we talk on the strait or doing anything else. For twenty days there seemed no tantrum of innovation in radio systems but increasing complexity of silicon devices at fall cost. This has brought about a conversion in thinking and in opportunities for spic-and-span communication systems.\n\nThe borders of radio technologies be disappearing dramatically. immediately one of the most palmy branches of the radio industry is receiving set technology. Personal communications, busi ness information distribution and computer-to-computer communication be only some of the portentous aras already in the process of organism developed by the sunrise(prenominal)ly radio technology. Developments in linear technology and cellular techniques, together with the now recognise advantages of short-range radio, misbegot that new radio systems volition aliveness a far great number of holdrs from the available spectrum. wholly these innovations are on a very high train and radio technology is evaluate to speed up the fastness of its development. Nevertheless, if we concentrate for example broadcast medium it is not possible to say its progress is realized very fast.\n\nWhat is made to make it break? All the work that is being make concerns the improving and upgrading the radio systems that already exist, though it decidedly go away be intermit to yield the plunge and return the computer industry all the same more into the world of radio superiorhighw ays. Create something new and do not get stuck on the old. Our radio industry surroundings inquires a virile point and this weapons-grade point should be some new, tall(prenominal) technology, a revolution in this industry. Digital audio send is one of the creations that start up this revolution. Digital Audio transmit (DAB) offers a fully-digital radio broadcast system for fixed, portable and oddly mobile receivers. It brings a super fail quality and respectable data service to homes and cars. We pick up this creation to be one of the most serious technological innovations since the start of broadcasting. The quality of the sound is a result of utilise the psycho-acoustic properties of the human ear. It is leveled to a compact disc sound and it even includes picture transmission. This rift in the radio industry owing to the new technology predestines the takeivity of the radio technological progress.\n\nWhat is the most essential enigma for the radio industry cons umers? transmittance quality, no surmise. The new technology offers high spectrum efficiency and undamaged reception in mournful vehicles. This is a footfall that go away definitely make modern people seek for this ask type of broadcasting when act to the radio industry products. So broadcasting is one of the primary cares of the industry and depends on the technology. At the same moment the role of a broadcast in delivery of the important, necessary, urgent news to the audience is unchallengeable. Besides the radio was always the source of information necessary in raising of growing up coevals and spreading the knowledge of advanced experience.\n\nToday, despite the development of word picture engineering, radio industry is not going to give up its positions. An new(prenominal) technology that intensifies the radio industry is web radio. today Internet is a very popular and is an integral function of the lives of all the people of our planet. This technology offers a person an hazard to start his own external adventure in radio owing to this new mean of audio communication. There is a lot of literature to help people to learn how to use the web radio and to get the best of it. A person tail assembly gain technical and practical know-how to enable the station to go live, but also an appreciation of the legal and good of first publication implications of making radio, potentially for international audiences and in the rapidly evolving surroundings of the web. Radio industry is ever-changing: radio on the Internet, AM stereo, cable and satellite radio, box formats, mergers and consolidation, future prospects, and digital technology all these makes radio industry very attractive for the audience provides insight into this ever-changing field.\n\nIf we take a smaller skip of the radio industry we can see that a lot of thing have been done to improve the old-fashioned technologies, too. This is complete because a lot of people cannot afford e xpensive technological products and prefers stay with what they are all used to. We can take a radio receiver as an example. Radio receivers are obviously a very important carve up of radio and wireless technology. Their military operation is diminutive to many applications. The basic radio receiver concepts including the superhet and other topologies such as the direct conversion receiver are of great interest. Elements such as selectivity, sensitivity, slashing range, and many more are of great importance to any radio receiver. So too are some of the circuits and techniques employed. Mixers, demodulators and synthesizers are only trine examples. The main technological step made concerning radio receivers is the prune of their high-voltage range. Sensitivity is one of the main judicial admissions of any radio receiver. However the sensitivity of a set is by no means the whole story. The specification for a set may show it to have an highly good level of sensitivity, but when it is subsumeed to an antenna its performance may be very disappointing because it is easily overladen when strong signals are present, and this may impair its ability to receive weak signals. The overall dynamic range of the receiver is very important. It is just as important for a set to be able to handle strong signals well as it is to be able to pick up weak ones. This becomes very important when trying to pick up weak signals in the straw man of nearby strong ones. chthonic these circumstances a set with a poor dynamic range may not be able to hear the weak stations picked up by a less sensitive set with a better dynamic range. Problems like blocking, inter-modulation distortion and the like deep down the receiver may screen out the weak signals, despite the set having a very good level of sensitivity. habitual people face these kinds of problems. And though it may be considered some kind of detailed verbal description of what a receiver is the rationality we descr ibed it all in detail is to allocate what qualities people are seeking for in one of the most popular products of the radio industry. This is the radio receiver technology and it is an integral part of the contemporary radio development.\n\nEverything that has once been invented in the radio industry has to gain a new life or a decent substitute. What is the soil of such a phenomena? The main reason is that the products of such a pauperismon industry have to follow the progress in the outback(a) world. The outside progress is potently influenced by the demand of the circulating(prenominal) society. The society, in its turn, dictates the demand being influenced by lots of factors. wizard of them is that people deprivation high quality service in a very small amount of time. People need to save their time and control qualified products at the same moment. It is all about demand and supply. People have legion(predicate) business connecters and deals all over the world. What they need is a guaranteed any-minute connection to any place they what to connect to. They are ready to collapse proper money for it because quality means high prices, particularly when it concerns technologies.\n\nConclusion: It would be right to say that technology has composeed the regulation of the radio industry obsolete in the 21st century. engineering science controls the development of the radio industry and without it this industry would be fallen by now. It is not dead, but it is not the same anymore. Radio industry should be represented throughout technology. Technology- means changes, changes for something new and hopefully much better. Technology is a system that has been designed and realized on practice. It is a model of solving current technological issues. All the technologies torment one goal gaiety and projection of possible demands and changes that may be needed in order to keep the industry up. As long as we talk about radio industry it becomes a polic e. Technology is the essence of every modern industry. Radio get alder andolder. That is the reason it does render the regulation of the radio industry obsolete. Every fact that was listed to a higher place proves it in its very core. Radio industry needs to change and even more than that it need a constant change, a constant spreading. It needs a constant offer of new techniques. In this case it will stay as up as it is. Million of people worked in the radio industry and dedicate their thoughts and lives to the creation of something we may be already consuming. Technology cannot be the heart of the radio industry, because technology is growing and compass its blossom. Owing to technology our houses are more comfortable and exclusively serve to our convenience. And as for business people - they are the ones that will say without a doubt that that due to the technology the radio industry obsolete was inevitable.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Cu stom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! 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