#and I still technically have that MZB book to start
Reading Update
So. I’m 65% of the way through Year of the Griffin. It’s finally starting to get action heavy, but the relationships and “pairing off” is still happening. I miss DWJ’s usually “people falling in love on accident and totally while they weren’t paying attention” way of writing romance.
I did read a short erotic story, Birthing the Brood: it was enjoyable but I’m not sure I’m happy having spent $3 on it when it was a short as it was....That being said that is book #99 for the year.
I haven’t started The Shadows yet, I’m trying to power through YotG first. Hoping to start it next week as I waited a long time for it to become available for me to read. I also got two free months of Kindle Unlimited for free so I’m taking advantage of that and have Charmed Life (the first of the Chrestomanci books) and The Heroes of Olympus: The Demigod Diaries downloaded on my phone.
I also got an email from my library that my hold on Clockwork Angel is officially up for checking out. I’m need to go claim it before I lose it - I’m hoping that CL and HoO are quick reads and I finish them to this year. I will definitely finish CA in the new year, but whether I finish TS this year or next year is unknown. I have other things I have to start lining up which will bite into my reading time when I’m at work (and twisting my ankle definitely threw my entire schedule out of wack) but I’m hoping to keep things rolling and on track.
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