#and dont recommend interview with the vampire i KNOW it's on my list of things to watch eventually
northern-passage · 1 year
You've been writing about vampires eh... can I ask is there an aspect about vampires that you wish was portrayed more across media, be it televised or literature?
Of course, if there is it's probably included in what ever you're writing, so if you can't answer this because it may be a spoiler, that's fine :)
ohohohohohoho this is a fun question.
i actually talked abt this not too long ago with someone else, but i really wish more vampire media would focus on the Hunger of it. obviously modern vampire stories are a hit or miss especially if it's a romance (twilight did irreparable damage to that subgenre) but i just want my vampires to be nasty and hungry and i want to see them struggle with it.
what i've been writing is a mix of things but one of the main characters is a freshly turned vampire, and she doesn't really understand what's happening to her or how she got here, so a big part of the narrative is her trying to remember what it was like to be human as well as coping with how she has to live now and the violent things she's done. her (human) partner is trying to salvage their relationship while going through all of this as well, and she's also being forced to do terrible things to protect her girlfriend and keep them together. the third character is one that's outside of them and she's older and been around longer and she's just really lonely, and she is also doing (you guessed it) terrible things in an attempt to feel a part of something and someone else.
i don't like vampires being perfect and beautiful and hundreds of years old, i want them to be young and messy and stupid! also STOP making confederate vampires what the hell is wrong with you...
i also wish people would stop trying to be "too cool" for vampires. i don't mind people changing certain parts of vampire lore (i've changed some things myself) but i really dislike the disdain some people seem to have for classic vampires. why are you writing about vampires if you don't even like them or think they're silly! i feel like this can be applied more generally to a lot of things these days, though, there's definitely this fear of being "cringe" permeating everything and people seem to only enjoy a lot of stuff "ironically" and i just don't get that.... anyways i want vampires to explode in sunlight again
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