#and in those 1.8 kgs is a counter rotating prop that turns thousands of rpm
the-silliest-idiot · 3 years
Hi silly! For the ask game: Cinnamon, Plum and Outer Space! 🍇💫🧡
Cinnamon - INSANELY TALENTED - like seriously share the talent/lh - also so nice and warm Plum - probably up way past your bedtime - super cool Outer space - space kid!! - super creative and great ideas - i will give you a shiny rock :]
I feel flattered with another cinnamon. But like I said before, you can have my talent. Just ask for advice or whatever and I’ll do my best to give it to you I am physically incapable of being up past my bedtime so that is definitely not it. My stupid farmer rhythm won’t allow me to stay awake past 2230-ish. As for the space kid thing.. I may love the sky cranes NASA uses to land rovers on mars a bit too much. They’re just so cool! And it’s such a crazy idea that just works. They hover with the rovers above the surface of mars and then lower it down so the rover does not crash. And after that the sky crane flies away, never to be seen again. And the footage NASA got from those things is unreal. The engineering that must have gone into it, holycrap.
Same could be said for everything NASA but I have not seen much sky crane appreciation. I have not looked very hard but still...  I will take the shiny rock, I like weird and shiny rocks.
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