#and it's even in tse as well. the line 'neither is right yet neither is wrong'
chaosxcrushed · 21 days
There's a certain CCCC summary video that we really, really like. We think it is a great video for people if they want to grasp the story more clearly, if they're confused, or if they're listening to the album for the first time.
That video being Chonny Jash and the Weight of the Mind on Youtube by W3tBl@nk3t. We think they cover it really well.
However, I'm sharing this for a different reason; they say few certain things that really struck with us until now, that I'd like to share with the fandom. Sometimes, we see people really just.. Miss the point of CCCC entirely, and I'd like to shine a light on what was said here. If you'd like to hear this for yourself on video, the timestamp is 35:57-36:45.
“..I bet we all could relate to that, they are the prime example of the side of you that suffers and the side of you that hates yourself for suffering:
The side of you that just wants to slow down and feel everything even to the unhealthy extent of not being able to do anything else(1), but also the side of you that so desperately wants you to get over it(2).
Sure, laying in bed all day every day to rot isn't healthy, but neither is boiling things down and invalidating your own emotions. Both are paths to inevitable disaster, and that's what Chonny is doing here. Keep in mind that the idea behind this album is being whole, and that means neither of these sides are entirely in the right or the wrong; this album is about inner compromise and acceptance(3).”
1.) The side of you that suffers; Heart. He is representative of Whole's emotions, he holds them. Your emotions can go haywire, especially when one's mentally ill and has no way of their feelings being validated. An emotional person like Heart suffers under the weight of crushing, devastating feelings. He wants to feel things out, have time to just process everything, even if it takes them days or weeks to get over it. It's not healthy, but feeling is what he does, and he wants to help because he knows he has importance. Solely focusing on just your emotions isn't the best thing to do, however.
2.) The side of you that so desperately wants you to get over it; Mind. Many people have been there, have wanted themselves to stop wallowing in their own emotions and just do something else, even to the point where you think feeling things out is unnecessary. This is also unhealthy, but not intentionally. Like Heart, Mind just wants to help, everything he does is in best interest. This is what he thinks will get them to move on the quickest; to leave behind emotions and focus on anything BUT that. Also not the best thing to do.
3.) This album is about inner compromise and acceptance; About being whole. Neither of Heart and Mind are right nor wrong. They have their own ways of doing things, of what they think will help their whole self out the most, but both are unhealthy despite the good intentions. They fight over who's wrong or right, when they shouldn't even be doing so in the first place. It's your thoughts against your emotions, basically; your feelings contradict your thoughts, and it leads to an inner war of sorts. This won't make things better, which is why you can't have Mind over Heart or vice versa; you'll need both of them. In the album, they are only able to be whole when they get along. They harmonize, they 'combine', they see eye to eye with each other and work together instead of fighting over and over. Inner compromise is achieved with this, and acceptance can lead them away from any disaster that there's to come.
What we're trying to say is that mental health is a large thing tackled within CCCC, and yet we see a lot of people who overlook it; thus, end up missing the point of the whole album. We see a lot of people believe Mind's perspective a little too much and treat Heart quite harshly, or the other way where people demonize Mind and say that Heart is perfect, when it's not really that in the slightest.
This is not a hate post towards people's interpretations of CCCC or how they view characters, I'm just saying that people can tend to overlook what's in the very narrative, and we see a concerning amount of people do such.
Anyways. Stream CCCC and put your Hearts and Minds in the get along shirt. Have a nice day.
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
Really Stupid Theory Idea:
(Ive totally definitely cracked the code)
Thinking about this bit from TSE
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Soul says the brain is what split them up in the first place (i doubt hes talking about Mind). Going into "Someone help me understand what's going on behind my eyes. Doctor I can't tell if I'm not me" shows how much his sense of identity has been jumbled up since the "brain" is split into three he doesn't know whats happening in his head nor what hes supposed to be. The beginning half of Cacophony has Heart & Mind fighting over Soul/who should control him/take his place, not even trying to view him a person or having his own identity. Especially with Storm & a Spring, Mind saying "A Soul so deep, and dark, and eternally cold and an oath, formed from us both that it would stay whole" saying that THEY are in charge of Soul and are the ones keeping him Whole. So by the time Soul has his song he's 1. Trying to keep the other two from tryin to kill the other again/stop their arguing and 2. Trying to figure out who he and what hes supposed to be. And since in the end of TSE Heart & Mind are still fighting and has no idea what hes supposed to be, he gives up and views tridental regicide as the answer. Its only till Heart & Mind attempt to see the others viewpoint that he can make his own viewpoints about himself and his identity.
Where am I going with this? Well its obvious
(im not going anywhere with this I just wanted to rant about Soul and I made a stupid theory out of it)
I was always confused why Soul looked like this
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But also this
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Like whys he half colored in Light but other times hes not?
Speaking of Night&Light, who tf is thie fella??
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Are you Whole? Are you Soul? Well ladies, gentlemen and the technicolor rainbow in between the answer to that is Yes but also No
That shadowy figure is totally definitely
Soul 2
Now you may say "KJ, soul 2 isnt real, it was just the way CJ was mixing his music/lyrics and he just forgot to fix it"
And I say stfu you're WRONG and im gonna TELL you why you're wrong.
(All lyrics im getting from are specifically from CJ's videos that indicate who says what)
As i said before the line from TSE in the forst photo up top says Soul can't understand whats going on behind his eyes/in is brain/head. He also says this line:
"Open your window look out and see them. Tines stabbed through eyes that the sides have condemned"
While this lyric is usually used for how heart went blind theories, its odd that it says "The Sides have Condemned" the sides being Heart & Mind. And as we know by the lyrics " Heart Mind Slay Soul" and "Fathers of fathers, I know that I'm vile. Let's see how long it takes to murder me. Neither is wrong, yet neither is right. Condemn him to the infirmary" Soul uses their own lines against them and knows how their fighting is a threat himself (also shown by the lyric in Dream). He tries to show that neither side is Good or Evil (the thing they only come to terms with in VoaC) but the very thought of working together and seeing the others side, is said that the person deserves to be Condemned. Which is exactly what the line from Night. A person with another perspective (from the window), and the sides (Heart & Mind) condemn that idea.
However the lyric in Light "Open the window, look out and see me, that sad, sulking mess, this human you're being" is said by the black shadowy character. But thought Soul was in the window? Unless the Shadowy Guy
Is that idea dumb? Probably BUT you have lyrics like in Two Wuv "The person you see is a dark divided man". Divided can mean both Heart & Mind but also the fact that Soul is divided into 2 colors. But thats up to interpretation you say, well what about the fact that this line from Night (that have {} which are indications of when Soul is singing)
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Along with this, Soul & Shadow Pal can both say Me when talking about themselves specifically. But when trying to say Me as in all together/Whole, they glitch out and cant say it. Because neither of them are Whole. But are technically the same person/entity
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(Two Wuv is also the song where you can point out the parts when which half of Soul is singing. Depending if talking about the point of Cacophony/HMS or the perspective of Whole/Soul 2 when writing about/making the songs themselves. However i dont have enough room for that atm so thatll have to be a separate post (if i make it lol) )
The ending of Light has all of them singing together while physically being overlayed as well.
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But you have this one at the final chorus
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You see Heart & Mind with the lighter split of Soul together but ALSO the Shadowy Man/the dark half of Soul. You can tell by the fact that none of them are holding a microphone but Shadow Bro is.
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Now this has all probably been sad before (i cant remember if anyone did a theory for this honestly i have a bad memory)
But im going further.
So much stupidly further that im claiming these lines in The Whole World And You
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Are not mind & heart singing but instead soul & the other half
But maybe technically are?
At that time, the () & [] werent indicating whether Heart & Mind were singing. They were just spitting up the duet lyrics to be more readable.
Yes, the Mind voice is there but the lyrics are more talking about having to be Whole again. Soul & Other One are talking about how them two split and eventually become Whole again. "I hope you're happy now ive merged dark and light" is especially talking about how dark & light/heart & mind are now together again. So the person singing isnt either of them. It sounds more of Whole talking to himself about being split and coming back together again. But the voices still sound like Heart & Mind as well as the lyric colors in the video being black & white (but spining into the opposite colors). Unless,
And this is quite stupid so much so that i dont rlly believe it and wont accept as canon when drawing them
But, at least at that point, the halves of Soul ARE Heart & Mind.
In a way at least. Soul is also his own person/self as well shown by how he talks in TSE & Two Wuv. But he also has lines like "I can feel them stew" in Night or "I won't hesitate to kill my Heart & Mind. I will abdicate these deviants sat inside" or the entire 2nd verse in Two Wuv. Its why he's called the vessel as well, Whole spilts into Heart & Mind leaving Wholes Identity & Self behind. Soul IS his own self (being Wholes identity) but also your emotional & logistical side are apart of your identity as well. Which is why the combined photos in the end of Light are at first split color soul are each halves/are on the sides of Heart & Mind, but also one of all 4 of them being overlayes together with the halves of Soul as full bodies. (Also goes into to the fact CJs original name for Soul was Body a bit as well) . Also why the album cover is Heart & Mind as 2 halves with Soul as the Mask & Whole being the hand that holds it (shown by the nailpolish colors)
Okay im done i originally just wanted to rant about Soul & Two Wuv cos i relate to them a lot. But i had a silly idea and wanted to type it out.
So in an incomprehensible conclusion, there might be 2 Souls/2 halfs of Soul (one of them might sorta be Whole) but they also might be Heart & Mind finally agreeing with the other.
Or something idk im tired and i find this HILARIOUS so im posting it hi
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The Last Bandito
Part Fifteen: Time, Leave the City
Chapter Summary: After New Dema issues an ultimatum, everyone must decide where their loyalties now lie.  Warnings: Angst? Word Count: 1180 A/N: This series was borne of this picture. The bolded phrases are prompts I have compiled to use in this fic. Also, I’ve forgotten to mention before that for the phrases in Ukrainian, I’ve been using Google Translate; forgive me if they’re not accurate! – This is the last part of this series but there will be a sequel! I already have a title and a title card (ahead of myself, I know), though posting it may be a little ways down the road. Thanks everyone for reading! 
The word was out all over New Dema: Heathens were here, and descendants of Heathens. Other creatures, too. The Conference, in an effort to protect its citizens, issued an ultimatum: join the effort to find a cure or leave New Dema. 
The statement left the city torn. Many said that The Conference was no different than the Bishops now, forcing their citizens into unwanted experiments. The others were grateful The Conference were tightening up on what was allowed in New Dema. There was a fine line, they said, between what the Bishops did and what needed to be done. The Conference had finally found a balance, some said. 
Faylinn didn’t know what to think — after all, she had brought this on, hadn’t she? If she hadn’t gone to The Conference to tell them what she had seen Ildri and Quinn do, this wouldn’t be happening. Perhaps it was always meant to happen though, and she had simply been the catalyst for an inevitable event. 
As she stuffed clothes into a bag, she heard someone coming up the stairs. It had to be Ildri, she was sure, but that didn’t stop her from gathering the necessities to take on her journey. 
“You’re leaving, too?”
The voice in her doorway was not her cousin’s. Faylinn turned away from her packing to see the Heathen from her dreams. He was just as she had always dreamed him to be, just as he had been on the sidewalk. This time, Faylinn was more nervous than excited to see him. 
“I’m going on a trip. There’s a publishing company in New York that wants to go over the manuscript with me. I’ll be there for a couple of weeks, if not longer.”
The Heathen shook his head. “You can’t do that, Faylinn. You don’t know what kind of danger you’re putting yourself in, putting everything out there about the Bishops.”
She ignored his warning and cocked her head to one side. “You called me Faylinn. You know my name.”
He pressed his lips together. “Yes. Your cousin told me.”
“What’s your name?”
“Josh,” he replied, taking a deep breath and letting his name come out on the exhale. “My name is Josh.”
Faylinn reached up to caress his cheek. “You’ve helped me more than you know, Josh. Coming to me in my dreams, even warning me through a dream. Whether you meant to do that or not, my dreams of you more or less wrote this book. I’ll always be grateful for that. Maybe if things had happened differently …” She shook her head. “You’re better off with Ildri. She’s smart, and she’s strong.”
Not even sure what she was trying to say, Faylinn went back to her packing. When she had zipped the bag and had more to say, she turned around again, but this time, Ildri was standing there. She had a bag of her own on her shoulder, and her eyes were still yellow. 
“Should I be worried?” Faylinn asked quietly. 
Ildri smirked and shook her head. “Everyone knows what I am now, so there’s no sense in hiding it. I’m sure you’ve figured it out now, but I’m leaving the city. I’m going to Trench. Tyler and Josh are coming with me. There might be others, I don’t know. Some of those who strongly support The Conference are calling for those who oppose the ultimatum to leave with us. You could come too, you know. Quinn hasn’t decided yet what she’s going to do. If you come to Trench, maybe she’ll decide to come, too.”
“No. No, I’m going to New York for a while, actually. A company there may be publishing my book.”
Ildri nodded. “I wish you would re-consider. If you do at any point, I suppose you know where to find us.” She turned to leave, then turned back. “Neither of us is a traitor, Faylinn. Koly vy pryymayete lyudynu, yakoyu vy ye, vy pobachyte tse.”
While Faylinn mentally brushed up on her Ukrainian and worked to translate her cousin’s statement, Ildri left the house with Tyler and Josh in tow. Faylinn dropped to her bed and looked down at her hands. She hoped that the day she figured out the person she was, that person wouldn’t have hands covered in the blood of creatures she didn’t yet understand. 
During the trek to Trench, Ildri lingered behind Tyler and Josh a ways. The majority of her knew this was for the best, but part of her was dreading leaving the city she had always known as her home. 
“There’s another place you could call home.”
She stopped in her tracks, unaware of when the Bishop had impeded her path. Still, she didn’t let her confidence fade, though inside her nerves were gripped with fear. 
“Keons. What do you want?”
The Bishop smirked behind the thin veil covering his face. “The Conference is allowing you and the Heathens to move to Trench, telling you you’ll be safe there. Why should you trust them, yazychnyts’ka dochka? They created you to protect them, but now, at the smallest question of your loyalty, they turn you away.”
Ildri swallowed hard, anger taking over her fear for the time being. “They did not create me. I am exactly what you say — a Heathen daughter. My mother and my father loved each other, and you killed both of them. You let my mother believe that she would live, that she would get out and get to me, get to her brother — right. You didn’t think I knew, did you? How could I? I dreamed of her. Of the months before I was born. You offered her everything. Then you stole it away with one cut. I’m going to Trench, and I’m not looking back.”
“That may not be the wisest decision, Bandito,” Keons spit out. “We will come for you one day. All of you. And we aren’t your only concern anymore.”
The Bishop was gone just as quickly as he had appeared. Ildri’s anger faded and fear returned, as she realized not only that she was alone with no family, save for two men she hardly knew. Even Tyler. She had known him once, but that didn’t mean she knew the kind of person he was now. 
Still, the moment Ildri caught up to where Josh and Tyler had started settling in Trench, when Tyler turned to her and his expression changed to that of concern. Ildri walked faster and faster toward him, until she was heading toward Tyler at a full-on run. She dropped her bag when she got to him, practically flinging herself against his chest. Maybe she didn’t know Tyler as well as she had a lifetime ago, but he was here now. He was still her safe place. 
“It’s okay,” he said, wrapping his arms around her as she shook with terror. Over Tyler’s shoulder were two cities, large and strong and perfectly capable of crushing them, of coming for them at any given moment. “It’s over now.”
“No, it’s not,” she whispered back. “It hasn’t even begun.”
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Experience Tourist.
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