#and just to be clear: i am not hopping on the ‘manfred was an abusive freak’ bandwagon. i don’t think i ever could. but still.
genderqueer-karma · 1 year
stole this image off twitter but this is franziska. to me. anyway.
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thosedeviantfeels · 4 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 7
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be.
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: mentions of death
Word count: 2,314
Author’s Note: Hi, everyone! I’m back! Finally! Graduate school has dominated my life and it was difficult to find time and inspiration to write. I had to completely re do this chapter because it didn’t feel right. Anyway, it’s here now and there’s only one more chapter after this. Hope you all like it! 
November 11, 2038 So much had changed since you saw Markus at the cemetery. Androids were being sent to camps. You were doing better after seeing Markus. Knowing he was alive was enough to bring you out of your dismal state. You didn’t ask Markus about Connor. You’d had so little time with him and wanted to spend the few moments you had comforting him. You also weren’t sure if you wanted to know what had become of Connor. You were afraid of the answer. Now, Markus was going to march on one of the camps. You knew he may die unless he could convince the world that androids are alive. You wanted to help but didn’t know how. Staying in the city was difficult as law enforcement encouraged people to evacuate. You knew you were finding a way to see what was happening with Markus. You had watched the news for some time in your hotel room. Once you saw where Markus was going you left the hotel. It was evening and there was no one on the streets as far as you could tell. Luckily the police were more involved elsewhere. You were worried about the curfew but knew you had to do this. You oriented yourself and took off sprinting. You had to get there. You had to see him. You rounded a corner and ran into someone. You fell backwards and scrambled to stand up. “I’m so sorry-” You looked up at the man you ran into. He had dark skin and an LED. He was with three other people, two women, both with beautiful, smooth dark skin, and another man, with pale skin and hair. They looked at you with fear in their eyes. They knew you were human and that you could turn them in. They turned and began running, one of the women was limping. “Hey! Wait!” You sprinted after them. “I can help you! Please!” Reluctantly the man you ran into stopped. He eyed you suspiciously. You stopped a few feet away. “Please, I have a car. I can get you out of the city.” “Travis!” One of the women hissed, she was holding the injured android up. “We’ve got to go. She’ll get us caught.” He looked back at her. “We won’t make it out of the city, Nina. She might be able to help us.” He turned back to you. “How would you get us passed the checkpoints? They won’t let you out of the city without checking your ID and passengers.” You thought for a moment. You reached into your coat pocket and pulled out your badge. “I think I can wave this at them. It should do the trick.” Travis smiled at you. “We will come with you.”
The four androids you were now helping had hid in an alleyway near where you had met while you went back to the hotel to get your car. You hopped in and pulled out of your spot in the parking garage. It took only a minute or two to get back to the androids. They all hopped in with Travis in the passenger seat and Nina and the other two, whose names you learned were Eleanor and Matthias, sat in the backseat. Once everyone was inside, you rummaged around in the center console and pulled out a ballpoint pen and your first aid kit. You handed the pen to Travis. “Here, you all need to take your LEDs out.” He took the pen from you and began prying his LED out. You handed the first aid kit to Nina. “Here, you can at least stop the bleeding. There’s a blanket under the seat, you should hide the bandages under it. I don’t want to have to explain that to the guards.” Nina nodded and set to work. You pulled away from the curb and headed for the nearest highway out of the city.
*** You had made good time, until you actually could see the edge of the city. Cars upon cars were backed up, waiting to get out of Detroit. This was going to take a while. You sighed. “We’re going to be here a while.” You reach up to turn on the news station when you realized who was in the car with you. “Oh, do you mind if I listen to the news? I know it’s probably not something you want to hear right now, it’s just that someone I care about is involved.” Travis shook his head. “Go ahead.” You turned on the local news station. “…deviant leader, Markus, is marching down the streets with an army of androids behind him. Law enforcement believes he is heading for one of the android camps.” You clenched the steering wheel and bit your lip as you eased up in line. An army of androids, even after his efforts to remain peaceful, they’re still afraid. “This person you care about,” Travis began, “they are an android?” You looked at him in surprise. You hadn’t expected anyone to want to talk to you about anything, but maybe he wanted to know who was helping him. “Yeah, there are two of them actually.” He thought for a moment. “I didn’t think humans cared about androids.” You smiled. “Some of us do.” He looked out the window at the snow. Nina spoke up in the back. “How do you know them?” “She may not wish to say, Nina.” Travis scolded without looking away from the window. “No, it’s alright.” You smiled at her in the rearview mirror. “One of them worked for my father, who treated him as a son, and we became close friends over the years. I’m closer to him than almost anyone else in my life.” You smiled as you thought of the early years of your relationship with Markus, before everything was so complicated. “And the other one I met at work. He works for the DPD. We were working on the deviant cases and I was getting to watch him slowly become deviant.” Your smile widened as you thought of the emotion you saw in Connor’s eyes when you would arrive at the station in the mornings. Your eyes darkened and your smile fell as you remembered last night. “He might be dead, though, and I’ll never get to tell him. And my friend may die tonight.” You wiped a tear away. “Some of us humans are losing people we love too.” Travis stared at you, along with the others. Matthias spoke. “I hope there are more humans like you.”
An hour later, you were pulling up to the checkpoint. You saw Travis’s fingers twitch nervously as the armed guard motioned you forward. “Alright, everyone, stay quiet while I talk to him,” you instructed as you eased to a stop and rolled down your window. “I need to see identification for everyone in the car,” the guard stated gruffly. You pulled out your badge. “They don’t have any identification. They were forced out of their home so quickly by the evacuation order they couldn’t bring anything.” You handed him your badge. “Deputy Manfred. I was offering to take people out of the city. It’s not safe for humans to be here.” “First name?” “(Y/N).” The guard looked at your badge and waved another guard over. He handed him the badge. “Check the records for a Deputy (Y/N) Manfred at the DPD.” The other man left, and you sat still in your seat, trying to stay calm. You heard some shuffling in the backseat and looked at them in your rearview mirror. They all looked frightened. After a few minutes, the other guard returned with your badge. “She’s clear.” The original guard handed it back to you. “Get these people out of here, Officer Manfred.” “Will do,” you took your badge and rolled up the window. You drove through the now open gate in the barricade and waited until you passed all the guards to sigh in relief. “I can’t believe that worked,” Eleanor whispered. “Me either,” you replied. “Where am I taking you?” “There’s someone at Anchor Bay with boats taking androids across into Canada,” Travis answered. Anchor Bay, that would take about thirty-five minutes. “You know exactly where they are?” Travis hesitated. “Well, no. There’s a rendezvous point a little way out. I know where that is.”   “Alright, tell me.” You settled in for the tense drive.
You reached the rendezvous point and stopped the car. You saw a woman herding androids into her car. You and the other four got out and approached her. She was smiling at everyone. “We’ve come for safe passage.” Travis looked her in the eye, pleading. She smiled at him. “Of course. My car is full right now. Let me take them to the boats and I’ll come back for you.” She got in her car and left. You checked the time anxiously, trying to decide if you could leave them now. “Go,” Matthias said suddenly. You looked at him and then the other three. “Will you all be alright?” “We will now,” Nina replied. “Thanks to you,” Eleanor added. You smiled at them all. “I hope you all reach Canada safely.” “And we wish you and your friends safety,” Travis said quietly. “You have shown us a kindness we have learned not to expect from humans. We won’t forget you or what you did for us.” “Maybe one day we’ll find you again.” Nina was smiling at you. “I’d like that,” you answered. You checked the time again. “I’ve got to go. Be safe.” You hopped back in your car and took off back to Detroit. You planned on using your same trick to get back into the city. You offered a similar story to the guard on the other side of the gate, claiming you had escorted someone out of the city and were returning to help more humans. They ran your name and badge again and let you through. You hated abusing your power by waving your badge around, but this felt like a just cause. You turned on the news again and listened for where Markus was. He had made it to the camp hours ago and the armed officers had fired on them. You were stressed to say the least. It took a while to navigate the streets as they were littered with cars and debris. You finally had to park in an alley and abandon your car. You locked it and took off sprinting toward the camp. When you arrived, you were on the side of the barricade with the press. You decided to use your badge again to get closer. You showed it to the guard and approached the hoard of people. You shoved your way to the front and saw Markus. It had been hours since anything had happened. The androids built the barricade and that was it. The press was getting antsy. They wanted something to happen so they could go home. You saw some movement among the soldiers and leaned forward nervously. After a while, something finally happened. Agent Perkins stepped forward and called Markus out to talk. You watched as Markus’s advisors told him not to go. You were hoping he wouldn’t but knew he would. He walked out of the barricade with his head held high and confronted Agent Perkins. The time it took for him to walk across the empty space between was probably less than a minute but the intensity of it all made it feel much longer. You couldn’t hear anything but watched as they talked. After a minute or so of talking with Perkins, Markus spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “I won’t betray my people.” You knew things were about to go south. Markus made the walk back to his people and re-entered the barricade. You could see the soldiers moving. Something was about to happen. Before you could react, a projectile flew into the barricade and an explosion deafened you. You were pushed down as journalists made a run for it. You scrambled to your feet and made to scale the barrier. You had to get to Markus. Someone grabbed you around your middle and began pulling you away. You kicked and fought against them, watching as the soldiers advanced on the androids. You turned and saw Hank. “No! Let go of me, Hank!” “Stop fighting!” He was gritting his teeth and attempting to keep your arms pinned. “We have to go!” You continued to struggle against his hold and heard a police officer yelling at you to leave. You elbowed him in the side and wiggled free. You rushed the boundary and Hank grabbed your wrist. “(Y/N)! Stop!” You tried to pull free of his grasp. “Please, Hank! I have to help him!” Suddenly everything seemed quiet except for a soft sound. You heard someone singing. It was Markus. You whipped your head around and watched. You had heard him sing before. Your father had loved for Markus to sing for him. He had a lovely, haunting voice, which struck a cord deep within you as you heard the other androids sing with him. You felt tears in your eyes as you watched as the soldiers lowered their guns and stared at him. He had done it. Markus had saved the androids. He had shown humans they are alive. You and Hank shared a look and knew the world had changed forever. “Look!” A journalist next to you was pointing past Markus and the soldiers. You squinted and saw thousands of forms coming closer, all of them in white. You could see the blue glow of their LEDs and armbands. As they got closer you could see Connor at the front. Your knees gave out as you saw him. Hank caught you. “He’s deviant now,” he said quietly.
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