#and part of me which I didn’t know low key and just made a bew blog or something so I’d still have a record or something ya know
galaxy-dragon123 · 3 years
maybe I AM tired of how social media has just become a new sexy marketplace for advertisers and I wanna share my unhinged thoughts on tumble while a lil drunk because it’s one of the few sites that’s been largely void of this??? Like instagram is so clearly giving me ads based on my irl conversations the few times I actually open it meanwhile tumblr just wants me to put vinegar and bread in my bed tonight and idk maybe that does appeal to my monkey brain to spill my thoughts here sometimes!! Too many normal people I know irl follow me on Twitter and Instagram so I get self conscious there meanwhile if you DO know me irl and see this here then you are a freak (affectionate) so you can see me unhinged <3 you can see me have my weird thoughts unfiltered <3
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