#and stop trying to throw people with npd under the bus as “manipulators” or “sociopaths” jesus christ
patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
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why can't people just be normal about people with npd
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Really wish people with BPD would stop throwing those of us with ASPD/NPD under the bus.
It feels like you’re a pick me girl trying to get validation from the neurotypicals.
But guess what? They’ll still hate you the second a symptom shows up.
Just saw a comment saying “There’s a big difference between people with BPD and those manipulative sociopaths”
???? On a post about destigmatizing mental illness THATS what you’re gonna say???
You don’t have to stigmatize one disorder just to destignatize another. You could have just said “people with BPD aren’t ____”
There was no need to bring ASPD into it. And I see this shit so often. Please for the love of god get off the high horse. We are all viewed as monsters down here. Why alienate people who actually understand what it’s like dealing with a stigmatized disorder?
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