#and thank you to ejunkiet and starlight- i meannn starlitangels for the taggggg
zozo-01 · 2 years
WIP (And by WIP, I mean I just started most of these!)
The Lovely @ejunkiet and @starlitangels tagged me to share my WIP! However, I've been really busy and my brain has been scattered, so I don't have a proper snippet to share.
I do however have fragments of each WIP that I can share, so here are some of my favourite quotes/lines from each WIP I'm working on (in order for release too)!
Four Times David Thought of Asking + The One Time Angel Did
‘That is a fucking lie Shaw, you are the biggest control freak I’ve ever met.’
- David's Internal Monologue (feat Darlin >:( )
‘It’s because I trust you, Davey! I have faith that you won’t hurt me. That’s why I can be carefree around you, and I hope you feel at ease around me too.’
- David's Internal Monologue (feat Angel <3)
Elliot/Sunshine tings cuz @yetdevout put this idea in my headdd
“Well it seems, our plans are underway. But that should be good news for you! It means that I can finally let you go since I have what I want.”
- Blake
Cal and Darlin' are besties your honour (im the honour)
“Look, you know I’m not good with… feelings Tanker. I just… I don’t want you to get hurt. Be careful is what I’m trying to say. Whether that means making sure the army doesn’t find out, or keeping your eyes open for any danger with this guy. You know what happened to me, and like fucking hell am I going to let that shit happen to you too.”
- Cal
“So… southern accents? Does that - I don’t know - maybe have to do with me, Darlin’?”
- Cal (she's a lil shit and I love her so damn much)
I'm so sorry David/Darlin', but my reign of terror has begun
“So that got me thinking, why could you never commit fully to me? Why wouldn’t you compromise your ‘moral compass’ for me? Why didn’t you love me the same way that I love you? It hit me. You couldn’t because of how you felt for him.”
- Quinn
“I fucking love you David. And I’m so sorry it has to end this tragically before it can even begin, but I would do the same thing. A hundred times over. In every damn universe where I have the honour and privilege of being able to love you.”
- Darlin
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