#and the program’s worksheets are worded HORRIBLE for me. legit the same microaggressions I grew up with
void-tiger · 3 years
…realizing that aesthetics actually matter a lot to me as both a matter of personal expression (read: a bit of independence) and External Dopamine because Variety (a bit Visual, sure, but I’m honestly not a “Visual Person TM.” It’s just not how I, say, learn. And as a more immediate thing I’m far more Aware of textures and definitely sounds.)
…is a bit overwhelming. In that I do find my hackles raising a bit when someone else tries butting in with what I can/can’t have when money isn’t a factor; while also feeling Incredibly shallow and vain because I do like “pretty things” and have sensitivity to if a composition isn’t just functional but also Interesting and Inviting (and that nasty socialization of “that’s for Kids or (Nerdy)Men.”)
(Also ofc there’s money involved. When isn’t there any.)
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