#and they’re already agitated because of whatever garbage they pumped into their system
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hi! This idea has been stuck in my head since I started following your healthcare AU! So I thought I would give it to you in case you wanted to write something…no pressure! Anyway, one of the links, in my head it’s Wind, is helping out with a psychiatric patient and the patient basically panics and either hurts Wind in the panic or just like holds him hostage until they get answers, and other members of the chain are there (like Wars and Legend) and they have to fix the situation while staying calm….or something like that lol. So yeah do with that what you will, that’s just been stuck in my head! : )
Hyrule stood at the doorway to the room waiting to give report after they had transferred the patient to the hospital bed. His partner had already left to clean the stretcher. Legend was clearly busy giving a different patient medication, and Hyrule wasn’t sure if there was any other nurse in this hallway.
Watching Legend chart something at the mobile workstation, brows furrowed in focus, Hyrule chewed on the inside of his cheek. He didn’t really like that his patient got sent to the behavioral health hallway since his patient’s issue was drugs, not psych, but the unit was secure and his patient did need to be watched, so he supposed that was the reasoning. Also, the ED seemed really busy.
Warriors exited the closed off nurse’s station. “Hey, sorry for the wait. I’ll get report.”
Hyrule shrugged with a smile. “It’s all good, you guys looks busy.”
The pair entered the patient’s room, and Hyrule scanned the man sitting on the bed. He looked restless, fidgeting and playing with the sheet. He scratched at his arms a few times.
“Look, man, you gotta do something,” the patient said, growing agitated. “I know I’m having a heart attack.”
Sighing, the paramedic looked at Warriors, who was also observing the behavior. “Thirty-four year old male, complaining of chest pain and feeling anxious. He said he took approximately two grams of—”
“I said I’m having a heart attack!” the patient snapped.
“We heard you,” Warriors said calmly. “Let me get report and we’ll look you over.”
“He already knows what’s going on, he didn’t do jack shit!”
Hyrule tried to continue his report when the patient stood up, fists clenched. Warriors and Hyrule both took cautious steps towards the door.
“You need to do something about this!” the patient yelled.
Hyrule watched the man carefully. He’d been an absolute disgrace of a human being the entire transport, cussing Hyrule out for not doing what he was “supposed to be doing,” and then he’d spat on the floor for good measure. Hyrule’s patience was already worn to the breaking point.
“Sir, we are doing something about it,” Warriors continued. “Please sit down so the medic can tell me what’s going—”
The patient reached out, ready to either grab or throttle Warriors, and Hyrule sprang into action. He grabbed the man’s wrist and yanked his arm behind him before vaulting off the bed onto his back, making the drug user crash to the floor with Hyrule planting a knee in the center of his back while his arm was held behind him.
At this point, the man was screaming and kicking, and Hyrule pinned his other arm. He kicked his legs, but Warriors quickly held them in place as Legend seemingly materialized out of nowhere with a needle tipped syringe in hand. Kneeling down, Legend jabbed the needle into the man’s leg and pushed the medication quickly. The man’s cussing and yelling continued for a few long, loud seconds before he settled and passed out.
Warriors pulled away, putting a hand on Hyrule’s shoulder as he leaned back. The two sat on the ground staring at the patient a moment and then out a sigh of relief.
“The hell are you bringing us, Roolie?” Legend huffed, standing up. “I heard drug use but you didn’t say they were combative.”
“I told charge he was verbally combative,” Hyrule said helplessly as he stood, keeping a careful eye on the patient as Warriors assessed him. “I’m sorry that message didn’t get relayed.”
Legend tossed the syringe into the sharps box, shrugging. “Well it isn’t a problem now.”
Hyrule let out a breath laugh before the three hauled the unconscious man onto the bed and Legend pitched in to help with assessing him for injury. As Hyrule finally managed to give him the full report, the paramedic noticed someone wandering the hallway aimlessly.
“Uh, is she one of your patients?” he asked the pair.
Legend looked up and glanced out into the hall. “Miss Nyren, go back to your room, please.”
“Okay,” she giggled, heading back.
Legend sighed, resuming his work. “She’s harmless. Sweet lady, just in a manic episode. She just needs to be redirected is all.
“Does she have a sitter?” Warriors asked, finally charting and paging the doctor.
“They’re trying to find one for her,” Legend answered. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, he muttered, “Maybe I can get her a busy blanket to keep her occupied in the meantime.”
Hyrule sighed, looking at the patient again. “Sorry for that mess.”
“You kidding? I wish I could’ve gotten a picture of that!” Legend laughed. “Asshole deserved it. Idiot shoots himself up with poison and then gets pissed at the people who he called for help. It’s been a while since I’ve done the good old B52 nap.”
“You thought he was a threat,” Wars piped in. “Simple self defense. I was about to knock him out too.”
As the doctor entered the secured hallway, Hyrule decided it was time to get out of there. Too much paperwork and too many headaches were about to happen. Not that anyone would argue with the course of action, seeing as the alternative was letting a violent patient injure a nurse.
Slipping out of the unit before the door could close and lock, Hyrule headed back to his ambulance to handle the next disaster that was no doubt waiting for him.
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