#it’s a recipe for disaster
moonstarsandspacedust · 3 months
“TES III: Morrowind” aka “4000 years of fallout from Tamriel’s messiest polycule breakup”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hi! This idea has been stuck in my head since I started following your healthcare AU! So I thought I would give it to you in case you wanted to write something…no pressure! Anyway, one of the links, in my head it’s Wind, is helping out with a psychiatric patient and the patient basically panics and either hurts Wind in the panic or just like holds him hostage until they get answers, and other members of the chain are there (like Wars and Legend) and they have to fix the situation while staying calm….or something like that lol. So yeah do with that what you will, that’s just been stuck in my head! : )
Hyrule stood at the doorway to the room waiting to give report after they had transferred the patient to the hospital bed. His partner had already left to clean the stretcher. Legend was clearly busy giving a different patient medication, and Hyrule wasn’t sure if there was any other nurse in this hallway.
Watching Legend chart something at the mobile workstation, brows furrowed in focus, Hyrule chewed on the inside of his cheek. He didn’t really like that his patient got sent to the behavioral health hallway since his patient’s issue was drugs, not psych, but the unit was secure and his patient did need to be watched, so he supposed that was the reasoning. Also, the ED seemed really busy.
Warriors exited the closed off nurse’s station. “Hey, sorry for the wait. I’ll get report.”
Hyrule shrugged with a smile. “It’s all good, you guys looks busy.”
The pair entered the patient’s room, and Hyrule scanned the man sitting on the bed. He looked restless, fidgeting and playing with the sheet. He scratched at his arms a few times.
“Look, man, you gotta do something,” the patient said, growing agitated. “I know I’m having a heart attack.”
Sighing, the paramedic looked at Warriors, who was also observing the behavior. “Thirty-four year old male, complaining of chest pain and feeling anxious. He said he took approximately two grams of—”
“I said I’m having a heart attack!” the patient snapped.
“We heard you,” Warriors said calmly. “Let me get report and we’ll look you over.”
“He already knows what’s going on, he didn’t do jack shit!”
Hyrule tried to continue his report when the patient stood up, fists clenched. Warriors and Hyrule both took cautious steps towards the door.
“You need to do something about this!” the patient yelled.
Hyrule watched the man carefully. He’d been an absolute disgrace of a human being the entire transport, cussing Hyrule out for not doing what he was “supposed to be doing,” and then he’d spat on the floor for good measure. Hyrule’s patience was already worn to the breaking point.
“Sir, we are doing something about it,” Warriors continued. “Please sit down so the medic can tell me what’s going—”
The patient reached out, ready to either grab or throttle Warriors, and Hyrule sprang into action. He grabbed the man’s wrist and yanked his arm behind him before vaulting off the bed onto his back, making the drug user crash to the floor with Hyrule planting a knee in the center of his back while his arm was held behind him.
At this point, the man was screaming and kicking, and Hyrule pinned his other arm. He kicked his legs, but Warriors quickly held them in place as Legend seemingly materialized out of nowhere with a needle tipped syringe in hand. Kneeling down, Legend jabbed the needle into the man’s leg and pushed the medication quickly. The man’s cussing and yelling continued for a few long, loud seconds before he settled and passed out.
Warriors pulled away, putting a hand on Hyrule’s shoulder as he leaned back. The two sat on the ground staring at the patient a moment and then out a sigh of relief.
“The hell are you bringing us, Roolie?” Legend huffed, standing up. “I heard drug use but you didn’t say they were combative.”
“I told charge he was verbally combative,” Hyrule said helplessly as he stood, keeping a careful eye on the patient as Warriors assessed him. “I’m sorry that message didn’t get relayed.”
Legend tossed the syringe into the sharps box, shrugging. “Well it isn’t a problem now.”
Hyrule let out a breath laugh before the three hauled the unconscious man onto the bed and Legend pitched in to help with assessing him for injury. As Hyrule finally managed to give him the full report, the paramedic noticed someone wandering the hallway aimlessly.
“Uh, is she one of your patients?” he asked the pair.
Legend looked up and glanced out into the hall. “Miss Nyren, go back to your room, please.”
“Okay,” she giggled, heading back.
Legend sighed, resuming his work. “She’s harmless. Sweet lady, just in a manic episode. She just needs to be redirected is all.
“Does she have a sitter?” Warriors asked, finally charting and paging the doctor.
“They’re trying to find one for her,” Legend answered. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, he muttered, “Maybe I can get her a busy blanket to keep her occupied in the meantime.”
Hyrule sighed, looking at the patient again. “Sorry for that mess.”
“You kidding? I wish I could’ve gotten a picture of that!” Legend laughed. “Asshole deserved it. Idiot shoots himself up with poison and then gets pissed at the people who he called for help. It’s been a while since I’ve done the good old B52 nap.”
“You thought he was a threat,” Wars piped in. “Simple self defense. I was about to knock him out too.”
As the doctor entered the secured hallway, Hyrule decided it was time to get out of there. Too much paperwork and too many headaches were about to happen. Not that anyone would argue with the course of action, seeing as the alternative was letting a violent patient injure a nurse.
Slipping out of the unit before the door could close and lock, Hyrule headed back to his ambulance to handle the next disaster that was no doubt waiting for him.
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totalcunt · 11 months
wait actually i can’t watch it bc i will shoot my goo every time i see leon and hear matt mercer’s voice
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
eats your clip
oh boy, looks like Clip is on the menu
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plus a bonus with Bloodmoon!
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static-radio-ao3 · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic // march 26 // prompt: transfiguration // words: 1100 // cw: some blood and a minor wound (but it's v cute + fluffy)
“How did this happen again?” Sirius asks as he dabs at the cut along the palm of Regulus’ hand. The cloth stings, despite Sirius’ best attempts to be gentle.
“Just got a strong grip,” Regulus mumbles. His eyes flit around the room, catching on the gaudy red drapery and the mess of clothes scattered on every spare surface.
“Uhu, sure.” Sirius doesn’t look away from what he’s doing, carefully cleaning the wound. “But really?”
It’s not the first time something like this has happened. It has actually been a pretty common occurrence this past year. Summer had done James good and Regulus had a hard time not noticing it.
A few weeks ago, during Transfiguration, Regulus had accidentally made the windows explode when James walked in to drop off a note for professor McGonagall.
He’d sent Regulus a small smile on his way out and it immediately made Regulus' heart trip and the windows burst. James had been so brave about it too, sheltering Regulus’ body with his own to keep any shards from falling on him. He still remembers the warmth of his cloak and the scent of his shampoo.
Not too long after that, James had passed him in the courtyard when he was messing around with Barty and Evan. A cheery call of “Hey, Regulus!” and his spell had slipped out of his control, hitting a few people with a relatively harmless stinging hex.
Today, Regulus had been sitting next to Sirius in the Grand Hall, not aware he was actually in James’ spot. When James slid onto the bench next to him, thighs pressing against each other and the heat of his body seeping though the fabric of is clothes, Regulus had accidentally made the cups of pumpkin juice shatter.
Unfortunately, he had been holding his own, which is why he is currently perched on the edge of Sirius’ bed as Sirius tries to heal the small cut on the palm of his hand.
“I keep…” Regulus puffs up his cheeks, considering his words. “I keep messing things up. When J— this guy walks into the room.”
“You have a crush?” Sirius asks, finally looking up from the task at hand to meet Regulus’ eye.
“Don’t say it out loud,” he hisses. Regulus has to resist the urge to clap his hand over Sirius’ mouth, never mind the fact that they’re alone in his dorm right now.
“It’s embarrassing!”
“It’s not embarrassing! I think it’s sweet! My little brother, all grown up.”
Sirius sounds fond. Proud. Warmth sparks behind Regulus’ ribs.
“M not little,” he huffs, but it lacks any real heat. He knows he’ll always be Sirius’ little brother.
Good thing it’s his favorite thing about himself.
The blood has been cleared away enough for Sirius to see the cut. It’s not deep, thankfully, so a simple mending spell should do the trick.
The feeling of the spell is pleasant on his skin, like dipping his hand into warm water, relief rushing over him.
As luck would have it, James chooses that exact moment to walk into the room. Regulus counts to ten in his head, an attempt to quell the magic that is coursing through his veins and desperate to burst from his fingertips.
James looks handsome like this, hair a bit messy from where he has been running his hand through it, glasses low on his nose. Regulus itches to push it back into place. His tie is a bit too loose to be acceptable, but he seems to get away with it every time. The golden details of his uniform compliment the hazel of his eyes and Regulus is at risk of swimming in them if he doesn’t look away.
“Reg, hey, are you okay?” He sounds breathless, like he ran up the stairs to get here. Regulus tries not to get his hopes up.
He coughs, just to make sure his voice is still there. “Yeah, just a cut. Sirius is fixing it.”
Neither Sirius nor Regulus mentions that they are used to patching each other up. More familiar with each other’s healing magic than they’d like to admit. They had spent long nights with books they’d borrowed from the Black family library, learning simple healing spells.
“Why not go see Pomfrey?”
Regulus ignores the indignant hey from Sirius and says, “She had her hands full already. But it’s fine. Sirius can—”
“Here, let me,” James says, nudging Sirius out of the way.
Sirius is about to protest when he catches sight of Regulus’ face, a slow blush crawling up his neck and blooming on his cheeks. Understanding sparks in Sirius’ eyes and a shit-eating grin forms on his face.
“Yeah, Prongs can take care of this. I have to head out anyway.”
Regulus tries to communicate to Sirius that he should absolutely not leave or Regulus might end up accidentally setting his bed on fire. Or on purpose. He’s not sure yet. But Sirius elects to ignore his warnings and shuts the door behind him with a wink.
James’ hands are warm. His palms are calloused from all those hours practicing Quidditch, but no less gentle in their prodding.
“Strong grip, huh?” James murmurs as he pokes at the tender skin on Regulus’ hand. There isn’t much to mend anymore, Sirius was basically done, but neither of them mentions it.
“Yeah, apparently.”
Regulus is thankful his voice doesn’t crack, but the heat in his face is persistent, straying up to the tips of his ears.
“Mh, maybe you should try out for the Slythering Quidditch team. I’d like to have some real competition on the pitch.”
“Then again, maybe you’ll be distracted enough to let me sneak by, or to set your team’s brooms on fire.”
Red blooms in Regulus’ face, almost brighter than the red on the walls. His embarrassment is short-lived though, because James is laughing fondly, hands still cradling Regulus’ own.
“You did it on purpose!” He accuses.
“Not on purpose, per se. I just wanted to test a theory,” he muses. A thumb strokes over the back of Regulus’ hand and goosebumps erupt on his skin. James hums, content. “I’m sorry, though. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
Regulus huffs in annoyance, but it’s a show and they both know it.
“I really am sorry,” James says again, ducking his head so he can meet Regulus’ eye. One of his hands comes up to push a dark curl away from Regulus’ forehead. Then, it settles on the side of his face. In the quiet space between them, he murmurs “Let me kiss it better.”
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guqqie · 3 months
i’m so nervous about recipe for disaster tonight..
i know i won last year but the prompt being baking is going to mess me up because i can in fact not bake, so i know this won’t end well..
BUT HEY it will still be fun!! :)
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peupeugunn · 1 year
i think death note would have been ten billion times funnier if light had just pulled an uno reverse card on L and said "you think i'm kira? well i think you're kira and i'm gonna prove it" and spends the rest of the investigation gaslighting convincing the rest of the task force that his theory is true because "if i were L, that's exactly what i would do"
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sadberrystuff · 7 months
I opened Procreate and saw this unfinished and was bored so here it is, totally late as hell
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geoledgy · 6 months
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Does anyone else remember this show?
(Commission for Kidtheyena!)
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clownsuu · 1 year
I can explain that "Die you don't belong in this world." And the anon meant well.
You know that castlevania meme that's like.
"What's is a man, a miserable pile of secrets. But enough talk *throws win glass* HAVE AT YOU"
That's from the end of a long conversation between Richter and Dracula. The full conversation goes like this.
R: Die monster, you don't belong in this world.
D: It is not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was brought back by humans who wished to give me tribute.
R: TRIBUTE? You steal men's souls man make them you're slaves.
D: Perhaps the same can be said of all religions.
R: Your words are as empty as your soul, mankind ill needs a savior such as you.
D: What is a man, a miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk *throws glass* HAVE AT YOU.
They were just making a joke about Home being a vampire.
My, my apologies then to that anon then! Having adhd and bein on the spectrum makes me very oblivious to things sometimes unless it has been credited to what it's originally from (or currently trending)
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marc--chilton · 2 months
screaming going insane im begging you to talk more about house developing a pavlovian response to wilsons nagging. like you’re right.
like house is already not subtle about wilson (you can only joke about wanting to fuck a guy so much before people start thinking you actually wanna fuck the guy) (i am not convinced he was ever joking)
and house has sooo many issues, the most prevalent being ones that stem from his leg and resulting disability after a life of activity, BUT we also must consider also those that stem from his childhood..... when a parent treats you terribly even the most logic-minded and rational people will think they deserve it. and when that is normal for you, it's almost a comfort. especially if that's the only attention you're getting from them
now let's set that aside for a second. house has always thought of wilson positively from day one (finding him "interesting" which is like the normal person equivalent of saying love at first sight, in this case) and i am not alone in thinking that house is pining in some form. and he fucks. the wires get crossed. something in his brain goes from "no one can make him mad like i can :) " to "he's hot when he's negging me" to house beating it in the hospital showers
95% (why did the numbers get HUGE just then. like i'm making a point sure but goddamn 70 point font pop off) of the time house will walk away from an interaction with wilson feeling great, even if he just got lectured within an inch of his life. just look at how often he gets the Diagnosis Revelation just from bothering wilson for five minutes (and that being all of wilson's screentime in the ep)
they're sick. they're basically having sex every episode. there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see
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bedroomcloset · 8 months
top tip: communication is when you talk with your partner, not when you pull an alarm on them and send them to jail
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pcktknife · 4 months
oh I am gonna feel like shit in the morning lmao
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nobigneil · 1 month
"A Recipe For Disaster" a new cookbook by Neil Newbon
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mikaikaika · 3 months
Okay even though I miss the blond I am warming up to this hair
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orangetubor · 8 months
His stupid moron boyfriend
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