#and this is the happyverse! how did that happen?
modernwizard · 7 years
Alison’s quest for the Master -- this time: recipe for an evil bomb
Another Scream of the Shalka fanfic is up at AO3. This one’s called [[Hold Me Fast,]] and it’s about what happens to Alison, the Master [known to her as “the Magister”], and the Doctor after they encounter a psychic vampire. Alison gets mind-fucked again [too much mind-fucking! D:], and the Doctor rescues her, but…uh…what happened to the Magister, Alison’s robot? The Doctor won’t give Alison the full story, so she teams up with Scintilla, the Master’s loquacious and extremely perky TARDIS, to discover the truth. 
In this excerpt, Alison and Scintilla work out exactly how the Doctor made that “evil bomb” that destroyed the Finisterran vampire.
“But, remember, Miss Alison -- the Doctor killed the vampire by bombing it with evil, meaning that they collected a whole bunch of evil from somewhere and shot it at the vampire until it died.” Scintilla flings her hands to her face. “Oh! My poor Master, my poor, poor Master! How could they do that to you?”
“Do what?”
“Don’t you see? They took… Oh! Oh no… They took the evil from him, from my Master.”
“But that makes no sense. You can’t just do an evil draw like you do a blood draw. Evil’s not like blood or an organ or a body part that can be easily removed. It’s a description for a combination of temperament, actions, personality, thoughts, emotions, disposition, et cetera. The Doctor couldn’t have made a bomb out of evil unless they -- I don’t know -- wadded up my robot’s thoughts and memories and… Oh shit,” says Alison as the epiphany drops on her. “Oh fuck. Oh shit. That’s exactly what they did.”
Alison drops herself back into the booth seat. “The Doctor… They made a bomb out of him. They took his thoughts, his memories, his emotions, everything that makes him who he is, and fired it at the vampire. And that’s why I experienced one of his memories: because it was being shot in my direction -- at the vampire, I mean -- along with everything else that he was. No wonder he’s not here. No wonder he couldn’t come for me. The Doctor hid him because they realized too late what they’d done. Oh God, Scintilla! The Doctor mind-fucked my robot. My robot!” Alison cries in fury, stabbing a finger at her chest. “My robot…” Her voice drops. “He must have felt so confused, so powerless, so...violated. And couldn’t help him. I couldn’t keep him safe. Oh...I couldn’t help him.”
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gunmetalarchived · 3 years
something to tell you, a happyverse text thread | a discord thread with @diabolicaltendencies​
Hello stranger. Managed to borrow a phone x
Hey! It’s good to hear from you Still in one piece?
So far so good. How you doin doc?
Surviving haha The days are dragging a bit. Where are you these days?
Hmmmmmmmm bored. Might be missing you maybe.
Come back and see me then
I’ve got to close till Sunday but I can drive down after that. Means showing up at like 5 AM monday
I’ll leave the door open
God you’re the best Imagine having an actual weekend together, just us Maybe when we’re old and grey
Sounds fake but i’m up for trying
I’ve been thinking about moving to london I spend every weekend doing that drive to see you or Cee and the gang so I should probably just move
Not a bad idea There’s always room for you to crash here while you look for a place
Feels weird to leave the north, I thought I’d only ever leave to be closer to the sea That’s very sweet, but wouldn’t you get sick of me?
We’ll just have to see, won’t we? I’m hardly ever home anyway, it’s not an inconvenience or anything
That wasn’t a hint by the way, genuinely was trying to work out what to do about the whole thing I’m a nightmare to live with, you’d hate me I can't cook, I’m barely a functioning adult
Well it doesn't have to be permanent. I have the room, there’s plenty of take out in town. It can just be until you make the transition and find a place if that’s what you’re looking into Just wanted to give you an option and help if I can
You're ridiculously sweet. How the hell did you find me?
To be fair, if I remember correctly, you found me
Really? I feel like all I found was a bar with bad music where I looked ridiculously overdressed.  You had the bad luck of talking to me, like that was a good idea.
Well i’m not necessarily known for my good ideas
That makes two of us What's the most interesting thing about you babe Give me a fun fact
What kind of fact
Something you’d say to someone you just met Does that make sense
Yeah Um Most people ask where I'm from? So i grew up here and moved to Mass when I was 11 From a family of doctors I draw? I guess? If you’re angling for a hobby What's this for?
Friend asked me what's interesting about you And i might have found it hard to narrow it down You draw? What do you like to draw?
Really? Didn't know I was that interesting? Medical illustrations mostly Like old fashioned ones Some portraits occasionally Dabble in some horror stuff once in a blue moon Is this helping?
Erm fuck yeah it is You’re on my team for pictionary now Very much helping Now I wanna see
Deal haha I can show you when you come down
What the actual fuck That's incredible Is that just with biro? I can't believe you
Mostly The stuff I have at home is a bit cleaner
What do you mean cleaner that’s fucking brill Look at me with my amazingly talented boyfriend
It's just a hobby I’m sure you have much more talent than i do
Lies All I have is a couple guitars and too much student debt Or according to my mother, a death wish
How does that equal a death with
She thinks I'm going to be a starving artist. Ot that i’m just dumb enough to kick the bucket. Maybe both. Lovely woman
Sounds like it
Okay please don’t jump to conclusions but i think we need to have a chat
Should i call you
Er I think it might be easier like this I like you, I really like you. And I like where we’re at. There’s just some stuff you should know maybe. And I haven’t liked to you I promise it’s just kinda complicated
I’m all ears Never going to turn down knowing more about you
Have you googled me
God even now you’re ridiculously sweet
Do people really do that?
Sometimes. It’s happened more than once. So I was with someone for a few years, he’s pretty famous now. It didn't end well, he thought a healthy way to process it all would be to write a bunch of music about me. I knew about some of it but now how personal it was till it was out there for everyone to hear. And I was a teenager when I met him. Not my proudest moment.  I just don’t want you to hear or read something out of context. And I didn’t want to stay with you without you knowing, the last thing I want is to fuck up a really good thing. Just promise me if you have any questions or hear something shitty, you’ll come to me first? The press kind of have it out for me. My dad's kind of a big deal.
Yeah of course Maybe you can fill me in more later? But it can wait I’m not going anywhere
You’re not??? That sounds good I think
No?? Most people have a shitty ex That doesn't change anything
Really?? I kinda lost my scale on what most people have Also I am so sorry you basically got interested when you first called because my friends are just a bit… overprotective now
Yeah haha most people have some relationship horror stories That makes sense I’m glad you have such good friends
No they're awful trust me Can’t seem to bloody get rid of them
That’s a good thing And listen I do want to know more about you but it doesn’t have to be all at once Just Whenever you want to talk I’m here But you don’t have to right this moment
You’re a very easy person to talk to, i’m very lucky to have you around
I’d like to have you around more
Hmmm lets see if you still think that after spending some time with me to stay If you’re still up for a house guest?
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