#and yesterday i ate breakfast normally and then had lunch but then at 4pm i
hazellight11 · 8 months
It's been A Day today -_-
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mwagneto · 5 years
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a week in NYC on a $80,000 salary
Day One
5am: I wake up, snooze for 10 minutes, and do my morning face routine: rose toner, bronze eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrows. I make a fried egg over easy (a dozen for $1) and drink some peanut milk (homemade with peanuts, water, and sugar). 
6:45am: I get to my monitoring appointment for my egg freezing process, and I get bloodwork and an ultrasound within 20 minutes. I pay for lupron, a trigger medication for the egg retrieval process scheduled for this weekend. I’m getting my egg freezing reimbursed, but for now I’m paying this out of pocket. $85. 
7:50am: I get to work - it’s a Sunday, but I have a 12 hour shift ahead of me. I immediately get a sign-out about a patient with a weapon in his rectum, so this day is already wild. 
12:00pm: The day hasn’t been too bad, actually; I microwave my pre-packed lunch - white rice with eggplant, chicken, and thai basil. I briefly entertain buying a drink from the vending machine, but it passes. 
6:00pm: After a day of answering pages and browsing furniture, it’s dinner time! I microwave my pre-packed dinner - pesto chicken bread pudding that I made with my brother’s leftover sourdough bread. Back to work. 
8:00pm: Time to go home! The night ended with a patient who caught a goose in Central Park with a fishing net and decapitated it. The police confiscated the knife and the goose. 
10:00pm: Because it’s the weekend, my normal one hour commute becomes two hours. I talk to my prospective roommate about our housing plans, inject myself with follistim and clomiphene for the egg freezing, and pass out. 
Daily total: $85 (to be reimbursed). 
Day Two
6am: Same routine, but an hour later! Wash my face, get dressed, and an egg and peanut milk. Not having to think about breakfast makes my life easier when I’m already so groggy. 
8am: I’m still on the subway, but we have virtual morning lectures from 8am-9am, so I just join on my phone. I get to the hospital at 8:10 and continue the lecture on wifi. I drop off the black sesame milk buns that I made over the weekend in the residents’ lounge. 
9am: We have morning rounds for 30 minutes, and I go see my patients and write their notes. One of my patients is someone I saw in the ED yesterday, and she’s very sweet now that she’s no longer intoxicated. 
12pm: Lunch time! I microwave my pre-packed lunch, same as yesterday, and chill with the other residents for an hour. 
3pm: I count down to 3pm for the donut drop from Kora; within 3 minutes, the donuts are sold out. Thankfully, I made it - 2 sets of the Sari-Sari (leche flan, ube, churron, halo-halo, and keso). All set for pick-up on Friday. :) $65. 
4pm: I get out of work, and go home to chill, work on the apartment rental application, and work out. 
7:30pm: Dinner with my mom eating leftovers, and then Stone Age (a free online board game with friends). 
10pm: Follistim and clomiphene again, and off to bed. 
Daily total: $65 (hopefully will be reimbursed for $56 since I’m sharing with 6 other people) 
Day Three
5am: I have to go for monitoring again today, so I wake up early ... and do the same routine, except with hot HK milk tea instead of peanut milk to warm me up. 
7am: It’s 50 degrees outside, and I decide to cancel my dinner plans (outdoor dining with a friend) because I’m not dressed appropriately for the weather. I go in for monitoring and it turns out I need to take a medication as soon as I get home from work, so I have an even better excuse to cancel.  
10am: I discharge two patients, one of whom is my age and is one of the nicest patients I’ve ever had. I have medical students now, so I bring them along to see my patients. 
12pm: Lunch time - I microwave my pesto chicken bread pudding that I brought from home. I was hoping to snack on a black sesame milk bun, but they’re all gone. :(
5pm: I go home instead of going to dinner, but it turns out that I don’t have the medication after all. I contact the ob/gyn, but it’s not available at any pharmacies; I’ll just pick it up from the clinic tomorrow (for free). 
7:30pm: I eat leftovers again for dinner (peking duck and steamed dumplings). The rest of the night is pretty low-key; lazing in bed and scrolling through social media. I get myself to do a few squats, but I feel so meh that I don’t really end up doing much and call it a night. 
Daily total: $0 
Day Four 
5am: It’s getting pretty tiring waking up early for these appointments - can’t wait for them to be over! The follicles are growing nicely :) I pick up the medication and make sure I don’t lose it this time. 
10am: I discharge another patient, who is legit one of the most motivated patients I’ve ever met; he called his pharmacy to make sure that his medications would get sent properly. 
12pm: I remembered that I had some leftover beef rendang from dinner last week, so I microwave that for lunch. I also take the medication ... vaginally, and I lie down on the couch for 10 minutes awkwardly while my co-residents come in and out of the lounge. 
5pm: I catch up with a friend through FaceTime, and we talk for 2 hours about self-quarantining, socializing, therapy, and being tired introverts. 
7pm: Duke is hosting a free private screening of Miss Juneteenth with a panel of speakers (including the film director and producer), so I watch it while eating dinner with some college friends. I didn’t immediately love the movie, but the panel definitely made me appreciate it a lot more. 
10pm: Medications again, and off to bed because I have ANOTHER early appointment tomorrow. Oof. 
Daily total: $0
Day Five
5am: I press snooze and I basically get out of bed at 5:30 and leave at 5:50. I’m coughing a bit this morning, and I’m 99% sure I don’t have covid, but I don’t know for sure. 
9:30am: I talk to my attending and program coordinator about my very mild symptoms - slightly running nose, dry cough - and they recommend that I just get tested downstairs. It’s very efficient; I sign up for a patient portal, and I get bloodwork and the nasopharyngeal swab for the PCR. I really do not want to get swabbed again unless I have to; it does not feel good. 
12pm: Microwaved lunch again - rice with tofu and beef, which my mom made last night. 
2pm: I’m negative for antibodies! 
5pm: I take a quick trip to Chinatown to grab some snacks - drinks at Bambu for two, which I have 20% off for ($14) and a set of 6 cheese tarts from Pink Lady ($16). $30. 
6pm: My fertility doctor calls me and tells me that we have to reschedule my egg retrieval until I get my covid result back. :( 
7pm: I meet up with two friends for dinner at a Korean-Uzbek restaurant near my house; it turns out that they do outdoor dining! We were originally planning on doing takeout and eating in my backyard, but this works, too. We get lagman (a hot Uzbek beef noodle soup), kuksi soup (a cold Korean noodle soup reminiscent of naemgyung), 4 pieces of manty (Uzbek beef-lamb dumplings served with sour cream), and a Korean beef bun. $17
9pm: We go back to the teahouse in my backyard, and eat cheese tarts and finish our drinks. We lose track of time talking about furniture styles, dating, splurges, and money diaries. I regretfully have to end the night at 10:30pm because it’s time for my medications, and I have to go to sleep. 
Daily total: $47
Day Six
6am: I didn’t have to go in this morning, whew! We also don’t have lecture this morning, so I had a leisurely morning reviewing my patient charts. 
9:30am: Negative covid test, yay!!! Egg retrieval is on for Sunday. 
12pm: Microwaved rice with eggplant, chicken, and thai basil again. I still have 2+ weeks worth of this and the pesto chicken bread pudding at home; I really should freeze it. 
2pm: I try to talk to my new admission, but apparently he refuses to talk for the first three days every admission. So ... just chilling. 
5pm: I go to my bank to get certified checks, but it turns out they’re $12 each and money orders are only $1 at the post office ... so I go to the post office. I get two checks for $1200 and $750 and pay $4.75 in fees. They’re supposed to be reimbursed, but I have to pay the application fee for my rental building up front. $1954.75
6:30pm: I give one donut to my brother and I sell one to someone else, so I get some money back! 
7pm: I meet up with friends for dinner at Tradisyon, where we split a bunch of entrees among 5 people: squid, lechon, sisig, mackerel, and kare kare. Everything was delicious :) We shared the donuts, but they were actually really dense, so we only ate 5. Idk what I’m doing with the 3 leftover donuts :x $15. 
10pm: We continue hanging out but it gets too cold and I need to inject myself at 10:15pm, so we end up going to someone’s studio apartment nearby :O First time hanging out indoors for some of us! 
Daily total: $1969.75 ($1950 to be reimbursed)
Day Seven
8am: I go in for final bloodwork, and I pay for the egg retrieval procedure for tomorrow - oof. I’ve never had to spend so much at one time, and I was mortified when my credit card was declined. We put half on my credit card and half on my debit card. $3250. 
9am: I hang out at Chris’ apartment because I need to wait until 10:15am for my second injection, and I may or may not need to have the procedure today if my bloodwork comes back indicating that I may be ovulating. We chill and wait for Daniella to arrive. 
11am: We decide that it’s way too cold outside to go biking in Central Park or eat out, and we ultimately decide on spicy hunan food from the restaurant right next door to Chris’ apartment. We order a LOT of food - mapo tofu, eggplant with green beans, chongqing chicken, hot and sour soup, beef noodle soup - and eat at his kitchen counter. I drink some of Chris’ tea with his maple oat milk from Trader Joe’s. $24. 
2pm: After a lot of conversations while chilling on Chris’ couch (and a 15 minute nap), we decide to go for a short walk outside so that we can feel slightly productive on our free day together. We check out some cool recycled trash sculptures of dogs that are ... kinda ugly. 
3pm: I go home and spend the rest of the day freecycling (posting stuff I don’t want anymore for other people to pick up from my house) and chilling. 
8pm: It’s Saturday night, which means my dad makes sushi for us. It’s a decadent, delicious, and free meal for me :) 
9pm: I go to bed early for my procedure tomorrow! 
Daily total: $3274 ($3250 to be reimbursed)
Weekly total: $5440.75 ($5317.88 to be reimbursed, so actually $122.87). 
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pleasedotheneedful · 7 years
Intern year, T+57
Well that was a fucking terrible shift.
We started off down an intern for the ITE, and then we lost our med student (who was essentially functioning at a resident level) because HR said a glitch in his paperwork meant he wasn’t covered by the malpractice insurance and he couldn’t have any patient care contact. 40% of the team out.
On a normal shift, no big deal. [this is really lengthy. long story short I failed to successfully rise to the challenge of a crazy shift]
But I swear, the second they pulled the student:
OB curbsides me saying “well we know this pregnant woman is here and we’d like to be involved but no one consulted us!”
My attending told me he hammer paged them yesterday and didn’t get a response. In any case I figured they’d go talk to her since they showed up.
Later on I went to re-confirm the risks/benefits of her CT angio with her and she lets me know they didn’t see her. Now I get to track this mess, even though I was told multiple times “MFM said if it’s a STEMI treat her like she’s not pregnant.”
Code blue in IR
The IR table is raised so they threw in a step stool
I tagged in to do compressions because it’s the one thing I’ve always done consistently well in codes
I proceed to inexplicably give about 30 garbage compressions before my attending peeled me off
I get sent to call family but I’m guessing I wasn’t trusted to come through because when I got back to report a second call had been made from IR
I stand around for the rest of the 45 minute code, spacing out just in time to have to be asked twice to listen for breath sounds (suddenly remembering I’m the only one near the table with a stethoscope).
But hey, the patient ROSC’d so that’s the only thing that mattered in that moment. I boxed my personal failings for unpacking later (which I guess is what I’m doing right now) and stood by while we transported him back to the unit and got him set up for rapid cooling.
Meanwhile I’ve been trying to get a confirmatory neuro exam on my new Guillain-Barre patient so I can finish their H&P.
But something ALWAYS came up. Can you order this, can you call them, can you help me find this, can you stop and give us report, can we give you recs? Not even on my patients but I’m the only one in the work room. Tons of orders coming in for the coder. Senior asks me to stay with the patient while nursing/RT/medics get him set up.
Waiting for my patient to get her CT angio. She’s stable/asx but it’s Friday and she needed that exam yesterday. Nursing and I going back and forth trying to figure out what the fucking hold up is (angio likes to leave at like 4pm). Turns out we’re waiting for pharmacy to tube us the first metoprolol, but they’re waiting for me to answer a page about her daily total dose, which I haven’t seen since I’m trying to get cardiology/neuro recs curbside.
Eventually I get the neuro exam and report from neurology. But next thing I know, 4 hours have passed and I still haven’t had a second to finish my GBS patient’s H&P. I also haven’t shit, pissed, or had lunch. Orders and requests still flying in. Getting crazy brain fog as I keep trying to track on everyone’s patients.
Lady finally goes to CT angio. Her pressures run low at baseline and I knew she’d need more Lopressor to get her rate down for the study, so even though she’s stable I went with the nursing team.
It goes well, but when I get back it hasn’t really slowed down. Gets to around shift change and I’m still mashing orders for weird shit and starting workups I don’t feel like we needed right then but those were direct requests. Me and the other intern spent 30 minutes trying to order this $3000 send out panel.
Gave a shit sign out, tried to put in final recs as a courtesy to the night team. Ended up ordering a cardiac MRI on the wrong patient. Not once, but twice. In two of our four EMRs. Didn’t even catch it myself, the receiving resident called me 45 minutes after my shift ended.
Then I finally went home and dealt with some personal issues I hadn’t been able to tend to since they reared up 10 hours prior. All I ate after breakfast were about 10 cheese puffs. Yes, I’m whining. I felt like I failed to hold up to standards under pressure and made too many mistakes/missed critical consults/orders.
I went straight for a frozen pizza and called @doctor-dumplings back. It was awful, but admittedly not awful in the same way shifts with that ED doc were awful. I’m still ready to go back for more on Tuesday.
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underthestars0 · 5 years
March 3, 2019
Lots of weird things are happening around the flat tonight and it’s kind of getting creepy. For instance, the washing machine leaked, the floor of the shower got flooded with gray stuff without any of us taking a shower and my alarm clock is running late even though it was perfectly on time when I left on Wednesday. What’s up with the creepiness?!
This whole weekend has been busy but great. It started out with a normal day on Friday. I slept in a little and took my time waking up. I watched a tv show as I ate breakfast and just did my little things here and there. Then, I did a workout in my bedroom. It was simple and short but since I had only been at the gym once this week I felt like it was needed.
Lunch came fast enough and then I spent my lunchtime watching tv with my parents. Once I was done eating, I settled in the kitchen just like the day before and got my last homework done. It went on smoothly but it took much longer than I would have anticipated. I found myself still sitting there at past 4pm.
Since it was one of my Cegep friend’s birthday, I was going to his place for a sausage party. So, I got ready, got cute and drove all the way there. Lots of my good cegep friends were there and it was really cool to catch up. I realized that we all are not at the same place right now but it’s still nice to hang out with each other once in a while. My friend seemed happy to see us and I was too to see them. I drove home and got to bed at past 11pm. (I have to had that we had some fucking amazing sausages. Didn’t know sausages could be this good)
Waking up on Saturday was quite hard. I had a big day at work ahead. We were already low staff and one of the girls called off because she was having an allergic reaction so it was a long day. I got screamed at way too much and by the end, I was exhausted. Thank god I liked the staff I was with even if we weren’t enough.
You may think that after a day like that I would have liked to come home and relax. Yep. But that is not what was awaiting me. I got home, had to get ready real quick, pack up a lunch and wait for my friends to get there so I could drive us (while eating my lunch) to the venue in the city where we were seeing Dean Lewis. It was a great evening though. Parking was easy, I got to catch up with my friend that I hadn’t seen in too long and see another childhood friend that I also hadn’t seen in a while too. The 2 opening acts were good and even though Dean didn’t do long enough and even though Dean mostly did songs that are not released yet, it was a great musical evening and I didn’t regret going. Thank god, the drive home was peaceful and I got to bed before midnight.
You might have thought that after an evening like that, I would have liked to sleep in until as late as possible. Yep. But my mom had proposed that we all go for breakfast and it had been forever and I couldn’t say no so I actually woke up earlier, we all left for breakfast and ate good food while catching up. Everyone was in a good mood and even though I was tired, I was happy to share this morning with them.
Work was similar to yesterday. It was too many customers for the staff we were but it was still good because I like the staff. I was happy to be back home though at the end of the day. I packed up all of my things when I got back, showered and we ate fondue all together. My brother’s girlfriend was there too and we hadn’t seen her in a while so it was nice to catch up.
Right after dinner, I drove to the flat where I caught up with the only present roommate. It is now getting late because we overstayed in the kitchen as usual. But, bed is now calling and I’m still trying to find the motivation to go to the gym alone tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll find it.
Until next time, L 
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iblogwithgrace · 6 years
Dear All, Welcome back to my blog. It's a rainy day here in Lagos, Nigeria. I hope you had the most AMAZING week. Grab some tea and make sure you're comfy because this is a long post.
Weight loss is something a lot of people can relate to. At every given point in time, there is someone out there who wants/needs to shed a pound or more!
Now, to the main reason why you're here, the military diet. If you follow Lily of Nigeria on instagram click here I'm sure you would have seen all my intastories and post referring you to this post(that's probably why you're here).
I was busy minding my own business and going through my YouTube notifications when a video of a woman who had tried the military diet popped up in my suggestions(sort of like the explore page on instagram) and you can bet that I clicked on it because I was curious.
Those of you who have followed me from my time at iBlogWithGrace already know me, your girl launched a full blown research on the topic! I discovered it was very popular in the 70s and 90s. It also had a pickled beet included thank God that's been removed from the diet now.
Personally, I am not a fan of fad diets and weight loss teas/laxatives. However, something about this diet caught my fancy(hint, hint, maybe it has to do with my affiliation with the military, who knows).
Yes I tried the diet. I write down the daily menu, and went to my local market and Spar to get the things that I'll need. I substituted a few things on the menu too.
The diet is a rapid weight loss plan, with some people claiming to have lost 10 pounds of weight, others more, others less. 
I kept an open mind and decided to focus in losing 10 pounds. The amount of weight you lose depends on how much you weigh in the first place, your eating habits prior to the diet, and how fast your metabolism is.
The diet is VERY strict, and entails A LOT of determination. You'll need ALL the grace of God you can get. Please consult with your doctor before you embark on this diet, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
The diet spans for a period of three days, after which you NEED to go back to a normal, healthy eating regimen.
If you see results after the first three days and want to continue, you will have to follow the rule below.
Rule: do the diet for three days and stop! Return to a normal healthy eating lifestyle for four days, before you can start the three day diet again. You can only do the diet for three days straight. If you do it more than three days, you are endangering your health and your body will go into starvation mode(not good). "3 days on, 4 days off."
The Menu:
Day one Breakfast 1/2 grapefruit (If you're in medication DO NOT take grapefruit it will interfere/nullify it just like coconut does). Or, 1/2 a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. Or, 1 cup of apple juice. I drank a cup of warm green tea without sugar or milk. DO NOT USE ORANGE AS A SUBSTITUTE.
1 slice of whole wheat toasted bread. If you don't have a toaster, but own an oven, pop it in there for like 5 to 10 minutes on medium or high heat.
2 tablespoons of peanut butter also known as Ųsòjį(but with pepper and a host of salt) in Eastern Nigeria. I just chewed I spoon of roasted groundnuts.
1 cup of coffee or tea without sugar or milk. But, you can use Stevia. As I said above, I just drank unsweetened green tea.
Lunch 1/2 cup of tuna. I used 1 oven baked Nigerian Titus without pepper or salt, which I bought for N250.
1 slice of toasted whole wheat bread.
1 cup of coffee or tea without sugar or milk. But, you can use Stevia. As I said above, I just drank unsweetened green tea.
Dinner 3 ounces of any type of meat. I didn't eat this.
1 cup of green beans. I cooked mine with 1 heaped tablespoon of ofada stew.
1/2 Banana (I ate 2 small lean bananas equivalent to half of a standard US banana).
1 small apple.
1 cup of vanilla ice cream. I drank green tea without sugar or milk.
Day 2 Breakfast 1 egg. I boiled mine.
1 slice of whole wheat toast.
1/2 Banana.  (I ate 3 small lean bananas equivalent to half of a standard US banana).
Lunch 5 saltine crackers. You can regular crackers, just make sure you don't go overboard the 65 calories limit.
1 hardboiled egg.
1 cup of cottage cheese. This can be substituted for a cup of unsweetened and unflavored soy milk(I chose this option, because it's cheaper than cheese here in Nigeria).
Dinner 2 hotdogs (without bun). I had 3!
1 cup of broccoli. I substituted broccoli for spinach(if you live in Nigeria as your local vegetable trader for efó shòkó. I wanted to use what we call green but all the ones I saw were shriveled and yellow, so I went for the efó shòkó which is actually a variety of spinach).
1/2 cup of carrots.
1/2 Banana. I had 2 small lean bananas.
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream. I skipped this.
Day 3 Breakfast 5 saltine crackers. Remember what I said above about not going beyond 65 calories.
1 slice of cheddar cheese. It can be substituted for 1 egg. I went with 1 hardboiled egg.
1 small apple. I used pear(not avocado pear).
Lunch 1 egg cooked anyhow you like. 1 slice of whole wheat toasted bread.
Dinner 1 cup of tuna. (I used the remaining hotdogs from yesterday's dinner). 1/2 Banana. 1 cup of vanilla ice cream. I used apple juice.
What I Think I absolutely recommend this diet if you need to lose weight fast! Or, you have an upcoming event that requires you to shed a few pounds. If you get hungry, drink water. You can add lime to your water but nothing else.
Don't cheat. Remember you need this, and you'll just be cheating yourself. Self deceit is the worst form of deceit.
This 3 day diet is almost like a cleanse. This cannot replace your regular everyday diet. Try to consume more veggies, fruits and water after this diet. Also, try living a healthier life, check what's in your meal, and count your calories.
My results I lost a whooping 4 kilograms of weight that I believe isn't water, an equivalent of 8.8 pounds!
I don't feel bloated anymore and I didn't binge on what I missed for 3 days. In fact, I don't feel hungry. My tummy, tighs and waistline feel and look leaner! What a wawu. 
Most times, I was too hungry to even remember taking pictures of my food, so bear with me.
😂everyone at home was shocked when they saw me eating bread. I don't like bread! I see it as a wasted effort without any essence(it's just empty sugary calories). Don't judge me. I was talked into eating wheat bread. I justified eating it by reminding myself of the fibre I'll gain from the wheat. For more substitutes click here
 Who else enjoys reading Lost in Lagos?
Please, after seeing this post don't approach me for a sponsored post if you're a "Weight loss tea" company, I don't believe in those things.
It's currently 3:10 am here. I've been having issues with the blogger application on my phone since 4pm when I got this post ready for y'all. I had to stay awake to use the web version.
Note to self, one day I will blow and make it as a big time internet breaking blogger.
Let me know if you intend to try this, have tried this, or have any questions.
Don't forget to be the difference you seek, and be kind to your neighbor.
Peace, and love, Alexandra for Lily of Nigeria.
Song of the week:
Summer Body by Olamide ft Davido.
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