#and yo gurrrl you better do this lol
shelledpenguin · 6 years
I was tagged by @empressofthedamned
Also going to tag one person cause everyone else I know is inactive or not on the site anymore :’D Or if you see this and want to, you can! (That might be breaking the rule tho, lol.)
Only if you want to gurrllllllllll~
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag “eleven” people
Questions asked:
1. Describe your most vivid dream?
Hmmm, to be honest not too sure. But one time I had a dream that I can’t really remember too well, except that at the end a girl screamed so loud that I woke up in fright. It sounded so real that I had to look around to see if anyone was wake but nope, it was just in my dream.
2. Tell me a 5 word story?
Tale of the Cake Wizard. Ok, that is more of a book title, sorry ;w; 
3. How was your day?
It was ok, could be better. Hope your day was good!
4. What pets do you have?
Technically three cats, an orange tabby, calico, and an grey/white tabby. However, I have been away from them due to living with another family member. But this family member has a scottie doggo.
5. Least favorite color and why?
Well, I like all the colors out there but I guess grey-ish brown. It’s a messy color, lol. Reminds me of when I used to incorrectly mix up paint.
6. What is your favorite kinda jelly?
Like jello or jam? XD Either way, orange jello, and/or raspberry jam~
7. Favorite Video game? singular not franchise
Wowers that is a really hard question ;w; There is always something I love in each one, but I guess my all time favorite would be Rune Factory 4! It’s like Harvest Moon/Story of Season mixed with RPG elements of combat! Or like the title kind of says a fantasy Harvest Moon! XD Really though, I love almost everything in this game~ The story has three acts total (Which are really cool!), all the characters are so full of life and personally! (Not just the marriageable ones!) I love the art and designs of the characters as well~ Plus dragons man! (Venti is really adorable!) What I found out after playing, is that each of the games involves or mentions the 4 Native Dragons of the series! It’s pretty cool! 
Anyway, I can talk all day about this game, but all I can say is check it out! It’s a great game~! (Plus it’s for the 3DS, so you can play anywhere~)
8. 5 things you would want with you if stranded on an island?
Are there rules to this? I’m assuming so XD Otherwise I would bring a large hammer, an axe, a pot, some good sized plastic bags, and a good amount of rope. 
9. Costume party, what are you dressed as?
Like Halloween? Most likely a witch! If any costume party, White/Hilda from Pokemon Black and White~ 
10. What is your favorite old cartoon (as in not currently on air anymore with new episodes)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy! So goofy but I really enjoyed it a lot as a kid! Still do~
11. You have just won the grand prize of … drumroll … $100! What do you do with it?
Straight into the checking account, which it will soon be used to pay for my dentist appointment! *sighs
My Questions:
1. Favorite classical music piece?
2. Favorite husbando of all time? Lol
3. Favorite tv series? (No anime or cartoons in this case!) 
4. (No more favorite questions!) What is a talent you would like to have that you don’t already?
5. Where are possible places you would like to visit in your country?
6. Where are possible places you would like to visit out of your country?
7. Favorite software program? (I lied. Also could be any type.)
8. If you could write a book, what genre would you write for?
9. Most hated movie you ever saw? (Had to have watched it, not just heard about it.)
10. What two colors would you pair together? (In any case.) 
11. Favorite time of the day? (I lied again.)
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