#and youre a shithead if you even subconciously think they do
m00mincr0ssing · 3 years
lets talk the lion king 2, everybody.  so. for those of you who haven’t seen it, first of all, this will probably contain spoilers.  second of all, go watch it. third, this is nuka.
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and this is kovu. his little brother.
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and this is their sister, vitani. (younger than nuka, i THINK older than kovu but i’m not sure they might be twins)
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all three of these characters are VERY important to this post.
so, Kovu, the neurotypical coded sibling, was chosen by Scar to become king after him, even though Kovu wasn’t Scar’s son. whereas, Nuka is constantly theorized to be scar’s ACTUAL son.  and honestly, it would make sense.  like look at scar, then look at nuka. these two are OBVIOUSLY very closely related.  but that’s not the point of this post.
the point of this post is how Zira, their biological mother, treated them as individuals.
before you start talking to me about how “oh but shes the villain” or “she’s a lion” i dont actually care.  she may have been the villain, but these were her OFFSPRING. and lions or not, they’re sapient.  like they have morals.
ok so lets go.  lets talk about them youngest to oldest, because i want to save Nuka for last so i can REALLY go off.
Kovu first.  Zira WORSHIPPED Kovu. or at least, that’s how it appears at first glance.  but if you’ll take the time to look a little closer, she really only worshipped the fact that he was chosen to be king.
as SOON as he “betrayed” Zira, she didn’t care anymore. she was literally ready to kill him.  like huh???  
i may add more on that later, but now let’s move on to one of my very first gay awakenings Vitani. Zira saw vitani as a soldier. nothing more, nothing less.  like, when Kovu gets the chance to kill Simba and doesnt, and Vitani sees it, she immediately reports back to her mother.  her mother freaks out at this report. doesn’t even thank vitani for literally SPYING on her own brother.  like what???  Vitani has always struck me as not neurotyical, but not SUPER neurodivergent either. this will be important at the end of the story, kids, so remember this.
ok now i’m gonna GO OFF about nuka.  i have ALWAYS related to nuka. and i only JUST recently realized why.  it’s because he’s neurodivergent, and his mother treats him like shit.  and. that’s exactly how my life went. so this boy. he SHOWERED his mother in as many gifts as he could access, he did EVERYTHING he could to please this bitch, and how did she repay him??? by abusing him.  all nuka wanted was for his mother to give him even an OUNCE of the love that she gave to kovu. but she never did!  my guess is because he’s neurodivergent.  and, zira REALLY strikes me as a conservative
to conservatives, having a neurodivergent child is basically the worst thing that could possible happen to you. not the worst thing that could happen to your child, but to YOU.  i mean, the way conservatives treat autistic people, even their own offspring, is APALLING.  if you’re conservative, and your child comes out autistic, you’re gonna treat them like they’ll never be good enough. or like they’ll never be able to understand ANYTHING.  thats just one example though. 
i’m not autistic, but I am ADHD, and bipolar.  I hyperfixate on things CONSTANTLY.  a GOOD parent would at least PRETEND to be interested when i’m rambling about my current hyperfixation.  but conservatives don’t usually make good parents to nd kids.  and sadly, my parents were VERY conservative, so any time i tried to tell my mother about something that i was interested in and she wasnt, she’ dlet me know she didn’t care.  whether she did it passve aggressively, or just, straight up said “I don’t really care” (which was what usually happened. the “i dont really care” option.).
i guarantee you that nuka tried to tell his mother things he thought were cool. all the time. he found a pretty bug? ooooo i gotta show mother! saw a really twisty tree? OOOO mother will want to hear about that!!! and i also guarantee that his mother blew him off every time he tried to show her something cool or something he found interesting.  like.  im finna write angsty nuka fanfiction i’m so mad. like UGGGGH
oh and do you know when Zira realized how much she meant to him? (if she ever realized it. i’m not sure she wasn’t pretending to be completely honest)....  it was when he literally DIED trying to impress her! like he’s dying under a log and she’s only JUST NOW realizing “oh my gods this is my son and i’ve treated him like SHIT his ENTIRE life!!!”
like uggggh i hate zira so much. like, i love a lot of villains, but not this bitch who literally makes me think of how shitty my own mother was to me.
ok thats all. i just needed to make a very angry tumblr post™.  that’s all.  thanks for coming to my fucking TED talk everybody.
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