#another successful tadfool musical heist
greyias · 7 months
"Surely, surely this won't work again will it?" I ask myself
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as Ari pulls out her lute for the prison guards after Astarion invisibly unlocks Florrick's cell.
They all mad dash across the prison and gather around her to listen to her sweet, sweet rendition of Old Time Battles. The guard outside the front door is still sawing logs, so he's not looking either as Gale opens Florrick's now unlocked cell door, leads her just outside the visual range of the open doorway the impromptu concert is happening in, and then--
DIMENSION DOORS himself and Councillor Florrick all the way past the door and into the hallway! Then again down the hall to the storage room we unlocked and opened the way to the outside. The rest of the party scrambles after them, being sure to close Florrick's cell door behind them ("what prisoner? There never was a prisoner in this cell you must be mistaken!") and into the the sekrit exit, closing the storage closet's door as well to cover their tracks.
None of the impromptu concert goers hear any of this racket, they're too enthralled in the sound of Ari's music. Abruptly, just as soon as the song started, she finishes with a quick excuse about needing to be somewhere, running for the front door shouting "no no, no need for tips" as they pelt gold at her retreating form in thanks for the unexpected song that brightened the dank prison cells.
Ari runs out to the Wyrm's Crossing drawbridge, downs a Feather Fall potion in one gulp then jumps 80 feet down below, sprinting to the crack in the side of the prison just in time to greet the rest of her party who are helping Florrick out into the sunlight. The first she's seen since she was unexpectedly sentenced to death several days ago.
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Gale apparently gets credit for the save, and I guess he did burn two level 3 spell slots to bust her out, so I suppose it's fine. And a 100% nonviolent prison break was had, and no Flaming Fists were harmed in the production of this post.
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