#anthony's relationships with penelope and sophie are completely platonic
sea-owl · 6 months
I has an idea, y'all gotta trust me on this though.
Kate gripped her skirts as she watched the scenery roll by. There was not much else she could do. The king has chosen her, so she must go.
"Didi," Edwina muttered across from her.
Kate smiled at her younger sister. At least it wasn't her who was chosen to be the concubine.
When word spread that King Anthony was looking for a new concubine, one to join the other two high ranked concubines, Lady Danbury was quick to do her duty and arrange a meeting for the king to meet with both eligible Sharma sisters. Kate had no worry for herself. No one ever really looked her way, especially with Edwina next to her. She was worried for sweet Edwina, though, who had dreams of marrying a scholar, of being in love. Mary, Edwina's mother and Kate's stepmother, was quick to refuse until Edwina spoke up.
"A cocubine's family are well taken care of, and it's only a meeting. He might not even choose one of us."
Kate remembers squeezing Edwina's arm. It was true the money received would help their family but Kate did not want that at her sister's happiness. After all who would not choose Edwina?
On the day of the meeting a handsome man with chestnut hair and brown eyes exited the carriage. Behind him a curvy red head who appeared to be the same age as Edwina. She wore a golden necklace with the royal family's pendant, something all concubines wear.
"Lady Penelope," Lady Danbury whispered to the three Sharma women. "She was the first of the King's concubines and is often with him when a new one is chosen as a sort of welcoming."
Kate wanted to be sick. There was no way this young woman was the first concubine. It is a well-known fact that King Anthony took his first concubine five years ago. Kate remembers hearing the stories of the king announcing it when all of his family members were away from court. It created such a scandal for the king to restart that old tradition from his grandather's time. No one suspected the young king to take any after his father had only ever taken his wife, the Dowager Queen. If Kate was doing her math right then Lady Penelope had to be only 15 when the king chose her.
"Your majesty, my lady," Lady Danbury bowed. The Sharma women followed her lead.
The dinner was pleasant. King Anthony was a gentleman and Lady Penelope was rather witty. At one point the king left with Lady Danbury and Mary to speak on some sort of business. Lady Penelope was left with Kate and Edwina.
"It has been so wonderful to meet both of you," Lady Penelope. "Anthony has told me you have only moved here about two years ago. I would have never guessed!"
Kate smiled proudly. "Thank you Lady Penelope. I trained my sister in everything she knows."
Lady Penelope turned her full attention on Kate. "Really?"
Edwina nodded. "Yes, Kate is a fantastic teacher."
Penelope smiled, one a little different than from before. "If you don't mind I would love to learn something from such a fantastic teacher."
"Let me teach you how to make a proper cup of tea," Kate laughed as she called for the ingredients.
Lady Danbury, Mary, and the King returned not long after. Was it Kate, or did Lady Penelope and the King just send a silent message to one another?
"How was your time with the Ms. Sharmas?" The King asked.
"Oh, we've had a lovely time," Lady Penelope said. "Ms Kate even showed me how to make tea from her home! Would you like to try some?"
"No thank you," the king declined.
Lady Penelope rolled her eyes. "I know it's not your usual night cap but something new or different won't throw you out of balance."
"Are you the superstitious type your majesty?"
"No!" The king said at the same time Lady Penelope said, "Yes!"
"Ah I see. Some men like that find it hard to perform without certain tools like a child with a blanket."
The kings face went red while Lady Penelope burst out into giggles.
"Hush you," the King ordered Lady Penelope who's giggles were only made worse. "Time for you to head off to bed."
Kate tried not to blush the next morning when she saw Lady Penelope yawning as she left the king's room.
"Oh Ms. Sharma!" Lady Penelope greeted. "Congratulations!"
Kate felt a hole open beneath her feet. King Anthony chose-
"I can't wait to see you next week at the Garden Palace!"
"Admitly it would be easier just to have you come with us back to the Garden Palace today but we do need time to get your rooms ready."
Lady Penelope noticed Kate's confusion, then became confused herself. "Ms. Sharma?"
"I'm sorry my lady," Kate said. "If my sister was chosen to be the new concubine why would I go to the Garden Palace?"
Lady Penelope giggled. "Your sister wasn't chosen to be the new concubine Ms. Sharma. Or I should say Lady Kate."
Kate's mind went blank.
Now a week later Kate found herself in front of the Garden Palace dressed in fine purple silk and with a new shiny gold necklace. Though there was this odd marking on the back of the bee pendent. If Kate had to guess it would be a picture of an Iris flower. A flower commonly associated with wisdom of Kate was remembering correctly.
"Didi it's s so beautiful," Edwina muttered.
"It is Bon," Kate agreed.
The Garden Palace has always been the home for the king's concubines and where he spreads his seed. It wasn't used much during King Edmund's time besides to house the last of his father's concubines, but King Anthony has made use for it again. As the name suggests, there are a multitude of gardens around the palace, all filled with the most beautiful flowers. A few contain food and herbs. The palace servants are all women as men besides the king, his family, and those invited by the king were forbidden from entering. There are gaurds who were once traditionally physically castrated but apparently, the king had found someone who could make a tea that would temporarily do the same thing as traditional castration without all the mess. Those who take the tea are watched every morning to make sure they take it.
"Lady Kate! Ms Sharma!"
There to greet them was Lady Penelope dressed in green and a blonde woman dressed in silver with the same gold necklace. Just behind them were a red head who was in her teens, and a plump blonde the same age as Edwina. Their clothes weren't as fine as a concubines but still nicer than a serving girl's. Lady's maids maybe?
"How wonderful to meet you," the blonde concubine bowed. "I am Lady Sophie."
The two other girls bowed. "I am Felicity, I serve as Lady Penelope's head lady in waiting," the red head said.
"And I am Posy," the plump girl introduced herself. "I am the head lady in waiting for Lady Sophie."
"Posy and Felicity will show Ms. Sharma around," Lady Sophie said. "Meanwhile there are a few things we should talk about Lady Kate with her new position as a high ranking concubine. "
Kate held back a shiver.
The Ladies in Waiting ran off with Edwina while Kate followed her fellow concubines to a private room.
"So am I to expect the king tonight?" Kate asked.
"Probably at dinner," Lady Penelope answered, "but I think he has to go back to Aubrey Palace tonight."
Kate blinked. Well, at least she'll have some time to put this off.
Lady Penelope watched Kate. "Lady Kate as the newest concubine we have some things to tell you."
Tell her? Was it how best to please the king? Maybe some tricks they've picked up. After all with their rank he would spend the most time with them.
"Anthony won't touch you if you do not want it, and outside of meetings he doesn't go to a lady's room unless invited."
Kate blinked. And then she blinked again, and again. "I'm sorry what?"
Lady Penelope and Lady Sophie giggled.
"While it is true some of the women here are actual concubines, it's all consensual between them and Anthony," Lady Sophie explained. "He has a rather protective streak of those he believes that are under his care. You've probably seen it with how he acts towards his siblings. Others like myself and Penelope, who are here for protection, are still chaste."
Kate's jaw dropped. There's no way. She turned towards the red head. "But I saw you leave his room at Lady Danbury's."
Lady Penelope waved her hand. "We were discussing whether or not to bring you on. I was in favor for it. You're just what the Iris Council needs."
Kate furrowed her eyebrows. "The Iris Council."
Lady Penelope and Lady Sophie flipped their bee pendants to reveal that same etched in iris flower on the back.
"Anthony was young when the previous king passed," Lady Penelope explained. "The lords were like sharks out for blood, and he knew he needed a council who would be loyal to him and couldn't be easily influenced from the outside. Naturally, he thought of his siblings first, but the princes and princesses were too public of figures. Concubines however were much harder to access and really who expect a king to surround himself in a council of women?"
"So what are your real roles and what am I to do?"
The king's voice spoke behind Kate. "Penelope is my spy mistress. Sophie is my chief financial advisor."
Lady Penelope and Lady Sophie waved. "Hi Anthony."
Kate was about to stand to bow but the king raised a hand to signal her to stop. Instead he took a seat next to her.
"So what is my role to be here?" Kate asked.
"I want you to run the Garden Palace."
"Run the Garden Palace?" Kate repeated. "Why not just hire me as to do that role then, why make me a concubine?"
"It's because of the Iris Council and the need to keep their existence quiet," Anthony explained. "While they are ultimately self-sufficient and are loyal to me, I need someone to work as my second in command and leqder of the Garden Palace. Penelope looked into your background, and you've proven yourself as a head of house. You know how to manage people. Perfect for the position."
"Huh," Kate muttered. "I guess the rumors the king being a Capitol R rake are just rumors."
Anthony nodded in agreement.
"Oh no he's a whore."
Penelope and Sophie giggled when Kate whipped her head towards them.
Anthony sent them a glare. "Hush both of you."
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