#anyway. having fun imagining them landing in the boat with their younger hunter buddy who dies A Lot
theramblingvoid · 10 months
Thinking about how in Flondon there are canonically multiple people on the Boat Man's boat at once. It's not just you and the Reaper in a slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river, there's ????? other people there too and they can see you. Is it like unspoken public transportation rules where you just Don't Talk To Each Other? Do they chat while waiting in line to play chess or something? If too many people die at once that day does the boat just. Get bigger?? Or do you get left on the shore until the next round? What if you recognise people there. What if you're stuck in limbo with some guy you have beef with, or you get to chill with a friend who somehow happened to die the same day, or (knowing Flondon) you have to make conversation with your Inescapable Aunt the whole time. Just sounds like infinite comedic potential to me
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