#anyways give susato a gun
hechiima · 11 months
Mycroft can, should, and must give Susato her dad's old revolver.
Look I think we need herlock/yujin getting into trouble and dotters coming to rescue post-dgs2. I think we need mycroft being like well I don't wanna go save my brother but if you do heres ur dad's old gun @ susato. I think we need yujin trying to strangle mycroft after he's rescued for sending two children off to save himself/herlock and mycroft being like why are you mad at me I GAVE her a gun????
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lawyest · 5 months
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Anyway experimenting by giving susato a gun as you do
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dullahandyke · 5 months
ok hi im here to liveblog case 4 of tgaa. basically what happened was my phone died before i could start liveblogging this case so ive justbeen writing all my witty reactions ina notebook which i shall transcribe thusly. hope u appreciate that im having to read my own handwriting for this
ok hi i'm going pen + paper bcos lana gave up the ghost lols
also right from the start i'm interested in the title of 'adventure of the clouded kokoto' like i haven't reqad sherlock holmes so i'm prob not getting as much out of the case similarities as i could be but i know enough to know that ost of the titles have been loosely based on holmes stories so 'im interested in why this one in particular has a japanese word in the title
i do really like how vortex is handing out all the cases as opposed to ryuu finding them himself, it rlly gives the impression that vortex is powerful and one of their only connections so it makes him that much more intimidating
points... gregson spotted... with his famed chips... he's so mecore (just finished supper chips)
gregson racism moment
susato's conversation magicks r so awesome... who needs spirit channeling when you know how allists work
susato protects al women with susato toss... ily
gregson the one to tell us about reaper of the bailey myth...
love susato's sholmesposting... no. 1 admin on fanwiki
snowman :)
not ryuu giving his commentary on 'the bicycle fad' :sob: we need to bring him to the 21st century and have him run a twitter account reacting to fads such as coffee and nerf guns
...ryunosuke have you walked on stilts and fallen into a river
also susato riding ryuu around on a little bike... so cutes
foggy london town title drop
also someones gonna fucking die on the crystal tower
damn acab... anyway prison time. idr who the defendant is
oh its soseki innit
god they really did meow meow him
CAN'T EXAMINE THE CELL BOOO... oh the days of examining the guard ever time u came in just in case
i do like soseki's grustrated sprite ut's v shaped
can't talk to people he's just like me fr...
unrelated but god i would kill for some chocolate biscuits rn. was bubbles not atop me i'd be making 10pm brownies yet she is so i shan't disturb her
also love how ryuu's constantly mumbling his internal monologue. go king talk to yourself!
oh is this the defendan't elegy theme? its rlly nice
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@thelocalmuffin requested a hug between Kazuma and Iris, #37 or without a motive! Beware of spoilers, including for the second game
Also, sorry about the snail pace with which I've been getting to these prompts :( Trying to be a more responsible adult and it's going chaotically
The snowfall that’s turned London to a blur all week finally abates, leaving the sky looking rather dreary. Clouds hang low over the city, over the piles of snow and the two snowmen Iris made with Hurley yesterday.
Iris pushes him out the door “to get some thread.” It’s based on a complete lie, of course (there are more than a few spools left), which her father sees straight through. 
Still, with a quick bow and a smile, Hurley takes his leave. The shop is a good forty-minute omnibus ride away, and he’ll be sure to get distracted by whatever oddities catch his eye there.
Satisfied, Iris pulls on her warmest coat, then her favourite scarf: a light pink one adorned with hearts at the ends. She steps out into the chilly morning air.
It’s 6 January, and Iris Sholmes has a mission.
“You want my help?”
“Mm-hm!” Iris says, smoke gun in hand.
The Sholmes kitchen is small, like his, but so different in every other way. Where his kitchen has scarcely the essentials, theirs is stocked with pots and pans of numerous sizes, hanging dried herbs, and tea sets in Iris’ signature pink. It isn’t empty and bare like his flat, which he still hasn’t fully settled into, nor is it pretentious like the places he has seen on the posh side of London.
Iris, that eccentric little girl, tugs at his coat.
It’s been years, yet all the same he can’t help but see a younger Susato tugging at his sleeve, urging him to help her make sweets. It would end in disaster every time, but Susato’s grown into an expert now.
Kazuma crosses his arms over his chest, cautiously watching Iris put her smoke gun away. “Fine, but mind you, I’m not exactly on Miss Mikotoba’s level. And I’ve been told I’m not the most serene chef in existence.”
“Oh, don’t worry!” Iris says cheerfully. “This kitchen has blown up before, so whatever happens, it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with at some point.”
“Well, we all got out before anyone could get hurt. But the landlady charged Daddy so much for the property damage…” Iris gives a shrug. She hands him first an apron, then a leaf of paper. “Anyways, this is the recipe we’re going to use.”
On the paper is a sketch of some kind of western cake, a recipe handwritten beneath it in cursive. “Red…velvet?”
Iris beams. “I invented this one! The red colour is caused by a chemical reaction between the baking soda and baking powder, which are alkaline, and the cocoa, vinegar, and buttermilk, which are acidic.” She pauses to pull her metal goggles over her eyes (Ryuunosuke has a pair, too, Kazuma recalls). “His favourite is strawberry, but they’re out of season. And he likes any flavour, really!”
“Have you ever had western-style cake, Kazzie?” the girl hums, setting out two round pans and a few mixing bowls. 
Kazuma isn’t sure how to feel about the nickname, but it’s so casual, so familiar, the way Iris says it. Like she doesn’t have a single doubt in her mind that Kazuma is her friend.
Iris studies him, eyes wide. She opens her mouth to apologise, perhaps thinking he doesn’t like the name—but then Kazuma’s laugh rings out. “I haven’t. Not a real one, that is. I tried to make a cake myself once, and it was disgraceful! No one but Ryuunosuke ate it willingly.”
“Oh!” The concern on Iris’ face turns to a grin. “That sounds like Runo!”
The process is arduous. Time and time again, Kazuma finds himself slamming a hand on the counter in frustration as if it were his desk in court. And the frosting tests his patience like nothing else.
“I ruined it!”
“Wait! You don’t have to start all over, just add more sugar…”
But after what feels like an eternity, the tiers of cake are arranged in a pretty tower, with a layer of frosting in the middle and another coating the outside. Kazuma can’t help a beam of pride at the cake’s presentation; as it happens, the gear and flower motifs Iris asked him to pipe onto the cake have turned out remarkably well. Iris is clapping her hands in delight, and that’s the most rewarding part.
“I can’t wait for you to try it at dinner.”
Then, it hits him. He hasn’t been helping with this cake to just go home right after—that wouldn’t be proper etiquette. He’ll be dining with Mr. Sholmes and Iris. He’s been invited before, but shrugged it off each time to bury himself in work.
His train of thought is interrupted by a sudden flurry of pink as Iris jumps up to hug him. 
“—Oh, I just felt like giving you a hug!” Iris’ voice is muffled, and Kazuma thinks he almost hears a sniffle. “You’re so silly, but I like you.”
Kazuma doesn’t know what to say to that.
But the way Iris crushes him with her hug—it kindles a sense of comfort he hasn’t felt since stepping foot on the rainy shore at Dover. Not under the high ceiling of the prosecutor’s office, not in the court of law he thought himself made for. Certainly not in his hollow flat that suffices for a home.
He’ll stay for dinner, he decides, and feel welcome as he sings with Iris and helps her light all thirty-five candles. He’ll watch a bit awkwardly as Iris brings her present, remembering that he has none to offer. But Iris will hug him again before he goes home, and Mr. Sholmes will tell him to come back whenever he likes.
That's exactly what they do. They don’t push him, but he tells them he will, a slight smile on his face.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
these things happen. SUSIE SUSIE SUSIE YAY SUSATO
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbiab !!!!!!!!!! <3
Gender Headcanon: None biney !!!!!!!!! <3
A ship I have with said character: susahao. weirdgirls for the win. susahao and sumitaba- susahao and sumitaba double date.
A BROTP I have with said character: HER AND RYUU. her and all her epic siblings tbh shojt out to asougi and iris but like susato and ryuu r the duo we see the Most of. so they stick in the mind more. and theyre Awesome. “this person is so weird thank god im normal”. susato and her NEW older brother who she THROWS. lawyer and judicial assistant duo here to wreck your life forever. etc. i love them. Also 1 more shout out to her and her dad . the mikotoba family unit is tragically underrepresented as a group
A NOTP I have with said character: aside from Obvious Ones i cant think of any. i dont have any that are mere matters of personal taste. susato is free to date whoever she wants within reason
A random headcanon: WHERE DO ALL MY SILLY LITTLE TRIVIAL THOUGHTS ON CHARACTERS GO WHEN THEY ARE CALLED UPON!!!!!!!! Ummmm. I think that at some point iris brought susato in as an assistant making stuff like her cool weird fucked up guns & showed susato how to Make some stuff. the writers just forgot to mention this. post dgs2 ryuu cant keep any mechanical stuff thats too interesting in his office because susato takes it apart and she puts it back together but not always as the same thing. “im sorry i just got so excited :(“ her power grows continually.
General Opinion over said character: I love her !!!!!!!! She’s so cool and awesome and incredible and amazing and powerful. Such a good character. Ryuutarou Naruhodou objection theme 10 hour loop full volume. It’s sad that a lot of the most interesting parts of her character don’t get much focus in the games? But from my memory ace attorney doesn’t tend to spare a lot of time on character details that aren’t relevant to the Plot. They don’t have. like. filler episodes. where you just stop and think about the characters. anyway susato is so great shes had Kind Of A Wild Life? okay i ran out of make words good otherwise i would talk about susato for 200 million years shes the character ever she has many Qualities and i Love Her.
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clockworkowl · 3 years
I don’t know why but I have spent way too much time developing a headcanon about how just about everyone behaves when either they are ill/injured or you/other characters are ill/injured. Will this lead to me actually writing a fic? (the odds aren’t great given how long it’s been since I’ve even written anything with my own characters let alone trying to stay true to the sketch of someone else’s) Who knows, but I guess this is the closest I’ve come to writing anything at all in far too long.
*I think we can all agree that Sholmes is the absolute worst when he’s sick.
*He’s totally the type who being the slightest bit ill turns into a complete dramatic bitch and hams up the tiniest of colds like he’s about to die from the consumption. He lightly groans as though the effort of extending his arm fully to take a Kleenex out of the box himself is too much. Like my old rat D’onofrio his breathing is fine if he has no idea you are home, but the second he notes your presence every breath is a wheezy death rattle until you come and worry and fuss over him until his attention meter is full up.
*But also as soon as there’s something he actually wants to do he’s magically cured and runs off without even putting on a coat.
*In a modern AU he for some reason spends a lot of time on WebMD either convincing you that his allergy-related headache is a rare usually fatal disease. Or that you probably have a rare malady that is exacerbated by eating pheasant he should probably go ahead and eat your pheasant because he’s only thinking of your health.
* When you are sick it is unpredictable at best, but it depends on how sick you actually are. There will probably be a variety of dubious cures and tinctures which you should probably ignore unless Iris made them.
*He has literally tied Kazuma to a bed (this will make more sense shortly).
*He will also somehow claim to find Ryunosuke’s take all the meds at once approach reasonable.
*Asogi is also a terrible patient who will drive you to want to drink, but in the opposite fashion to Sholmes.
*He’s the ‘it’s only a flesh wound’ type who will thoroughly ignore any and all evidence of illness or injury claiming he is perfectly fine and hale until he is half dead with it and passes out
*Even after he regains consciousness will continue to argue that he will be in tomorrow he only needs to run it under a cold tap.
*You will have to tie him to a bed to get him to take doctor’s orders, and then he will be sullen about it.
*Once you get him into a room and confiscate clothes he could go outside in where he is sulking he will change tactics and he will order you around a lot trying to make you angry enough to throw your hands up and let him take care of himself, except with Ryunosuke who he knows this won’t work on so he just tries to wheedle him into bringing his clothes back and makes double entendres and suggestive comments about being tied to the bed.
*When it is you who is sick he will become the overbearing one and you won’t be sure whether that is because he worries about you or because it’s revenge for when he was sick.
*Ryunosuke is challenging when he’s ill because he will acknowledge the illness and neither exaggerate or ignore it, but he is too concerned about whether it inconveniences everyone else for him to be ill, so he will try to downplay or hide the fact he’s as sick as he is.
*He’ll try to get well as quick as possible hence doing dumb stuff like taking all the meds at once.
*He can be reasoned with, like you could convince him to go home and take a day off, or that if he shows up sick he’ll get you all sick, but he’ll try to work from home or come back before he’s 100% or he’ll also try to prevent anyone from helping him because he feels like he’s causing extra work or that he might get someone sick.
*Can also be intimidated into being a good patient with the threat of a Susato Takedown or Barok just glaring at him until he caves.
*When you are sick he worries over you and runs around trying to make everything easy for you. Sholmes will take advantage of that to the max, so he must be sent elsewhere to avoid that.
*Once threatened to tie Kazuma to the bed so he would follow doctor’s orders. Once he realized how suggestive that sounded and got flustered he gave up on that plan (even though everyone agreed it was actually the only plan that was likely to be successful.) Now they rib him about it every time either he or Asogi get ill.
*Susato is level-headed and actually a fairly good patient to no one’s surprise, provided she is the only one who is ill.
*She will also be worried about being an inconvenience, but has the sense to do what’s needed to get better and then tries to make it up to everyone after even though no one thinks that’s necessary
*She won’t let anyone help her though unless she really needs it. As she doesn’t want them to get sick or to fuss.
*If others are sick she will tend to put them all before her even if she’s sicker, and gets stubborn about this. This has led to at least one occasion of Sholmes dropping the theatrics and Kazuma acting like a model patient at the same time.
* When you’re sick she is no nonsense and actually helpful. She spends a lot of time shooting down Sholmes’ webMD self diagnoses, and makes Ryunosuke give her his prescriptions so she can administer the dosage because she doesn’t have time to drag him to the hospital. She has also had to threaten the Susato takedown on Kazuma more than once if he doesn’t go see the doctor today.
*Gina is in the Kazuma mold of patient, except when you finally force her to act like she is as sick as she is, she turns into Sholmes.
*When you are ill she is aggressive about you taking care of yourself and worries, she has a lot of past trauma with people dying from her time trying to take care of her orphan army in the rookeries.
*Is not above threats, guilt-trips, and shooting you with a smoke grenade full of vitamin c or eucalyptus vap-o-rub mist.
*has pickpocketed Ryunosuke’s prescription to give to Susato more than once to avoid him taking them all at once.
*When ill Iris is a lot more like Susato, but she totally tries to invent her own tea-based cures, and she will also downplay or hide that she’s sick because she doesn’t want anyone to worry about her, but doesn’t go overboard with it the way Ryunosuke does.
*She is pretty much immune to Sholmes’ theatrics at this point, but sometimes will make up new imaginary web md illnesses that he might have to amuse herself.
*She will mother you with tea-based or soup-based cures which you will be safe consuming and will make you feel better emotionally if not physically, but often physically as well.
*Has also modified one of her smoke grenade guns to fire eucalytpus vap-o-rub mists, and also so they can knock Kazuma or Gina out safely and temporarily so they can be made to convalesce when they are being extra stubborn.
* somehow Barok is the best patient of all of them. It’s probably the only time that he is truly polite and courteous with no sarcastic requests for forgiving discourtesies.
*This comes from some combination of Klimt telling him as a boy about a noble’s responsibility to the people of his estate (and his actually taking this concept to heart unlike a lot of nobles) and the sheer number of times he has had to rely on doctor’s, nurses, and staff due to the numerous attempts on his life over the years.
*He will downplay the seriousness of an injury especially out of habit and so as not to worry those who he cares about (though he finds it shocking always that anyone cares about him) but he will always get it seen to and respect orders provided they come from a professional and there are reasons given.
*He will insist that his staff gets things if he needs them and not you, but this is because he wants the staff to feel comfortable and he pays them extra compensation for it. Were he contagious he would not allow them but would pay their wages for them to be away from his home. (This is a big secret and his staff is very loyal to him even without this money. It’s just like the chalices and vintages all the theatrics of it is to fund these families of artisans. Charity without charity.)
*When you are sick, except maybe Sholmes who he just can’t even, he is kind and no nonsense. He thinks you should come to stay in his guest room and been seen by his doctor, that way you’ll get the best care and recover quicker. He’ll have his staff take care of you (but also report back to him if you aren’t being cooperative. He will tell you to think nothing of it, you’re friends and he’s rich and has no family left (except Iris and she doesn’t even live with him) so what else would he do with it, besides it provides wages.
*He is not above intimidating Ryunosuke (sometimes also Gina ) into convalescing as they should.
*This doesn’t work with Kazuma who he had also considered tying to the bed, but instead decided to let him have it his way and then when he got bad enough and passed out took him to the estate anyway and made sure the doctors told him exactly how much longer he had to convalesce than he would have if he’d listened to Barok in the first place.
*He brings this up every single time so they can just skip to the part where Kazuma sulks and is a grouchy patient.
*Is the only person that doesn’t join in with the group pastime of ribbing Ryunosuke about threatening to tie Kazuma to the bed To make him follow doctor’s orders.
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (Part 1b)
Last time: We (and by we I mean Ryunosuke and Susato) arrived in England, and were almost immediately sent to play lawyer by Daemon Gant’s ancestor, who is definitely going to either die or kill someone later. Despite our client being only the richest of able bodied white men, we quickly found ourselves on the ropes thanks to the worlds least impartial jury. Fortunately we now get to put the buggers on the spot and demand they give us their reasons for convicting my client (and boy had they better be good).
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Ryunosuke, the more we learn about that man the more of a cad he becomes. I say we should be very thankful we aren’t doing that.
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Let me get this straight, instead of smashing their half baked ideas to smithereens and laughing as I go, I have to use the worlds weakest bricks to build my argument.
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Susato, one of them knows one of the witnesses.
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Oh, so that’s what we’re doing.
Ok, Ryunosuke, lets get shit stirring!
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Well firstly, either the drunk juror’s wrong or Beppo’s overcharging people, so jot that down.
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Ooh, we’re pacing!
(Also, I’d like to thank Juror No.4 for backing me up, ma’am you are the only member of this group bothering to make even the slightest bit of effort. For this I thank you.)
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Of course! Thank you for putting two and two together like that for me!
(Wait a second, I’ve just realized that we’ve got the KBS slung on our hip! That’s amazing!)
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And this lady’s and gentleman, is why we don’t let people who know those involved stand on the Jury.
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(You are my favourite juror, you can tell the others if you’d like.)
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Excellent work Ryunosuke!
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Have you not even been listening?
(Susato is explaining the last ten minutes to him because she has more patience than I ever will.)
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And Juror No.2’s crossed over to our side as well!
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And she’s doing it for much better reasons than Juror No.5!
Juror No.2 you’re winning me back!
Just two more jurors to convince now, so let’s go on to the discrepancy about how the victim was stabbed, and maybe point out that the body was left in the seat it was stabbed it.
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Old Lady vs Jack the Ripper, here we go!
(Ten guineas on the granny!)
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Haha! His knife got stuck in the table!
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(I put it again that this man should have that knife taken away from him.)
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Yes judge, and if we’d been allowed to go through the whole trial before the jurors jumped the gun, you’d have known that already.
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Yay! We’ve won Granny Thickle back!
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And he’s being really racist now.
Fortunately he’s also rubbing the rest of the jury up the wrong way!
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Well I consider this to have been a success Ryunosuke.
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Well given that the body was found on the seat and there was no blood on the floor... I’m going to say no.
He wants evidence.
Ok then.
As a wise man with a cool sword once said: I will shove it down your throat and make you choke on it.
(Yeah, we should really have seen Kazuma’s moral dubiousness coming...)
Anyways, let’s show him the crime scene photo then.
Of course! The autopsy report shows he was only stabbed once!!!
Meaning that there was only one incident where the witness was stabbed!
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Yes, kill each other!
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My Lord, Juror No.3 has started licking his knife and threatening the witnesses now...
I’m a little bummed we didn’t get to convince Juror No.4 seeing as she’s the one putting in the hours up there, but never mind. We’re back on track baby!
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Oh my god Ryunosuke, we’ve got a prosecution shut up button!
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Oh please, we all know perjury doesn’t exist in this here!
Oho, so apparently Beppo’s been overcharging his customers. Given the conditions he’s been working in I can’t exactly blame him though.
Unfortunately that does kind of rule out the possibility of an extra passenger though, so I’m not sure it helped us much.
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Damn right I do!
‘Absolutely’ Ryunosuke and I share one mind.
Now let’s see if we can clear up that whole ‘I saw the victim stabbed on the floor’ bs.
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You know, I’m rapidly warming to Mr Furst. Unlike the other witnesses and the god damn jury, he’s not telling lies, or overinflated by his own self importance. He’s actually taking it seriously and doing his best to be as clear and close to factual as he can.
I mean he could well be the killer for all I know, but right now I’m just enjoying him as a nice gentle guy who’s trying his best. It’s refreshing.
Barok’s trying to point out that we still have one witness who saw the stabbing, to which I say: Yeah, a witness with a reason to lie!
Still, Beppo’s the one I should probably be focusing on here, as he’s saying he saw the victim stabbed in places he couldn’t have been.
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Well that was easy.
Mr Fairplay on the other hand is going absolutely ham on his cane.
What’s the matter Mr Fairplay?
Got something to say?
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Again Mr Fairplay, being a banker in an Ace Attorney Game is not the commending statement you think it is.
Anyways new statement time!
And what’s this I see? Both his hands were covered in blood? That looks like a new contradiction to me!
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You know he’s weirdly insistent about this, and I can’t work out why?
Like, regardless of whether or not he committed the murder, he’s clearly hoping that Mr McGilded’s going to be taken out of the picture as a result.
But if he wants that to happen then this is such a weird thing to lie about. It doesn’t add in any way to Mr McGilded’s ‘guilt’, in fact thanks to his gloves it kind of does the opposite.
But if he’s not lying then he has to be mistaken and I don’t understand what that would mean either.
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Wow, Juror No.6 is ready to throw down!
(Juror No.3’s going off as well, but I don’t think that’s anything to write home about.)
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I’m no longer so sure. After all, if he was it would be far more in his interest to keep quiet about it or say he was mistaken as soon as we bought the gloves out.
What I’m beginning to wonder though, is if there was a mysterious fifth passenger after all, and their hands were the ones Mr Fairplay saw covered in blood.
Come to think of it, he did say that he didn’t see the victim or killers faces, so that’s a good chance, and one that actually gives some hint as to what our suspect looks like: i.e. small.
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Debt time.
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Good to get proper conformation on that theory then.
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(If you don’t know about the House of Commons cry of Order you should look it up on YouTube. It’s basically the one good thing to have come out of that place.)
So he did lie about seeing the moment the victim was stabbed then. I guess that leave more room for the idea that the fifth passenger did it.
Actually, come to think of it did Mr McGilded ever tell us where he went to sit in the carriage? Could he have been on the open side, the one Mr Fairplay and Mr Furst couldn’t see from where they were?
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Huh, he’s still doubling down.
Again I really don’t think he’s lying here, but I do think he’s mistaken about who’s hands he could see.
Also given how much this statement relies on him being a witness I should probably rule him out of my enquires.
I’m rapidly going back over my notes to see if I ever accused him, but let’s be honest here I did. The False Accusations counter is up to a nice healthy 5/5.
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Of course Mr Furst, you’re an angle and we’re all thrilled you’re here.
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Ok, well now any doubts I had that Mr Fairplay was telling the truth have been put to rest, thank you Mr Furst. You, me and Susato should form our own breakaway courtroom, Juror No.4 can come if she likes.
Anyway time for more testimony.
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Certainly looks that way doesn’t it My Lord?
Now Barok want’s to examine the Omnibus again.
You know what, sure Barok, knock yourself out.
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Barok, keep up. It literally a huge contradiction sitting right there.
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Well thanks to Mr Furst, the one good witness, we know that the real killer wasn’t wearing any gloves. Again Mr Furst I thank you.
Wait a second, there was a space under the seat opposite the victim wasn’t there. I know it was full of stuff but was there any room for someone to fit themselves?
Barok’s telling me that there was no trace of blood on Mr McGilded’s actual hands. I’m glad you’ve finally caught up Barok but stop talking now so I can examine the omnibus again.
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Yes! A space!
And whoever it was who could fit inside there definitely fits the category of small!
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And right on cue it’s time to bring their blind spot to light.
Now, I need to work out if they want to know about the space under the seats or if they just want the seats themselves, because from where Mr Furst and Mr Fairplay were sitting they couldn’t see either.
Fuck it, I’ll just put my cursor half way between the two and hopefully it’ll except whichever one it wants.
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Haha, yes... exactly what I was going to say...
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Anyways, given that the killer was by all accounts sitting next to the victim with no gloves and bloodied hands, the only person who could have been in the concealed seat was Mr McGilded. Again, did anyone actually bother to check which seat he sat in?
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Well done Judge. Still as sharp as ever I see.
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Wow, that one hit the light!
Barok, that’s alcohol. If you start a fire in here I’m not going to put you out.
Oh he’s being racist again.
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Racist stuff Ryunosuke.
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Ok, well let me brake this down into words that a stuck up prick like you would understand. The witnesses never saw the attackers face, but they did see his hands and all agree that they were covered in blood. My clients hands were not covered in blood, and therefor he doesn’t fit the one thing we know about the killer. However we know he was on the omnibus, and the only place he could have been is in the seat that can’t be seen.
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... you guys, I think this man might be the OG “protégé” prosecutor. Hugh O’Connor and Sebastian Debeste were simply trending in this mans footsteps.
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I’m not really sure how much clearer you want me to be My Lord!
Van Zieks is still crawling blindly towards the light, and I suggest we just move on without him.
I know (or at least I hope) he’s just deliberately putting up barriers as the prosecution, but the way he’s doing it really looks like he’s packing his intelligence onto a bus and sending it out to destinations unknown.
(Credit to Ryunosuke for spelling it out for him though.)
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Thank you Mr Furst, I knew you’d have my back.
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Yeah on what grounds?
I mean this is literally the solution to all our problems.
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Yeah, well he probably lied (though I can’t work out why).
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Excellent point Ryunosuke!
Now Van Zieks is pointing out that if Mr McGilded lied in his statement there would have been a deliberate reason for doing so. To be honest, as the prosecution, this seems like all the more reason to bring him in.
Anyway we’re demanding his testimony.
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Well luckily for us the jury seems to finally be getting its arse in gear and has agreed (fairly unanimously) to let the god damn defendant make a statement in his own murder trial.
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Nothing to say here. This just feels like a meme.
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Wait an urchin?
Ace Attorney, I’ve already had a ‘don’t feel good’ case regarding who I’m accusing, don’t make me do that again.
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Yeah, they probably would have done, and unlike you I don’t think she’d have been able to pull the ‘I donated a park to this city you know’ trick to win hearts and minds.
I wonder if she was there as a passenger or as a stowaway? Because I’d say that gap under the seat could fit a child pretty easily.
Now Barok’s saying we have no reason to believe Mr McGilded. And he’s right except for, you know, all the evidence...
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Wait what.
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A smoke bomb just went off!
I really don’t like the face Mr McGilded pulled just then, and he definitely gave a signal for it to be dropped.
...Ah fuck, he’s guilty isn’t he.
And he’s using some kid to cover it up.
Well shit...
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mistytpednaem · 5 years
okay, so i’ve finished the great ace attorney! some overall spoiler-free thoughts before i move on to case-by-case remarks:
it waaaaas a good experience overall, but unless i’m mistaken, this game has the weirdest, if not actually the worst pacing out of the entire series? like, i was warned about plot threads not reaching a conclusion since this game was made with a sequel in mind from the get-go; that’s not what i’m talking about. i’m talking about redundancies in the writing and just... bold decisions in how long certain parts of certain cases go on for, i suppose you could say?
still, as long as you’re prepared for that and are ok with it, it’s still absolutely a worthwhile experience. i mean i love ace attorney so of course i’d say that but still. this game has a really strong cast and i can’t wait for the sequel to get a thorough fan translation as well, so great job and thanks to studio scarlet (EDIT: wait no. it’s scarlet study) for helping people enjoy this game!
OKAY. more specific and spoilery observations under the cut:
case 1: I’m gonna be honest I played a lot of the early bits of this game in bed right before going to sleep so my judgement may not be the best because i was only half-conscious at times w-whoops. this one’s a fine intro case, even if it starts to run a bit long towards the end. great intro to our anxiety boy, hosonaga did not disappoint. obviously, now that i’ve played the game, i can no longer say he was the first de killer... ... he’s just OBVIOUSLY shelly’s actual blood ancestor. like, hello?? the gumption? the dedication to his job??? please do not die of tuberculosis, hosonaga. also asougi’s hair is dumb but his theme is really good and oh no he shares his VA with bruno bucciarati oh no
case 2: i cannot in good conscience dislike this case, which is honestly kind of impressive considering it’s All Investigation. :V but maaaan, it really started dragging towards the end. :( the climax just felt... drawn out and unsatisfying, unfortunately, and i feel like that’s a symptom of this game’s format being so different from all the rest - there’s a much larger focus on telling a long, overarching story. and that’s not necessarily wrong, and i appreciate them trying out something new,  but... if it’s not broke... i’m honestly surprised by how much i liked sherlock, haha. i mean susato is also great but i was just not expecting to be so amused by holmes?? what a great take on the character. also the Deduction bits may not be particularly challenging - and, yes, suffer a bit from the game’s overall weird pacing - but honestly i love them. love holmes being a ham,  love naruhodou joining him
case 3: this fucking case shook me to my core. i happened to examine the omnibus close to the end of the first part of the trial, and then close to the start of the second part, which meant the details were still fresh on my mind AND the alarm signs started going way the fuck off in my head from early on. it’s a fun play on the old ace attorney gambit of “oh no our defendant looks shady but surely he must be good” - it adds the conclusion of “oh FUCK NO oh my GOD eat the RICH.” i’m still sad barok’s name wasn’t ultimately romanized as baroque, but alas, that doesn’t detract from my big awful crush on him. i may or may not still blush when i think of him stretching his leggy out and i’m glad his rampant xenophobia seems to be something that might get character development’d out. ALSO the new juror thing is fun too! i really like all (... or most) of the new mechanics in this game. shame most of the jurors don’t get names, though, especially since so many of them are so much fun - capcom ripped off my oc and didn’t even give him a proper name?? no dignity OH YEAH SPEAKING OF ROMANIZED NAMES: i still think HURT VORTEX is superior but i’ll take hart vortex too
case 4: welp, there’s usually ONE downer in these games and this one’s mine. i’m not even saying it’s objectively bad, but between the fat jokes and the spousal abuse jokes, by the time the truth was becoming clear, i’d reached 2-3 levels of “NO SHUT UP THIS IS STUPID”. shame, because I actually quite like the garridebs’ character designs, and souseki is great fun - you all know i’m a fan of taking real dudes and having fun with them in fiction. it... didn’t help that i got very drowsy during chunks of the whole thing ultimately, i think one of my favourite parts of this case was one that wasn’t connected to the case itself, and that’s not great praise, haha :V;; (”what’s the big deal with the grim reaper anyway we won that trial just fine” “yeah but is megundal alive” “wh-” “IS HE ALIVE, BOY”) ALSO another symptom of the weird, bbbbbold pacing and writing decisions in this game: this one... shakespearean dude who just showed up for two minutes and then fucked off for the rest of the game?? hello??  sir???? what????? WAIT DOUBLE ALSO was this the case where barok just flung his bottle behind his back for the first time because the first time i saw that animation i had to stop and laugh for a second and i love it when these games do that to me
case 5: this case is extremely good because a) the pacing is super fucked (it takes like an hour for a crime to even happen and it gets up to INVESTIGATION 4 before the trial starts, jesus) and i still had fun and b) chekov’s cat flap gun is objectively dumb and i don’t even mind. it bothers me way less than Knife Drop actually so. disclaimer. i’ve thought “egg benedict” was incredibly handsome from the moment i first saw a screenshot of him, so obviously i’m biased, but to no surprise he’s my favourite culprit in this game w-whoops. the ones i wasn’t expecting to ALSO love were the tinpillars, holy shit, what a power trio. i was in fact a little disappointed that rupert (... robert? i’ve seen a couple of different romanizations of his name) was not the long lost third tinpillar brother, but then the credits had them pose together and i felt so much joy in my heart (also, extremely unusual for the true culprit of a case to be in the credits, but i’ll take it??? especially for the GROUP POSING i seriously can’t overstate how happy i was)
anyway, these thoughts are a little disjointed, i know, but i always have a little trouble getting my shit together when i’m talking about a game like this, haha ;v; feel free to ask me stuff or just casually hit me up if you wanna chat, though!
“wait, naem! you said you liked ALMOST all of the mechanics in this game! what’s the exception?”
........ well
it’s not so much a matter of not LIKING it, i just
i cannot, for the life of me, get magic eye pictures to work
yes i know how to cross my eyes. yes i have read how to do it multiple times. at this point i’m convinced my eyes are just fucked in some particular way that doesn’t let me Get It
i will never, ever know the unabated joy that case 5′s juror 3 experienced...........
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ninjagoforever · 5 years
Playing DGS, Case 2, Investigation 1, Part 1
Wow, that’s a long title…
(Spoilers under the cut, obviously, and this is your daily reminder to try the game if you’re at all interested in visual novels/mystery games)
Now that we’ve filled our quota for being accused of murder, on to the main plot.
*opening cutscene plays*
Um, wow, there’s a lot to unpack here. We have, in no particular order:
1)     A (slightly revised) excerpt from the titular Sherlock Holmes adventure
2)     A locked-room murder of a Russian person on a ship
3)     Sherlock Holmes analysing the crime scene in typical Sherlock Holmes fashion
a.      Also, he has fancy zoom goggles
b.      The goggles can detect infrared/handprints
c.      They can also take pictures, I think?
d.      Also, a gun that sprays Crime Scene Forensics PowderTM
4)     Susato is here for some reason
5)     Apparently Holmes just showed up out of nowhere and started doing his thing because no one seems to understand why he’s here
a.      Maybe he just heard the sound of mystery like Phoenix seems to hear the sound of people who are unjustly accused of unnecessarily convoluted murders
6)     The killer is in the closet, which Holmes can see with his fancy zoom goggles
a.      (Which contradicts the idea that that’s actually the killer because 1) different handwriting between sign and obviously forged final message and 2) the sign is clearly over the crack between the doors. If the victim put it up how did the killer get in there? Did they phase through the wall or something after committing the murder?)
Phew. Where was I?
Ah, there you are Ryuu—why are you chained up?!
7)     We’re in an unfamiliar place after being knocked unconscious (I think) and handcuffed
Someone: Oh, you’re finally awake. You didn’t wake up even when we dragged you out of the wardrobe.
Me: Yes, I am, now please give me some answers—wait, wardrobe?
Ryuunosuke: Oops. Looks like I got caught.
Sailor: That’s right, you criminal!
Me: Wait, go back. What was that about me being in the wardrobe?
Susato: *appears*
Me: Oh, thank goodness, someone I know! Can you please tell me—
Susato: Why did you kill him?
Me: Dang it Ryuunosuke can’t you go one case without being accused of murder even your descendant managed that much
Ryuunosuke: Where’s Asougi?
Me: Good question. Where is Asougi? It’s probably his fault I’m in this mess.
Sailor: Don’t play dumb! You murdered him!
Me: Wait, what!?
8)     This music is way too awesome to be playing when I just found out my best friend is dead and I’ve been accused of killing him
Susato: I’ll ask you one more time. Why did you kill Asougi?
Me: But I didn’t! I wouldn’t! You of all people should know that! He saved my life!
9)     Asougi decided to smuggle Ryuunosuke to Britain for whatever reason
a.      He looks far too happy about this
b.      Ryuunosuke was stuffed in a trunk
c.      The cabin fever is very real
d.      Susato had no idea about any of this
e.      I knew this was his fault
Ryuunosuke: If they find me, they’ll tear my head off!
Asougi: Yep.
Me: For a guy who was willing to risk everything to save Ryuunosuke’s life a few months ago, you sure don’t seem very concerned over his well-being now…
10) Apparently Ryuunosuke wrote the DO NOT OPEN sign. That explains a lot
a.      (not really)
Sailor: Don’t try anything funny! I’m watching you, murderer!
Me: I’m handcuffed and in shock from being accused of murder and finding out my friend is dead. How much trouble do you honestly think I’m capable of causing right now?
Ryuunosuke: No wait, I didn’t kill him!
Sailor: You’re the only possible culprit. Just confess already!
Me: Not a chance! I didn’t do it!
Me: This is starting to sound familiar…
Susato: The only explanation is that the killer was in the cabin. You were the only one inside the cabin. Do you have any objections?
Me: Not at the moment, put please keep in mind that I’m gonna prove someone else was in here sooner or later.
Me: Susato, please stop being mad at me. I didn’t kill him!
Susato: You were here the entire time. You should already know what happened.
Ryuunosuke: Good point. But tell me anyway. I was asleep the whole time.
Susato: I don’t believe you.
Me: …that’s fair
Susato: Why did Asougi sneak you aboard?
Ryuunosuke: Good question. I don’t know either.
Me: And you went along with it anyway. You’re Phoenix Wright’s ancestor, all right…
Ryuunosuke: I thought you were joking when you said I was meant to be an attorney.
Asougi: You could absolutely do it.
Ryuunosuke: Well, I’m not doing it, whether I have the talent or not.
Me: Again, I have some bad news for you, Ryuunosuke…
11) Asougi knows (er, knew) what’s up
a.      I’m not saying Asougi wanted to be legal partners with Ryuunosuke, but Asougi really, really wanted to be legal partners with Ryuunosuke
b.      Susato agrees with me
Addendum to 9): Asougi is very cavalier about committing a crime that he won’t even let his assistant know about to save her from punishment if he’s caught
Susato: If you didn’t do it, what happened last night?
Ryuunosuke: Um…I don’t remember. I think I slept through it. I know how bad it sounds, but it’s the truth.
Me: Well, that’s conveniently inconvenient.
Susato: You slept through your best friend’s murder.
Me: Ooof. It sounds really bad when you say it like that.
Susato: *gives Ryuunosuke the stink-eye*
Susato: Don’t move an inch!
Me: …or what?
Ryuunosuke: My best friend was murdered! I can’t just sit here and do nothing! I’m going to investigate and find the real culprit!
Me: Um, Ryuunosuke—WHOA WHOA WHOA!
Me: Why is everything upside down?
Susato: That was the Susato Toss.
Me: Or you’ll throw me across the room. Got it.
0 notes
boypussydilf · 2 years
i was gonna give u susato for the blorbo bingo but violet beat me to it. curses of being dead and dying at work. anyway do iris :)
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THIS BABY HAS A GUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love iris. Essay on why iris is such a good character actually. bc i love how they pull her off sooo much bc amidst the whole. Child genius. Worlds smartest fucking 10 year old. Talks & acts like an adult so much of the time. Has an insane skillset. She’s so intelligent and she can do anything. they still don’t forget that she’s also. like. 10. she’s emotionally immature because she’s. 10. she freaks out when sherlock gets shot & begs ryuu not to go back to japan & cries when she gets caught in a big lie bc she’s . Ten !!!!!!! Dear god she is just a little baby !!!!! A ten year old. Whatever. she is little.
And also she is both so nice to absolutely everyone & so mean to absolutely everyone <3 and also do you think she went to like, a university, to get the Fucking Medical Degree that she has? as a 10 year old? do you think she has University Friends? in my heart she does bc that would be neat. and really funny.
in conclusion everyone go google iris watson wiki gallery & look at images of her. Shes precious. and pink!
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