#asldkjflk this was so fun to answer!
hellishhin · 3 years
Hello!:) Day 16 is going to be a bit highly specific haha: since you said that the Lady of Pain dishes out vengeance against anyone who speaks ill of her, does this mean that all gods can hear when others speak of them? How can they keep track of all humans, and see someone who has high potential for the weave? (Do gods physically/magically fight among themselves when they pick the same human?)
Ohhhhhhh my goodness ok. Here we go. This might get long and I have barely started.
A little bit about what I know of the Lady of Pain, as far as I am aware, she isn't actually an official deity. Fun fact! Deities are not allowed in Sigil! So when Sadie offends the gods (which happens way too often, they are so touchy!) she can flee to Sigil and be protected there. Ironically it is one of the safest yet absolutely most dangerous places there. Someone she cares about very much and who has almost never been in a place of true peril literally almost died there and that scarred her for life. But! It's absolutely accurate that the Lady of Pain is definitely the closest thing to a deity in Sigil. I just thought that little tidbit was fun.
Now for the freaking awesome part. So the gods all have a real name and a title. For example, Maelel is the goddess of music, art, and beauty. She normally is called the Living Song. Most people only refer to the gods as their titles. This actually prevents them from drawing the gods' attention! So if Sadie says Maelel's name when she prays, then Maelel is more alerted than if she prayed to the Living Song (adorable side note, Sadie's lover calls her his Living Song and it makes my heart melt every single time).
This also plays into when Sadie makes herself a enemies with certain gods. The Mad God becomes one of Sadie's enemies and honestly even as the real life person I sometimes get nervous typing his name lmao. He scares me and has done some horrible things. He's even been exiled by the other gods.
How the gods keep track of their people is something I'm not entirely sure of but I imagine something like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty. Morgan Freeman's God pays attention but not to everyone at once, not like Bruce and his prayer email software he made up and answered every single prayer all at once. The gods in this setting really have their own lives too. They keep an eye on things and answer prayers but they also have to make sure their domain is under control (like Maelel making sure the there is plenty of song and beauty in the world). When big things start to happen, the gods pay attention and whoever is involved with that they keep an eye on too. So... oh my gosh maybe they are kind of like how the NSA supposedly keeps an eye out for anything serious but you don't really know how involved they get lmaoooo sorry if that was creepy but honestly I kind of think that's a good description of maybe how the gods work in this setting. They aren't super involved but they aren't super distant either.
Ok this last question asldkfjalkjshdj have you been sneaking our chats all these years?! Because the gods fighting over a powerful mage may or may not be critical to a large chunk of the later RP. Sadie went from level 3 (we were experienced players and at level 3 in D&D you really get into your class so most of the time we skip levels 1 and 2) to level 20 (highest actual level in D&D, any levels after this are homebrewed). So by the time she was level 20 some of the gods were taking notice. And you bet there was a huge kerfuffle over something very specific that I don't really want to spoil right now but it's a little dark. I'm not exactly sure how much fighting they did among themselves, although from what I've heard, they did at least a little, but there was actually a lot of fighting with Sadie herself. Gosh I want to say so much more but I think I am going to leave it at that for now!
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