hellishhin · 3 years
Hello!:) Day 16 is going to be a bit highly specific haha: since you said that the Lady of Pain dishes out vengeance against anyone who speaks ill of her, does this mean that all gods can hear when others speak of them? How can they keep track of all humans, and see someone who has high potential for the weave? (Do gods physically/magically fight among themselves when they pick the same human?)
Ohhhhhhh my goodness ok. Here we go. This might get long and I have barely started.
A little bit about what I know of the Lady of Pain, as far as I am aware, she isn't actually an official deity. Fun fact! Deities are not allowed in Sigil! So when Sadie offends the gods (which happens way too often, they are so touchy!) she can flee to Sigil and be protected there. Ironically it is one of the safest yet absolutely most dangerous places there. Someone she cares about very much and who has almost never been in a place of true peril literally almost died there and that scarred her for life. But! It's absolutely accurate that the Lady of Pain is definitely the closest thing to a deity in Sigil. I just thought that little tidbit was fun.
Now for the freaking awesome part. So the gods all have a real name and a title. For example, Maelel is the goddess of music, art, and beauty. She normally is called the Living Song. Most people only refer to the gods as their titles. This actually prevents them from drawing the gods' attention! So if Sadie says Maelel's name when she prays, then Maelel is more alerted than if she prayed to the Living Song (adorable side note, Sadie's lover calls her his Living Song and it makes my heart melt every single time).
This also plays into when Sadie makes herself a enemies with certain gods. The Mad God becomes one of Sadie's enemies and honestly even as the real life person I sometimes get nervous typing his name lmao. He scares me and has done some horrible things. He's even been exiled by the other gods.
How the gods keep track of their people is something I'm not entirely sure of but I imagine something like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty. Morgan Freeman's God pays attention but not to everyone at once, not like Bruce and his prayer email software he made up and answered every single prayer all at once. The gods in this setting really have their own lives too. They keep an eye on things and answer prayers but they also have to make sure their domain is under control (like Maelel making sure the there is plenty of song and beauty in the world). When big things start to happen, the gods pay attention and whoever is involved with that they keep an eye on too. So... oh my gosh maybe they are kind of like how the NSA supposedly keeps an eye out for anything serious but you don't really know how involved they get lmaoooo sorry if that was creepy but honestly I kind of think that's a good description of maybe how the gods work in this setting. They aren't super involved but they aren't super distant either.
Ok this last question asldkfjalkjshdj have you been sneaking our chats all these years?! Because the gods fighting over a powerful mage may or may not be critical to a large chunk of the later RP. Sadie went from level 3 (we were experienced players and at level 3 in D&D you really get into your class so most of the time we skip levels 1 and 2) to level 20 (highest actual level in D&D, any levels after this are homebrewed). So by the time she was level 20 some of the gods were taking notice. And you bet there was a huge kerfuffle over something very specific that I don't really want to spoil right now but it's a little dark. I'm not exactly sure how much fighting they did among themselves, although from what I've heard, they did at least a little, but there was actually a lot of fighting with Sadie herself. Gosh I want to say so much more but I think I am going to leave it at that for now!
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hellishhin · 3 years
Since today is the last challenge day, Day 30 is all yours: Tell me something you wish I'd asked you, and didn't cross my mind! Rubber duck it out or simply talk as much or as little as you want about something from your wip or your wip in general! I'd really love to hear your thoughts😊
(You already know how much I love your three girls. And you've taught me so much lore about dnd?? I'm very very grateful. Your answers were always so rich and I loved reading them to the end, sometimes I was pulled right in that I even forgot it was my question that started the prompt)
Wishing you the best!
Ok so I had a whole post for this then my computer shut off and I lost it soooo take two! I am so sad underwing is ending but it's not like we are all disappearing. Let me tell you though, I have absolutely loved your questions and I have had so much fun diving into them! I needed to get back into the lore and you gave me the push I needed to do that <3
Gosh I have no freaking clue where to even start. You tell me to talk about anything but anything is a lot of things! lol! So I really think one of my favorite things is how Sadie interacts with the gods. There are so many different gods with different personalities and so many of them appreciate her for one reason or another. I'll just spoil this a bit, Sadie ended up literally in the heavens, standing in the middle of a table where the entire pantheon of deities were around the table all in their fifteen foot tall god-like forms. They had this meeting called because there were several gods vying to have Sadie bear their child and she had enough of being jumped by gods so she forced them all to a meeting and they surprisingly agreed.
She had most of the table trying to convince her to pick them to be the father of her child and you freaking BET that her husband was there and was absolutely ready to blow his freaking lid. It was one of the most fun RP scenarios we've ever done, my DM and I. Because of that meeting, Sadie eyed a few different gods and even after she chose one the others were still very interested in being next in line. I will say that this is how Sadie and Skolfi the Beastlord became close with her. But other than that, Sadie also has such a close relationship with Chaldira, aka Lady Luck.
Ok so there's just so much stuff and telling this one part is not going to spoil much. History timeeeee! When Sadie learns about this it is really profound for her but it won't be worse knowing the information beforehand gosh I can't even type fast enough I'm so excited.
So the Hin is the official racial name for a halfling. Halflings are a "nickname" given by the humans that stuck and became the common term for that race of small people. But the Hin used to be an entire nation all on their own. They used to have such rich customs and history and they used to live completely separate from humans. They even had their own pantheon of gods.
That was until the humans decided that they couldn't have another set of gods within their realm so they attacked the Hin and said worship our gods or die. There were so many brave small Hin who stood up for their deities but unfortunately it was not enough. The Hin had to bow to the humans and their gods. Years and years went by and the Hin ended up becoming halflings who were forced to worship the human gods to such an extent that their pantheon was fully forgotten. Their culture fully destroyed. I can say pretty much nobody even knows this piece of history. Sadie only learned it from the spirits of the halflings who had died a long time ago but research into it found it to be true. This upset her so so much that she made a pledge she would restore her gods to their former glory. She would tell the Hin of their culture, their history, and get them to return to what their people used to be.
Chaldira is halfling goddess who is actually in the human pantheon. This happened because Tolaar the Mad God did what he does best. He went mad and killed the human goddess of luck many years ago. This had him banished to Pandemonium, no longer a part of the pantheon anymore. In order to have her place and domain filled, Chaldira was put in her place and sort of switched pantheons. Then the humans made the Hin forget the other Hinnish gods and when they lose worshippers they lose power, nearly fading away. But they all managed to continue existing and now they are gaining power because Sadie is raising awareness.
Seeing what she is doing, Chaldira blesses Sadie with Fatespinner, her artifact of luck. It's an amazing staff for Sadie that gives her more magic, it protects her, and she continues to unlock powers for it as she proves herself to Chaldira and prove her loyalty to the Hinnish gods. But if she upsets Chaldira, like she already did once, Chaldira will take powers away. Currently the rod is at about half power from what it was because she cursed the gods and threw it away when she had to watch her soldiers die on the battlefield and nobody she called on would help.
But I digress. Chaldira and Maelel are like her goddess mothers. They both come to her when she desperately needs them and they help steer her in the right direction. Sometimes she doesn't like that direction though. Her husband convinces her to do less than great things and so she basically has a devil and an angel on her shoulder but it's more like a hot devil she married and two goddesses which you can imagine the kind of pressure that puts her under. It's always a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell because its so much easier and more fun to go to hell.
So anyway that was kind of rambly but I really wanted to talk about the Hinnish gods. They are all so sweet and lovely and the Hin deserve so much more than what the stupid fucking humans did to them. Also, in order to be successful at all Sadie literally has to overthrow the church because you can bet your ass they will persecute any Hin they catch worshipping the wrong pantheon.
By this point all I ask is that you hate the Imperial Church as much as Sadie and I do <3
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