#at LEAST change the shape so it doesnt match your VERY DISTINCTIVE BAT TECH
br-uwu-cewayne · 2 years
Something something Bruce Wayne's cute little stylized batwing eyebrows like
Gordon at home on a ratty sofa, case files spread over the coffee table, going through evidence. Picks up a batarang he wound up taking home, maybe Batman used it to take out an attacker behind Jim, or pin a note to the wall for him, before having to jet off down a time-sensitive lead. So Jim picked it up to take back to him. Not that he doesn't think Batman doesn't have plenty to replace it with, but it's just common courtesy and his momma raised him to take items left behind to their proper owners.
Also, come on man, can you not just??? Leave these around the city for civillians to stumble across? Most are just fannish collectors, sure, but Gordon found like. Three in the duffel of some random street mugger the other day. It's a hazard.
Anyway, he's seen them plenty before but never really had time to examine one. At least, not in a context outside of the evidence room, alone, able to really appreciate it without feeling like he might be lingering juuuuust a little too long and little too appreciative of the gadget than is strictly professional.
...look, even he has to admit they're fucking cool, okay?
So he's sitting in front the TV, picking one up, "testing" (read: dorking out over) the balance, feeling the weight, cutting his finger on noting the sharpness of the edge... and he happens to look up.
It's yet another Wayne interview.
He looks down at the batarang. Up at Wayne. Down at the batarang. Up at W-
He holds the dark steel up to eye level with the screen. In front of Wayne's face. Lines up the edge of the batarang to the man's signature (and trademarked, if you believe the rumors) outer browline. Held at the right angle... at the right perspective... from tip to tip, the curve matches up precisely.
"...Bruce you goddamned idiot."
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