#at this rate I'm going to have reverse jetlag when I go back
gottagobuycheese · 7 years
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What have I been doing this break, you ask? Why, completely immersing myself in yet another TV show I shouldn’t have time for! 
And of course the first thing I draw for it is not from the show itself, but from a scene of an AU fic (surprise, surprise!)—and not even the characters that are actually in the show. Because why would I do something sensible like that. 
It’s a brilliant story called A Breach of Trust by @phantomrose96​ based on Mob Psycho 100, if you’re interested. I’d highly recommend it if you’re into heartwarming and touching devastation and horror that is both disturbing (at times) and unexpectedly sweet (usually at other times)! It’s also just awesome writing in general, so even if you don’t know anything about it, you’d still be able to enjoy it! 
#Mob Psycho 100#MP100#A Breach of Trust#ABoT#Isa Maki#Tetsuo Isari#my attempts at art#*scrolls through Tumblr* oh this looks neat#four days later: has read 92.5 chapters of the manga + 9 episodes of the anime + all 11 chapters of ABoT + the other MP100 stories she wrote#why is it always like this#also#I realized after drawing that first one that the driver's seat should be on the other side and now I'm just...#hgrrGGRRRRRHHHnnm#and now it's time for one of my favorite games!#this time it's called guess when I used a real life reference photo and when I used a cartoon reference photo#now that I look at it the stray pencil marks on Isa's hair make her look kinda like Kaji and I don't like it#oh look it's 3 A.M. again#at this rate I'm going to have reverse jetlag when I go back#thoroughly sabotaging my sleep schedule did wonders for jetlag on the way here#but on the way back it's going to be like double worse#plus I'll only have a day to get over it before we hit the ground running again so that's fun#but that's okay I have plenty of experience skinning my knees and hands#wHAT'S A COUPLE MORE SCARS ANYWAY#my bed is now covered in eraser shavings and my hand is silver#so while drawing has been mildly productive I have sent exactly 0 emails looking for research at home this summer#it's kind of hard to do when you're like 95% you failed your first semester classes and will have to do make-ups in the summer#also hard to do when there are other more fun things to do instead#unfortunately for me my parents are under the impression I have finished around 20-something#so now I really gotta cram#if there's a typo somewhere here I swear to heck I will scream silently through my nose for at least half a minute
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