#audz headcanons
audzarts · 4 years
Which members of your crew are the most happy and well-adjusted, and which are the most unhappy and screwed up?
i honestly cant give a binary answer since they’re all prob screwed up but adjusted altogether at some point, so
“live life to the fullest” Wally, Jack, Bertrum
“life can be rough and that’s okay” Norman, Allison
“lol fuckit just keep living” Lacie, Shawn
“if only things could be better” Susie, Henry, Sammy
“whats life without a few crimes” Joey
“(laughs) god I wish I were dead” Grant, Thomas
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audzarts · 4 years
Henry Stein
Age (Studio Opening): 25
Age (30 year return): 57
A quality dad figure, a warm-hearted sympathetic man, though that ends up with him being a bit of a pushover. Met Joey in his highschool years (and probably the only decent one to understand him) and shared his visions creativity with him with cartoons. His mom and dad were really supportive of him with becoming an animator, sadly they passed due to sickness when Henry was 26 and 27, consecutively.
Together, Joey and Henry founded JDS (Henry was unaware that Joey had planned to name the company after him which was kind of a bummer) Henry focused on the cartoons while Joey was managing other things with the studio. 2 years into the job, Henry was starting to feel kind of exhausted with working for the studio, it was at this time that Joey’s pride began to sink in and helped less with the studio’s production, before this were certain events like Henry meeting Linda, and Joey ripping off Henry’s design for Bendy.
At 27, Henry told Joey about his retirement, with his plans to marry Linda and become a family man. It was difficult for him to do so, and he definitely felt bad, but at the same time, Henry at this point was relieved because of all of his hardwork for the studio mostly going off unnoticed. And thus, 30 years of him and Linda. A year or two after he left he married Linda. Their first child had sadly passed early, but then came their second child and daughter, Audrey. As for his connections with Joey, it was mostly just a few letters a year, Joey himself didn’t really got to any reunions with Henry since he was “busy” with his studio.
Joey had then sent his invitation.
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