#aurora ; emily kotori
day-rp · 3 months
Tag Dump: Aurora Pt.1
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daybreak-mun · 5 years
Guardians of Aurora
In each age, there has been many guardians of the elements, but only a small handful of them have to fight the enemy the Dawnbreaker Guild was formed to combat. These heroes went down in history, becoming legends, and each time their enemy reawakens, the story is quite different.
The First Age (0-1500)
When Phantom first awoke, there wasn’t any Dawnbreaker Guild, just a young girl with a baby Spirit Dragon as her closest friend. When one of Phantom’s creations, a dark dragon, attacked her village, the Spirit Dragon merged it’s soul with Emily’s and changed the course of Aurora forever.
The heroine traveled across Aurora, obtaining the power of all the elements, before confronting Phantom and, with the aid of Marigold, creating an eternal seal, trapping him in the Tower of Spirit, before creating a new continent, leaving the old one in it’s cursed state for eternity.
She founded the Dawnbreaker Guild, a group dedicated to protecting Aurora and keeping Phantom locked away, though Emily retired soon after, as her spirit was greatly strained from making the seal and a new continent to the point of irreversible damage.
The Second Age (1500-4000)
As Phantom began to find new ways to attack Aurora from his prison, a complete team had been formed. The twins Xander and Tael Drake, warriors of Fire and Ice, respectively. Crystal Earthquake, the warrior of Earth. Flash Drako, warrior of Wind. Xavier Drakor, the warrior of Lightning. And the reflections Jewel Solarblaze and Shade Nightfall, warriors of Light and Darkness respectively. The final warrior, the warrior of Spirit, up to now, was working as a miner to recover minerals for the capital, unaware of his power. However, following a cave in that forced him to pass through an underground ruin, his heritage became known to him.
The warrior of Spirit for the Second Age, was Drake Kotori. He traveled across the land, freeing the other guardians from Phantom’s shackles, before heading to the old continent to try and finish off the demon. Phantom seemed to be invincible, but thanks to his counterpart, Marigold, the warriors were able to completely sever Phantom from Dust, leaving him without a host. Marigold then trapped Phantom in the Reality Stone, the only thing powerful enough to hold him. She then sealed Dust’s physical form away before she faded, going into hiding.
The End of the Second Age (4000)
At the end of the Second Age, Archie recreated the universe, both inside and outside of the simulation, so that Project Aurora could continue unhindered, and as a result, an identical copy of Aurora was made, however, Phantom escaped the Reality Stone during this time, and left the Tower of Spirit before the seal could be re-applied.
The Third Age (0-present)
After the third age began, Dust was found by a patrol, and was brought to the healers, who noticed that he had no spirit energy, yet was still alive. Taking interest, the royal family’s guardian, Ember Firestorm took Dust in, though she noticed that he lacked the ability to feel. Though after a few years, Phantom made himself known, directly attacking the capital. Ember escaped with Dust in tow, and set out to gather the other guardians. As they traveled, Dust realized that this was a world worth protecting, and developed a resistance to the creatures of negativity. 
The Elemental Guardians of this age were Ember Firestorm, the heroine of Fire; Frost Drake, the heroine of Ice; Alex Winterheart, the hero of Spirit, and the other 4 guardians that I need to make concepts for.
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daybreak-mun · 5 years
Races of Aurora
After the universe was regenerated as an actually existing world, then things outside of the initial vision began occurring. The people of Aurora evolved and became more diverse than they already were.
The Ashfolk, blind creatures and masters of Fire magic. Their powers, from the age of nine, become too much for them to handle, so they wear blindfolds made of a special material, woven with spirit stone dust, to contain their power.
The Frostblooded, werewolf-like people with thick fur to protect them from the harsh climate that they call home, and masters of Ice magic. Unlike common werewolves, they can shift between human and beast at will, though they still retain some of their fur in human form.
The Wooded, creatures born from the earth itself, and natural users and masters of Earth magic. These people appear to be normal humans, though they are animated forms of stone, wood, and iron with the shell of a human. Their defining trait is their wolf ears, which are protected by a wood plating on the back that connects to the head. If one were to be cut open, it'd reveal the inner body, which is made of a green energy that causes flora to grow wherever it lands, which can be used as a tactic to escape a conflict to regenerate.
The Skyriders, masters of Wind and Lightning magic, and carefree people. They have the ability to take flight at will, transforming into birds. In their human forms, they have feathers covering their arms and lower body. Rather than human feet, they have talons that one does not want to be on the receiving end of. Though they have surprising dexterity with a variety of tools and weapons despite their feathery arms. A favorite among many being the scythe.
The Solar Guardians, cat-eared mages and masters of Light magic. They're a small clan near the capital, assisting the royal mages with whatever experiment of the week they need to test. Outside of that, they are proficient in mimicry, able to use brightened, purifying versions of other elements. This is thought to be because white (the color Light is commonly associated with) is a combination of all of the colors.
The Shadewalkers, purified shades and masters of Shadow magic. Rather than being of any singular like the other peoples of Aurora, the Shadewalkers are the shades that have been purified. Because any of the other races can become a shade's host (even the Solar Guardians), the Shadewalkers are the most diverse race in Aurora. On top of that, they are capable of using any of the elements that their original selves were able to use, so that also makes them one of the more powerful races.
The Humans, masters of Spirit magic and the most common race in the capital. They're generally pretty uninteresting, though one family stand out. The Kotori family, the leaders of the Dawnbreaker Guild, and the guardians of the Reality Stone.
The Void Dwellers, masters of Void magic and the most distant of all of the races. There is very little information on this race except for one of the few known people who have gone to the void and managed to return, Maxwell Kotori, the younger brother of the founder of the Dawnbreaker Guild, Emily.
Then there's a small category for those with complete control over all of the elements. The two gods of the original Aurora, Dust and Zaniel. The two immortal halves of Dust, Marigold and Phantom. And the "operating system" of the original Aurora, Archie...
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