#bc i have severe arachnophobia and i wanted to think about it idk
stabbyrime · 2 years
Main 3 + Rime Hand HCs
As a thank you for 50 followers, I'm finally posting this!! I put up a post asking people to pick between A or B, and A was chosen, so this is the one that gets posted! It's sat in my drafts for about a month and a half-ish at this point, so I'm happy it finally gets to see the light of day :D
I know 50 isn't a lot, but I know that if I was in a room with 50 other people, it would certainly look like a lot of people lmao. It makes me so happy that this many people enjoy my posts so much that they want to see them regularly. Anyway, onto the headcanons!
Warnings: none except extreme fluff lmao
As always, these are my personal headcanons. It's totally fine if you disagree or have a different opinion and I'd love to hear them if that's the case!
Reader is gender neutral, no pronouns or gendered terms mentioned
This man has all sorts of scars and callouses on his hands
Some parts are rough and other parts are actually pretty smooth
Idk about you but as a neurodivergent person, I Love textures
And I feel like playing with his hands would be such a good stim
They're also big and warm
I personally would never let go of his hand idc what I'm doing I will Make It Work
I have trouble going down stairs bc I fell when I was a kid and I feel like he would be the most likely to offer you his hand to help you down the stairs 🥺
Does randomly grab your hand, mostly when he's nervous
His hands are very much Man Hands but they're slightly smaller and less calloused than Sage's
Obviously bc he doesn't do much hand to hand combat
He loves holding your hand but he's too shy to ask
So usually he not so discreetly just grabs your hand out of nowhere, not realising that you literally have no reason to say no if he just asked
It's okay tho it's v cute
If you ask about it, he Will get flustered and blushy uwu
She wears gloves most of the time, so I feel like her hands would be super smooth since it traps all the oils that skin just produces naturally
She is friends with Saaros tho so I feel like she would have at least a few hand creams bc of them
She frequently communicates with you through your hands, especially when she needs to say something but can't speak
A tap to get your attention, running her thumb along the back of your hand to ease your nerves, etc
Her gloves would provide you both with extra warmth during the winter too
If your hands are cold, she'll gladly warm them up whether you're dating or just friends :)
If you're in a crowded area, she would want to hold hands so she doesn't lose you, no matter your relationship
Most likely to put his hand in your back pocket when you're walking together 😳
Other people must know that you are His this man is incredibly possessive of u
Also too embarrassed to admit he wants to hold hands so he'll just do it without saying anything
If you ask him about it he'll either straight up ignore you or make a stupid excuse
He'll say he doesn't want to deal with you getting lost or hurt or something, and that's not a lie, but he also just craves any sort of intimacy
He'll lace your fingers together and kiss the back of your hand just to fluster you, but just do it back to get revenge
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