stabbyrime · 2 years
your honour you must understand im just a silly little guy, just a fun little boy. just a harmless little fun-time boy. you wouldnt sentence a silly harmless little fun-time boy. its my birthday.
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stabbyrime · 2 years
dominant felix
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stabbyrime · 2 years
No one:
Felix after he comes back to life:
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stabbyrime · 2 years
My WiFi is being homophobic and almost deleted all my progress after I'd just finished it BUT HERE
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I have no clue who to tag so if you see this and you wanna do it, then go ahead
You know what? Picrew chain! I think we all deserve to be cute cartoon drawings
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@yourpersonaltimebomb @arcadiii @dashdoodles @cute-as-buttons @skibs-scribbles anybody interested?
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stabbyrime · 2 years
I didn't open Tumblr for a few days and suddenly I have 100 followers 👁️👄👁️ I have no idea how to celebrate but thank you to everyone who thought my content was good enough for a follow <3
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stabbyrime · 2 years
I care I think you should do it
do people care about my take on infantilization and ableist concepts in last legacy or should i just shut up
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stabbyrime · 2 years
Thinking about him to this song >>>>>
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stabbyrime · 2 years
Idk what to write for caption so just take this
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stabbyrime · 2 years
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I painted. FröGs.
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stabbyrime · 2 years
oh my god rime singing a lullaby to you. You're welcome.
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stabbyrime · 2 years
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stabbyrime · 2 years
woah dude….. your hurt sound is vaguely sexual….. im trying to kill you but im. im getting a bit flustered
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stabbyrime · 2 years
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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stabbyrime · 2 years
It’s not your job to be likable. It’s your job to be yourself. The right people will gravitate.
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stabbyrime · 2 years
You had no business destroying me with that TrueLoveIsJustTheFirstOneAndTheOthersAreJustReplacements song scenario 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.
Can we... Can we have Rime's too? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Or or Mc and Felix making up cuz my heart just broke 😭😭😭😭
i accidentally deleted my rime draft. um. no one hmu. but i can do the comfort !!
(part 1)
mc and felix haven't spoken to each other in a while
the only thing that seemed to loop in their minds was those last moments before mc left the room. the way they quietly mumbled an acceptance and goodbye before turning around, refusing to meet felix's gaze
time. felix just wanted some more time—to think, to respond, to apologize. and he almost wants to laugh as he says that to himself considering it's definitely what he ended up getting
at some point it feels unbearable. he misses spending all day with mc and seeing them smile. felix thinks that even if they aren't together anymore after this, he'd do anything to have it back. so he goes to find them
"...hey, fe—" "can i speak with you? just—i just need a few minutes and then we can..." go back to this. even if the thought of that makes his stomach drop. "...yeah. i have some time."
there's still a heavy tension in the air as they sit across from each other in his study. mc looks everywhere but felix and he clears his throat and breathes before starting
"mc, do you...trust me?"
he mostly expected their nod, but felix still relaxes in relief when they do. he slowly reaches for their hands, giving them time to pull back if they wanted to. he holds them before looking back up and speaking,
"then please believe me when i say i'm sorry. i'm sorry for not making you feel as confident or...loved as you should be. i adore you, truly and wholly. my hesitation—my answer—wasn't because i didn't. i had just avoided thinking about that hypothetical for so long that i panicked."
"but i...i don't believe it matters." he backtracks quickly. "not to say that your feelings aren't valid! they completely are but i just—i'm happy with you now. i love you now. you may have helped me heal from my past with rime but you—you're so much more than just that to me."
felix's grip has tightened and he's surprised neither of them have broken eye contact. he takes another breath before finishing, "and you're not obligated to accept my apology, of course. i understand if you'd rather we were just friends or, or um, coworkers? it's up to you, but i meant every word. i'm so, so sorry."
he doesn't know what to expect after he finishes. he drops mc's hands after a moment and purses his lips, satisfied that he at least got to tell them the truth
"i'm sorry, too. for what i said earlier."
mc frowns slightly, remembering what happened. felix opens and closes his mouth, choosing to instead hold his breath and wait for them continue
"if that had happened i would have expected you to struggle. i mean, i definitely would've. i just...i was scared. even when i said it i knew it wasn't fair to have asked. i'm sorry, felix."
his gaze softens a little before reaching to hold their hands again, with more confidence this time. "shall we both promise to communicate better, then?" he asks lightly. mc smiles back, "promise."
"does this mean we can go back to talking and cuddling again?" felix blinks before laughing and planting a kiss on their hand, "of course, love. there's nothing i'd like more."
tags // @evanox @felixescellun @yelenalovegood @rimeliker @demon-paradise @pst-02 @diamo-chan @chubbywasouski @god-is-trans @sweet-milky-tea705 @felixismytrophywife @bananacockatiel @yoyo-campfire @felinvu @sleezzsister @lonelylittlecowboy @hestia-marie @lordbugs @azahelmz
my taglist (°▽°)/
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stabbyrime · 2 years
I fucking love falafels that's it that's the post
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stabbyrime · 2 years
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“Every time I try to learn a skill or study or do anything I keep hitting roadblock after roadblock!” I scoff, shaking my head with a self-pitying laugh, “I can’t do anything right! Every time I try it ends up all fucked up and wrong and I can’t do any of it!” tears begin streaming down my face, even as I wipe them hastily, “I’m just a worthless idiot who shouldn’t even be alive, much less be here—I’m so fucking stupid.”
Last Eclipse, Chapter 10: Insights
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