#bea's adventures in synthv v2
So I'm still learning to mix, tips would be very appreciated, but.
Nobody asked for this. Nobody (else) wanted this. And yet! Here it is. A cover of Waltz of the Departed (from Evillious Chronicles) but it's about the ghosts partying during trial 6 of Danganronpa V3. Bizarre, but I mean. It's my blog, I guess.
I had Solaria sing even though it's from Ouma's perspective, mostly because I couldn't get Kevin to sound close enough to try and make it sound kind of like Ouma. and also I like Solaria, so.
Original produced by mothy, creator of Evillious Chronicles
vsqx by vibking
based on Octosan's translyrics
Inspired by PsySoubi's english cover
Lyrics under the cut!
Tonight at the trial, survivors debate.
"Victims" and their "killers" unite to spectate.
As the jester's voice echoes these hollowed halls,
Let our dear departed all join in a waltz!
The adventurer invites the pianist
The inmate smiles to the maid, still restless
Rather than place blame and guess who's next to die,
How 'bout we make sure that it's the mastermind?
Bright spotlights high, audience cries,
Once she's been cornered, she dons a new disguise,
Through his frayed wires, true Hope still shines,
Angling the camera, it's all by design!
Targets and culprits spinning in a haze,
Fondly recalling their brief high school days
Cast off your mask, weapons drop to the floor,
We have nothing left that we can lose anymore
So, then are they evil? I don't think that's right.
Driven by fear, duty, grief, mercy, and spite,
Surely they're no saints, but we're still all the same.
We were all children in this killing game!
As the boy sings, spirits arise
Dancing and twirling past unseeing eyes
The detective, posted on high,
Smiles as he breathes an affectionate sigh.
Stained and the spotless, chaotic array,
Only way to win is never to play,
Count your scores settled, make room to despise
This whirling cacophony of truth and lies
(La lu li la lu li la lu li la lu li la la, la la la. La-ah)
Targets and culprits dance on without end,
at least we haunt this place beside our friends,
Cast off your brave face, weep so you can cheer,
The end of the killing game is finally here!
Stained and the spotless look up to the sky
With all of our love, you better live long lives
Though we may not know what's waiting in store
Let's meet again someday, so we'll never be bored!
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Original from the Evillious Chronicles by mothy akuno www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmDK_uJu7kQ SVP edited from Magpie's VSQx www.youtube.com/c/MAGPIEbatty Translyrics inspired from those by Octo and used in*PsySoubi's 2022 cover www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QKKCHuoufo Tuning, mixing, track art, etc. by spontaneousglitterbees
gift (English) <noun> 1. Present, something donated, charity 2. A special ability; a talent from birth 3. (British colloquial) A cheap item; a task that's easy to do
gift (German) <noun> 1. Toxin, poison, powerful medicine
First posted SynthV dub made in a year? First posted SynthV dub made in a year. Hello again, friends. I got Solaria. (and also am trying to learn to mix in FL Studio. Here's a starting point).
YouTube upload coming soon.
Lyrics: "Now, lay it all to rest"
Gaze into the dream with this gift that I give Grants the deepest, soundest sleep to you as long as you live Call me "Princess Sandman" if it keeps your mind at ease Stay relaxed, let your worries go and be merry
Even though I know our marriage was a matter of their politics (I never minded since I truly loved you) ... You womanizing cretin, indulging your own wishes (I sent my love out long before all *that* too) You only had eyes for money, so you wed a doctor's daughter (But, if I must, that's something I can live with) ... Even if you've forgotten the promise that we made as kids... (If it keeps me by your side, I'll be happy nevertheless)
But you always seem troubled, Since I found you out it doubled, You seem in need of a good tonic or two At a loss for how else to help you At least I know healing I can do So I took the time to make a gift just for you
Gaze into the dreaming with this gift that I give Grants the deepest, soundest sleep to you as long as you live Just a bit of sweet relief from your dear "Princess" All I want is to see you find your happiness
Everybody that I see is plagued by their anxieties My mother, my father, this whole bustling town knows no peace For the sake of those awake to spare them the sight as they degrade I'll use my talents to create a new sleeping aid Darkness beyond your control? Feeling like you're less than whole? Can't shake the sense something's unwell? It infects the depths of your soul As you lay upon the bed you're safe from reality's spreading dread Your world will decay too someday I say let it fade!
After six attempts to spread my gift out to everyone in town Spores of Belphagor in the air got them all to settle down As for this poor wretch, cursed to never sleep, I've received something else instead That would be my dominion over them
"So. Lay down with the rest."
CHORUS 2: Gaze into the dream with this gift that I give Grants the deepest, soundest sleep to you as long as you live Who has lain them all to rest and yet to join them then? Just a little lady trying to feel hope again
ENDING: My whole life, I'd bide my time been used by them all Filler inbetween the lines a decoration like a doll I've been broken up inside for so long you see, all I wanted was to ruin everything I can guarantee, it's a potent medicine So effective just a little drop you'll never wake again With one final dose, I might finally find my own repose be ""Princess"" no more, now you'll all call me Sleeping Beauty....
"... Hah. My prince. Meet me at our spot? For old times' sake. Okay?"
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