rjalker · 1 year
There isn't even anything for me to compare this to because it is just so bad. Like the the bar is not even in the ground the bar doesn't even exist.
How is it possible to fail this badly at such a basic thing that requires zero effort to accomplish. Well, ask Anne McCaffrey I guess because she somehow managed it.
She started toward Orlith to give her a parting hug, but Leri cautioned her. “You’ve no time to waste and a lot to make.'
That's not how time travel works
and each time she landed at the Beasthold for more vaccine, the sun had dipped by another hour’s arc,
Why are you so bad at time travel
Twice Moreta asked the dragon if she wanted to take time to rest. Each time Holth replied firmly that she was able to continue.
You are literally time traveling and could take a nap at any time.
This is just so lazy and badly written and unbelievable.
All you had to do waa make it make sense, but no, you're too shitty a writer to even try to manage that.
She didn't even /try/ to add the excuse that the vaccines expire quickly or something like that.
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
oh man!!!!! i love bull. i love bull a lot. he's one of my favorite characters from inquisition. and man it's so nice to see you do him justice!!!! you clearly care a lot abt him and your writing is so much fun to read. ; o ;
[[lays down because nicest person.]]
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changedpaths · 7 years
18, for whoever u want!
30 multipurpose prompts. /   15. unearthed bones.
      ❛ you’re not going to find it, ❜ and vidrin huffs, hands on hips. ❛ you’re not. ❜ she sticks her tongue out, childish as ever. tova keeps digging. her face is filthy, besmirched in the same dirt which cakes her hands, black mud smeared her from boots to her trousers. she cares for propriety as much as she cares for vidrin’s opinions.
     ❛ see, cadash, you’ve got nothing. best case, you’ll find a big pretty rock to take home to desha.  ❜ vidrin keeps nagging, unhelpful as ever. tova doesn’t care. tova only pushes the girl aside, reaching behind her for a discarded small hand-shovel. the smallest smirk glances across her features.  ❛ if i find a pretty rock, i won’t be giving it to desha. ❜ vidrin snorts.
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     she continues digging for a while. tova’s hands grow tired, wrists aching and cracking as they dig. it was sure to be here — just where the client left it. who would go hunting for a box of bones buried in the middle of the korcari wilds? no one, that’s who, she was rather sure of it. finally dirtied fingertips grazed against a smooth surface, a hollow knock confirming the new find. tova attempted to lean up and victoriously hold up the box, nose wrinkled and smile broad in defiant success, but found her companion to have fallen asleep against the tree she leaned on. vidrin only released a shuddering snore. ❛ well. i found it. ❜
    sitting up on her haunches, box tucked into her lap, she slowly cracks open the lid of the metal case. it creaks in protest, dust and dirt shedding from it in thick, caked on layers. been here a while, then. tova hopes the client gives tips. curiosity gets the better of her, the objects slowly pulled from their lengthy resting place. a bunch of bones. old ones. rotted, decaying. clearly of a human, or perhaps an elf, she couldn’t quite tell the difference. what use did ser toran possibly have with these? why were they buried in the first place? tova gently places them back, lid shutting tightly. she holds it up in the air to glance underneath, attempting to read the writing engraved on the bottom. it was filthy, as the rest of the box was, and she squinted, only —-
     vidrin snatched the box right out of her hands with a hoot.  ❛ ha! your sticky fingers paid off then. ugly thing, innit.  ❜ tova grins, excitement over their small success bleeding into her tired posture. ❛ ‘ you’re not going to find it, ’ ❜ she imitates, ducking to avoid the smack vidrin sends for her head.  vidrin gives her ankle a kick for good measure. 
       ❛ you forgot to get that pretty rock for desha. ❜
       tova only smiles. pulls a little green stone from her pocket, wiping the dirt off it before giving it a little kiss and slipping it into vidrin’s jacket pocket. 
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bornpariah-a · 7 years
@beasthold // sc. ( let’s have some fun with a zombie verse, shall we? )
                 There is nothing more disappointing than going through the effort of ransacking a place only to find out that there is absolutely nothing in it. Coming up empty handed is endlessly frustrating and his stomach is making its own frustrations known. Loudly. The only good thing to result from the entirety of this debacle is that he has a place to stay for the night. Maybe. He’s scoping out the area just in case, because sometimes caution is a MUST and if there’s anything around he rather has to deal with it.
                In one hand is a gun and his knife is heavy on his belt as he walks the perimeter around this lone house. A strange finding, but the ceiling is intact and the floor is solid enough and there aren’t any zombies lurking about in any rooms, so he’ll take what he can get. Even if it is rather haggard on the outside.
                The area seems quiet until there is an abrupt sound and be turns sharply, gun raising and pointing and leveling. His heart is racing, as is only a natural reaction, but his breathing is steady and so are his hands. ❝ —— Lovely place, isn’t it? ❞ his voice is saccharine, nauseatingly so, strange around the edges. He hasn’t seen another human in —— well, you lose track of time, he supposes, after the world has ended. ❝ Shame that it entirely devoid of anything useful. Looks like it’s been empty for ages, ❞ he is smiling, in spite of the weapon.
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starter | @beasthold
Hearing that the Avvar Hero of Ferelden was here and seeing him here were apparently two different things. Blackwall was no small man by any means--tall yet stout, he was a solid soldier, through and through. But that Avvar man was making him question just how solid and manly he was. Maker, but he was massive! Doing his best not to stare, Blackwall approached with a small wave. “Kodran, right? Are you ready to go? I know the Inquisitor wanted us to head out as soon as possible, but if you need more time to prepare, we can spare a few more moments.”
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fyrsael · 7 years
beasthold replied to your post “tbh  if  anyone  made  a  corvo ,   wyman ,   jessamine ,   the...”
eyes emoji..........
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khaalee · 7 years
beasthold replied to your post: im watching marco polo ,, and my boy has only...
he shows up p. prominently in the later episodes and s2!!
oh gotcha  !! thank u for telling me !!
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hathlostway-blog · 7 years
beasthold replied to your post: cullen: *trying to talk to samson anytime after...
this is the funniest thing ive fuckin read
i mean how does one respond back to “oh worm?” you know?
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mademyselfreal · 7 years
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messy head, eevee | hidden place, bjork | mizu, qrion | see me, tei shi | experience, kacy hill | alone together, jinsang | realiti, grimes | asido, purity ring | moons, embee  bous track: luna, alice vicious
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tviburar-archive · 7 years
starter | @beasthold
The shouting at the gates pulled Vald's attention from the plow he was attempting to fix. A guard from atop the walls waved and pointed down below, obviously signalling that there was someone approaching. Grabbing his short sword, Vald jogged towards the gate, a sharp jerk of his head signalling to open the vast doors. A few other warriors stood nearby, casually ready to defend or attack, but the lone figure at the entrance was recognizable as one of their own people, an Avvar. Cautiously, Vald sheathed his sword and approached. "Welcome to Falcon-nest Hold, brother. What brings you here?"
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outlivings · 7 years
i love ur writing and how u portray all of ur muses. also ur rly fuckin funny and super nice!!!!
@beasthold || meme || ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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asteeledheart · 7 years
beasthold replied to your post: my favorite part of the wicked grace cutscene is...
sweet christ i just choked on my tea
everyones laughter is like when you see really awful stand up so you force out a laugh and awkwardly clap two or three times
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afraidofchange · 7 years
post 8 facts about your character  &  tag eight other characters.
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Joan has had a number of pet goldfish for years since she’s lived in Melbourne, each living about as long as one can expect for being in a bowl of water and nothing else. 
The only memento Joan possesses of her mother is women’s wrist watch with a silver band and real quartz. She stopped wearing it when she got into corrections for fear of breaking it or losing it in the prison. It rests in the jewelry box on top of her dresser. 
Joan has her contacts primarily inherited through her father. Ivan gave her their information as means to provide her with extramarital power in her career of choice, ensuring she would always have the upper hand against other people. Nils Jesper is of her own volition, met through the prison system as a former convict gone off the radar after his release in 1998. Joan first contacted him in 2005 when she began ‘fixing’ the drug problems in prisons, and he has been her top henchman for nearly a decade.
She has no keepsakes of her time with Jianna, and as she ages, each memory starts to fade with the particular details. Try as she might to remember, it’s hard after nearly twenty years to do so, and it pains her. With Doreen, it starts to bring back a few of the details, but in her psychosis, the lines are blurred, and distinctions from her hallucinations and reality cannot be determined correctly.
Joan has attempted other relationships that go beyond the ‘non conventional’ power dynamic she prefers. Some became too awkward to carry through emotionally, while others were only temporary, often times exploratory to Joan’s sexuality -- something in which she is vastly out of touch with to acknowledge aloud. Her interests are solely in women - hence her preference to work in women’s prisons only, and her natural inclination to dislike and or hate men. 
Joan usually keeps her nails at a measured length and maintains them with clippers and file, though sometimes, she will indulge in a simple French manicure when the time allows.
Joan prefers her steak rare to medium rare. 
Joan takes pleasure in watching her grand plans succeed (having the recording of Franky’s confession to Bridget), but can also have it slip away just as quickly (as evidenced when watching Will confront Franky and when he doesn’t hurt her, her expression very quickly changes). She is a voyeur to her own schemes and sadistic violence. 
tagged by:  @governingmouse tagging: @hameya @synthmama @niyantran @mxdam @tavianalvia @squadmcm @o188 @beasthold
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khaalee · 7 years
beasthold replied to your post: beasthold replied to your post: ...
tbh i would be happy to get caps for u n make some icons!!!
aaaaa i dont want to trouble you w that, so i’ll be all good in the hood , thank u sm for the offer tho !!
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sauveteeur-blog · 7 years
wink wink nudge nudge i lov ur muses. love all of them. you are a gr8 writer and super fun and sweet to talk to and it's v. clear you love what you're doing and i!!!!!! love that!!!
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Detailed Muse Info Sheet Repost, Don’t Reblog
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / middle /working / slave / unsure ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / always studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated ✖ CHILDREN – has a child / no children / wants children / adopted a child/ probably has a kid who knows, thanks Qun ✖ FAMILY – close with sibling(s) / not close to sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) are deceased / Who knows ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / other
✖ disorganised / organised / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded  / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual /pansexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sexually experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious /uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good /moderate / poor / none
Tagged by: SwornScar
Tagging: @foppishdandy , @beasthold, @lucernimaevaris, @imckari @arcill @ Whoever else wants to do this who wasn’t tagged already!
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