#because razi and jd are both intimidating
Mind if you do nr 12 with Razi and MC,I want to see him flustered and JD being a smartass.
MC = Margot Cavot List of prompts.
I’m 100% in the camp of MC being a cryptid. Personally, I have theorized that she is a hellhound (I know they probably won’t make her one, but until new information is produced this is the hill I stand upon). This one’s a bit long (mainly because dialogue will means 1001 paragraphs).
Anyway, onward!
She really should have taken Mackenzie more seriously when the woman had taken her aside and surreptitiously handed her a pregnancy test.
There’s no way. No fucking way.
She had stuffed it in the drawer where she kept her tampons and pads, knowing Razi wouldn’t look there. She felt fine. There was no weird cravings, no morning sickness, no mood swings, nothing. Sure, she hadn’t had her period in a while, but she had never been regular and the stress of finding out she’s a hellhound and has the ability to set everything on fire and kill people with a stare just fucked her over completely. Three years later and her body still couldn’t figure it out.
However, after no shark week for five months (a record), Margot was starting to get a little worried.
This really isn’t helping my stress, she thought, pacing the bathroom as she waited the agonizing five minutes for the test to figure out whether or not she should be freaking out more. The timer dinged and she picked the test up.
Yes. Definitely more freaking out is in order.
In a daze, she shuffled out of the bathroom and into the living room, where Razi and JD were arguing about the movie they were going to watch tonight. They both stopped as they saw her walk in, face white as paper.
“Margot? Everything all right?” Razi asked.
It was the only thing on her mind, so the only thing that she could think of to say was, “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re shitting us,” JD said.
That snapped her shock in half, emotions suddenly skyrocketing. “Does this look like I’m shitting you?” she asked, pointing to the test still in her hand.
“Oh shit,” they said. They glanced at Razi, then back at Margot. “I think you broke him.”
Razi was sitting there, eyes wide and mouth open. Great, I broke the kid’s father.
“While he’s recovering,” JD said, getting back her attention. “I get to be their godparent, right?”
“Over my dead body,” she snapped.
“But they’ll probably have fire powers! And I have fire powers! Who better to teach-”
“JD, can we please wait at least a month for this to process before we start talking about anything to do with my kid and fire?”
“Fine,” they sighed, but they quickly recovered their smirk. “Think you’ll have multiples?”
“What?” she asked. She could barely wrap her head around a single kid.
“I mean, you’re part dog, and-”
“JD, I swear, if you do not shut up, I will light hellfire under your ass,” she growled.
“That doesn’t work on me,” they retorted.
She started to push them towards their room. “Fine then, I’ll shift and rip off your face.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Please, I need to talk to him. Alone.”
They gave her a sympathetic smile. “I’ll just be in here. Not eavesdropping.”
“Thank you,” she said.
Making her way to the couch, she sat herself down next to Razi. “Well…” She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
“So we’re- I mean, you- this is-” Not since the disastrous kiss had she seen him this tongue-tied. Knowing he wasn’t sure how to respond either helped calm her a little. Or this could be a disaster, the blind leading the idiot.
“So… what are we going to do about this?” she asked, once his spluttering had subsided.
It took a lot for Razi to blush, but he was in top form now. “What do you want?” he asked, finally looking at her.
She shrugged. “It wasn’t quite how I expected it, but it’s not like we’ve never talked about it. It’s earlier than we planned, but I don’t see why we can’t do this. Besides,” she said, smirking, “now we’d have a legitimate threat for JD.”
“Oh?” he asked, starting to relax.
“We can always give the kid their bedroom, and they can sleep on the couch.”
“Hey!” they yelled, doorway popping open.
“No eavesdropping!” she scolded them.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” they said, slamming it shut again.
“I vote we keep the kid,” she said. “You?”
“I think that will work.” And there was that familiar smirk. “Though I’m going to be busy the next few months trying to fit a new addition in here.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pecking him on the lips. “Master of magic.”
“Yaaaay! We’re keeping the kid!” JD said, suddenly appearing and leaning over the couch. “So can I be their godparent?”
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